The top 100 guild leaders all expressed their gratitude to Huang Ying, and everyone took this opportunity to discuss the future again.

Han Fei did not participate in the meeting. He still had important things to do.

Quietly leaving the happy community residence, Han Fei sent the black and white fragments he brought out from the nightmare on the eleventh floor to the central square.

The game helmet in the eleventh-floor nightmare is made up of black fragments. After the dream dissipated, a considerable number of fragments were left behind. This time, it was enough for No. 2 to spell something out.

Entering the No. 2 box, Han Fei couldn't find a place to stay because there was a thick layer of materials on the ground.

"Just step on it, I've read all the information, it's worthless." No. 2 seemed to have sensed Han Fei's existence a long time ago, his expression was serious, and he looked at Han Fei with a strange look: "Are you absorbing Han Fei in a nightmare?" What is it?"

"How do you know?" Han Fei hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem, he sat next to No. 2: "No. 0 and I seem to have some kind of connection with the consciousness of the first-generation ghost. In the eleventh-level nightmare, I Absorbed the blood of the first ghost."

"The blood of the first ghost..." No. 2's eyes flashed a trace of sympathy. This child, who is smarter than his brain, rarely expresses his feelings, so any slight change of expression on his face will make Han Non feel disturbed.

"What happened? After absorbing the blood of the first ghost, my fate was changed?" Han Fei asked.

No. 2 pursed his lips, hesitated for a while, and then looked up at Han Fei: "Your fate is gone."

"Even you can't see through my fate?"

"No." Number two shook his head: "You will soon usher in a real death, your soul will be scattered, and all traces of the world will be erased, as if... never existed."

Hearing No. 2's words, Han Fei was stunned. He had just learned the secret of the first ghost and got help from Fu Sheng's eldest son. Everything seemed to be improving, but No. 2 suddenly said that he would die.

"My life has entered the countdown?"


"It doesn't matter, just die as long as you die, just do your best while you're alive." Han Fei spread out his hands without feeling any fear.

"I thought you would ask me, how long can I live?" No. 2 didn't expect Han Fei to be so calm. Death, disintegration, and being forgotten by everyone couldn't shake the young man in front of him.

"It's meaningless to know the exact date. It will only increase fear. It's better to fight to the end and not regret it even if you die." Han Fei held the black and white pieces in both hands and tried to put them together, but the pieces Belonging to different people, there is simply no way to fuse them using brute force.

"Actually, even if you ask me for the exact date, I won't tell you." Number two seemed a little tired. He leaned on the back of his chair and said as if talking to himself: "From the time you entered Fu Sheng's eldest son Since the beginning of the shrine, the fate of many people in this city has been changed, dreams are no longer reserved, and the most vicious, unspeakable, will do his best to deal with you."

"I won't sit still." Han Fei's eyes were burning with greed, his ambition drove him forward, his dream was going to kill him, and he also wanted to let the dream go away.

No. 2 saw what Han Fei was thinking. He opened his mouth to say something, but after thinking for a while, he changed his mouth again: "I have made mistakes too, so the fate I see may not necessarily be the future. But there is one thing that can Surely, Meng's revenge on you has already begun."

As soon as No. 2 finished saying this, Han Fei received a message from Bai Xian, hoping that he would go to a hotel near Xingfu Community immediately, as a guest from afar came looking for him.

Putting down the black and white fragments, Han Fei covered his body with a black robe. He was about to leave when No. 2 said again: "You'd better go back to reality sometime."

"Back to reality?"

"The easiest way to kill you is not to do it in the deep world, but in reality. Dream will do everything possible and you may have been targeted."

"When I'm done, I'll quit the game."

"By the way, I ask the Deep Space Division

The person in charge of technology "borrowed" a small box that transmits information, and the information in it can help you. "No. 2 handed a brand new white box to Han Fei: "I checked almost all the nightmares above the third floor and found the information of most of the nightmare owners. Some of their family members are still alive. You can use this information to contact them. them."

"What's the use of finding those people?" Han Fei took the white box: "Do you want to integrate them all into the game?

