My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 990 Is My Life Always This Desperate

In the nightmare, Han Fei's game warehouse is the most desperate place in Xinhu, and the warehouse is full of dead people.

In reality, Han Fei opened his eyes and found that his room was full of living people, but these people made him feel less kind than the dead.

His brain was running fast, and Han Fei calmed down in a few tenths of a second, and what the people said just now came to mind.

"Anonymous message? Report? Black box owner? Data transmission?"

"There are police officers in plain clothes living around my room, as well as Du Jing's confidant Assistant Tao. If these people did not have evidence that can convince the police, it would be impossible for these people to enter my room."

A few clips flashed through his mind, and Han Fei remembered the last time he helped Deep Space Technology transport materials, bringing the situation in the shallow world to Deep Space Technology.

At that time, the information in the white box was downloaded to his game warehouse. It should be this step that caused him to be detected by Deep Space Technology.

In fact, when Han Fei decided to send the message, he was ready to be exposed. He just didn't expect Meng to act first. Through various methods, it seemed that he wanted to shape him into a super criminal.

In a short time, Han Fei made a guess. Meng not only launched an attack in the deep world, but also set traps in reality. The vicious ghost was not going to leave him any way out. "Han Fei, I'm sorry, you may need to come with us. This matter involves the lives of four million people." People from the police station are also there. They are not here to arrest Han Fei, on the contrary they It was to protect Han Fei.

In order to prevent Han Fei from doing irrational things, the police also transferred Li Xue, whom Han Fei was most familiar with, to escort Han Fei all the way.

"Why can't everyone go offline? Only he can?"

"This room is so suspicious! It doesn't look like an actor's room!" "We need an explanation!"

Han Fei ignored the people around him. He transferred the list and information given by No. 2 into his mobile phone, then removed the various lines, picked up the heavy game helmet, and walked out of the game room: "I can leave with you, Under investigation."

"Everyone retreats beyond the cordon! The second and third groups open the way! Prepare to transfer the target!"

The sirens sounded, and the roads in the old town were blocked. After the experts and relevant people from different companies left, Li Xue took out a whole set of camouflage suits from his backpack.

"What? You want me to abscond?" Han Fei took the suit designed for police casual clothes.

"Are you still in the mood for joking? Do you know that in just one night, you fell from heaven to hell. How much people liked you before, now they hate you because they feel cheated." Li Xue whispered Communicate with Han Fei and help Han Fei change clothes in person.

"I didn't think people liked me that much before, and I never cheated anyone." The clothes Han Fei took off were changed by a policeman next to him. The other policeman covered his head and left with the two policemen. After he left, another team of heavily armed policemen came out from the next room. Their clothes were different from ordinary policemen.

"Deep Space Technology has just received a report letter, and the content has not been made public, and it has started to target you on a large scale on the Internet. The public opinion has changed overnight. There must be something manipulating behind it." Li Xue had a brief exchange with the police leader. After that, he directly opened the insurance with the gun: "You have a close relationship with the Xinhu police, and you are our most valued witness. It is also generally believed on the Internet that you are our informant. In this case, it is not only important to portray you as a super criminal. It can put you to death, and it can also destroy the prestige of the Xinhu police. Except for the three major criminal organizations, I can’t think of anyone who has the motivation to do these things.” “It seems that you are sober, I thought you You won't trust me." Han Fei changed his clothes and said, "When are we going to leave?"

"Wait a minute, the three major criminal organizations may take action against you tonight, they suddenly seemed to be crazy, and completely changed their target." Li Xue looked at the time on the communication device, silently waiting for the scouting team's response Report.

A few minutes later, Li Xue still didn't receive a response, and she suddenly felt bad: "Contact the second and third groups immediately! The vehicle transporting the false target turns around immediately!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a deafening roar sounded in the street! Several times in a row, all the glass in the apartment was shattered.

Looking from the window towards the direction of the explosion, the flames rushed into the night sky and the street outside was almost set on fire!

There was no response from the communicator, only the horrible sound of burning flames could be heard.

Looking at the burning street in the distance, Han Fei remembered that the day after he got the game helmet, the street where he bought the helmet was burned down.

"If I got into the car just now, my body would have been burnt together with the car by now."

It was the first time he brushed shoulders with death in reality, but Han Fei didn't feel any fear in his heart. He was used to death.

"You can't stay here for long! Let's go in two groups!" The rest of the police took Han Fei downstairs. Half of the vehicles in the community compound were arranged by the police. They have a very strict control here, and those criminals are also It is because there is no opportunity to attack, so the explosives are hidden in the outer streets ho

Sitting in the police's spare vehicle, they drove out of the flames and left quickly.

The fire ravaged the neighborhood, screams and fierce gunshots sounded behind, the three major criminal organizations and the believers of the dream began to exchange fire with the police, and everyone seemed to be crazy.

"During the time I entered the game, what happened to the outside world?" Han Fei asked Li Xue, but the other party shook his head slightly and gave Han Fei a look.

Looking in the direction indicated by Li Xue, Han Fei found that this seemingly ordinary car was equipped with all kinds of

With the monitoring of the location and the top security defense device, this car is like a cage that can move.

The window of the car was opaque and he could not see the outside world, but Han Fei's memory was far superior to that of ordinary people, and his five senses were also very keen. A road map of the old city emerged in his mind, and he determined his location bit by bit.

The sound of gunfire and explosions gradually disappeared, and Han Fei was also sent out of the old city by a police car.

An hour later, the vehicle stopped, and then Han Fei felt that the vehicle was slowly descending, as if the entire vehicle had been sent into the elevator.

The sound of password verification and the sound of neat footsteps came from outside the car window, and then the car door was opened, and two teams of security personnel in special uniforms stood around the car, surrounding Han Fei who was holding a game helmet.

