My Italian

Chapter 674: Battle of Nice (3)

General Ebert, the commander of the French Sixth Army, attached great importance to the Italian army's attack on the Nice area.

The newly appointed Admiral Ebert, who had previously served as a commander in the colonies, later became the deputy commander of the 3rd Army as the war broke out. He was appointed as the new commander after the Sixth Army commander, Admiral Decaciterno, was transferred to reserve due to the loss of the Savoy area.

After he took office, he spent a month to find out the situation of each army and division. After figuring out the situation, Admiral Ebert started his own defense plan. First, he transferred three divisions from troops with good combat performance as his reserve team. Additional fortifications.

In his words, it is to ensure that every piece of land in Nice must be defended. To do this, he split up the militia as well as a divisional force. After mixing them together, more than one hundred battalions were formed, and then they were arranged in dangerous places on various bridges. It was clear that his intention was to use these forces to slow down the Italians and buy himself more time.

In addition, he also ordered that when the enemy's offensive cannot be resisted, every unit that retreats last should destroy key road facilities such as bridges, docks, and tunnels.

Obviously, Admiral Ebert's plan is to resist and consume the enemy steadily, and then use the inside advantage to push back the enemy.

It can be said that this Admiral Ebert has something, and looks more capable than the previous Admiral Decaciterno. Of course, any battle plan has its shortcomings, and Admiral Ebert's plan was no different.

As for the shortcomings in his plan, Admiral Ebert is also well aware, but under the current circumstances, this method is already the best choice.

The Italian side also has some understanding of Admiral Ebert's plan. After all, such a major change wants to be hidden from the past. How is this possible, unless the Italian intelligence department recruits blind people.

However, if you want to crack the opponent's arrangement, you still have to look at the capabilities of the frontline troops.

At this time, the battle at the Buluo Mountain Pass was extremely fierce, and the fighting between the officers and soldiers of the two sides around the North Peak never subsided.

"Quick, get into the trenches."

A French officer, with a sling on his left hand and brandishing a pistol with his good right hand, gave orders to his soldiers.

At this time, the soldiers in the anti-blasting hole kept running out, while the officer was counting silently in his heart.

thirty five



The numbers are correct, consistent with the previous post-battle numbers.

After everyone came out, the officer said loudly. "I just received an order from the regiment headquarters. After our 3rd company has finished fighting this enemy attack, other troops will take over our position, and then we will be withdrawn to Conte for repairs. At least when our company is replenished Before, there will be no more fights."

The officer's words shocked the hearts of the soldiers on the ground. They had only one-fifth of their squadrons left before the battle broke out. Such a huge casualty was enough to drain their blood.

So at this time, everyone was very excited when they heard the news that they could retreat. Although they knew that they might not survive the last battle, at least this was everyone's hope.

At this time, in the battle at the Bro Mountain Pass, although the French army had a terrain advantage, the Italian army had advantages in numbers and firepower, which made the French officers and soldiers overwhelmed. In addition, they are facing the elite Italian 11th Army, which is far superior to the defending French army in terms of skills and tactics, and other aspects.

Therefore, after several days of fighting, the 11th Army successively conquered the mountainsides of South Peak and West Peak. At present, only the top of the mountain is guarded by the French army. At present, the casualties of the French army on the top of the mountain have suffered from several attacks, and their losses are not small.

As for why there are so many casualties, there is no friendly army to take over?

Because the troops of the French army, except for the troops that cannot move, have already taken turns.

At this time, the officers and soldiers of the 11th Army who were attacking were rushing towards the top of the mountain.

"Rifle fire."

Amidst the shouts of the officers, the soldiers raised their Lebel M1886 rifles and opened fire on the attacking Italian army. Dense and clear gunshots sounded from the position, and dozens of Italian soldiers who attacked fell down.

Some people fell silent when they fell, and some screamed in order to make a sound. However, these screams soon attracted medical soldiers wearing red cross armbands, and these wounded soldiers received simple medical treatment immediately.

And this casualty was not noticed by the attacking officers and soldiers at all, and they continued to attack the enemy's position. And as a support weapon following the infantry's attack, it is of course impossible to see French officers and soldiers firing at their comrades unscrupulously. So the machine guns and mortars were quickly set up and opened fire on the French positions.

"Da da da…"

"Boom boom boom..."

The intertwined firepower of machine guns and mortars defeated the French army. The attacking soldiers even took advantage of this good opportunity to speed up and run.

"Machine gun, fire to suppress the enemy."

Seeing the enemy rushing up unscrupulously, the officers on the ground hurriedly ordered the machine guns to suppress the enemy.

After being attacked by machine gun killer mortars many times, the French officers and soldiers were also smart. They no longer use machine guns to point out the opponent's position from the beginning, but try to use the machine guns at the critical time, and even the placement of the machine guns is mainly concealed. After all, the machine guns used by the French army are all heavyweight.

Take the Saint-Etienne M1907 heavy machine gun encountered the most by the Italian army as an It weighs 26 kg, not counting the tripod, which is very unfavorable for the transfer of the machine gun. Of course, the current heavy machine guns in various countries are similar, and they all belong to heavyweight players.

Of course, after being hit by new weapons such as light machine guns and mortars from the Allied forces, the French army also lowered their proud heads and is stepping up their research and development. However, in view of the occupation of the two major industrial areas in France and the flames of war, the development of some equipment relies on allies or purchases from other countries.

For example, on the light machine gun, the French army purchased the Danish Madsen light machine gun, and even bought a patent to produce it by itself. This is unprecedented in history. This shows how much the French army has lost. They can't wait for domestic arms manufacturers to develop it, and they directly buy patents and produce it themselves.

On the other side of the position, the firing of the machine guns indeed suppressed the attacking Italian army, but the machine guns that fired soon attracted the attack of the mortars. After continuous attacks, the sound of the machine guns on the position became sparse.

The wave of attack was set off again, and the officers and soldiers of the attacking Italian army rushed to the position bearing the casualties.

At this time in the sky, an airship is slowly cruising in the sky. Above it, four DF-3 aircraft were circling, apparently protecting the airship. It can be seen from its posture that this airship must have a big man.

That's right, on the airship, Lieutenant General Kavilia, the commander of the Northern Front and the commander of the 11th Army, was watching the battle in the distance with a pair of high-powered binoculars.

"The North Peak is about to be captured."

At this time, Army Commander Cavilia turned his gaze from the binoculars back into the airship, looked at the communication staff officer in front of him and said. "Give orders to the airship troops and commandos to make the final pre-war preparations."

After hearing the words of Lieutenant General Cavillia, the communication staff officer was shocked, and then saluted. "Yes, Commander."

(end of this chapter)

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