My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 759 Offline Party

The death group chat administrator spoke very terrifying things in a very relaxed tone.

Find the difference Han Fei has played the game, but the picture provided by the administrator is a picture of a person being tortured. Those changes and differences all happened on his body, which is very terrifying.

For ordinary people, looking at this photo too much will cause nightmares, and the administrator also gave Han Fei a minute.

But what the administrator didn't expect was that in just ten seconds, Han Fei accurately stated the twenty-five differences in the picture.

The administrator was surprised by this. They have a complete evaluation system inside. How many differences can be found in a few seconds can detect the degree of perversion in a person's heart.

To find ten differences in one minute can be said to be a psychopath. To be able to find fifteen villains who are already extremely twisted in psychology, and to find twenty-five different people in one minute, is absolutely the ultimate Evil madman.

"Ten seconds? Twenty-five differences?" The administrator was a little nervous. He knew that he was facing a monster far beyond what the world knew.

"Is there a problem?" Han Fei was used to seeing this in the deep world, and he didn't have any fluctuations in his heart: "Is there something else I missed? I repeated it for five seconds and answered after confirming that there were no other differences. "

"You still checked for five seconds?" The administrator didn't dare to ask any more, and he spoke with a lot of respect: "I'll give you a full score for the first game, and there are a few more mini-games later, I think you can try it too. try."

Simply finding different games is not enough to prove that the administrator decided to try more. He sent Han Fei Jigsaw, Peekaboo, Lianliankan and other games successively.

He didn't know that the first case that Han Fei ever encountered was the human body puzzle, and he didn't know that Han Fei had the hidden talent of hide-and-seek. As for the last game of Lianliankan, Han Fei used his artistic appreciation from the underworld to successfully connect a It is a horror work with a very high intention, which combines blood and beauty.

After a few simple tests, the death group chat administrator was convinced by Han Fei. For the first time, he had the urge to worship a person in his professional field.

"Are there any other mini-games?" Han Fei is used to playing "Perfect Life", and occasionally playing such mini-games can help him adjust his life.

"No, no." The administrator sent Han Fei a cute emoji, and he should understand Han Fei's position in the food chain: "We will have a small offline party tomorrow night, many group owners and administrators. It will all pass, do you want to come?"

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you all after I go there?" A trace of cruelty appeared on the sunny boy Han Fei's face.

"Haha, I like your joking style. If you have the ability, just try it." The administrator pulled Han Fei into another group chat. There were only twenty people in this new group chat, and they were all other people. The administrator and group owner of the group chat: "We will welcome a new member to this offline party, and his name is Sunshine Boy."

When other people greeted Han Fei, Han Fei began to use all means to frantically read the information of other group members. These guys are already the backbone members of the death group chat.

Distraction and dual use, Han Fei really found something useful.

Everyone's name in the group is a code name, and the group owner of this small group happens to be called "guinea pig". Han Fei still remembers that Bu Kaixin said that Mr. Xia has been wearing a guinea pig mask.

In addition to the group leader, another management code-named Death God also caught the attention of Han Fei. This person is very interested in singing and art, and every time he kills, he has a sense of ritual.

"I saw a woman wearing a death mask in a killing club. Based on the clues I provided, the police initially locked three people, one of whom was a former singer."

These perverts are accustomed to wearing masks to live, and they are also very good actors, but compared with the master Han Fei, it is not a little bit worse. Through the analysis of speech patterns and behavior habits, Han Fei found more and more evidence that he wanted to lock everyone's identity.

After introducing each other, the original administrator sent everyone a picture: "This picture will be automatically destroyed in one minute. The address and time of the meeting are on it, don't be late."

The picture shows a face-covered teenage girl, her body submerged in black water, with an injured dolphin struggling to hold her up at her feet.

There were five people standing around the girl, a maid with heavy make-up, a gentle white-collar worker, a thug with tattoos, a greasy, ugly and wretched gangster, and a loving and mature adoptive father.

"Who threw her into Dolphin Bay?"

At the bottom of the picture is a paragraph of text, other than that, there is no other hint.

"Dolphin Bay?" Han Fei searched for the place name outside the information cocoon room. It used to be a fishing village, but was later bought by a mysterious buyer.

According to eyewitnesses, they had seen big fish swimming in Dolphin Bay at night and heard moving songs, as if dolphins were calling. The place is set, and then the time.

