My Italian

Chapter 239: London peace talks (4)

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In the next negotiation, as Depretis said, in response to Bulgaria's request, except for the two countries of Sehi, all parties who were originally just on the sidelines came on stage one after another.

However, the main one is Austria-Hungary and Russia. These two countries have exerted various pressures on Bulgaria, from verbal warnings to blatant statements.

Prime Minister Stambolov, who is the head of the Bulgarian delegation, is even more busy dealing with it. Even if he is called the Bismarck of Bulgaria, he is not really Bismarck, and Bulgaria is not as strong as Prussia. .

Therefore, in the face of pressure from all parties, Bulgaria has retreated steadily, and its requirements have started from the entire Macedonia region, all the way back to only northern Macedonia. However, other countries are still not satisfied, they want Bulgaria to take only half of the territory of North Macedonia.

At this time, the Italian representative came to power, and Prime Minister De Pretis fully supported Bulgaria's request at this time. Although Italy is worse than Austria-Hungary and Russia, it at least gives Bulgaria some confidence.

The support of Italy allowed Bulgaria to keep part of the northern Macedonia area. Because the Ottomans still retain Kosovo, they left a passage in North Macedonia. Of course, as compensation, Central Macedonia has set aside a piece of land as compensation for Bulgaria .

Since Bulgaria's demands have been suppressed so low, the two countries, Sehi, who are spoilers, won't get much. Among them, Serbia only got the Zlatibor corridor, and Greece only got the Epirus area. . Only the Kingdom of Montenegro was not targeted because of its small size and few requirements, and it took all the Durmitor area adjacent to the country.

Of course, these small countries have taken less, so Italy, the initiator of the war, has to make appropriate concessions, and the South Dodecan Islands have also been abandoned.

However, Italy's main targets, Albania and the Libyan region of North Africa, have been recognized by all countries. Of course, independent Crete has tacitly agreed with Italy's insistence.

In general, the requirements of Italy and Montenegro were basically met this time. While Greece and Serbia took the opportunity to expand their territory, Bulgaria only got about one-third of Macedonia. The three Balkan countries were not too satisfied, but they had to accept it under the pressure of various powers.

Now that the conditions of the countries are unified, the next step is to talk with Ottoman.

So a week later, it was still this conference room, and the negotiator had one more Osman.

"This is the peaceful condition of our participating countries. You can take a look."

The speaker was Italian Foreign Minister Bacona, who looked down at the Ottoman representative representing the defeated country and handed the peace treaty after the reunification of the countries to him.

"Another thing to say, this is our last condition, and we will not and will not change a word."

Facing Bakona's words, Harim Pasha and Camille Pasha, who were Ottoman scapegoats, took over the peace treaty that had been made expressionlessly and began to check them one by one.

The first is the cessation of all military operations by the participating countries.

2. Unless otherwise stipulated, all military movements in warring areas such as Macedonia, Thrace, and Kosovo shall be suspended, with the exception of military movements necessary for sustenance, administration and local security.

3. The Ottomans ceded Libya, Albania, North Macedonia (except Skopje), Kochani and Stepmica in Central Macedonia, Zlatibor Corridor, and Durmitor to other participating countries. In addition, Crete became independent.

4. The Ottomans must withdraw all military and religious personnel from the outlined areas, and local officials can wait for them to receive state mandates before withdrawing.

5. In addition, taking into account factors such as ethnicity and religion, the people in the above-mentioned areas have the right to choose freely for three months. They can freely choose the country they want to go to. The new government in the area must not use threats and intimidation to prevent it.

6. In addition, since the war in the area has caused great losses to the people, Ottoman invested 60 million Osman liras (less than 6 million pounds) as aid funds to help the local disaster-stricken people restore production and life.

Of course, there are also some treaties such as the exchange of prisoners of war and the inventory of losses. These contracts, which add up to 16 articles, constitute the outcome of the London peace talks.

As representatives of Ottoman, Halim Pasha and Kamil Pasha watched very slowly, and when they didn't understand, they would ask questions from time to time. The representatives of other countries just waited silently.

However, no matter how you look at it, this will not be seen as a flower. After more than an hour, the two Ottoman representatives finally finished reading.

Only then did Camille Pasha speak. "We have read your terms, but we need to send a telegram to Istanbul to inform them of the negotiations."

In the face of the words of the Ottoman representative, Prime Minister De Pretis, who is the head of the Italian delegation, made a statement. "You are welcome, but it's better to be quick. If we know that your country is trying to use this time to make small moves, then the war will continue, and your country's 200,000 officers and soldiers in Macedonia will accept more serious consequences."

Yes, this is a blatant threat. Let the Ottomans know that they still have 200,000 troops surrounded by various countries.

Knowing that the other party is a threat, but these 200,000 troops are the hard work of the Ottoman army, and Kamil Pasha, the grand vizier, can bow his head.

"Rest assured, we will definitely give you an answer as soon as possible."

This first negotiation with the Ottomans ended like this. Of course, none of the countries thought that the other would respond immediately. As for peace talks, even a month or two of talks can count as peace talks.

Although this time I didn't give the other party a chance to bargain, it would take at least half a month anyway.

Since the other party has left, why are they still staying The Italian delegation represented by Prime Minister De Pretis took the lead, followed by the Bulgarian and Montenegrin delegations, the three countries It went away gracefully. After the three countries left, the Greek and Serbian delegations looked at each other and also got up and left.

The demands of Italy and the Balkan countries were quickly transmitted back to Istanbul. Of course, Halim Pasha and Kamil Pasha never thought that China would give them instructions. This was just to let China know about each other's conditions.

Sure enough, that evening, on a telegram from Istanbul, it was written to let them decide for themselves.

Now the two of them don't know what to do.

So the next negotiation proceeded quickly, and after a week, the two signed the treaty.

This makes all countries relieved, as long as the governments of all countries sign the peace treaty, it will take effect.

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