My Italian

Chapter 209: Preparation before landing

, the fastest update of my latest chapter of Yidaili!

The naval shelling of Durrës was just the first shot of the Italian-Turkish war (let's call it the Italian-Turkish war, in Italian, I thought it was fighting with Austria-Hungary).

However, there is no need to guess the result of this shelling. With the outdated artillery of Durrës, it can be the opponent of the Italian battleship formation.

Of course, since the Italian military prioritized sending battleship formations to bombard Durrës, it must have its own purpose.

In Italy's seaport cities of Bari, Brindisi, Taranto, and others, this time has become quite different. Because the barracks outside the city were full of soldiers, and even the barracks could not live there, they were also arranged to temporarily build barracks.

Of course, these energetic soldiers stationed in these cities, naturally for the city's consumption, think about dining and entertainment and other places, officers and soldiers wearing gray-green military uniforms can be seen everywhere. However, while they are increasing the income for the city, there are also many things that go to waste. But fortunately, considering the domestic influence and the fear of the gendarmerie, it is basically a matter of jealousy, fights and so on.

But even so, 20 or 30 incidents a day still make the local government a big headache. However, considering that these officers and soldiers are about to go to the battlefield, the local government did not make trouble with the garrison.

As for Lieutenant General Simeone, who is in command of these armies, it is also for the same reason that he does not manage these bad things very much. After all, the military discipline of the European armies is just like that. If you want to be as disciplined as the army of the Celestial Dynasty in the future, it will be difficult for him.

This time, Lieutenant General Simeone can get the role of the commander of the first wave of landing troops. In addition to his record, there are also factors that show favor from those old soldiers.

Moreover, this time he is no longer facing African indigenous people. He not only has a lot of affairs but also has a lot of pressure. So as long as those officers and soldiers don't go too far, then he will not ban them from traveling. After all, to go to the battlefield, it is always necessary to let people relax.

In the temporary headquarters outside the city of Barry, Lieutenant General Simeone is also doing the last inspection before the war.

"Are you enough ammunition?"

"We have loaded the ammunition in advance according to the configuration of two bases for soldiers, four bases for artillery, and two bases for machine guns. Just waiting for the navy to send a signal, we can ship it directly with the soldiers."

The answer to Simeone was Colonel Harper, the chief logistics officer, who was responsible for distributing the various supplies and ammunition that needed to be carried.

After hearing the words of the chief logistics officer, Lieutenant General Simeone nodded secretly, expressing his approval. The importance of logistics to the army cannot be overemphasized, let alone the modern army that relies the most on logistics.

"What about shovels, raincoats, tents, etc.?"

After asking about weapons and ammunition, Simeone was concerned about other supplies.

"At present, we have prepared 13,000 shovels, and another 5,000 can be delivered within two days. There are 43,000 raincoats, 4,500 tents, and we have prepared more than 4,000. Steel drills and supporting hammers, 50 tons of explosives, 30,000 meters of telephone lines, and 15 sets of field telephone systems..."

In Colonel Harper's report, Simeone had a more intuitive understanding of how much supplies he needed. These materials are all necessities for his army in command. Fortunately, the weather in the Albania region where he is about to fight is not right, otherwise he needs to carry more things.

But the report is not only good news, it is not so good news that Colonel Harper is talking about.

"In addition, we inspected the military boots sent, and found that 3,000 pairs had quality problems. Many boots were cracked before they were worn, and 2,000 pairs of gloves were also found to have quality problems."

After listening to Colonel Harper's words, Simone's expression became unpleasant, but then he calmed down and said casually. "Report these information to the Army Logistics Department, and leave those items with quality problems. In the future, materials with quality problems will be handled in the same way. In addition, ask your people to check more, and don't let these inferior products arrive. In the hands of the soldiers. If you do this well as a demon, then you will be the one who deserves the credit this time."

Simeone rewarded his hard work with credit, and Colonel Harper didn't know how to answer. "Please rest assured, I will carefully check every delivery."

Facing Colonel Harper's words, Simeone patted his shoulder as encouragement.

As for why there are so many inferior products in the supplies, Simeone didn't want to ask in a rage, because a serious investigation of this thing would involve a large number of people. And he can't do that at the moment, especially when he still needs the support of those old generals.

In addition, this matter is no longer a secret in the military. As a senior officer, Simone does not have the ability and qualifications to solve these problems. However, the common practice is to throw these inferior products in the warehouse, just like him, and finally store them for too long, and they will be scrapped due to lack of moisture.

So after finding these inferior products, Simeone continued to check the materials in the warehouse, and brought people to go back.

But at this time, he almost ran into a messenger, and the messenger brought him a message.

"Lieutenant General, the chief of staff told you to go back quickly, there is news coming from Durres."

As soon as he heard the words of the messenger, Simone immediately rushed back to the headquarters, which was also the most important thing related to the landing of his troops.

"How is it, Chief of Staff."

Simone, who hurried back to the command headquarters, broke into the door and asked Major General Bartlett, who was waiting for him.

That's right, the two of them are partnered again this time, mainly considering that the two of them cooperate well in East Africa, and the first wave of landing operations is very important, so they are still paired together.

For Simeone and Bartlett, this is even better. Everyone is acquaintances who have worked together, so that the running-in period is omitted, and they can do what they want to do as soon as they get started.

"A navy liaison ship arrived in Bari half an hour ago, and they brought news that the navy had removed the obstacles in the port of Durres."

"How fast?"

Simeone was a little surprised when he heard the news. According to the plan, the naval fleet should have arrived off the coast of Durres yesterday. It only took a day and a night to level the Ottoman coastal fortifications in the area, which is indeed a bit fast.

"This is the battle report brought."

The chief of staff handed him the battle looked at it at a glance. After reading it, he liked it. "I didn't expect that the navy's contribution this time was really big, pulling the battleship to Durres."


Now that the Navy has cleared the way for itself, there's not much to say.

Simone said immediately. "Issued an order that all officers and soldiers must return to the camp after dark, and we will set off tomorrow."

"sure no problem."

After answering Simeone's order, Bartlett continued to ask. "Then which troop will get on board tomorrow?"

Bartlett's question is very level, and its meaning is basically the same as who plays the striker.

Simeone said after thinking about it. "Let the 8th Division go first, just to see if Pascal is talking big."

In this case, Simeone still prioritizes reliable troops. After all, the Eighth Division is a unit that he has brought before, and its ability is still well-informed.

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