My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 760 Emotional Murder Case

"Everyone participated in this singing party as a virtual identity, so you have to get yourself an avatar." After Liuli Mao applied for Han Fei, he dragged Han Fei to the place where he usually practiced singing.

"Virtual Avatars?"

"Yes, you can think of it as a mask. No one knows what kind of face and what kind of person is behind the mask. This is why the song club can attract the participation of all the people." Liuli Mao looked very happy: "There is no shady scene, and there is no black box operation. Everything is judged by singing."

Open the avatar generator, Liuli cat herself is a cat-eared girl, and she is also a virtual idol, so she has a good understanding of these.

"I don't have any requirements for avatars, just like a person." Han Fei casually clicked on a very ordinary male image: "You should be able to pass the preliminary round by yourself, so I won't participate in the competition. I will wait until the finals. Go past."

"Okay, I'll let my friend replace you first." Liuli cat nodded.

"Do you still have friends?" Han Fei was a little surprised. In his opinion, Liuli Cat was a more withdrawn type than him.

"Of course." Liu Limao opened the communication and had to choose a name from the poor list.

After a while, the door of the virtual karaoke room was pushed open, and a red snow leopard with a big tail walked in.

"Kitten, do you have anything to do with me?" She was originally elated, but when she saw that there were strangers other than Liuli Cat, she immediately became a little cramped, and at first glance, the old society was afraid.

"Caibao, my friend and I want to participate in the singing party held by Deep Space Technology, but he doesn't have time for now, can you replace him a little?" Liuli cat took the snow leopard's hand: "In the preliminary round, you don't need to speak. , just play the sand hammer in the back."

"Are you sure?" The big tail of the vegetable bun swayed back and forth: "Will it be exposed?"

She hugged her big tail and looked at Han Fei, her eyes widened as she looked, and finally her body froze: "Han Fei? Han Fei!"

"It's me." Han Fei said with a professional and sunny smile: "This time I participated in the singing party mainly to hunt down the prisoner. You stand on the stage in the bright spot instead of me, and I will find a way to bring the prisoner to justice in the dark. Law."

"You're chasing a murder case!" Cai Bao's expression was different from before, and he seemed to be involved in an amazing thing: "Okay! I'll take care of you!"

"It's been hard work, but I still don't know what to call you?" Han Fei didn't expect that he was so famous now that any netizen knew him.

"My setting is a seal that lived for 300 million years, no, no, snow leopard, because of a natural phenomenon, the clansmen were going to execute Mao, and that day the dish was dyed red Rong Maoyou...  

Cai Bao hugged his tail and talked about the virtual idol setting that made everyone feel embarrassed.

After listening patiently, Han Fei told him the role he was going to play - Sunshine Boy.

"When you replace me, you don't have to act deliberately, it's enough to be optimistic and cheerful." Han Fei taught the most basic performance skills of Caibao. He originally wanted to tell the other party something, but in reality, the phone rang When he got up, he had to exit the virtual karaoke room first. After getting on the phone, Li Xue and the others found out the information of Bu Kaixin's mother, who now lives in the Xinhumuxiang Spiritual Care Center.

After contacting the hospital, Han Fei rushed over without stopping.

Muxiang Spiritual Nursing Center is a private hospital in Xinhu specially built for elderly mentally ill patients. Some people say that Yongsheng Pharmaceutical is behind it, and some people say that the owner of this hospital is a lunatic himself, and he built the hospital for himself.

Taking a taxi, Han Fei came to the Beijiao Ecological Reserve. This hospital was built in the middle of the northern suburbs and the old city. It is said that it is for a quiet and beautiful and fresh environment.

After Han Fei really arrived, he found that the vicinity of the hospital was very desolate, and there was not a single car on the road during the day.

"Is this a healing center? Or a prison that isolates human society?"

Because of the greeting in advance, Han Fei was greeted by a nurse as soon as he arrived, and led him into the recovery area.

"The old lady in the red sweater is the Aunt May you're looking for, but as far as we know, she has only one child named Bumin, not twins."1

"Only one child?" Han Fei heard something that surprised him as soon as he arrived here.

