My Italian

Chapter 644: Ottomans declare war

The impact of the Sirte naval battle was not limited to the military, nor did it only affect the countries participating in the war. The impact of this naval battle far exceeds the perception of the countries involved.

After the war broke out, as the core city of the Black Sea Strait, the only channel leading to the Black Sea, Istanbul was extremely prosperous.

However, although the Ottoman Empire has enjoyed the dividends brought about by the war, the Ottoman people are not satisfied. Because Ottoman was humiliated, it is true that Britain detained two Ottoman battleships, and did not give the Ottomans enough respect at all.

Look at Chile, which was also conscripted by the British for warships. Britain not only gave it compensation, but also promised to return the warships after the war. Moreover, if the battleships were lost during the war, the British government would give sufficient compensation, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

After looking at the conditions given to Ottoman, he forcibly recruited Ottoman battleships and drove off the Ottoman sailors who were about to receive them. There was no compensation, and he only promised to return the battleships after the war. As for how to compensate for losses in the war, there is not a single word.

The generous conditions for the Chileans are so harsh for Ottoman. Although Chile is a traditional ally of the United Kingdom, and Chile's saltpeter mines are also very important, this cannot be a reason for the United Kingdom to insult Ottoman. True, the Ottomans considered this a deliberate humiliation by the British.

In fact, did Britain humiliate Ottoman? There is actually a misjudgment here, a misjudgment by the British and Russian governments. They believed that the Ottoman government would participate in this war, and if the two battleships were delivered, they would become naval weapons against the Allies.

You must know that Russia has no dreadnoughts in the Black Sea at this time, and Britain and France are still facing the threat of Italy and Austria in the Mediterranean. At this time, giving the Ottomans two battleships is not an enemy.

The main reason for this misjudgment is the huge pro-German forces in Ottoman territory. The four giants of the Shabaab, headed by Grand Vizier (equivalent to the Prime Minister) Ahmad Riza, Minister of War Enver, Minister of the Interior Talat, and Secretary of the Navy Jamal, are all pro-Germans.

In addition, Germany has a large military advisory group in Ottoman. These professional German general staff officers were regarded by the Ottomans as military mentors, so the Turkish army accepted the guidance of German officers in terms of strategy and tactics, and appointed German officers as the chiefs of staff of the armies and armies. A Turkish army led by the Germans.

Because from all aspects, the Ottomans wanted to be Germany's allies, let alone give him the warship.

Faced with the British's seizure of the warship, the Ottomans expressed protest, but this kind of diplomatic protest could only be used to wipe their **** and London ignored it.

In this case, the Ottomans naturally couldn't bear it.

At this time, the German ambassador to Constantinople took the opportunity to propose a treaty to the Ottoman Big Four to conclude the German-Turkish alliance. Due to the long-standing conflict between Ottoman and Tsarist Russia, coupled with the fact that its army has long been influenced by the German military mission headed by Sanders, coupled with the pro-German stance of the Big Four.

Therefore, on October 13, Germany and the Ottomans signed a secret alliance treaty, which allowed the Ottomans to stand in the Allied camp.

Some people may ask, why did Ottoman join the alliance and did not declare war on the Allies, but remained neutral?

The reason is simple, that is the lack of preparation of the Ottomans, coupled with their hesitant and greedy nature, led to this situation.

The lack of preparation is simple. Ottoman is an agricultural country, 85% of the country's population is engaged in agriculture, and it does not have the ability to arm millions of people.

Ottoman's standing army was only 250,000 under German training, and its military industry could only produce a small amount of weapons, most of which needed to be imported. This also caused the Ottoman military to be unable to store a large amount of weapons and equipment, so its military power capability was very weak.

As for greed, let me say one more thing. After the Ottomans signed the alliance treaty with Germany, they also secretly contacted France and Russia, but because they had their own ghosts, there was no result. (Russia has always wanted Istanbul, and France needs Russia to contain Germany from the Eastern Front, let alone offend Mao Zi.)

