My Italian

Chapter 289: 1st Balkan crisis

At a time when Italy only wanted to develop itself, a conflict that had just broken out in the Balkans dragged Italy into it.

Prevoshe is a small village on the edge of the new territory of Saibao. Due to the unclear border line, both countries claim this small village as their own.

Given that both sides claim to own the village, it has also become a small focus for both sides. On an early morning in April, a patrol from Bulgaria found that the Serbs were actually building a sentry here, so they stepped forward to stop it.

Of course, the Serbian army was unwilling to protect the army to stop it, so the two sides were arguing, and they didn't know who had encountered the gun and went off, so an unexpected fierce battle began. In the end, more than 20 people were killed and injured by the Serbian army, and more than 10 people were also killed and injured by the security forces. Then the two armies began to gather here, and a confrontation began.

"Your Majesty King Carlo, despicable Serbs, they shot our patrol officers and soldiers and occupied Prevoshe, which belongs to our country. Now our country needs your help."

Pozniakov, the Bulgarian ambassador to Rome, is urgently calling on Carlo.

Facing the Bulgarian ambassador who was looking for help in front of him, although Carlo already knew the news, he didn't want to give an answer right away.

"Ambassador Pozniakov, as friends who have worked together, we will not sit idly by about the situation you mentioned, but please rest assured, I will call the ministers to discuss it."

After sending off the Bulgarian ambassador, Carlo immediately called the Foreign Minister Bakona. "What's the matter? I remember that the Bulgarians didn't suffer. They still have an advantage. Why are they so anxious to ask us for support?"

Facing the king's questioning, Bacona immediately explained his confusion. "Your Majesty, according to the latest news, both Greece and the Ottomans have just expressed their strong opposition to Bulgaria's invasion of neighboring countries, and Romania has also condemned this act."

Bacona's words immediately changed Carlo's complexion. This situation was too unfriendly to Italy.

Except for Italy, Bulgaria is surrounded by enemies in a circle.

For this reason, Carlo was a little puzzled, "I know that the Sehi and Bulgaria have disputes with Bulgaria in the Macedonia region, and the Ottomans are unwilling to lose so much territory, so why is Romania like this?"

In fact, what Carlo said has been very euphemistic. What is the dispute between Bulgaria and Sehi? Since Bulgaria acquired most of the Macedonia area, the relationship between the two countries and Bulgaria has turned sharply, and the newspapers of the two countries are talking about it every day, saying Bulgaria invaded the interests of both countries.

Influenced by the domestic media, many radicals from the two countries often cross the border to the new Bulgarian territory to make trouble. And this has attracted Bulgaria's repression, so the resentment of the people of the two countries against Bulgaria is getting deeper and deeper. (There are two Sehi ethnic groups in the Macedonian region of Bulgaria. Radicals in the two countries used this to make trouble, and Bulgaria's repression was also triggered. This is a pain for the Sehi ethnic groups in Bulgaria.)

And this time the conflict between Cypriot and Serbia in Prevoše is also an open-faced outbreak of these ethnic issues. No matter who is right in this conflict, the time has come to take sides and it is clear that Greece and Ottoman are on Serbia's side.

Even Romania, a somewhat unrelated country, stood opposite Bulgaria, which was something Carlo couldn't understand. Is it true that all Bulgarian diplomats are pigs, they can't see the situation clearly?

Facing Carlo's question, Bacona immediately explained. "Why Romania stood opposite Bulgaria is mainly a matter of Greater Bulgarianism..."

In Bacona's account, Carlo finally understands why Bulgaria pushes Romania to the opposite side, and it is the Great Bulgarianism to blame. Great Bulgarianism, which tried to incorporate Macedonia and Thrace into its own territory, reached a new peak immediately after Bulgaria gained north-central Macedonia. The Great Bulgarianism, which was very popular in the country, has since become the consensus of the vast majority of Bulgarians, who are eager to see Bulgaria return to its former glory.

It's just that they didn't notice the increasingly ugly faces of the neighbors Romanian.

As the strongest among the Balkan countries, Romania is extremely vigilant towards Bulgaria. On the one hand, Bulgaria has a special relationship with Russia. On the other hand, after annexing most of Macedonia, Bulgaria has become a challenger to Romania, the strongest country in the Balkans.

So Romania stands on the opposite side of Bulgaria, which is a matter of course. No one wants to see that their neighbor is too strong, let alone that this neighbor may have ulterior motives. Don't think that the Romanians are unfounded. Historically, Bulgaria has become strong, and the Romanians living in the lower Danube have not been hit by autumn winds.

"It's not going to be easy now."

Carlo immediately thought of something and continued to ask. "And what about the attitude of other countries to this?"

Of course, Bacona knew that His Majesty was asking about the attitude of the foreign powers, and immediately said. "At the moment, no other country except Russia has made a statement, and the Russians are calling for restraint."

Yes, the conflict between Cyprus and Bulgaria is very difficult for the Russians. Both sides of the conflict are regarded as little brothers to Although the little brother of Bulgaria is awkward from time to time, but because of the special relationship between the two countries, it can barely be regarded as Russia. sphere of influence.

In the current situation, what else can Russia do other than call for restraint on both sides, favoring either side will surely offend the other side.

As for the other powers not taking a stand, they want to take a closer look. There is also a possibility that they are waiting for participating countries to select teams.

Although other countries can wait, Carlo understands that Italy cannot wait.

But before that, Italy must figure out the attitude of one of the countries.

"Bakona, send a telegram to the United Kingdom and ask the other party's attitude towards this conflict."

Yes, what Carlo wanted to ask was the attitude of the British. Although Britain has few interests in the Balkans, it has not shown much interest. But when it comes to containing Russia, the British Empire is not as careless as it seems. They must have had their own ideas, and Carlo wanted to know London's opinion, because Italy was equally reluctant to see Russia profiting from the conflict.

As for the attitude of another stakeholder country, Austria-Hungary, he can also guess a few points. It is nothing more than waiting for others to come to ask for themselves, because this conflict is also an opportunity for Austria-Hungary. Although the two countries are allies, it is impossible to say that Vienna is not interested in seeing the huge benefits that Italy has reaped in the Balkans.

Of course, no matter what others do, Italian interests in the Balkans must be protected. For this reason, Italy cannot, like other countries, sit back and watch.

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