My Iron Suit

Chapter 1081: The secret of my heart!

In the face of Chen Mo's reprimand, Tony Stark did not confuse the past like the past, or simply put on the poor and beg for mercy, but stood there and supported it.

Chen Mo saw Tony Stark's appearance, could not help but slow down the tone, with a little care of the father's care, slowly said.

"Tony, what the **** is going on?"

Listening to Chen Mo's wide and gentle voice, Tony Stark couldn't help but look up at Chen Mo. Looking at the look of Chen Mo's face, Tony Stark couldn't help but remember that in the cave that was taken by Chen Mo in Afghanistan from the terrorists. When I was rescued, at that time, Chen Mo looked at him with such a look!

After that, when he was an orphan for decades, he had a severe and powerful father. Every time he was in danger, Chen Mo arrived in time to rescue him. Just like a kind father, he always was himself. The child comes forward when he is in danger!

Even the extravagant and powerful alien race, as strong as the Qitarui Legion, is still wiped out by Chen Mo!

Recalling the scene when Chen Mo was alone and flew into the wormhole, Tony Stark’s heart was still shocked. Inside the wormhole, in the endless space of the universe, the Qittaru army, which was densely covered with the entire sky, also There is a Qitaru mothership that is many times more numerous than an aerospace carrier. It is enough to make anyone chill!

That wormhole is like a passage to the horrible hell. Tony Stark asks himself if he is changed, he can’t rush in like he did without hesitation, for the wormhole and the endless Qi behind it. The Tari Legion, his heart is actually full of fear!

Chen Mo not only did not change color from beginning to end, but also relied on his own efforts to destroy the entire Qitarui Legion, completely eliminating the threat of earth destruction!

Not only these powerful aliens, but even the legendary existence, from the gods Asgard, the powerful power of Thor, is not even Chen Mo’s opponent!

When Chen Mo and Sol were fighting, Tony Stark was watching the whole battle. The shock brought to him by this battle was no more than the weakness of Chen Mo's army before the death of Chen Moru!

Thor's hammer, the thunder hammer of the mighty bearer, is enough to destroy the horrible thunder of all things. Anything has the great power to destroy the earth!

Even wearing a steel shirt made of Alpha, Tony Stark is not confident that he can take any attack from Raytheon!

However, Chen Mo did not rely on the help of steel shirts, and his strength was far less than that of Sol. He only relied on his own strength and the sword of the king in his hand, and he took over the attack of Sol, even the horrible The powerful Thunder, which is enough to directly vaporize ordinary people, has also been endured by him. In the end, he defeated Sol by his powerful swordsmanship and created a myth that human beings defeated the Protoss!

At this time, standing in front of the shadow of Chen Mogao’s great shore, watching Chen Mo’s serious and thoughtful eyes, Tony Stark suddenly felt that the boulder that had been crushed by his heart suddenly broke down during this time. The heart is light and the whole person has become relaxed.

It’s like a child threatened by a small punk. Suddenly seeing his tall and mighty father with a gun, the original anxiety and worry seem to have dissipated in an instant. Under the protection of his father, there is no fear. !

The look on the face of Tony Stark, who had figured it out, also became relaxed. Looking up at Chen Mo, Tony Stark was like a wounded child, telling his father about his grievances.

"Daddy, I admit that I am wrong! Sorry! My situation is very bad during this time!"

"It has been a long time, I have never said anything to anyone. Since the New York incident, everything has changed! I have experienced everything. Although things are gone now, I can't explain it!"

Tony Stark said, he couldn't help but think back to the tremendous pressure he had suffered some time ago. He couldn't help but feel a little excited, but he didn't find it. He was excited to tell the secrets hidden in his heart for a long time. At the entrance to the lab behind him, a slender figure wearing a white professional skirt was standing there, listening to his words with concern.

It was Pepper who came back from work and went down to find Tony Stark. He just heard his story. Although Chen Mo saw the appearance of Pepper, he did not speak. Tony Stark was excited and his attention was at the same time. Chen Mo, who was in front of him, did not notice Pepper, behind him, and continued to complain to Chen Mo about his long-standing anxiety.

"God! Aliens! Other dimensions! And I am just a person hiding in the iron shell! I haven't collapsed yet, because Pepper has been with me!"

"But daddy, I can't sleep! Pepper is going to bed, I am doing my own thing here, knocking and beating, constantly improving the suit. The Zetari people will never be the last intruders, dangerous. Coming soon, I want to protect Pepper, I can't lose her!"

Pepper heard the words, could not help but be moved by the tears, looked at Tony Stark with a look of affectionately walked toward him, but she just walked behind Tony He is preparing to give him a hug from behind, but listen to Tony and continue to add.

"Of course, there are these armor, they are part of me!"

Standing behind Tony Stark, Pepper couldn’t help but turn a blind eye. The previous touch dissipated most of the time. The already opened arm was put back again, hugged around the chest, and said a poor face. .

"I see you are just escaping!"

Tony Stark was shocked by the sound that suddenly sounded behind him. After the reaction, even if the face changed, the dark passage was not good. He quickly turned around and pulled out a bright smile, said to Pepper.

"Oh, dear, you are coming back, look at it, the old man is back!"

Pepper looked at Tony's blunt smile on his face, remembering the voice he had just confided to Chen Mo, but his face was too stretched, and Tony glanced at him, and even with a look of pity, he hugged Tony's head. I took my own arms.

She did not expect Tony to have suffered so much pressure in the past six months!

Before, she always thought that Tony was only obsessed with the study of the armor. She had only chosen to accommodate him. Until then, she finally realized the truth. Tony Stark had no complaints, only distressed.


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