My Healing Game Volume Chapter 877 Time-eating tricks The four hatreds prompted by the system seem to be related to lifespan, and there is even a hatred with the same name as Yongsheng Pharmaceutical, which makes Han Fei even more curious about Yongsheng Pharmaceutical and these hatreds relationship between ideas.

Fu Sheng founded Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals after owning the black box. The secret of longevity seems to be hidden in the black box.

Han Fei also opened several layers of black boxes, but he didn't find anything. This may be because the things wrapped in several layers outside the black boxes had been taken away.

The huge heart named Changshou fell into Heihe, it absorbed the despair accumulated in the world, and new blood vessels grew rapidly from the newly severed wounds.

The flower of resentment that bloomed on the cliff seems to have found something interesting. The roots and blood vessels are intertwined, and it begins to grow rapidly.

Petals fell off one by one, and new flowers began to bloom. After receiving the blood flowing from the longevity blood vessels, the flower of resentment root exchanged unprecedented vitality.

Gao Cheng's greedy personality was born under the constant torture of Gao Cheng, which is the result of extreme distortion of human nature, but now this perverted personality has become Gao Cheng's only reliance to resist Gao Cheng. In the abyss full of death and spiritual pollution, flowers that no one thought of bloomed.

Before Longevity was imprisoned, Han Fei hadn't realized that his spiritual world was becoming more and more similar to the memory world of the shrine constructed indescribably.

Based on personality, use the abilities of various ghosts to perfect, constantly fill in the past memories, and finally form a world of your own.

Han Fei has entered many shrine memory worlds. In his opinion, each shrine memory world is like a super-large ghost, representing the unspeakable past and entrusting unspeakable obsessions.

A thought flashed through Han Fei's mind like lightning:

The cracked earth has recovered, and all the twisted blood vessels in the underground river have disappeared, receding towards the Yitiannian Nursing Home. There is no survivor in this village that Han Fei investigated.

The longevity ghost has been eradicated, and the starlight in the night sky illuminates Han Fei's path forward. After drinking two bottles of ghost blood, he restrained all his breath, entered the dense forest, and quietly approached the Yiyang Tiannian Nursing Home from the other side.

Han Fei did not forget his mission, but the seemingly simple random mission of the shrine was actually very difficult.

The area where Yiyangtiannian Nursing Home is located is completely shrouded in ghosts. The flow of time is different from the outside world. You can see all kinds of buildings in the Nursing Home with your eyes, but no matter how you walk, you can’t close the distance between yourself and the Nursing Home.

Now for comparison, among the three mysterious buildings recorded by Gao Cheng, the Deep Sea Aquarium is the least difficult to conquer.

Han Fei retreated to the edge of the ghosts again, and communicated with Changshou in the abyss of greed. Under the support of many ghosts, the beating heart began to guide Han Fei.

Longevity's blood seeped into the black mist of greed, and the mist turned dark red.

Strange to say, after incorporating the blood of longevity, the special effects attached to the ghosts in the nursing home had the least impact on Han Fei, and he began to adapt to the flow of time inside the ghost city.

After spending an hour, Han Fei finally approached the Yiyangtiannian Nursing Home.

This nursing home is much larger than he imagined, with more than a dozen buildings standing together, and the architectural style is also extremely strange, as if he entered it inadvertently.

The nightmare of a critically ill patient.

Han Fei tried to push away the bloody dew, and the nursing home he was following immediately returned to normal. There were no weird and twisted buildings, nor a scary atmosphere, only a peaceful building complex.

But when he looked through the blood mist again, all the buildings in the nursing home would be distorted again.

Because of the different speed of time, various monsters appeared in the Yiyangtiannian Nursing Home, which could not be seen in other places. The catastrophe outside has only happened for more than ten years, but here the catastrophe may have affected hundreds of years, and there are all kinds of alienated things. possible.

Covering his left eye with blood mist, Han Fei saw different scenes with both eyes, normal and highly alienated.

Han Fei tried to communicate with Changshou, but he didn't dare to say a word about this hatred. It seemed that as long as he revealed the secrets related to the nursing home, he would be killed by some unknown force.

Han Fei didn't force it either. He walked along the path to the side door of the nursing home and sneaked in quietly.

The nursing home in the right eye is clean, tidy, and stylish. It is simply a world-class health care and nursing home. Every detail is considered for the elderly, such as emergency pull cords everywhere, handrails, floor heating, and seats with rounded corners. The floors are non-slip and the walls are fitted with anti-glare soft lights.

