My Italian

Chapter 269: shadow


The first ray of sunshine in the morning shone on the earth, giving the street lamps that had been on all night time to rest. There are more and more people on the street as time goes by. The vibrant city of Rome has entered a busy and lively day.

Antonio stood on the balcony, looking at the increasingly modern city, filled with emotion.

"It's been a long time since I returned to Rome, the changes are really big."

Looking at the scene outside, he couldn't help but admire.

Just when he wanted to see more of Rome, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Your Excellency, Speaker Crispi has arrived."

The words of the entourage came from outside the door, and asked Antonio to quickly pack up and prepare to welcome his friend.

"Antonio, I haven't seen you for so long, I almost don't recognize you."

As soon as he entered the door, Speaker Crispi looked at Antonio who appeared in front of him and exclaimed. Because the Antonio in front of him is very different from the money in the past few years, how could the previous Antonio be so dark, and there are too many wrinkles on his forehead.

Facing the surprised expression of his friend, Antonio was not surprised, he replied directly. "In East Africa, it's hard not to get a tan, but nothing has changed."

"Tell me quickly, what have you done over the years, and there has been such a big change. Although I have received a lot of letters from you before, I would like to hear the content other than the letters."

Facing the curious friend, Antonio replied immediately. "As you wish, let's sit down and talk."

Seeing that the two were going to have a long talk, the others winked at the door and left.

Antonio then briefly told his friends about his experiences over the years. In his narration, Speaker Crispi learned that his friend had traveled all over the East African colonies over the years, even Abyssinia and Mahdi. He had also been to the front line of the kingdom's war several times, and he was so shocked that he called his friend how courageous.

At the same time, he asked curiously. "The Mahdi Kingdom and Abyssinia are still at war?"

Facing the friend's question, Antonio answered. "Yes, the war is still going on, but their war is a little different from ours."

Antonio then explained to his friends how the ongoing bad battle was fought. It turned out that the two countries fought and stopped each other in the disputed Tana Lake area. Every year when the slack season came, the two countries played a game in the Tana Lake area. If they won, they could grow crops here for a year. leave.

Hearing the duel-like battle made Crispy exclaim it was an eye-opener.

After a pleasant conversation, Crispy suddenly said in a serious tone. "Antonio, this time His Majesty called you back to Rome, you should know what happened."

Seeing that his friend was talking about serious business, Antonio answered with the same seriousness. "Know some general information."

After hearing Antonio's answer, Crispi continued. "This summoning is very important. If Your Majesty is satisfied, it will be logical for you to take over. But what are your plans for how to make His Majesty make a choice?"

In the face of the friend's question, Antonio replied after thinking for a while. "There are some ideas, but I don't know if it is suitable. I wonder if you have any good suggestions?"

Facing Antonio's rhetorical question, Crispi immediately answered. "Actually, there are three candidates for the Governor of Borneo this time, and he will eventually call you to Rome for inquiries. Obviously, Your Majesty needs you. However, Borneo is still the number one tax land, so you need to be more or less clear to Your Majesty. plans for economic development.

According to what I mean, when talking with His Majesty, you need to focus on the term economic development, and then talk about the ethnic adjustment and governance officials that you are good at. "

After listening to his friend's suggestion, Antonio nodded and replied. "This is the same as what I envisioned before, but I am not very good at economic development, and I am afraid that His Majesty will be disappointed by then."

"This is your modesty. What is East Africa? The land is barren and the products are not rich, and even the minerals are few. You can manage this place in an orderly manner, and you can turn over five million lire to Rome, which is already very good."

Facing Crispy's praise, Antonio shook his head. "It's all thanks to sea transportation. If it wasn't for clearing out a few suitable ports, I would really only be able to play in the sand in East Africa."

Then the two talked together for a while, and after a while, Crispi looked at the time and said. "You have to meet Your Majesty at noon, so I won't disturb you. We'll talk after you're done."

"Well, I won't send you out."

The two separated, just like many years ago, without so many polite words.

After Crispy returned to the carriage, he glanced at the room where his friend was, and then said to the coachman. "Now let's go back."

In the room, after his friend left, Antonio sat in a chair and meditated. He didn't wake up until the entourage knocked on the door again.

After getting the news that his friend had left, he picked up a manuscript from his box, which was the manuscript he planned to do in a conversation with His Majesty. The ideas in the manuscript are surprisingly familiar to what Speaker Crispi had talked about before, but now he plans to change it.

This change only took a long time, and when it was almost noon, it was finally done again.

Satisfied, Antonio stretched and relieved his fatigue, and then prepared to meet His Majesty. After doing all this, he suddenly said, "I hope I didn't think too much."

Then he boarded the carriage and set out for the palace.

Antonio stayed in the palace for a total of five hours, and did not leave the palace until the lanterns came on.

Under the attention of many pairs of eyes carried his carriage all the way back to his residence.

Antonio, who returned to his residence, was very fortunate. Fortunately, he revised the manuscript by himself. Otherwise, if the original plan was followed, this position would definitely not fall into his hands. This friend of mine has helped a lot.

The next day, Carlo signed the order appointing Antonio as the governor of Borneo, and at the same time signed the candidate for the governor of East Africa after his transfer.

The new East African Governor was very unexpectedly in the hands of the Minister of the Interior, Sabot, and no one but the parties knew whether it was good or not. Of course, if it is to become the Governor of Borneo, it is definitely a huge improvement.

And with Antonio getting the Governor of Borneo, many ambitious people died as if they were let down.

As for the friendship between Antonio and the Speaker, the friendship has not changed, and the two are still chatting in public.

However, as Antonio travels to Borneo, where there is a need to receive a successor with a different style from the previous governor, I believe they are busy again.

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