My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 878 Invisible Friends

My Healing Game Volume Chapter 878 An Invisible Friend Controlling Time This seemed almost impossible to Han Fei, but it really happened in the happy shrine memory world, and it was the first time he encountered such a thing. Difficult ghost.

After getting rid of the nurse's pursuit, Han Fei had a slight wrinkle in the corner of his eyes. He stayed in the ghost for too long, and his time seemed to be stolen.

With lingering fears in his heart, Han Fei adjusted his state and came to the real destination of his trip - the security room.

As if to prevent disturbing the elderly, the security room was built in the most remote corner, and the adjacent corridor was particularly gloomy. All the rooms were sealed and stamped with time.

For example, midnight, three o'clock in the afternoon, etc. I don't know what these black rooms are used for. The doors are all locked, and there is no reminder except for the time engraved on the door panel.

When Han Fei passed by the door of the sealed room, he could always hear several footsteps, as if they were following behind him.

It was only a few steps away, but Han Fei felt that he had walked for a long time. He seemed to be groping in the maze of time. When he turned his head again, he found that there was a layer of dust on the door.

Everything in this eerie nursing home is aging, except for the dark night of sin, which remains unchanged forever.

Just passing through a corridor, Han Fei felt extremely exhausted mentally and physically. He didn't dare to touch anything in the nursing home, and went directly to the security room.

Through the service window in the corridor, Han Fei looked into the house.

Although the security room is located in a remote location, it has a large interior space, which is equivalent to three ordinary wards. It is also equipped with various professional anti-riot tools, as well as various items needed by security guards for daily life.

However, these were not the focus of Han Fei's attention. In the security room, he saw a man in the uniform of a Yongsheng pharmaceutical experimenter walking around in it.

He had a frightened expression, his pupils were constantly beating, and he kept repeating something in his mouth.

Han Fei did not expect to find the mission target so smoothly. He held the door handle of the security room, but did not dare to open it immediately.

The shrine's random mission couldn't be so simple, and he worried that he had overlooked the danger.

In order to prevent accidents, Han Fei tried to call Ah Nian's name outside the house. The men inside the house could not hear his voice at all, and there were two different worlds separated by a door.

The goal of the mission was in front of him, and Han Fei didn't want to give up. He slowly turned the doorknob and pushed open the door of the security room.

The rotten smell poured into the nostrils, the security room was pitch black, everything was covered with a thick layer of dust, and there was no one in the room at all.

Han Fei walked around to the window again, and Ah Nian was walking back and forth in the security room.

The scene seen by the window is different from the real scene behind the door, as if in two different timelines.

Han Fei carefully observed Ah Nian's every move. He tried to figure out what happened to Ah Nian through Ah Nian's subtle expressions.

As a master actor and a practical criminal psychology expert, Han Fei listed many possibilities.

With his strong memory, Han Fei memorized all the changes in Ah Nian's expression. He walked into the security room and stood next to Ah Nian.

The location where he first appeared, began to imitate Ah Nian, walking around the house.

Master-level acting skills allowed Han Fei to perfectly reproduce Ah Nian's every move. He seemed to be Ah Nian in another timeline, and the two almost overlapped.

Han Fei was completely immersed in it. He didn't know how long he had been walking, and time seemed to slowly lose its meaning.

It could be a few minutes, or it could be an hour. When Han Fei looked up again, he heard the sound of the hour hand moving.

The clock in the security room is still, but the sound of the hour hand moving is indeed coming from the clock.

Turning his gaze slowly, Han Fei looked at the window of the security room. It was not Han Fei's figure reflected on the glass, but Ah Nian's.

The other party stood there in a daze, as if he also saw Han Fei through the window glass.

Both standing in the middle of the room, both seeing each other through the window glass, this is a very special experience.

Han Fei called softly, he wanted to get closer to the window, but when he made the sound, Ah Nian's image disappeared:

Running out of the security room in a hurry, Han Fei stood outside and observed Ah Nian through the window.