What the right eye saw was humanistic care, showing respect and respect for the elderly to the fullest, but Han Fei's left eye, which was shrouded in white mist, saw a completely different picture.

There are double cat's eyes on the door of the old man's bedroom, which is designed to facilitate the caregiver to check the old man's situation in time, but there is a black eyeball that keeps blinking stuck in the cat's eyes.

In order to prevent the elderly from falling, there is no height difference inside the nursing home. It looks flat, but there is blood flowing out along the corridor.

The doorway of nursing homes is usually relatively wide, which is convenient for the elderly in wheelchairs to enter and exit, but the doorway here is ridiculously wide, and there are still scales and a lot of scratch marks on the door frame. It is not the elderly in wheelchairs who enter and exit the room, but other things.

Abnormalities like this can be seen everywhere, and what made Han Fei feel the most creepy was that he saw the introduction and portrait of the nursing home doctor.

This nursing home founded by Yongsheng Pharmaceutical has expert doctors from authoritative hospitals and complete nursing equipment.

It has also established close ties with tertiary hospitals to provide pharmaceutical dispensing services.

At first glance, it seems that it is all for the benefit of the elderly, but in fact, the doctors who are attending the consultation are all ghosts!

The medicines they gave to the old people were made from cursed substances such as longevity pupae and eternal life well water. The so-called secret medicines were more terrifying than murderous poisons, and would turn the old people in the courtyard into real monsters.

Many rooms still echo the wailing of the old man, but it is a pity that all the houses have been painted, and all the truth has been buried by time.

With the help of longevity, Han Fei avoided possible dangers. He walked for a long time in the promenade before he saw a fire evacuation topographic map.

Han Fei stared at it for a long time, and found the security room in a very inconspicuous corner.

The security work of Yiyangtiannian Nursing Home employs a professional team. All security guards have undergone strict training, are able to deal with most dangers, and understand basic nursing knowledge. They can act as nurses when there is insufficient manpower.

The location was confirmed, but the uneasiness in Han Fei's heart did not diminish in the slightest. There were murderous intentions hidden everywhere in the treacherous building, and he would die if he was not careful. He was very cautious in every step.


The clock on the bed has stopped, but I feel that my body seems to be aging at an accelerated rate. Even hiding in the blood mist is useless. This ghost seems to be eating away at my life. "

According to the map, no matter how far Han Fei went, the screams of the old people in the wards on both sides suddenly increased. At this moment, it seemed that there was a tragedy happening in the wards.

Approaching the door, Han Feikai looked in through the peephole. The killing was over, and the entire ward was covered in blood.

What surprised him was that the blood stains solidified and fell off at an extremely fast speed, and the wall returned to normal in just a few minutes.

Han Fei tried to open the door, and traces of killing could be seen in the ward, but the corpse and the murderer were all gone, as if they had disappeared in time.

A violent impact suddenly came from Han Fei's back. He seemed to be rubbed by a car, his left shoulder was deformed, and his body fell forward to the ground.

Han Fei didn't find anything unusual, and he didn't even see a ghost.

When he looked around, he suddenly felt a chill in his lower abdomen, and a wound appeared on his stomach for no reason, as if pierced by a sharp knife, blood flowed out directly, soaking his clothes.

Covering his wound, Han Fei didn't dare to stay where he was, and rushed to the other side of the corridor as fast as he could.

After running for more than ten meters, Han Fei glanced back. He saw a nurse whose head was covered with a black cloth, holding a sharp knife, appearing where he was standing before.

The nurse behaved very strangely, he hit the empty place, then raised the knife in his hand and stabbed into the air!

Seeing this, Han Fei's pupils suddenly shrank. The place where the nurse stabbed was the place where he stayed just now.

Take a closer look, it happens to be the position of his lower abdomen!

Han Fei had never seen such a strange ability, and it was very difficult to even guard against it.

Blinded by a black cloth, the head nurse slowly turned around. He stood more than ten meters away from Han Fei and raised the sharp knife in his hand again. Han Fei realized the danger and dodged decisively. The next moment the blood mist was broken, and his cheek There was a wound on it.

Han Fei turned around and ran away. He didn't want to start a full-scale war with the nursing home for the time being. The main strength was very different, and he couldn't beat it:

There was a time gap between Han Fei and the nurse wearing the black hood. The two seemed to be living in different time flows. What troubled Han Fei was that the other party could use the entire time gap to attack him, and it was difficult for him to fight back.

Worried that his true thoughts would be guessed, Han Fei changed several rooms to hide in a row. After making sure that the nurse hadn't chased him, he went straight to the security room.

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