My Iron Suit

Chapter 1167: Goodbye Sol!

The color of the sky is also completely different from that of the earth. The pure blue is dotted with purple nebulae, and the bright starlight spreads throughout the sky, making the originally monotonous sky extremely gorgeous!

This strange sky scene is difficult to see even on other planets.

However, Chen Mo quickly retracted her eyes from the sky, and instead set her eyes on the rainbow bridge with colorful lights in the distance!

彩虹 The Rainbow Bridge, which extends from the Golden Palace to the lake in the distance, is the transmission channel connecting Asgard to the Nine Realms. It is also a powerful weapon that can destroy a world!

When Chen Mo was observing the Rainbow Bridge, the Rainbow Bridge, which was originally only emitting a slight colorful light, suddenly lit up, and colorful energy poured from the Golden Palace at the foot of Chen Mo toward the end of the Rainbow Bridge.

According to Chen Mo's eyes, although several kilometers apart, Chen Mo can still clearly see the spherical golden building at the end of the Rainbow Bridge.

As a large amount of energy was transmitted along the Rainbow Bridge toward this spherical building, a dazzling colorful beam of light suddenly shot out of this golden building and shot into the endless universe in the distance.

Chen Mo knew that it was Rainbow Bridge that was started and started to teleport.

Contacting the plot in the movie, Chen Mo quickly thought of who was transmitting this time!

The beam of light waiting for transmission disappeared, and the light of the Rainbow Bridge also returned to normal. It didn't take long for a blond man wearing a silver armor, holding a warhammer, and a red cloak fluttering behind to walk out from the golden building.

Chen Mo saw this familiar figure, and couldn't help but shine, and it turned out to be Sol!

应该 He should have just concluded the battle to calm down the nine major nations and returned in triumph!

Squinting as Sol stood on the bridge spinning his hammer, he was driven towards the Golden Palace by the hammer of Thor, and Chen Mo immediately flew out of the window!

I came outside the Golden Palace, and finally the appearance of the Golden Palace came to Chen Mo's sight.

The scale of the Golden Palace is much larger than any building on the earth, and the walls shining with gold in the sun are even more magnificent and majestic.

However, at this time, Chen Mo did not have the heart to appreciate this magnificent Protoss palace.

Looking at Sol's figure quickly submerged into a channel above, Chen Mo immediately flew over there!

陈 When Chen Mo appeared outside the aisle, he found that Sol was striding towards it.


Chen Mo showed her figure directly and shouted at Sol.

When Sol, who was striding away, heard some familiar voices behind him, he couldn't help but turn around in confusion. When he saw Chen Mo wearing a steel suit, he couldn't help showing an incredible expression on his face.

Blinking hard, and raised the back of his hand and rubbed his eyes, Sol found that Chen Mo's figure was still standing there, not his own illusion, he could not help but said incredulously.

"How did you get here?"

Chen Chen said as he walked towards Sol.

"Astronomy converges, I think you should know."

"Astronomy Convergence? Has it started? So you are coming through the space channel?"

After listening to Chen Mo's explanation, Sol soon understood that Heimdal, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, had told him about the celestial aggregation.

索 Sol, who knew the situation, was very happy to see Chen Mo, an old friend who had fought side by side, and he was talking, while welcoming Chen Mo with open arms, giving Chen Mo a big hug.

Fortunately, Chen Mo was well prepared and did not take off the steel suit. Otherwise, with the power of Sol, this bear hug would be enough for him.

He slaps Chen Mo's back hard, Saul said happily.

"Good brother, how nice to see you!"

Saul's happiness is not without reason. Although he and Chen Mo have not been together for a long time, the two fight together side by side, eliminating the invasion of the Zetaru Army. Later, when they tried, Chen Mo helped him master the Thunder The strength has greatly improved.

During this time, he has been leading the army to calm down the rebellions of the nine major nations. Throughout the battle, Saul really felt a tremendous increase in his strength and was naturally grateful to Chen Mo.

I saw Chen Mo at this time, and Sol, who had returned from victory, was even more happy, when he said loudly around Chen Mo's shoulder.

"You are here. I just settled the rebellions of the nine nations. There will be a celebration party tonight. Let's have a drink!"

Chen Mo heard that he had lifted the armor on his head, and looked at Sol solemnly with a serious look.

"Let's talk about drinking later, there is one more important thing to do now!"

Suo Suer could not help but look confused and looked at Chen Mo asking strangely.

"What else is important? Is the earth invaded again?"

Chen Mo thought you were right, the dark elves are about to invade the earth.

But he wouldn't say this to Sol right now, but looked at Sol seriously, and said.

"I'm not here alone ..."

Chen Mo just said here, he was directly interrupted by Sol excitedly.

哦 "Oh? Who else? Let me guess! Tony, Steve, or Banner?"

Chen Mo watched Sol and shook his head, without selling anything, he said directly.

"It's Jane Foster!"

Suo Suer could not help but hesitated, and the laughter on his face disappeared, his face flashed with joy, thoughts, tenderness and love, and finally looked at Chen Mo with a complex look and asked.

"Why is she here?"

"A spatial anomalous area appeared in London. Jane and Dr. Servig went with me to investigate, and the two of us accidentally came through a spatial passage together."

Chen Mo said here, looking at Sol with a complex look, Chen Mo said in a deep voice.

"But she's not doing well now!"

Suo Suer could not help but change his face ~ ~ Grasp Chen Mo's arm and asked anxiously.

"What happened? Where is he now?"

Chen Mo was once again glad that he was wearing a steel suit, and immediately told Thor what happened after crossing the underground space.

I heard that Jane Foster had entered the body with the mysterious substance sealed in the dungeon, and fell into a coma. Sol was worried and said to Chen Mo anxiously.

"Take me there!"

I was accompanied by Sol. Chen Mo naturally didn't need to worry about the problem of exposure. With the anxious Sol, the two were walking brightly, and soon came to the dungeon.

The guards passing by were strange to Chen Mo, a stranger covered in black armor, but no one came forward to stop him or ask him when he saw him with Sol.

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