My Italian

Chapter 673: Battle of Nice (2)

The Principality of Monaco is one of the four principalities in Europe. However, compared with other principalities, Monaco is more controlled by other countries. That's right, it's the French, and France's peeps at Monaco are simply naked.

Not only took away the ownership of the two towns of Menton and Roquebrune in Monaco, and reduced its territory from 20 square kilometers to 1.98 square kilometers, but also fully respected the premise of French political, economic, navigation and military interests exercise sovereignty.

In addition, the Grand Duke of Monaco also signed a treaty with France in 1910 stipulating that once the head of state dies without male descendants, Monaco will be incorporated into France.

As for why it is earlier than history, it is necessary to ask the pressure Italy put on France. After Germany and Italy clearly showed hostility, the pressured Paris had already expressed impatience with the small territory of the Principality of Monaco in the Nice area. Therefore, during the second Moroccan crisis, this naked condition of wanting to annex Monaco was thrown on the face of Albert I who had just succeeded to the throne.

Facing the naked intention of annexation by the French, Prince Albert I of Monaco can only pin his hopes on his children. Yes, as long as there is a male heir, the Principality of Monaco will always exist.

As for why we say Monaco, because now it has become a battlefield. Monaco was in flames at this time, and the coastal strip was being bombarded constantly.

The heavy artillery regiment from the 18th Army and the Southern Front Army strengthened the artillery coverage of the 18th Army, so that the French officers and soldiers stationed here could only hide and shiver in the anti-gun holes.

As for the artillery counterattack, the French artillery did not dare to move at this time, because the artillery formation led by the Kamal six kilometers away from the coastline was preparing for a counterattack while shelling.

The 210, 150, 120, and 105mm naval guns on this formation, with the advantage of high multiples, are enough to shoot at a range of more than ten to twenty kilometers.

How can the 75mm rapid-fire gun equipped by the French army compete with it.

After the French artillerymen were beaten black and blue, they no longer believed in 75mm rapid-fire guns. Now it purchases, collects, and builds large-caliber artillery everywhere, even museums. But now the French army does not have many artillery pieces above 100 mm, and these artillery pieces have to give priority to the Battle of Paris, and there are not many French troops on the Italian-French border.

There is no way to compete with the artillery in the hands of the Italian army, so the artillery is saved for a more useful time. This is a pain for the leading infantry, and now they can only wait for the Italian bombardment to end.

Suddenly a roar came from the sky, and the expressions of the French officers and soldiers hiding in the anti-blasting holes changed.

A French soldier said, "Damn it, these devils in the sky!"

It is the Italian DF-3 aircraft that is called the devil by the French officers and soldiers.

Speaking of which, after the outbreak of the war, airships shined during this period, and their brilliance even covered up another type of aircraft at the same time.

That's right, it's the plane. Due to the short range and high failure rate of the aircraft at this time, the aircraft can only perform reconnaissance work, and its tactical application is extremely limited. Therefore, when an aircraft is used in the military field, its performance is naturally not as good as that of an airship.

But this is only for other countries, for Italy, under the guidance of someone, the gadget of the shooting coordinator was quickly designed.

With the shooting coordinator, the best shooting method for the pilot, the nose-forward shooting, was conceived.

The DF-3 aircraft is currently the top work of the Italian aircraft manufacturing industry.

The aircraft has a total length of 6.9 meters, a height of 2.7 meters, and a wing length of 8.7 meters. The aircraft weighs 690 kg and has a maximum take-off weight of 950 kg.

Its aircraft engine is the Siegel II radial engine researched by the Siegel and Power Laboratory, which has a maximum horsepower of 200 horsepower. This horsepower can propel the aircraft to 195 thousand per hour.

And this also allows the maximum lift-off height of the aircraft to reach the limit of 4,500 meters.

Judging from the performance of this aircraft, it has reached the standard in the middle and late stages of the original historical World War I.

Let me add one more thing here, due to the early invention of the aircraft, the research on aircraft in various countries started early. At present, the general performance of aircraft in various countries has reached the level of the original World War I. Even so, Italy is better than other countries with years of heavy investment.

As for why the French officers and soldiers were shocked, it was because of the two Maxim machine guns on the nose of the DF-3. The 1,000 rounds of ammunition it carries are enough to shoot the ground more than ten times.

As for why it is an airplane and not an airship?

