My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 991: Three Days

Meng forged all kinds of vague evidence, pushed all the crimes on Han Fei, and wanted to shape him into a second butterfly.

Many people present knew better than Han Fei how wronged he was, but these people still didn't point out that they needed a scapegoat, that's all.

"It was I who brought out the information about the trapped players in the game, and I was the one who handed over the technical difficulties encountered in the main city to the police. You guys grasped this point and determined that I was the only one who could exit the game freely Players. But have you ever wondered why I risked my biggest secret by doing such a stupid thing?"

Han Fei's tone was very flat, without anger, and without any fluctuations in mood. He seemed to be used to such things.

"I can quit the game freely. The life and death of the four million players has nothing to do with me. I can live alone, but I didn't do that. Until the moment before I was brought by you, I was still trying to bring the players out." Han Fei took out his mobile phone and opened the list given to him by No. 2: "Even if I knew that doing so would reveal my secret, I still chose to continue. This is the second information sent by the trapped players. "

What Han Fei said made sense, but in this world, no one would listen to anyone who made sense.

"Why are you the only one who can quit the game?" The general manager of Sanqi Network Security Company didn't care what Han Fei said at all. Did you find the box? Did you use that box to escape the supervision of the brain? If you hand over the box, we might be able to discuss a solution together."

Looking at the greed in everyone's eyes, Han Fei smiled like this, the way he always smiles before killing people in the deep world.

Some people tried their best to protect it, while others tried their best to extract benefits for themselves.

"That's right, what you are looking for is in my head, the secret of the rise of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical, the meaning of "Perfect Life", the key to open the brain and dreams, everything you want is here, but Even if you get it, do you have the life to study it?"

Han Fei's eyes stopped on the face of the general manager of Sanqi Network Security Company. His eyes were cold and menacing, and every word seemed to carry a terrible curse, which made the general manager who was used to storms break out in cold sweat.

"Four million players are trapped in the game, and a large area of ​​brain death may occur at any time. The three major criminal organizations have launched a fierce attack on the brain, vying for the control of the smart city. Are you still thinking about seeking benefits for yourself?" Han Fei retracted his gaze. , He no longer paid attention to the "big men" in the conference room, but looked at a surveillance camera directly above the conference table.

"You people have enjoyed the dividends of the times, and you take stability as a matter of course, but if the rules you made are broken and a force overturns the poker table, can you still sit here glamorously?"

Han Fei didn't say these words to the people in the conference room. Since he entered the conference room, he discovered something.

It is impossible for things like this involving the core secrets of Xinhu to be captured by surveillance cameras. Neither the black box nor the redistribution of benefits can be made public. But this conference room not only installed a large number of surveillance cameras, but also holographic imaging equipment.

Those machines are all in normal operation, and they are projecting everything that happened in this meeting to another place.

Looking at those who participated in the meeting, most of them have appeared in public before, and they are the people in charge of the top big companies in Xinhu.

Having been with Huang Ying for so long, Han Fei has also got to know the top managers of Xinhu. Those who are really at the helm rarely make high-profile appearances, and they are always hidden behind the scenes.

Han Fei can be sure that there are still people who are paying attention to this "special meeting" all the time. Those talents are the targets that Han Fei needs to persuade. Some things are known in the data.

Fu Sheng was forgotten by everyone, but the records about the deep world and disasters are still there, only blocked by some insiders.

"Do you think that just relying on those psychopathic killers can organize enough power to subvert the city? The ghosts that were once repelled by the bravest have returned. The number of patients infected with butterfly syndrome in this city has begun to increase rapidly. , there are more and more lunatics with mental disorders and out-of-control behaviors, people who have been abandoned by the times are bewitched by darkness, what your ancestors most worried about is about to happen!"

Han Fei looked at the surveillance camera, his gaze seemed to penetrate the screen, and he saw the people hiding behind the scenes.