"Yes, and her child is not called Bu Kai, but Bu Ming. The old lady went crazy after Bu Ming disappeared and was sent here by the kind people from the street office." The nurse took the medical record book and led the way. Han Fei walked to the hall where the patients were active.

The happy mother, Aunt Mei, sat in front of the TV that was not turned on, staring at the dark TV screen, sometimes giggling, and sometimes showing a very frightened expression, as if she was talking to some Cambodian West.

"Is the old lady getting better now?"

"It's much better than before. When she first came, she didn't dare to sleep alone. She always felt that someone would kill her. Going to the toilet was like killing her, and she had to be accompanied by someone.

"It always feels like someone is going to kill her?" Han Fei glanced around nonchalantly. In addition to Aunt Mei, there were other patients strolling around in the hall. The patients in this area were basically mild symptoms who would not take the initiative to attack people. : "Can I go and talk to her?"

"Yes, but she probably won't answer you. We tried all kinds of conversations, but she didn't respond. Now she seems to have almost forgotten her child's name." The nurse didn't stop Han Fei.

Entering the hall alone, Han Fei also felt the atmosphere here, very clean

, There is no peculiar smell in the air, but compared with ordinary hospitals, there is an indescribable numbness here. It seems that after entering here, even if you can go out, it will not be the same as before.

When he came to the corner where Aunt Mei was, Han Fei didn't ask questions immediately. He only said softly when there were no other patients around: "Aunt Mei, I'm a friend of Bu Kaixin, he asked me to see you and let you know by the way. , he is fine now, don't worry about you."

No matter what Han Fei said, Aunt Mei didn't respond, she just stared blankly at the TV that was not turned on, her head swayed back and forth, her hands rubbed against each other, and she repeated in her mouth.

some rsey.

Han Fei was not in a hurry, sitting next to the old man and listening carefully for a long time, his pupils suddenly narrowed.

What the old lady kept saying was-someone wants to kill me, someone kills me

But just after repeating it five or six times, the old man suddenly said - the patient of 1064 wants to kill me.


The old man looked like a madman, saying the number 1064 so clearly from her mouth must represent some kind of problem, she seemed to be asking for help.

Han Fei pretended not to understand, he stood up, and when he was about to go to the nurse to explain the situation, he casually glanced around.

The patient in hospital gown 1064 was sitting at the door. She looked like she was in a daze, but she was sitting right where she could see Aunt May.

"She is monitoring Aunt Mei." Han Fei is not sure whether the medical staff colluded with each other, he can only slowly understand.

With the help of the nurse, Han Fei found Aunt Mei's attending physician, a doctor who looked very young.

From the appearance alone, he is probably only eighteen years old, but the nurses around him respect him very much.

"This is Dr. Bai, the best doctor in our hospital. He has cured many patients, and Aunt Mei was also in charge of him from the beginning." The nurse closed the door, and only Han Fei and Dr. Bai were left in the office. Both sides of the table.

"Have we met somewhere?"

"Maybe it's because I have a popular face." Doctor Bai smiled. He calmly sorted out the cases on the table, and typed a few times on the keyboard from time to time.

Since I came in until now, you have done five completely meaningless actions, as if you were deliberately covering up your inner panic. "Han Fei stared at the other party's eyes, and said with certainty: "The most important thing is that I feel the same kind of breath from you, you and I are the same people. "

"Is it the same person?" Doctor Bai raised his head, and he still kept smiling: "The biggest difference between humans and animals is that you don't just judge one thing by feeling. You are a big fan with millions of fans. Celebrities, cutting-edge actors living in the spotlight, I'm just an ordinary doctor, how can we be the same kind of people?"

Shaking his head, Doctor Bai took a sip of the cold tea on the table: "You came to me, didn't you just say this?"

"Before I saw you, I really wanted to ask you something. But after seeing you, I already knew what to do." Han Fei walked out of the office and immediately called Li Xue and asked the police to help him remove the cloth. The happy mother will pick it up, the members of the killing club may start at any time, the old man is too dangerous here.

