My Italian

Chapter 210: Undertide in Crete

When Simeone took his troops and prepared to land. The same thing happened on Crete, an important place in the Mediterranean Sea.

Speaking of Crete, the Minoan civilization on its island is famous all over the world, but in its long history, the Cretans have always been controlled by the rise of regional powers.

In the most recent turn, the Ottoman Empire seized the island from the Venetians.

However, with the prevalence of modern nationalism, the Greek-speaking Cretans gradually became dissatisfied with the declining Ottoman Empire. They are somewhat eager to merge with Greece, which has the same language and culture, but this is not an easy task. The Ottoman Empire does not want to give up the island at all, so nearly 30,000 Ottoman troops are stationed on the island, and Crete One can only wait for the moment.

And the advent of the Italian-Turkish war made many people feel that the time had come, so the undercurrent was surging, making people more impetuous.

Especially yesterday, there was already amazing news that Italian warships appeared off the coast of Crete and captured several ships that went out to sea. This made the dark tide below, almost gushing out.

In the back room of a mansion in Heraklion, Cretan celebrity Candido Solari receives a mysterious guest.

Solari is a very famous person in the local area. The olive oil production factory he founded accounts for nearly half of the island's output. Although Crete's olive oil production is not high, the island's olive oil is well-known, and many nobles and wealthy people like to use the olive oil produced in Crete.

In addition, Solari also controls one-third of the island's wine production and nearly one-tenth of the import and export trade of goods. work for it.

You must know that in this era, there were only more than 200,000 people in Crete, and basically every 20 families of their families were working for them. This can also show Solari's status on the island, and even local Ottoman military and political figures have to give him three points. Of course, the taxes that should be collected still have to be collected, but other exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes should be taken into consideration.

Given such a position in the island's economy, it is natural to want a political position. However, in the political circle of Istanbul, he could not squeeze in, and at the same time he was unwilling to squeeze in. So staying on the island to develop his political ability has become something that Solari is concerned about.

So over the years, the island's political groups have more or less received his favor, which made him more enthusiastic about politics.

Of course, the main idea of ​​the Cretans on the island is still very simple, that is, to merge with Greece, which has the same culture and the same language, so as to free Crete from the fate of being oppressed by the Ottomans.

Before that, Solari, like most Greeks, was mainly thinking about merging with Greece. However, in the past two years, some changes have taken place in his thinking, and the person who made him change his thinking is the one in front of him, Mr. Seabock from Rome.

This time, the middle-aged man I met at a cocktail party two years ago felt very interesting after talking with him, so the relationship between the two gradually changed from strangers to mature people, and then to friends.

During this period, Hibbock proposed a bold idea. Since they wanted to get rid of the Ottoman oppression, why did the Cretans have to choose the Greek merger instead of other ideas, such as independence or something.

Regarding the whimsical idea of ​​his friend Hibbock, Solari, after laughing, talked about the weakness of Crete and the strength of the Ottoman Empire, not relying on Greece, which is similar in culture, but relying on the Cretans themselves.

In the face of Solari's words, his friend suddenly said, who said no, the Cretans can rely on the help of others to achieve independence like a dream.

When Hibbock said this, Solari knew there was something wrong with the identity of his friend. But this is nothing to him. Is he a loyal subject of the Ottoman Empire? Is it necessary to report these for him?

Of course, this sentence also opened up Solari's ambition. Because he said that, given his reputation in Crete, it was also very fitting to be the head of government of a post-independence country.

The lure of power and fame made Solari gradually hook up with him. With the follow-up conversation between the two, he gradually learned about the forces behind Hibbock.

Italians are not the ideal choice, but they are the most appropriate choice at the moment.

Especially after the news of the war between Italy and the Ottomans came, Solari couldn't sit still. Although he is very famous in Crete, there are still three or four people on the island of similar fame. In this case, it is very important to seize the opportunity, which will mean the number one or number two in the future, and if it is a little later, then there is also a possibility of number three or four.

So he quickly found an old friend of Hibbock, and wanted to implement the issue of independence as soon as possible.

"Hibbok, last time you mentioned the issue of the post-independence political system. I think a parliamentary system can be implemented, which will allow the Cretans to participate more in the operation of the post-independence country. In addition, the issue of hiring your country's advisers, I think This is also very reasonable, after all, when we will operate as an independent new government, we will also need guidance from others."

In the secret room, Solari spoke to his old friend about the conditions he could accept.

In the face of Solari's direct words, Hibbock, an old friend, was somewhat dissatisfied. "Solari, I need to tell you a message. Pacheco promised our country that if Crete becomes independent, then he will hire Chinese officers to help Crete form its own troops."

Hearing Hibbock's words, Solari cursed Pacheco as an opponent in his heart. Of course he wasn't at all surprised that Italy approached other people. Everyone is playing politics, and who can put hope on one is strange.

As far as he knows, there are three or four targets that the Italians are in contact with, but the most threatening of them is this Pacheco.

Although he is not as rich as Solari, he is much better than him at the political level. Its leader, the United Forces of Crete party, is also the top three political groups on the island. Although its organization is less than a thousand people, it is already very good for Crete.

In the face of Hibbock's move of threatening each other with the conditions of both sides, Solari had absolutely nothing to do. It seems that if you want to add points in front of the Italians, you have to come up with a few new conditions.

Thinking of this, Solari gritted his teeth and said. "I think in the future, the new government can not only ask your country's officers to train the army, but even the police can be trained by your country in the future. After all, these police officers of the Ottoman government should not be trusted."

In the face of Solari's words, Hibbock did not give a direct answer, but instead said. "On the question of the formation of this new government, I think you need it as soon as possible, because at most a month, our country needs to make a choice."

As for what to choose, although Hibbock didn't say it clearly, Solari still didn't know.

Of course, Hibbock said this not only to Solari, but also to several others. As for whether they will inform the Ottomans, there is no need to worry, because under the blockade of the Italian Navy, the Ottomans will not be able to get in reinforcements except for the army currently in Crete.

That being the case, there is nothing to be afraid of. Besides, they told the Ottomans what it could do for them.

So facing Solari with a contemplative expression, Hibbock drifted away.

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