After going through two security checks, Han Fei and several police officers were led into a long metal corridor with an elevator at the end.

"Floor 33."

The voice of her leader came from Li Xue's communicator, and the elevator started after all the staff completed the identity verification.

When the elevator door opened again, several policemen and Han Fei came to the final destination, a huge conference room.

This should be the interior of a building in Smart New City, a place that only those in power can enter.

"That's your place."

The lights were all on, illuminating every corner without any blind spots, and the conference room was already full of people, many of whom could only be seen by ordinary people on TV.

Not only Deep Space Technology and Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals, almost all the leaders affected by this crisis were present.

Four million players were trapped. At the beginning, they spoke boldly and issued a military order to complete the rescue within 48 hours. Now it has been several days, and the situation has not improved, but is still deteriorating. Every day, a large number of players are brain-dead, hoping to become Getting slimmer.

Meng and its believers are good at manipulating people's hearts. When despair begins to spread, they use all means to arouse negative emotions in ordinary people's hearts, subverting the city step by step.

In such a critical situation, the giants in Xinhu suddenly learned that Han Fei can quit the game at will, and people from the three major criminal organizations cooperated with the public opinion to say that Han Fei is a super criminal who planned everything, so of course they will desperately control Han Fei Don't worry, because Han Fei is the perfect scapegoat, he is a tacit agreement between "evil" and "justice".

Walking to his seat and sitting down, Han Fei put the game helmet on the table and scanned the big figures in the conference room.

They are the administrators of this city, chosen by the times

The lucky ones, each of them can write a best-selling book on success, and they were the ones who betrayed Fu Sheng a long time ago.

"Han Fei, my name is Kong Tiancheng. We have met before, but I didn't expect our reunion to be in such a form." Kong Tiancheng, the general director of Deep Space Technology "Perfect Life", got up slowly, and briefly In a few days, half of his hair has turned gray. He has an inescapable responsibility for such a big problem in "Perfect Life".

Seeing that Han Fei didn't reply, Kong Tiancheng turned on the virtual projection screen in the meeting room: "We have checked all the information about you. The information about you before the age of six was destroyed by Yongsheng Pharmaceutical, and the special files about you in the police station were destroyed by yours. Teacher, destroy, what secret is hidden in you?"

Terrible images began to appear on the projection screen. It was a series of murders that Han Fei assisted the police in solving. Most of these murders were related to Butterfly, but the anonymous reporter identified Han Fei as Butterfly and provided a lot of so-called "evidence" .

The whistleblower believed that Han Fei was the butterfly, and he did this to clear himself of the suspicion. It was precisely because Han Fei was a butterfly that the police had not been able to arrest the butterfly until now.

Those false evidences were very real, including some videos and voices of the victims before they were alive. They didn't name Han Fei, but everything was based on Han Fei. These methods are simply impossible for ordinary people, only unspeakable dreams can be accomplished.

"Your citizen danger assessment value is always zero, you can always arrive at the scene of the crime before the police, and you can even identify the murderer through some fragmentary information on the Internet, as if you have appeared at the scene of the crime a long time ago, It was like witnessing a murder."

Kong Tiancheng was still calm, but some people in the conference room could no longer bear the pressure and became extremely impatient. They triggered the personal projection screen in front of them, allowing Han Fei to see the anger of the "citizens".

Under the guidance of some caring people, Han Fei, who was once regarded as a police informant, became the leader of the mob that caused chaos.

They systematically analyzed that even if the family members of the victims who were really helped by Han Fei wanted to speak out, they would be ridiculed and insulted by a group of irrational people. They believed that the family members of the victims had already forgotten their original intentions after taking Han Fei's money , or think that the family members of the victims are also actors.

They act as if they understand the disaster itself better than those who have experienced it.

When the storm hit, the clear water of the lake was muddied, and the first thing to tear apart in the dream was Han Fei's people's hearts in reality.

The families of the four million trapped players also hoped that Han Fei could give an answer. They wanted to find out why only Han Fei could quit the game. This was the most crucial point.

As time goes by, more and more "secrets" about Han Fei are exposed by anonymous people. Most people are not interested in the plot of being brave, but they like to see that the hero who once acted bravely turned out to be a murderous maniac. the plot.

The cornerstone of public opinion that once supported Han Fei was destroyed, and people who felt deceived even went to leave messages attacking in the public praise column of the police website.

Meng did not do this to protect those

Citizen, it wants Han Fei to see clearly and see what he is desperately protecting. What Meng really wants is to make Han Fei start to waver and arouse Han Fei's desire for destruction and despair.

If you want to be a hero, then I will turn you into a demon that everyone scolds.

If you want to protect those ordinary people, then I will let those ordinary people push you away.

People in this era are easily angry. When Xinhu is in crisis, restless souls urgently need a place to vent their dissatisfaction. They don't need to care about the truth, they just need a target.

No one would speak up for Han Fei. The police were fighting against the three major criminal organizations with all their strength. They were using their lives to protect the city, but they were also the targets of attack.

The top big companies that have been seriously affected will not specifically refute Han Fei's rumors. They themselves do not know the truth, and they need someone to divert the anger of the people. Han Fei is simply the best candidate.

The three major criminal organizations forced Han Fei to the "altar". If the four million players are really unable to be rescued later, those big companies may

He would take advantage of the opportunity to bleed Han Fei, then turn his head and kneel down to worship the statue of Meng.

"You're in a dangerous situation right now, so I want you to be honest."

Kong Tiancheng frowned, and used his authority to turn off the private projection. Everyone in the huge conference room looked at Han Fei.

Putting his hands on the table, Han Fei scanned the faces that were either familiar or unfamiliar, and he spoke lightly.

"Did I do anything to hurt innocent people?" Recently, the transcoding has been serious, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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