It can be seen from the actions of the Ottomans that although there are passive reasons for their wanting to participate in this war, the main reason is to seek benefits.

There is another idiom that can describe the country of Ottoman, who cherishes his life when he does great things, and forgets his life when he sees small profits.

Some people may say that Osman didn't show any move to change his family after joining the war?

You can only say that you are too naive, because since he participated in the war, the Allies have been ready to dismember him. Looking at the dismemberment plan of Ottoman after the end of World War I in history, if Kemal hadn't played a big role, the tuji would have been even more horrible.

As for now, taking advantage of Italy's great victory in the Sirte naval battle, the Germans want to dispel some ideas that Ottoman shouldn't have.

As for why Germany is eager at this time, the main reason is that the Eastern Front is not playing well. After winning the Battle of East Prussia, the German army fought the Battle of Ivangorod and the Battle of Lodz one after another. Although the Russian army's desire to spy on Silesia was dispelled, the pressure on the Eastern Front did not decrease at all. As the commanders of the German army on the Eastern Front, Hindenburg and Ludendorff hoped that the General Staff would increase their troops.

However, at this time, because of the occupation of Paris, Germany had no idea of ​​deploying troops on the Western Front at all, and could only deploy some newly formed troops (mostly returned to the Western Front).

Then the Ottoman Empire, which can disperse the pressure at this time, becomes important at this time.

"Everyone, this is the best condition our country has won for you. For this condition, our country has negotiated with Vienna and Rome for a long time before we can win it for your country."

In the Grand Vizier's residence, Mr. Bachmann, the German ambassador to the Ottomans, was handing over a document to Ahmed Riza.

"Your Excellency, please sit down for a moment, we need to discuss."

Ahmad, who took the file, asked him to wait a moment, saying that he needed to discuss with the other three.

"It's okay, I can wait."

After expressing his willingness to wait, Ahmed asked his servant to serve him tea and then went to the backyard, where the other three had already been waiting.

"It's the Germans coming up with new terms."

After putting the document in his hand on the table, Minister of War Enver immediately picked it up and read out the German conditions. "Germany is willing to provide 100,000 1888 Committee rifles, 500 Maxim machine guns, 15 million rounds of machine rifle bullets, 210 artillery pieces of various types, 8,000 tons of shells, 300 radio sets, and telephone lines..."

This is an armament worth 120 million marks, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

After the general fire was finished, Enver continued to talk about the more important division of the spoils. "If Ottoman joins the alliance, Germany, Italy and Austria will promise to acquire Georgia, Cyprus, and Russian Armenia for the Ottoman Empire. In addition, the German government will provide the Ottoman Empire with a loan of 80 million marks for people's livelihood..."

After Enver finished speaking, Ahmed looked at him and said. "Enver, do you think the terms of the Germans are acceptable this time?"

"Teacher, I think Germany is very sincere this time. These are the territories we lost. As long as we can win, it will just make the people feel enough national self-confidence. And it seems that Germany has great hope of winning. In addition, our army is almost ready."

Enver's words are obviously optimistic about Germany's victory on the battlefield.

As the most military-savvy person among the Big Four and the successor of Ahmad, Enver's words carry a lot of weight.

"I also think it is acceptable."

Home Secretary Talat voted in favor.

"I think so Well, all three agree.

Now that everyone has agreed, Ahmed, who is the leader of the Ottoman Youth Party and Grand Vizier, will naturally not object. "Since everyone agrees, then I will go to see Ambassador Bachmann."

As soon as he stood up, Ahmad felt dizzy and his body shook.

"Be careful, teacher."

Enver, with sharp eyes and quick hands, immediately stood up and supported Ahmad.

"It's okay, it's just an old problem, the future depends on you."

Ahmed patted Enver on the shoulder and walked out.

On January 15, Ottoman announced to join the alliance camp, and then declared war on Britain, France and Russia, and the alliance had new members.

(end of this chapter)

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