My Italian

Chapter 643: German's change

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The battle in the Sea of ​​Sirte is not only concerned by the countries involved, but also affects the hearts of the whole world.

Long before the two sides exchanged fire, all countries set their sights on this sea area. After all, Saba's clear-coded telegram was too amazing. Everyone knew that a naval battle was bound to break out.

Of course, no matter what the countries think, when the results of the naval battle were announced, there was still an uproar. Although the Allies on the British and French sides used strategic victory as a cover, other countries saw this as a defeat, and no matter how they explained it, it could not be changed.

Of course, for the navies of various countries, this naval battle in the Sirte Sea was too exciting, enough to analyze too many things.

First of all, in terms of overall tactics, the British Navy is not doing badly. The warships were secretly dispatched to the south for reinforcements, and the French battleships were also joined together, so that before the outbreak of this naval battle, the entire tactical layout of Britain and France was actually dominated by Britain and France.

If it hadn't been discovered off the coast of Libya, there might be another result waiting for the Italian-Austrian joint fleet. Therefore, at the tactical level, the British Navy showed its sophisticated side.

But no matter how good the strategy and tactics are, it needs enough execution and a little bit of luck. In terms of execution, the British and French fleets are actually not bad, but their luck is a little bit worse.

Of course, this further shows the genius command of Lieutenant General Lefer, the commander of the joint fleet.

Take the combined fleet out of port from the beginning, and make Britain and France lose their whereabouts. Then, after discovering the British and French reinforcement fleet, they decisively moved forward to stop the British Mediterranean fleet that wanted to join.

Among them, the great role of the airship is also fully displayed, although the airship has shown its adaptability to various tasks on the battlefield, such as combat, transportation, and reconnaissance. However, naval battles use airships to fully grasp the perception of the battlefield. This is the first time this tactic has appeared in front of everyone.

It is precisely because of the ubiquitous figure of Italian airships that every move of Britain and France is presented to the opponents. It can be said that it is precisely because of the existence of the airship that the Italians can deal with it calmly.

It was also after the end of the Sirte naval battle that the navies of various countries expanded their airship forces one after another, and at the same time let the airships practice battlefield reconnaissance.

Of course, the enlightenment brought by this naval battle is not limited to airships. The two lightning strike tactics in the naval battle are also amazing, especially Lefer's use of lightning strike tactics. Severely damaged the Mediterranean Fleet, let it sink four battleships of the Mediterranean Fleet before the reinforcement fleet arrived, and then walked away, causing the British to lose their wives and lose their troops.

Of course, the navies of various countries have different experiences in learning this naval battle, but if you want to say which navies are the most anxious, it is the German navy.

There are people coming and going in the Admiralty of Berlin. As the second largest navy in the world, it is naturally extremely busy.

At this moment, a car stopped at the entrance of the Admiralty Building, and then three generals wearing general stars came down.

At this moment, an officer stepped forward immediately. "Admiral Ingenuel, Lieutenant General Scheer, Major General Hipper, the Marshal is waiting for you, this way please."

It turned out that the three who got off the bus were the three commanders of the High Seas Fleet.

Soon the three were taken to Tirpitz's room.

"Good day Marshal."

"All sit, all sit."

After a brief greeting, Tirpitz looked at the three generals in charge of the German navy in front of him.

"Our ally Italy fought a beautiful naval battle in Sirte, so His Majesty summoned me and asked about the situation of the High Seas Fleet."

Although Tirpitz said it easily, how could the three present not be clear? His Majesty must have summoned something at this time, but no one interrupted the speech of the founder of the High Seas Fleet.

"I understand what your majesty means. This is exerting pressure. However, your majesty doesn't know what a naval battle looks like. So I want to ask the three of you, is your fleet ready?"

Why did Tirpitz ask such a question, didn't the warships of the German High Seas Fleet fight with British warships in the North Sea?

Yes, that's right, the German Navy did fight the British Navy several times in the North Sea, but these fights were between small and medium warships. The most intense time is when the two sides patrol the formation, fire two guns to say hello, and then cover the retreat of the destroyer and cruiser. That's right, the High Seas Fleet and the Home Fleet are so civilized, so far.

The main reason for all this is that both parties have concerns. The local fleet is worried about not having enough advantages and is afraid of accidents, while the High Seas Fleet is on the one hand because of the British's great reputation at sea, and their own thinking is not in place, coupled with insufficient pressure. .

We must know that the original intention of the establishment of the High Seas Fleet was to build a fleet that the British Navy would not dare to act rashly. Although the German navy was gradually changing its thinking after Italy's persuasion before the war, but the thinking is not so easy to change. It can be seen from the various actions of the German Navy since the start of the war that it still has not got rid of this kind of thinking.

As for the lack of pressure, it is very simple. Unlike in history, Germany has been at an advantage since the beginning of the war. On the land battlefield, the western front directly captured Paris, and the eastern front also defeated Russia's offensive.

Although Austria-Hungary performed well as usual, there is one more Italy who can share the pressure on land and sea.

It is precisely because of this that the German navy is under less pressure.

Although the pressure is less, how to put it, there are advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, it is really good to have a capable ally, but if the ally is too good and you have not achieved outstanding results, then the pressure on it will definitely not be more than before, let alone an emperor who has high expectations for him.

In fact, there is another problem. Wilhelm II likes the navy and at the same time vigorously develops the navy. Although it has the meaning of suppressing a dominant army, if the navy fails to achieve outstanding results on the battlefield, then after the war, what will happen to the German navy? manage?

Rewards for meritorious deeds are common in all countries. The German army has built a great reputation on the battlefield. Why should the navy compete with it for funds in the future if it has no achievements.

While this may seem a bit implausible, it already takes into account the situation after the war. But it's not impossible, but very likely. This is not nonsense, but Tirpitz figured it out from the Kaiser's remarks and himself.

This is why he summoned the three commanders of the High Seas Fleet.

"Marshal, all officers and soldiers of our High Seas Fleet are ready."

As the head of the High Seas Fleet, Admiral Ingenuel replied.

"Very well, since that's the case, then I hope that my High Seas Fleet will prepare for a good fight with the British in the next three months."

"As you order, Marshal."

Facing Tirpitz's order, what could the three present say, of course they could only agree.

Seeing that none of the Big Three of the High Seas Fleet had any objections, Tirpitz asked at this time. "Do you have a suitable location?"

At this time, Hipper, the commander of the battle cruiser formation, said How about the Dogger Sandbank? I lead the cruiser formation and often encounter British warships here. We can pretend to attack the British mainland again. actions to lure the British over to fight. "

The Doger Sandbank is located in the southwest of the North Sea, with an average water depth of only 13 meters. There are abundant fishery resources here, and the shoal area is a traditional working area for German fishermen.

Of course Tirpitz also knew its location. "This position is good, you can make pre-war preparations first."

After obtaining Tirpitz's consent, the High Seas Fleet began to get busy.

The first is the reconnaissance of this area. German small and medium-sized warships and various airships began to frequent the North Sea.

The British side was wary of the frequent actions of the Germans in the North Sea, and was unwilling to see the other party's unscrupulous behavior, so the North Sea was very lively for a while. Small-scale battles between the two sides occurred from time to time. Among them, several battles between airships took place in the sky over the North Sea.

The battle between airships is more dangerous than warships, and the movement will cause death or injury, making the smoke in the North Sea even more intense.

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