My Italian

Chapter 238: London peace talks (3)

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Although Popkov just said such a sentence, it immediately attracted fierce opposition.

"Our country firmly opposes your request. The Macedonian region is also occupied by one-third of our ethnic group, and cannot be occupied by your country alone. This request by your country is a trampling on the dignity of our country."

It was the Serbian foreign minister Jeremić who spoke so righteously. The lawyer-turned-foreign minister stood up angrily and accused the Bulgarians of unreasonable demands.

In addition to the Serbs, the Greeks were also opposed to the Bulgarians' demands.

"Your country's request is too unreasonable, and our country cannot accept it either."

That's right, Sehi and Sehi participated in this peace negotiation, apart from tearing a piece of meat from Ottoman as a victorious country, another main purpose was not to allow Bulgaria to gain too much.

If Bulgaria gets too much, then the balance between the three countries will be broken, which is a scene no one wants to see.

In the face of the opposition of the two delegations of Sehi, the Bulgarian side is obviously prepared. I saw Popkov speak. "It is also reasonable for our country to acquire Macedonia. You must know that Macedonia was the original territory of our country before that. In addition, many local people have always been related to our country, and many of their relatives and friends are in our country. I think whether it is from national history or language and culture Considering the above, all Macedonia regions should belong to our country.”

Although Popkov said it wonderfully, how could the Sehi two countries allow Bulgaria to gain the Macedonia region.

I saw Mavros, who was teased by Bacona just now, spoke with contempt. "In terms of history, our country is no worse than you. During the time of Alexander the Great, Macedonia was part of our country, and the region was also deeply influenced by our country in terms of culture and customs. In all respects, it should belong to our country."

When he heard that the other party shamelessly put the founder of the Macedonian Empire, Alexander the Great, on his own country, Popkov was surprised by the shamelessness of the Greeks. "You are so shameless."

"Who are you talking about!"

"What about you!"

The sharp-eyed venue was about to develop into a scolding trend. Feeling the need to stop it, Sir Wilson, the British foreign secretary, tapped the table.

"Everyone, please calm down, this is a negotiation, not a quarrel."

In the end, it was the British Empire that had the best face. In the face of this Sir Wilson, the melee between the three kingdoms stopped immediately.

Afterwards, Sir Wilson whispered to the envoys from several other countries, and then to Depretis, who was the head of the Italian delegation.

Faced with such a situation, the delegations of several Balkan countries only heard a few words from Prime Minister De Pretis, "That's okay." "No problem."

After whispering with Prime Minister Depretis, Sir Wilson then spoke. "Because the Macedonia region is very important and involves too many countries, let's skip this topic first and continue to listen to the conditions of other countries?"

Although this is an inquiry sentence, but with the words of the previous Italian Prime Minister, who can not understand. Then there was a sound of approval, except for the Bulgarian delegation. And Prime Minister Stambolov, the leader of the Bulgarian team, cast an inquiring look at Depretis, and was suppressed by him with a calm gesture.

Now that the Macedonian hot spot has been skipped, it is the turn of the two countries to speak. They successively stated their own country's requirements. In addition to the Ottoman region of Epirus, Greece also claimed the region of West Macedonia.

As for Serbia, it announced that it would take the Ottoman Zlatibor corridor to itself. This corridor book connects Bosnia and Herzegovina with important places in Macedonia, which is very beneficial to the expansion of Serbia's territory. In addition, the upper valley of the Morava River, as well as Macedonia, are all within the scope of Serbia's declaration.

Compared with these two countries, the Montenegrin delegation led by the Grand Duke Nicholas I of Montenegro this time is much more low-key. They only need to be close to the 6,000-square-kilometer Durmitor area of ​​Montenegro.

Well, the conditions claimed by the countries of the Balkans are seriously overlapping, the most serious of which is the Macedonia region.

After all parties had finished speaking, Prime Minister De Pretis, who was the representative of Italy, suddenly spoke up. "I took a look at the scope of the requirements of each country. I don't want to express any opinions on this, but there is something I want to ask, the representatives of the two countries."

In the face of the most powerful people from all parties involved this time, although the representatives of the two countries knew that what happened next would definitely not be good words, they could only bite the bullet and ask. "I wonder what Prime Minister Depretis wants to ask?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask, what contribution did the two countries make to this war, which important town did you capture, or which Ottoman army did you annihilate?"

Depretis almost stated directly that the two countries did not contribute to this war, so how could they ask for so much. This is because the delegations of the two countries are thick-skinned, and they are still panicked by this sentence.

As for the Bulgarian delegation on the side, they were very relieved to see this scene. These two countries just declared a war, and then occupied some of the abandoned Ottoman border cities, and they dared to make so many demands with shame. If it weren't for the three kingdoms of Britain, Austria and Russia standing behind it, it would have been repaired long ago.

At this time, in the face of the Italian's sudden arrogance, Sir Wilson, who knew that these two countries could not resist, took another look at the representatives of Russia and Austria sitting next to him, but the representatives of these two countries were completely motionless. Sir Wilson, who could only stand up on his own, smoothed the field.

"Every country has put forward their own plans, and everyone has learned about each other, so I think the discussion in the morning is almost the same, otherwise we will talk in the afternoon."

In response to Sir Wilson's proposal for this delay, the Sehi representatives immediately added a post. "Sir mentioned it very well. I ate less in the morning and I was a little hungry."

"Just listen to Jazz's advice."

"We don't mind either."

Faced with such a situation, the talks can only be suspended.

Then the delegations from various countries walked out of the venue one after another.

At this time, facing the sudden arrogance of the Italians, Sir Wilson, who knew that these two countries could not resist, took another look at the representatives of Russia and Austria sitting next to him, but the representatives of these two countries were completely motionless~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Sir Wilson, who can only stand up on his own, rounds the field. "Every country has put forward their own plans, and everyone has learned about each other, so I think the discussion in the morning is almost the same, otherwise we will talk in the afternoon."

In response to Sir Wilson's proposal for this delay, the Sehi representatives immediately added a post. "Sir mentioned it very well. I ate less in the morning and I was a little hungry."

"Just listen to Jazz's advice."

"We don't mind either."

Faced with such a situation, the talks can only be suspended.

Then the delegations from various countries walked out of the venue one after another.

"We have no opinion either." Faced with such a situation, the talks could only be suspended.

Then the delegations from various countries walked out of the venue one after another.

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