The police rejected Han Fei at first, but under his assurance, Li Xue asked her own leaders to come forward, and only then did the hospital agree, and they took Aunt Mei to another sanatorium.

During the whole process, Han Fei --- stayed with Aunt Mei, not letting her out of his sight.

It's strange to say that the old lady who usually behaves crazy is very quiet when she is by Han Fei's side, like a child who has found a home.

After arriving at the new nursing home, Han Fei asked the doctor to check the old man at his own expense. The other party did suffer from mild paranoia and aphasia, but the cause of these diseases seemed to be due to irregular treatment.

After completely settling in, the old man's condition improved, and for the first time she said something different from before: "Thank you for teaching me from that place."

"Aunt Mei, I'm Bu Kai's friend. He asked me to come and help you, but I heard from the doctor that your child seems to be called Bu Ming?" Han Fei sat in front of Aunt Mei, respectfully, as if Aunt Mei was his own Like relatives.

Aunt Mei didn't speak for a long time, and finally stretched out a finger tremblingly: "I only have one child, called Bu Ming. He is very filial, obedient, and honest. This is how he behaves in front of me."

Leaning against the wall, the old lady mentioned her child, tears could not stop falling, and her emotions became excited: "I heard from the neighbors that he was a murderer, killed five people, and skinned them. , cut people into more than a dozen pieces, but he never showed anything at home, he didn't even dare to handle live shrimp, he was just my child."

The old man told Han Fei about Bu Ming's past. The child was very ordinary until he was eighteen years old, until he went to work to deliver food at Dolphin Bay in the outer suburbs, and he disappeared for a whole night.

Aunt Mei was about to call the police the next day, and Bu Ming came back with a heavy package. Until now, the old man didn't know what was in the package.

Referring to the past, the old man's emotions began to get out of control, she felt difficulty breathing, and Han Fei hurriedly called a doctor.

When the doctor treated the old man, Li Xue and his colleagues rushed to the nursing home specially.

"Han Fei, have you made any deal with the God of Death?" As soon as Li Xue's colleague entered the door, the expression on his face was very strange.

"What's wrong?"

"A patient in the hospital where Aunt Mei was previously had an accident, and it was not after Aunt Mei was picked up by us.

After a long time, an aunt from Room 1064 sneaked out of the ward and jumped down from the sixth floor. Li Xue's expression was serious: "The hospital accused us of picking up people and not closing the door properly to cause the accident, but we thought it was murder." "

"When I saw Aunt Mei for the first time, she told me that the patient of 1064 wanted to kill her." Han Fei said immediately: "It should be murder and silence. There is probably a big fish hidden in the hospital. I think You can pay more attention to Aunt May's attending doctor, he feels strange to me, as if he was there at the Sunday night school party a few days ago."

"Okay, we'll investigate along this line, and I have something else I want to tell you." Li Xue called Han Fei out of the ward. She took out her handkerchief and asked Han Fei to read a document. : "This is a case committed by Aunt Mei's son. That person often talks to himself. He seems to have given a name to each of his emotions, and the targets he chooses often have distinct personalities. A person takes a part of that person's body."

"Similar to split personality?"

"It's different. He clearly knows each of his personalities, and he will change it himself to deal with different situations." Li Xue's words caught Han Fei's attention. He wanted to rush back to the deep world immediately, and then take good care Study cloth happy soul.

"It should be one of his emotions that you made the Boo I investigated happy before. I suggest you stay away from him. That guy was a senior member of the murder club. The emotional murder he committed is said to be promoted to the core member. The assessment, that madman killed five people in a row just for a test, it really has no humanity at all

"Then he finally became the core of the morning?"

"I don't know, after the emotional murder case, he disappeared. In recent years, there have been many murderers like him in the outer suburbs. After committing a vicious case, they will be silenced, as if the world evaporated and went to another world. ."

After Li Xue obtained the key information, Han Fei immediately prepared to go home and log in to the game. There were other secrets hidden in the flower called Bu Kaixin.

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