This is a huge project. "

"Nightmare is scary, but it is also a bridge between life and death. It allows them to see each other and arouses their conscience and humanity." No. 2 stopped talking and signaled Han Fei to leave.

Hurrying back, there were players all around the happy community, and the guests who made an appointment to meet Han Fei obviously didn't want to be discovered by the players, so they chose another place to meet.

Knocking on the hotel door, Han Fei quickly felt something was wrong. There was a faint smell of blood in the air. Even with the heater on, the temperature in the hotel was much lower than outside.

"Han Fei, this way!" Bai Xian arrived ahead of time and led Han Fei to room 001.

Behind the wooden door was covered with blood, and the seriously injured Paradise Ghost Manager and the dead building residents and paper money merchants stood inside the house.

"Why are you two here?" Han Fei still wanted to let the ghost management take charge of the overall situation in the paradise, but he didn't expect that he would follow the passage to the shallow world.


The unspeakable in the world attacked us, the passage was almost taken away, and the night watchman lost an arm. "The manager of the ghost had a bad expression on his face. He seemed to have returned to the time when Xinhu first faced a catastrophe many years ago.

"Is it Meng's attack?" Han Fei frowned. As soon as he broke the rules of the nightmare, he immediately started to attack the unspeakable in the deep world. Both sides were very decisive without any delay or hesitation.

"It's not a dream, but the dream is coming soon." The ghost manager pushed the businessman to the front, and the money-loving businessman took out a handful of paper money from his huge pocket, and then took out a few more with hatred Oil paintings: "These paintings were given to you by the painter in the plastic surgery hospital. You can experience them yourself."

Han Fei picked up the first oil painting, and the scene in the painting appeared around Han Fei. He saw the night sky in the deep world was stained red with blood, and wild laughter enveloped several areas Han Fei occupied.

But outside those areas, a terrifying aura loomed in the darkness, and dream dust was flying on the horizon farther away, and a huge wave of dark nightmare was coming from the core area of ​​the deep world.

Picking up the second painting, Han Fei saw a tall and thin man standing at the entrance of the paradise. Everything on his body was blood red, and his whole body seemed to be made of blood.

Zhuang Wen, who was hated, only fought against him once, and his soul and body were torn apart. Zhuang Wen paid a huge price, but the blood man was not injured, but the curse of the dead building brought him a little trouble .

The indescribably terrifying aura on the man turned into blood mist, and all the buildings shrouded in mist seemed to have life, turning into monsters controlled by the blood man.

The defense line outside the paradise was torn apart, and the blood man was not suppressed until the power of the manipulative laughter manipulating the paradise shrine.

Unfortunately, at the same time, a giant black beast climbed up the skyscraper. That monster seemed to represent the bestiality remaining in the hearts of all living people. It was violent, angry, and extremely aggressive.

The big ghost and Teacher Li Xue joined forces to barely stop it, fighting to the death, the giant beast was not seriously injured, but Li Xue's teacher was bitten off an arm.

What was even more frightening was that the wound after being bitten by the giant beast could not heal, and Teacher Li Xue's hand seemed to be sealed forever in the stomach by the giant beast.

Then Han Fei picked up the last oil painting, and the butcher's house in Animal Lane was converted into a small restaurant.

There are no customers, no cooks, and no ingredients in this late-night restaurant, just a shrine built with curses.

Compared with the shrine of Fu Sheng and Gao Xing, this shrine is like a newborn child, the marks of the gods have not been branded, and the face of the statue is also very blurred.

"Xu Qin?" Han Fei remembered that he seemed to have casually told Xu Qin before that he wanted to be with Xu Qin.

She opened a deli, he didn't take it seriously, but Xu Qin firmly remembered that sentence.

There is a gloomy and cold atmosphere spreading in the oil painting. Outside the restaurant in Animal Alley, there is a vague shadow standing. No one can see its body, but can only feel the various negative emotions emanating from it.

This shadow is also an unspeakable person, attracted by the curse on Xu Qin, so it stares at the shrine that is still under construction in the restaurant.

If the blood man hadn't arrived in time after laughing wildly to frighten the blood man away, Xu Qin's shrine would have been destroyed by the shadows.

