My Iron Suit

Chapter 1080: Tony Stark with a guilty conscience!

Thinking of that situation, Happi only felt that a chicken skin cockroach came out, but fortunately, it seems that he only wants more, Tony is still that Tony!

Moreover, now that Chen Mo is back, Tony is really awkward, and he believes that Chen Mo will be able to bring him back again!

This world can manage Tony, it is estimated that only Chen Mo!

As for Tony’s dear, Howard Stark, it’s good if two people don’t fight one, and expect him to take care of Tony, only the worse!

When Chen Mo saw Happi want to understand, he directly told him.

"The people who called the National Land Strategy Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau came over and took the body away. I will go back to the villa first!"

After Chen Mo finished, he directly launched the propeller under his feet and vacated it. He crossed an arc in the air and flew in the direction of Malibu Beach.

Happi Hogan raised his head and sent Chen Moyuan. After the flame of the steel shirt disappeared completely, Happi regained his gaze and turned to look at the square.

Eric Savin’s body is still lying in the middle of the square without any change, but the people around the crowd are slowly approaching. It is obvious that after the crisis has been lifted, I want to go to the front and take a closer look at the being. What the terrorists who will be killed by the commander will look like.

Thinking of Chen Mo’s account, Happi immediately took out his cell phone and gave it to Phil Coulson’s workers. At the same time, he greeted the crowd and prevented everyone from approaching the body of Eric Severn.

Malibu Beach is located in the southwest of Los Angeles, not far from it. Chen Mo is wearing a steel war suit and flying fast, and it will arrive in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the luxurious villa that stands on the cliff by the sea, I am very familiar with it. Chen Mo has a feeling of going home!

The propeller behind it increased horsepower, and the steel shirt quickly swooped down to the bottom, rushing straight toward the garage door.

Just as Chen Mo’s figure approached, the garage door opened automatically. Chen Mo’s figure took two long flames and rushed in from the garage door!

The black steel trenches swept through the curved passages, and in the blink of an eye they rushed out of the passageway and entered the garage in the villa's underground.

With both hands open, the palm of the flight stabilizer shot two dazzling flames. Chen Moping’s body quickly flipped and stood up. As the propeller under his feet gradually closed, Chen Mo’s body quickly fell down, and soon He fell heavily on the ground and made a heavy sound of "jingle"!

Hearing the sound, on a circular platform in the middle of the garage, Tony Stark, who was looking at the holographic projection in front of him, turned his head violently. When he saw Chen Mo’s familiar black armor, The face instantly became full of surprises!

"Daddy! You are finally back!"

Tony Stark said with excitement, while directly throwing away the thoughts in his mind, turned and walked toward Chen Mo quickly!

At the same time as Tony Stark spoke, the armor in front of the steel shirt quickly deformed, revealing Chen Mo's high and majestic figure.

Stepping out of the battle suit, Chen Mo looked at the open arms in front of him, and Tony Stark, who was excitedly attracted to him, couldn't help but think of Happi's doubts about Tony Stark's sexual orientation!

Although I knew that Tony had no problem, he didn't have the habit of embracing with a man. He watched Tony Stark get together and ready to rush to give him a hug. Chen Mo raised his hand and it was a burst of chestnut knocking on his head. on!



Chen Mo's effort is not light, Rao is Tony Stark has been strengthened by the super soldier's serum, but also knocked on the eyes of Venus, the top of the head hurts, do not touch know, the brain must have bulged a big bag!

Tony Stark glared at his head and looked at Chen Mo with a look of resentment. He wanted to complain, but he saw Chen Mo with a face and looked at him coldly. When he felt his heart suddenly, some guilty retreats. One step, squinting at the head and prematurely removed the line of sight, did not dare to see Chen Mo.

However, Chen Mo did not let him go, although his head was lowered, but Chen Mo’s harsh voice still sounded in his ear.

"Not good to stay in New York, carry out the mission with Steve, what are you going to run back with Pepper?"

Tony heard Chen Mo's reprimand, and his neck could not help but shrink.

Before Chen Mo left, let Steve Rogers take over the Avengers, responsible for day-to-day management and command operations, and confess that they would obey Steve's leadership and assist him in dealing with the incident.

Now, except for Thor’s sorrow, Loki returned to Asgard, everyone else, including Hawkeye, Natasha Romanov and Dr. Bruce Banner, stayed in the Avengers’ Union. , often rushed to the world to deal with various special events that threaten world security, only Tony Stark left New York with Pepper and Hapy!

Pepper and Hapy are no problem. They are similar to Dr. Ethan and Sharon Rogers. They are the reservists of the Avengers. They don’t need them to go out, but Tony Stark is the Avengers. Absolutely the main his arbitrarily left apparently violated Chen Mo's previous orders!

It's no wonder that Tony just saw Chen Mo's guilty when he was cold-faced. His behavior can already be regarded as a deserter. Although Chen Mo will not shoot directly like a soldier, it is inevitable to pack him up. Think of Chen Mo. This godfather's simple and rude educational means, Tony Stark felt a sweat in his head.

The bag that was just knocked out by Chen Mo has long since faded away from self-healing ability, but Tony Stark feels that there is a feeling of pain in the whole body. It seems to be deeply painful in his memory. memory!

As a fighting master with a strong fighting skill, Chen Moke did not guide Tony Stark’s fighting, but he usually returned. Although he worked hard, he did not eat too much bitterness, but if Tony Stark What is wrong, the intensity of "fighting teaching" will be greatly enhanced, and the end result is that Tony's self-healing ability will follow the increase!

Even if Tony Stark is a mighty Iron Man outside, but in front of Chen Mo is just a "son" with no resistance. Lao Tzu hits his son. Tony Stark has no choice but to ask for mercy. !

Even if he is wearing a steel war suit, he is not an opponent of Chen Mo who is unarmed. What can he do if he does not ask for mercy? !

For Chen Mo, Tony Stark can be said to be respectful and afraid!


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