The reason is simple. After the French army was attacked by airships in the early stage, they quickly developed anti-aircraft guns. Although this is just a small-caliber gun with a longer barrel, it is enough to hit an airship. However, airships that can hit targets with large and slow speeds are not enough for small and flexible aircraft.

After the sound of the aircraft engine rang through the French position, the explosion extended to the rear of the position.

At this time, the French observation post saw the enemy.

"Quick, the enemy is attacking."

Amidst the shouts of the sentries, the French officers and soldiers entered the position one after another, preparing to meet the Italian attack.

The officer, on the other hand, is much more busy. While commanding the soldiers to defend the position, he has to pay attention to the situation in the air.

At this time, a fierce battle is about to start in the Monaco area, and the officers and soldiers of the two sides will also start a **** fight.

The war was not unique to the Monaco region. From Monaco on the coast to the Lombard Pass, the Italian army launched a fierce offensive from the south of the border between the two countries.

Although it is a full-scale attack, the two countries are competing for Nice, which is dominated by mountainous areas, which also leads to so many lines of attack. At this time, the two sides are fighting around various passages, the most intense of which is the Bro Mountain Pass.

Bro Pass is located five kilometers west of Sospelle in a straight line. This pass is the only way from Sospelle to Les Calènes. As long as you get here, do you go to Nice or to Conte or Levantour? Can.

At present, Italian and French officers and soldiers are fighting fiercely at this mountain pass.

"Mortar, destroy the opponent's machine gun positions."

At the halfway up the southern peak of the mountain pass, the Italian army officer in charge of directing the attack kept giving orders.

Under the order of the officer, several soldiers quickly set up the mortar, and at the same time the mortar position was also built.

"Peng Peng Peng ~"

After the test firing, several consecutive shells destroyed the firepower of this machine gun.

After solving the offensive obstacles, the offensive began again. At this time, the distance from the enemy's position was only 500 meters. After the team's light machine gun was erected, it began to suppress the firepower of the enemy's position.

At this time, the mortar also fired smoke bombs.

That's right, it is smoke bombs. Using mortars to fire smoke bombs can block the enemy's sight and provide convenience for attacking troops. Although the mortar team that followed the attack carried a limited amount of ammunition, it carried at least one-third of the smoke bombs. This is a commonly used offensive tactic by the Italian army. It uses smoke to obstruct the enemy's line of sight in order to reduce casualties of soldiers.

After the smoke bomb was invented a few years ago, the Italian army began to study its use, not to mention a lot of This seems inconspicuous to a gadget rich in offensive and defensive tactics, but The effect is remarkable. Therefore, machine guns, mortars, various grenades, and smoke bombs have become the most trusted weapons for Italian offensive soldiers.

As the elite 11th Army of the Italian Army, this tactic is even more handy.

But despite this, Lieutenant General Kavilia, as the commander of the 11th Army, did not take it lightly. Although the attack of his troops seemed to be going smoothly, the terrain here was really terrible.

The location of Buluo Mountain Pass is composed of four mountains, which are divided into four peaks in southeast, north and west. Among them, the east peak is the shortest, the south peak is next, the north peak is the second, and the west peak is the highest. They are distributed in a diamond shape.

The road from Sospelle to Les Calaine first goes south to the foot of the East Peak, then bypasses the valley inserted between it and the South Peak, then goes all the way between the South Peak and the North Peak, and then goes west through the West Peak , and then down the valley to Les Calaines. A large number of words appeared.

Therefore, conquering the South Peak is nothing, and the road to Lescalen can be considered only after conquering the West Peak. And Lescalen is only the first town that the 11th Army needs to conquer, and he has three towns to conquer next.

Of course, the offensive and defensive battle at Bro Mountain Pass is also the most difficult point, because there are two French army divisions stationed here. With superior firepower and a series of new weapons such as aircraft, Lieutenant General Kavilia is still very confident in conquering the Bro Mountain Pass.

However, the speed of conquering is the key. Time can quickly threaten the flanks of Nice, and it can also help the friendly forces in other places to relieve pressure. If you are slow, you are waiting for others to help you.

How could Lieutenant General Kavilia, who is the commander of the 11th Army, not be clear about the gap.

At this time, Lieutenant General Cavillia already had the idea of ​​​​a quick breakthrough, and it was time to wait for the opportunity.

(end of this chapter)

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