The expression on Ah Nian's face changed obviously. He seemed to be surprised by Han Fei's appearance, but after only a minute, he changed back to his previous appearance.

Han Fei re-entered the security room, and with the idea of ​​using a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he opened a hole in the abyss of greed and poured the ghost blood flowing in Changshou's body on himself.

The blood of longevity can reduce the effect of ghosts and ghosts in nursing homes and break the falsehood, so Han Fei wanted to take a gamble.

He imitated Ah Nian again, and the longevity ghost blood played a key role. When the sound of time passing sounded in his ears, Han Fei and Ah Nian looked up at the window together.

They saw each other on the dusty glass. Although Ah Nian was taken aback by Han Fei's bloody appearance, he quickly realized what was going on and walked straight to the window.

Han Fei did the same thing as Ah Nian, and they came to the window at the same time.

The two couldn't hear each other's voice, Ah Nian raised his hand first, and wrote on the dusty window - who are you?

Han Fei looked at the words that appeared on the window glass, and also wrote on it - I found your help bottle, and I will rescue you out.

Ah Nian was trapped in the past, and the words he wrote would appear on Han Fei's side, but he couldn't see what Han Fei wrote.

There is no way to communicate, but this does not affect Anian's call for help. He has realized something and continues to write on the window - there is a book in the drawer, which records the order of flowers, you go to the garden to find those flowers and pick them off , into the book.

Han Fei stared at the two words on the window. The flowers that A Nian said were not real flowers.

Smashing open the locked drawer, Han Fei found an almost blank book inside, with the time marked on individual pages.

Han Fei looked at the window, and A Nian in the glass took out a photo album from the drawer, with pictures of relatives and friends in it.

He held the album in one hand and wrote on the window glass with the other.

Seeing the blooming time written by A Nian, Han Fei immediately thought of the black rooms in the corridor. All the black doors with seals had a time stamped on them.

Remember what A Nian wrote

There was content. Han Fei ran out of the security room with a blank book. He stopped in front of a black door and looked at the words engraved on it.

Taking out the butcher's knife, Han Fei broke the door lock and pushed open the door.

The dark room exudes an indescribably strange atmosphere. The rows of shelves are filled with flower pots the size of human heads, but there are no flowers in all the flower pots.

Taking a glance, Han Fei also found that each flower pot was engraved with a person's name, as if these flower pots were named after living people.

Han Fei recalled every word written by A Nian, and the other party asked him to go to the garden to pick those flowers.

Quietly closing the black door, Han Fei ran to another corridor.

The topographic map he had seen before marked the location of the garden. The garden of the nursing home was built in the middle of several buildings and was the center of the entire nursing home.

There were two more wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and Han Fei's body seemed to be soaked in a quagmire, and every step he took took more strength.

Avoiding layers of pursuit, Han Fei finally opened the door to the center of the nursing home, and an endless sea of ​​flowers appeared in front of him.

It is impossible to imagine what a complex world is hidden inside a nursing home. Layers of time lines are intertwined, and normal investigation methods are completely inapplicable here, and it is no wonder that it is listed as a strange building.

Han Fei walked into the sea of ​​flowers, and when his body touched those flowers, a lot of unfamiliar memories that did not belong to him would flood into his mind.

Every flower in this garden represents a soul, a memory.

The healing starlight fell on the petals, and Han Fei tried his best to appease those souls. He walked for a long time before he found the wild rose and dandelion.

Reaching out to touch the flower stem, Han Fei heard the cries of the two children, and a memory picture emerged in his mind.

A Nian, dressed in casual clothes, was playing with his two children. Bright lights were on in the house, news was playing on the TV, and fragrant meals were placed on the dining table.

Everything was so warm and harmonious, but at the next moment there was a knock on the door, and A Nian's two children also stood outside the door. Their eyes were bleeding, their hearts were engraved with the test number, and their skin was dry like tree bark and slowly cracked.

The child's cries kept getting louder. Anian didn't seem to be able to tell which was reality and which was his imagination. He collapsed and fell to his knees in despair.

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