My Italian

Chapter 268: Candidate for new governor

The news of the death of Governor Cairoli was a terrible news for Carlo and the Italian government.

It doesn't matter that the former prime minister seems to have been serving in Borneo because he is far away from the country, and there is no news that it does not matter. In fact, the colony of Borneo is very important to the current Italy. I just need to tell one fact, I believe everyone will know that the request from Borneo is basically not rejected by Rome.

Another data can also show this. Last year, Borneo handed over 72.1 million liras of fiscal revenue to Rome. If you add trade with Qing and other governments' income in Borneo, this colony will bring the Italian government to Italy. There are billions of dollars in revenue.

Borneo has such a fast-growing income, in which high production from tropical economic plants such as pepper and rubber is the key to the increase in income.

Industrious Chinese and Italian immigrants, under the promotion of the government, reclaimed a large number of fields and planted economic plants. And in the world, the rubber of the Italian colony of Borneo is of the best quality. At present, the area of ​​rubber planting has reached nearly 80,000 mu, and most of them have already produced rubber, with an annual output of more than 5,000 tons of rubber. At the current price of 1.62 shillings per pound for rubber in London, the rubber alone brings in 40 million lire.

Driven by the Italian colonies, a large number of rubber plantations began to appear in other parts of Southeast Asia, but their scale and output were still too low, even a fraction of the Italian colonies.

With more than 70 million turned in finances, Borneo has become the most important taxation land in Italy. For Borneo to perform like this, the role of the former prime minister, Kairoli, is crucial.

You must know that among the colonies of Southeast Asian countries, the most honest and efficient colonial government is the Italian Borneo government. (Yes, in the Southeast Asian colonies with serious corruption, Italian Borneo officials have a reputation for taking less money and doing things well)

As for the virtues of these officials, who could not know Carlo and the high-level government officials, the local government officials can have such a performance, of course, it is inseparable from Caiiroli, the skilled governor.

Now his sudden death is a serious problem for Italy.

"Check to see if what the telegram says is true. In addition, get the Prime Minister. I need to discuss it with the Prime Minister."

Although Carlo was very surprised after hearing the news, he, who had been the king for many years, quickly issued a few orders.

The first is of course to find out whether what the telegram said is true or not. If it is true, it can only be regarded as an accidental loss for Italy. But if the telegram is not detailed, it will be a disaster for Borneo officials.

As for negotiating with the Prime Minister, this is also very understandable. After all, the successor of such an important tax-heavy place must be cautious.

The captain of the guard, Filimic, also knew the importance of the matter, and immediately walked out of the office to rush to execute the order.

But within two minutes, he came back. "Your Majesty, Your Excellency the Prime Minister has arrived."

It seems that Depretis also knew the importance of this matter, and hurried over to discuss with Carlo.

"Your Majesty, I and all my colleagues in the government are deeply saddened by the passing of Governor Cairoli. However, since Governor Cairoli has left, I don't know whether Your Majesty has a suitable candidate for his successor."

Obviously, the Prime Minister is very worried about the successor, and he just came to the palace to ask about it when he got the news.

In the face of the Prime Minister's inquiry, Carlo asked rhetorically. "Do you have any good candidates for your government?"

Carlo's rhetorical question is also that the Governor of Borneo is too important, and this incident came too suddenly, and he did not have a suitable candidate for a while.

In the face of Carlo's question, DePretis, the prime minister, responded immediately. "The government has just discussed urgently and listed three candidates."

When he heard the government's three choices, Carlo was a little surprised, this speed was too fast. In fact, it would be too fast to choose candidates from the moment they got the news, but unfortunately this is not the case. The three candidates proposed by the Prime Minister are all plans made by the government before.

After all, everything is possible, and the Borneo colony is currently Italy's favorite, and there are still some preventive measures. This is nothing, the government has also made plans for conflict with Spain, the Netherlands, Britain and France because of the colony. Compared to these plans, Governor Cairoli's plan is considered pediatric.

As for Prime Minister Depretis, he picked up the plan as soon as he got the news.

"Then let's talk about the candidates selected by your government."

After getting Carlo's response, Prime Minister Depretis immediately spoke. "The first person we selected was the Honourable Kranz Rivera, Minister of Commerce and Trade. Due to the characteristics of the colony of Borneo, we believe that expanding the colonial trade and obtaining more benefits is the first priority. Your Excellency La, has served as Minister of Commerce and Trade in the Cabinet for many years and has sufficient experience in commerce and trade, so he should be able to take up this position."

Although the Prime Minister praised the Minister of Commerce and Trade, Carlo is no stranger to this person. Although this person does have these advantages, he has a fatal disadvantage, that is, this Rivera has always been a Spinning around in Rome, nothing has been done anywhere. Carlo was not at all worried about teaching this wealth to him hastily.

So he did not give the Prime Minister any response at all, but continued to ask. "Are there two more?"

As soon as he heard that the king did not ask the Minister of Commerce and Trade, Depretis, who had been dealing with Carlo for many years, knew that this one was out of play. Without even asking, it seems that his idea of ​​jumping to a higher stage through Borneo can be extinguished.

That's right, in Italian politics, many people regard the Governor of Borneo as the fourth position in the Italian government, after the Prime Minister, Speaker of the House and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Because of its distance, the Governor is in charge of Italy's diplomacy, military and politics in the Far East, giving people the feeling of a trumpet prime minister.

"The second is the Governor of Sicily, His Excellency Cabrera. Under its governance, Sicily has achieved good economic development and is also a good hand in handling local affairs."

After seeing that Carlo was still Depretis simply said the last candidate. "In addition, the Governor of East Africa, His Excellency Antonio, is also one of the candidates. He is a good player in dealing with ethnic issues, and can also strengthen our rule in Borneo. However, the performance of economic means is not very good, which is why would put it in the third reason."

That's right, from the government's point of view, the second-ranked East African governor has no advantage in the candidate for the governor of Borneo. Because Borneo is more of a candidate with excellent financial ability, Antonio did not show this advantage.

Fortunately, it is not the government that decides who will be the governor of Borneo, but Carlo, who is the king.

After listening to the Prime Minister's introduction, Carlo replied after thinking for a while. "As for the question about the candidate, let me consider it first, and I will give you an answer in three days."

Prime Minister Depretis, who knew that this matter would not be decided so quickly, after hearing Carlo's words, knew that the next step was the king's choice. Of course, this time he was looking for the king not only for the candidate of the governor, but also for many other things.

"Your Majesty, there are still some things that need to be reported to you."

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