My Italian

Chapter 289: balkan arbiter

"My Italian Deli (!

The British reply that Carlo was waiting for came quickly, and he was informed the next day, but the news was somewhat unexpected.

"Do the British really say that?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, our ambassador heard this reply from the British Prime Minister."

The reason for Carlo's surprise is very simple. The British reply was that the British Empire did not want to see conflicts in the Balkans, which would lead to regional disasters, so the British Empire hoped that the situation would calm down as soon as possible and give the region a peaceful and peaceful environment.

The British looked exactly as he had imagined, but the feeling of surprise after a complete guess made Carlo have to make sure.

Since the British also have this attitude, then the next step is much easier.

He picked up the phone in front of him and ordered. "Invite Marshal Cadorna and Admiral Gorek, and the Prime Minister, I have something to look for."

That's right, since the attitude of the British is the same as he thinks, Carlo intends to make a move as soon as possible. Taking advantage of the fact that Italy is still in the Balkans shortly after the end of the war, let the Balkan countries know Italy's attitude, lest they make misjudgments.

As Carlo summoned important military and political officials to discuss until midnight, the plan was soon introduced.

The next day, Italy announced that it would conduct naval and land military exercises in Kosovo and the Aegean Sea. In terms of the content of the exercise, the army quickly dispatched troops to stop the conflict in the region, and the navy blocked the maritime transport trade in the region. The meaning of the exercise is that everyone can understand.

It can be said that when Italy announced the naval and army exercises, it represented a strong warning from Italy.

In Sofia, Bulgarian military and political officials were worried about the possible situation, and the audience cheered when they got the news that Italy announced the exercise.

Popkov, the Bulgarian foreign minister, was even more excited to say, "Thanks to the Italians for their selfless help."

Yes, as foreign minister, Popkov is very diplomatic. The first time the Serbs picked things up, he felt that something was wrong, and then Greece and Ottoman quickly followed up, which made him worry about the situation in Bulgaria. Especially after being blurred by the attitude of Russia, which is the biggest backer, I felt a chill in my heart.

Even the most radical is the military. Before that, he did not dare to say that he could defeat the possible siege of several countries.

It is also in this situation that Italy stands strong for itself, which is why Bulgaria is cheering for this.

Isolation and dependence, the treatment is different.

And amid the cheers, as Prime Minister Stambolov, worthy of the title of Bulgarian Bismarck, he said immediately. "With the help from Italy, we should immediately respond to each other's good deeds, and take this opportunity to mention the railway from Pristina to Sofia with the other party. Our country is willing to raise its own funds to build this railway together with Italy. "

Yes, his words are also a commonplace. Previously, the prime minister used the benefits of the Thessaloniki railway and port to lure Italy into his platform to obtain the entire Macedonian plan. Because the harvest was not as expected, it ended without a hitch, leaving a small crack in the relationship between the two countries.

Now Prime Minister Stambolov is keenly observing that this is a good opportunity to mend with Italy. This opportunity is very likely to win a quasi-ally for Bulgaria, although this may not be successful, at least it can take the tiger skin of Italy to buy time for Bulgaria.

This crisis has cooled down a bit from the fanatical national self-confidence in Bulgaria. The external environment was so bad that they didn't realize that this mistake needed to be corrected.

Just as Bulgaria was reflecting on itself, several other countries that had also received warnings from Italy had the opposite attitude.

As the other side of the conflict, Belgrade is very dissatisfied with Italy's position.

"These Italian chops again, what a good thing Bulgaria has done to support these **** Bulgarians so tirelessly."

As the winning party in this conflict, Serbian Prime Minister Grujic is very dissatisfied now. In front of a room full of military and government ministers, he directly swears.

God knows how much Serbia has paid in order to unite the countries against Bulgaria. Prime Minister Grujic's heart bleeds every time he thinks of it.

Of course paying so much, but also because Serbia got more. In the secret negotiation plan of several countries to deal with Bulgaria, Serbia will get most of the Macedonian territory, while Greece will get a small part of the territory of Macedonia due to its strength and the psychology of stealing chickens (South Macedonia, especially Thessalonica is still there in the hands of the Ottomans).

As for the Ottomans, they will acquire the strategically important Adrianople to protect the capital Istanbul, which is not a loss.

As for Romania, because the reasons for sending troops have not been negotiated (a bit like watching dishes), the conditions for obtaining territory from Bulgaria have not been negotiated for the time being.

As for the powers of various countries that may intervene, the participating countries have also been responsible for appeasing them, except for Italy. The reason for not appeasing Italy is a bit ridiculous, because the expulsion of Italy in the new territory has made all participating countries believe that now Italy does not have the energy to participate in the operation against Bulgaria.