"Everything you want is in me, but what if you get it? Four million players will become ghosts, ghosts will emerge from the brains of the living, and all your nightmares will become reality! "

Those who don't know the truth will think that Han Fei is crazy, while those who know the past know what Han Fei is talking about. "I know you don't trust me, and to be honest, I don't trust you at all. I chose a different path from the Fu brothers from the beginning, but now there is no other way out for us except mutual trust!"

What Han Fei said was true, but unfortunately he didn't get any response. The "big shots" in the conference room didn't expect Han Fei to find out the existence of the person behind the scenes, and they were secretly communicating with the man behind the scenes. "I'm the only one who can quit the game. I'll do the most dangerous things. Infamy, death, and despair can all be borne by me!" Han Fei gritted his teeth: "I need time now, give me In three days, I can prove it to you!"

Han Fei didn't report any more hope at all, it only took three days!


All the conditions are already met, you don't need to bleed, you don't need to face the threat of death, you just need to continue to hide behind the curtain despicably like now, and you can keep everything you own! "

Looking at everyone present like a knife blade, Han Fei needed time, even if these "big shots" were unwilling to help him, he had to win three days.

Seeing that everyone hadn't come to a result for a long time, Han Fei seemed to understand something, and he still had an emotionless smile on his face.

"Okay, I understand. But if I can exchange my twenty-odd years of life for the wealth accumulated by all of you for generations, it's worth it."

At one point, Han Fei even had the idea of ​​giving up the passage, which was what Meng most wanted Han Fei to do—fall into darkness, abandon humanity, and completely fall into the deep world.

"I agree with Han Fei's views and support Han Fei's decision." A voice suddenly sounded in the conference room, and everyone looked towards the corner of the round table. Fu Lie, the representative of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical, stood up from his seat: "My father Fu Tian once left According to the will, whoever finds the black box can obtain the original shares of Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals. From another perspective, the black box is the private property of our Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals, and the person who gets the black box is the heir selected by Fu Tian himself."

There was an uproar in the meeting room, no one could have imagined that the representative of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical would say such a thing. Now Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals is controlled by the Fu Jin brothers. According to what Fu Lie said, they are equivalent to giving this huge business empire to an outsider.


The closed door of the conference room was pushed open, and Du Jing and Assistant Tao, who had grown against their age, walked in, followed by two other old men.

"Fortunately, I caught up." Du Jing was still as kind as before, holding a black metal box in her hand: "It happens that everyone is here, so let me be straightforward, Han Fei will become the new owner of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical , His words represent Changsheng Pharmaceutical."

If Fu Lie just surprised everyone, and Du Jing came out to admit it, it immediately made everyone fall into deep thought.

At such a critical juncture, what is the reason for Changsheng Pharmaceutical's sudden statement like this?

As the world's two top technology companies, great companies that set off biological transformation in the last era, they will hand over the company to an outsider because of a will?

This is impossible no matter how you think about it, and there must be some key information that has been missed.

"The black box contains Fu Tian's will, you can read it yourself." Du Jing opened the black box, which contained images of Fu Tian's last few days. will.

The Fu Tian in the video is old and old, completely different from the Fu Tian in Han Fei's impression. The years have left indelible marks on him. He has studied the secret of immortality all his life, but he is not prepared to use the method of prolonging his life on himself. For him, living does not seem to be a happy thing.

Fu Tian has done many things contrary to his brother in his life. Han Fei saw it in the graveyard nightmare. He did not keep his promise to his brother, slaughtered the graveyard, and buried all the alienated villagers alive; after the bloody night, Fu Tian Tian did not stop the personality experiment, but instead selected the second batch of children to try again.

The two brothers were sticking to what they thought was right, until the last moment of their lives, Fu Tian seemed to have changed his mind.

The black box is not on him, but he chooses to use the black box as the basis of inheritance, because he knows that the black box is the choice of that person, the last choice of the person who sheltered him all his life.

After reading Fu Tian's will, Du Jing also took out her own share to help Han Fei get more than 50% of the shares.