"The three are unspeakable?" Han Fei looked at the painter's oil painting, clenched his hands tightly, and his finger bones creaked.

For the ghosts in the dream and the deep world, this is just a mutual temptation.

The dream body has not yet appeared, and all of Han Fei's family background has been exposed. The next time waiting for Han Fei and the others may be real destruction.

Han Fei broke the shrine placed by Meng in the shallow world, and Meng was about to retaliate in his own deep world. The storm was coming, and the huge waves were raging, vowing to flood the paradise.

"According to my guess, it only takes three nights at most for the dream to come over. Based on my understanding of it, as long as it determines its target, it will bite hard and never let go. So you don't have any chances, you must Be prepared to confront the dream head-on." The ghost manager also knew that Han Fei was under a lot of pressure, but he had to tell Han Fei the truth: "You have to hurry up and destroy the shrine that Meng placed in the shallow world, and don't let the bereaved The living people trapped here become your burden, but find a way to make them your help."

"I'm working very hard to win them over."

"Not only them, but also those people in reality." Ghost Management is a contemporary existence of Fu Sheng. He is very clear about the way the paradise operated at that time: "No matter what your final choice is, at least you are protecting reality now. People in the world have come to this point without being disturbed by ghosts and gods, so those who are protected by you should help you!"

"You want me to borrow the power of reality like Fu Sheng?"

"Don't underestimate the beliefs and obsessions of living people. We can only have a chance to get through the difficulties now if we strive for all our strength." The ghost management looked at Han Fei seriously: "I am not here to let you go back to the deep world to help, but Let you do your own thing as soon as possible, destroy all the shrines in the dream, and get more help in reality."

"Can people in reality help us fight dreams?" Han Fei still remembered the nightmare of Fu Shengzi. When Fu Sheng sacrificed himself to seal all the passages, the living people on the ground betrayed him without hesitation and broke the agreement.

"The reason why dreams are so powerful that people are afraid is because they can grow infinitely, continuously collect nightmares, raise nightmares to gain power, and the source of this power lies in reality. If we can put those who have fallen into nightmares

If they are rescued, the power of the dream will be weakened. Saving one or two people will have a very slight impact on the dream, but what if hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of people are helped to get rid of the nightmare? "Ghost Management put his hands on Han Fei's shoulders, and he looked at Han Fei's face: "Now only you can change, don't be blinded by the darkness of this world, use these eyes to chase the light."

The ghost manager explained to Han Fei earnestly that he knew how crazy people would do for profit, and he also knew that Han Fei chose a different path from the previous owner of the black box, so he was worried that Han Fei would deviate from the original path and be forced to destruction.

"Let the businessman stay here. The three oil paintings he brought have the painter's hatred and talent attached to them. The patterns on the oil paintings will change constantly. You can see the scenes of the deep world through those oil paintings."

After everything was said, the ghost management was ready to leave, he had a way to pass through the gray fog of dreams, and he could not be found.

"It's hard to weaken Meng's strength. That guy is the best at manipulating people's hearts, and he won't let me get it easily." Han Fei also thought that what Ghost Management said made sense. After sending messages to Huang Ying and No. 2, Then I started looking for tasks in the main city.

A few hours later, Han Fei's exit button successfully lit up, and he hid in the No. 2 box and left the game.

Bloody came, Han Fei felt very comfortable when he exited the game this time, the bloody covering the whole city echoed with the blood in his body, just like

Like Han Fei and this bloody world are one.

Before he had time to feel it carefully, Han Fei had already returned to reality. He took off the game helmet, and the moment he pushed open the door of the game warehouse, the scene in his nightmare seemed to become reality.

His room was full of living people, including the police, high-level personnel with deep space technology, and many professionals.

"It's exactly the same as the anonymous message we received! Han Fei is the only player who can quit the game!"

"He sent the fake data from the deep world! His game warehouse was activated during the data backup!"

"Does this mean that the other reports in the anonymous message are also true?"

"The black box left by the late chairman of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical was stolen by him! The third super criminal hidden in Xinhu is him!"

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