Han Fei compared the physical features of several people in the picture, and quickly discovered a case of vicious wounding a few weeks ago.

A girl who lived in the outer suburbs disappeared mysteriously. A total of five people went in and out of her room that day, and everyone went in at a different time. "Is there a threshold for this small party? Are you not allowed to participate if you are not perverted enough?"

After watching the pictures, the group members left the group chat one after another. The administrator also reminded Han Fei not to be late, and said that everyone was very optimistic about him.

In fact, the purpose of Han Fei's group is very simple. If he can't catch the tail of the core members, he will become a core member himself and obtain their secrets.

Leaving the gray area, Han Fei cleaned up the browsing traces, took out his mobile phone and called Li Xue.

A few seconds later, the call was connected, and Li Xue's familiar voice came from the phone: "Brother, don't you have to go to bed? What time is it?" "Sorry, I've been too involved recently, and the day and night have turned upside down. "Han Fei told Li Xue about the Dolphin Bay girl case, and the other party gave the answer directly.

"The hooligan voluntarily surrendered, but after our rigorous investigation, we found that it was not that simple, and everyone who entered the room had a motive for committing the crime. The old lady suspected that the girl deliberately seduced her boss and wanted to kill her. The thug has a serious tendency to violence. , that white-collar man had a mental problem and his behavior was extreme. But in the end, the prisoner we arrested was the adoptive father. He had no criminal record and was also a very good person. His ultimate motive for wanting to kill the girl was -- he felt that death was a A redemption for her, so ready to kill her."

"What time did the adoptive father enter the girl's room?"

"At 3:50 in the morning, he was the last one to enter the room." The police investigated in detail, but the case was not made public. If Han Fei attended the party according to the police's speculation, he might be regarded as a pervert by those perverts. People from the police, this is probably also a test for Han Fei.

"I see." After thanking Li Xue, Han Fei asked the other person for one more thing, hoping that the police could help find Bu Kaixin's mother.

After getting the relevant information about Buxin's mother, Li Xue hung up the phone and said that she would give Han Fei an answer tomorrow afternoon at the latest.

Han Fei has now begun to use his hobbies to challenge other people's careers. The most important thing is that he spends more time on cases every day than "professional players".

The sky was already bright, but Han Fei was not sleepy at all. He ate something casually and began to check the information of Ye Xian, the outdated second-tier singer.

Han Fei fought against the woman of death in the killing club, and the other party is the only person who can fight him with a knife in reality so far.

"Ye Xian, his parents are divorced, his mother is an opera singer, and his father is one of the shareholders of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical. He grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth. Bai Fumei, who is famous in Xinhu, is planning to participate in a singing party jointly organized by Deep Space Technology and Yongsheng Pharmaceutical. …”

Han Fei is barely a person in the entertainment industry and the death penalty circle. He doesn't know much about singing. After a simple search, he knew how powerful the song Ye Xian participated in would be.

The novice guide and cutscenes songs of "Perfect Life" need to be replaced. Deep Space Technology and Immortality Pharmaceuticals, together with top musicians, are ready to find the most beautiful singing voice in the world.

With the development of the times, everyone can be a song god with the help of high technology, but singing is essentially a way for human beings to express their emotions. This time they asked to restore the original beauty of singing without using any technological equipment.

Regardless of status or past achievements, everything is only based on singing.

The person selected in the end can not only dub a key NPC in "Perfect Life", but also become the lead singer of the "Perfect Life" promotional song, and gain resources from Deep Space Entertainment.

This concert is huge, all the people can participate, and many professional singers are also gearing up.

"Everyone uses virtual images to participate, and each other does not know each other's identity, but with Ye Xian's strength, she can definitely reach the end, she is a popular candidate for Xinhu to win the championship. I can contact her in this way, See if that Death God woman is her."

After thinking for a moment, Han Fei called Liuli Cat. The cat who was rescued by the devil was very excited when she heard that Han Fei was going to participate in the singing party. into a combination of their own creation.

"You have become a lot more lively recently." Han Fei was very relieved to see the changes in Liuli Cat. Isn't he born and died just to make more people who have fallen into despair smile?

After a brief discussion, the combination of the devil and the cat was established, and Han Fei took his information and took a taxi to the residence of Liuli cat.

He was relatively busy, so the initial audition was handed over to Liuli Mao. He planned to wait until the finals before trying to find a way to contact Ye Xian.

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