"You said that this person is the successor of Changsheng Pharmaceutical?" Kong Tiancheng and the "big shots" present were still a little uncomfortable: "I have never heard of him having any relationship with your company before. He was only in your orphanage when he was young." grow up."

"When a company is extremely unstable and there are various voices, the identity of the successor is a secret that cannot be revealed. After all, only when no one knows can it be ensured that it will not be leaked, so that he can have time to grow up to the present." Du Jing Still kind and gentle, she spoke unhurriedly: "The disaster is coming, the city is about to be subverted, and you are still thinking about how to profit for yourself and how to evade responsibility. Only he stands in front of the disaster. Based on this alone, he Enough to become the new master of Changsheng Pharmaceutical."

Kong Tiancheng, who was contemplating, seemed to suddenly understand something. Yongsheng Pharmaceutical has been using living people and young children to conduct personality tests. The company's top executives were purged, and Fu Jin's brothers were secretly arrested. In this case, if Yongsheng Pharmaceutical wants to survive the crisis, it must change its image before a new disaster arrives, and it must be the first to express its position.

Han Fei said that after the catastrophe breaks out, everyone will die, so he can fight for a chance by supporting him with all his strength; if the catastrophe does not break out, Yongsheng Pharmaceutical, which has huge internal problems, will become fat in the eyes of other top companies if it does not change. The meat was eventually divided.

Rather than dying at the hands of others, it is better to take the initiative to fight for a chance.

Kong Tiancheng seemed to understand Du Jing's thoughts, and he immediately thought of the situation of deep space technology.

Four million players are trapped in the game, and this game is maintained by Deep Space Technology. Their troubles are much bigger than that of Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals. All brain-dead players will be blamed on their company. ah!

"For Deep Space Technology and Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals, a disaster has erupted—." Kong Tiancheng changed his mind quickly, and he quietly contacted the manager behind the scenes of Deep Space Technology, and he got a definite answer after a few minutes.

"Everyone be quiet." Kong Tiancheng stood up suddenly, and switched the "crime" about Han Fei on the projection screen: "We might as well listen to Han Fei's plan first. The situation is tense now, but the more this situation, the more we Cannot be provoked by the enemy."

The two technology giants stated at the same time that Han Fei's identity had also changed, and everyone present finally began to listen to what Han Fei had to say.

"You once promised the public that you would help all players quit the game within 48 hours, but you didn't do it." Sitting in his seat, Han Fei put away his smile: "I don't take up too much of your time, three days I will bring all the players out within a few days, and during these three days, you must fully cooperate with me."

"Three days?"

The "big shots" in the conference room whispered to each other, discussing whether they should trust Han Fei.

"You know better than me how dangerous the situation is. I am the only one who can solve the crisis now. If you detain me or influence me, the final result is that everyone will die together."

Han Fei only needs three days, because the ghost management predicted that after three days

The body of the dream will reach the channel. If Han Fei and Kuan Xiao couldn't stop the dream, the passage would open in three days, and the deep world would be connected to reality again.

"I remember what you said just now - all the conditions for success are in place, can you tell us your plan in detail? And what happened in the perfect life game?"

"You can understand that there has been a rebellion in the brain, and it has started to affect the players by constantly absorbing the dreams and consciousness of living people." Han Fei opened the list in his hand: "I need you to find the ones on the list in the shortest possible time. All of them, equip them with game pods, and let them all log in to the game."

"Now the game can't be exited, wouldn't letting them log in be harming them?" Kong Tiancheng didn't understand.

"Everything is voluntary, but you have to tell them clearly that the people they most want to see in their dreams are all trapped in the depths of the nightmare, and we need their help to save people." Han Fei knew two According to the plan of No. 1, the source of the power of dreams comes from various nightmares. The best way to break the nightmare is to make up for the regret of the nightmare owner.

Let all nightmares disappear, and the power of dreams will weaken. It was difficult to do this before, but "Perfect Life" created by Fu Sheng gave everyone such a chance to make up for their regrets. Recently, the transcoding has been serious, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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