My Iron Suit

Chapter 1166: Asgard!

And Chen Mo wasn't sure if his sword of kings would continue to destroy the weapons and shields of the protoss as before!

With his current strength, if he encounters a large number of Asgard soldiers equipped with Protoss weapons, he may not be able to deal with it easily!

And don't forget, Asgard still has Odin. In the event of Odin's shot, one accidentally may kill Chen Mo directly!

Chen Mo doesn't want to take this risk!

I still find Sol as soon as possible, it is safer to stay with him!

In terms of time, he should now have ended the rebellion against the nine major nations. At this time, he is most likely to stay in the Golden Palace!

No matter what, leave here first!

But before that, Chen Mo first returned to the underground space along the aisle, and brought Jane Foster, who was still unconscious, to Shimen. She checked with the equipment she brought and determined that the space here was very stable and would not Like underground space, space passages can appear at any time, teleporting Jan Foster to other places.

传送 Teleport back to the earth just like in the movie. In case you accidentally teleport to other countries, it will be very difficult to find her!

After setting up Jane Foster, Chen Mo immediately released the upgraded steel suit from the space and quickly completed the dress.

After the full upgrade, the deformation speed of the battle suit is also much faster. When Chen Mo released the battle suit, he clung to his body and wrapped himself up. The opened rear armor was less than zero. It quickly deformed and closed in one second, and the dress was completed in a blink of an eye.

Chen Mo immediately turned on the stealth function, and the figure quickly disappeared into the air.

Apart from the Aideman alloy armor, which is not afraid of high temperature and cannot be destroyed, the stealth module is the only equipment saved after that battle.

But the reason why it can be preserved is not because it is not afraid of high temperature, but because Chen Mo put it into space in advance!

Before on the oil ship, when Chen Mo hard-wired the high-temperature flames from Kirian, he was ready to damage the battle suit, because he knew that even if the temperature was high, the Edman alloy armor of the battle suit would be fine. The device inside is broken, just change another set.

However, the miniature stealth device specially created by Princess Wakanda Surui was not made by Tony Stark. It was much more troublesome to replace. Chen Mo didn't want to go to Wakanda again, so he hard-wired Kirian's During the flame, the invisible module was directly retracted by Chen Mo, and after Tony upgraded and repaired the damaged suit, he reinstalled it.

Chen Mo is not sure if this stealth can hide from Odin's eyes, but at least it should be no problem to deal with ordinary **** domain soldiers!

Wu Nianli passed through the stone gate again, entered the dungeon, and extended to the end along that corridor.

The next moment, Chen Mo's body disappeared.

In the dungeon, Rocky suddenly turned his head to look at the corridor outside. Just now, he seemed to sense a familiar slight energy fluctuation, but in his sight, there was no patrol soldier in the corridor except the patrolling soldiers. What's unusual.

This caused Rocky to frown, he always felt that today's situation is not right, there seems to be something going on!

In fact, Chen Mo did just teleport to the corridor outside the Rocky cell, because the length of this corridor was just over 200 meters.

Chen Mo's teleportation distance was not more than two hundred meters, but that was when he could see the location of the teleportation. For areas that could not be seen, although Chen Mo could also teleport, he had to be within the scope of his mental exploration. .

Fortunately, there is a stealth device to hide his body, otherwise Chen Mo is likely to be discovered by Rocky and the guards.

Although Chen Mo flashed for a very short time, what was present was not an ordinary earth person, even if only a few tenths of a second, it was enough to expose Chen Mo's existence!

Chen Mo teleported several times in a row, then left the dungeon and came to the ground.

I stood outside the passage leading to the dungeon, but in front of Chen Mo was a huge and huge hall!

Rows of tall and delicate, carved stone columns supporting the palace looked magnificent and spectacular.

石 The texture of these stone pillars is very special. They seem to be just ordinary rocks, but under the sun they emit a faint golden light, revealing an indescribable grandness and solemnity!

默 Chen Mo knew that this should be the palace of Asgard, the Golden Palace!

And the huge hall he saw now should be the bottom of the huge golden palace!

Chen Mo didn't sigh too much about the magnificence of this Protoss palace. When he got out of the dungeon, Chen Mo became more careful.

In view of the previous mindfulness exploration that made Rocky feel, in order to prevent accidentally alarming the more powerful superpowers such as Odin and Frigat, Chen Mo did not use mindfulness anymore, but relied on keen hearing and vision to carefully explore Facing the surrounding conditions, headed towards the upper level of the Golden Palace.

In order to prevent the sound of movement being heard, Chen Mo did not walk or use a battle suit to fly. Instead, she relied on the levitation to float in the air, and slowly flew forward silently.

Although the soldiers guarding the palace were full of guards, under the careful hiding of Chen Mo, he did not notice his existence.

Through a wide staircase, Chen Mo left the ground floor hall ~ ~ and came to the upper floor. Compared with the hall connecting the dungeon below, this place is more like a normal palace, although there are still gorgeous ornate stone pillars around it However, it is not as empty and oppressive as the lower floor. There are many beautiful murals on the walls. Beautiful and elegant decorations are placed at the corners of the corridor, which makes this place a bit more angry.

Chen Chen slowly advanced along the corridor, carefully bypassing all the guards he met, and constantly walking through the Golden Palace.

I have to say that the area of ​​this golden palace is really too large. Without being able to move quickly, it took nearly twenty minutes until Chen Mo found a window to the outside.

A voice from Er ear told him that it would take a while for the nearest guard to come over, and Chen Mo was relieved to observe the situation outside the window.

The first thing I saw in Chen Mo's eyes was not the strange and beautiful buildings below, but the beautiful and dreamy scenery in the sky like the gorgeous nebula in the universe.

The vast sea of ​​clouds is inlaid with two huge round moons. Although it is daylight, they can still clearly see their figures, even the smallest one is several times larger than the moon on the earth, hanging high The air, although not as dazzling as the sun, is bright and clear.

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