Of course, among them, Italy has a good relationship with Bulgaria before. They are worried that they will not be able to come up with the conditions to buy Italy, or they are reluctant to spend a lot of money to buy Italy. If they can't negotiate, they will leak news and lose the opportunity.

That's right, everyone is going to gamble on the fact that Italy doesn't have time to intervene.

However, it is clear that with Italy's tough statement, the already great situation immediately turned sharply. (Serbia has started secret mobilization)

However, the Serbs did not intend to die like this. The first time they made a statement in Italy, in addition to complaining, they also wanted to ask the opinions of their allies. After all, if several countries hold a group, then there is also the strength to make Italians jealous. Serbia has paid so much for this, it can't be all in vain.

"What do our friends say now?"

Seeing the Foreign Minister rushing over, Prime Minister Grujic asked immediately.

Facing the expectant eyes of everyone, Foreign Minister Jeremiah said with a frustrated expression. "The answer Athens gave us was that they couldn't take the risk of going to war with Italy."

Jeremiah's remarks made the scene mourning. They didn't expect Greece to be so unfrightened, and they would be counseled by one move from Italy.

In fact, Greece also has its own difficulties. If you look at the terrain of Greece, you will know that Greece is afraid of maritime threats. Although the Greek navy is quite good among the Balkan countries, compared with Italy, it is completely crushed. You must know that Greece's maritime trade is very powerful. If Italy really intervenes, other countries don't know, but Greece is definitely the one that suffers the most.

The risk is the highest if the harvest is not large, as long as people with normal IQ will never do it. If Greek Prime Minister Trikupis agrees, then a proper Serbian traitor will burn Greece to light up Serbia's future.

Although the Greeks were cowardly, Prime Minister Grujic still did not give up, he continued to ask. "What do the Ottomans say?"

Facing the Prime Minister's continued questioning, Jeremiah's face became even more ugly. "Istanbul said they did not believe in our strength."

You read that right, the Ottomans were not optimistic about Serbia's strength. The brave and fearless Serbs in World War I were despised by the Ottomans who were even worse at that time.

However, it is normal to put the time into the present. You must know that Serbia has only fought one war before, and that is the Cypriot War. The sneak attack from behind was beaten, which is why Osman is not optimistic about Serbia.

Maybe you can say that I have become different. But what's the use of it, can you show the results? If you can't come up with it, it's just empty words. Who can't speak the vernacular.

If the three play Bulgaria, Osman is still very confident. But if you add Italy, it's another story.

In the eyes of the Ottomans, if Italy did intervene, it would be just a replica of the previous war.

Serbia and Greece acted as the Austrian Balkan garrison, while the Bulgarians only needed to garrison Adrianople with heavy troops, and then it was up to the Italians to surrender the two countries, and then the situation in Istanbul.

Since you have already failed a fiasco, why try again?

Besides, the Ottomans also have many problems at present. Since a large number of troops were wiped out in the previous wars, the Ottomans also need to rebuild their own armed forces. Although an advisory group was invited from Germany, and the captured soldiers have been released, the loss of a large amount of equipment is not a small loss, which requires a lot of money. Tax increases and borrowing are also essential.

There are also doubts about whether the people in the country who are unwilling to bear the burden can accept the tax increase from the nobles. Borrowing is also a problem. Which country to borrow from, how much to borrow, how to allocate the loan, and what to use as collateral, a lot of problems involve a lot of energy.

In addition, because of this defeat, the tribes in the Arabian Peninsula also began to move, and many people had other thoughts.

These are all things to pay attention to, so it’s okay to say Osman plays a side drum as a supporting role, but forget it if you want to be the protagonist.

Both Greece and the Ottomans backed down, and this time the Serbs are really blind.

As the Prime Minister, Jeremiah can only speak helplessly. "Send a message and say we'd like to sit down with Bulgaria. Also, I'll announce my resignation when it's over."

That's right, Serbia paid so much and got nothing, someone needs to be held accountable for it. There is no better candidate than him as Prime Minister.

With Serbia's statement the tense atmosphere over the Balkans was washed away.

Countries have returned to normal, but among countries, Italy's weight has increased a bit.

Of course, Italy's performance in the Balkans was also seen by other powers. However, for various reasons, they are inconvenient to stand on the platform, and this crisis will give Italy a chance.

Therefore, it can be said that Italy has become the mediator of the Balkans for various reasons.

But in any case, Italy has contributed to the people of the Balkans, saving them from the catastrophe of a war.

Whether they want it or not.

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