My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 879 Disaster Witness

My Healing Game Text Volume Chapter 879 Disaster Witness

When Han Fei came back to his senses, the memory picture in his mind had disappeared, and there were two more withered flowers in his hand.

Opening the blank book, Han Fei found the night at five o'clock in the morning, and sandwiched two withered flowers in it.

The cry of the child became weaker, and the flowers slowly grew among the pages, as if they belonged to this book.

Continue to walk in the garden, every flower hopes to be taken away by Han Fei, too many souls are imprisoned in this garden.

Frankly speaking, Han Fei really wanted to take out the Butcher's Knife and do something big, and take all the souls who were willing to follow him into the abyss of greed, but it was too risky to do so.

Suppressing the greed in his heart, Han Fei buried himself in looking for other flowers.

A few minutes later, he found the hop flower that bloomed at three o'clock in the morning. When he picked the flower, he looked at A Nian's new memory again.

That was Ah Nian's first day in Yongsheng Pharmaceutical, and his most unforgettable memory also started from this moment.

The department leader was his former mentor and took good care of him, and his colleagues also recognized his work ability. This was supposed to be an inspirational struggle story, but as the experiment deepened step by step, Ah Nian gradually discovered that what he was participating in was not a great scientific project to increase people's life span at all, but was developing various contraband.

Under the torment of conscience and the temptation of money and reputation, Ah Nian degenerated step by step.

Year after year passed, and one day at three o'clock in the morning, his mentor died unexpectedly while participating in a certain experiment.

When the hops bloomed, Ah Nian took over the position of tutor and became the new person in charge of this taboo experiment.

The hop that Han Fei touched contained part of the soul of Ah Nian's leader, and this flower was also an indispensable part of Ah Nian's memory.

Running in the sea of ​​flowers, Han Fei slowly gathered those flowers, and Ah Nian's past gradually became complete.

The experimenter who was trapped in time was no ordinary person, he was the person in charge of an undisclosed top-secret project inside Yongsheng Pharmaceutical.

When he was young, he was dull and honest, unresponsive, with a low sense of presence, and he didn't know how to run when the earthquake came.

After entering Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals, he became the most down-to-earth scientific researcher, kept silent, immersed himself in experiments, and wholeheartedly wanted to develop a certain drug. The reason why he worked so hard was because two of his children were suffering from an extremely rare genetic disease, and he wanted to save his own children, so he personally participated in the experiment to test the safety of the experiment.

He was extremely persistent, but unfortunately the reality is not a fairy tale. During the high-intensity experiment, he gradually discovered that his spirit had problems, and he always felt that everyone around him was sick.

In order not to let himself lose the job, he kept all these secrets in his heart, pretending to be a normal person on the surface.

As the project continued to advance, he also came into contact with more core secrets of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical, but in the process, his family members fell ill one after another, all his friends left, and even his neighbors moved away.

The second half of his life seemed to be controlled by an invisible hand, and a force was forcing him to move forward.

In the end, he successfully came into contact with the core secret of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical - the black box.

On the flowers that Ah Nian asked Han Fei to pick, there were always butterflies flying, and dream dust fell from the gorgeous wings, confusing the world.

After spending a lot of time and energy, Han Fei found most of the flowers, and now only the moon flowers that bloom at ten o'clock in the evening are left.

"Ah Nian came into contact with the black box, the most

The last blooming flower should represent the last scene he saw. "

The way he came here had long since disappeared, and Han Fei was wandering in the sea of ​​flowers, and more and more flowers and butterflies surrounded him.

The flowers begged for Han Fei to take them away: the patterns on the wings of the butterflies were like terrifying eyes, watching Han Fei's every move.

The ominous premonition became stronger. Han Fei felt that the ground was trembling slightly. After he paused for a few seconds, he suddenly turned around. The ground behind him bulged upwards, as if a giant python was lurking underground, snaking towards him. come!

Dodging to dodge, the place where Han Fei was standing just now was splashed with soil, and a thick plant root emerged from the ground!

It is more than ten meters long, and its whole body looks like annual rings, with circles of strange patterns painted on it.

Looking into the burrow, there are laughing human heads hanging on the tiny fluff under the root stem, and there are horrors beyond imagination hidden under the sea of ​​flowers.

The ground became soft, and Han Fei's legs began to sink. Every step he took, he had to exert twice as much effort as before.

Knowing that he had been spotted, Han Fei turned around and ran away without hesitation.

Flowers can be found again, but there is only one life.

Thick plant rhizomes are chasing after them, and what's worse is that there are multiple protrusions on the ground, and a large number of hidden underground plants are gathering here!

With no other choice, Han Fei continued to bleed Changshou.

Fresh ghost blood drenched his body, and the monsters hiding in the ground chased him even harder, but Han Fei also found his way back under the guidance of ghost blood.

Seeing that Han Fei was about to flee, the flowers wrapped around his body like crazy, begging Han Fei to take them away.

One or two flowers had no effect on Han Fei, but countless soul flowers came together, and Han Fei's mind was almost overwhelmed by all kinds of strange memories.

The selfishness of human nature is fully reflected in this place. Those flowers are not bad in nature, but they come surging,

If Han Fei didn't take them away with them, they wouldn't let Han Fei escape easily.

Gritting his teeth, Han Fei half-pushed and opened the abyss of greed:

The black mist no longer concealed it, and the abyss of greed appeared behind Han Fei, like a black tide, swallowing a large number of soul flowers in an instant!

The ghost was completely touched, and Han Fei ran to the garden behind Hatred to open the door to the abyss, which was equivalent to declaring war on Hatred.

The flow of time was changing, and a strand of white hair appeared on Han Fei's head, but there was no turning back when he opened the bow, and he couldn't stop now.

There was too much commotion, and a few gardeners appeared on the edge of the sea of ​​flowers. Their faces had no facial features, only rings of growth rings spreading outward. Their lower bodies were trapped in the sea of ​​flowers by chains, and their upper bodies became like insects. An organ dedicated to cultivating flowers.

Using the power of speech, Han Fei originally wanted to leave before the gardeners completed their encirclement, but when he passed by the gardeners, he accidentally found a flower growing on each gardener's heart.

Among them, the flowers on a gardener's body are white and pure, like the moonlight in the water, dotted the night, and seem to wither at any time.

The moon flower he was looking for bloomed in the heart of a certain gardener, and was cared for by that gardener as a treasure.

Han Fei immediately changed direction and set off a black tide to envelop the gardener. While devouring the gardener, he grabbed the flower stem.

The most memorable scene in Ah Nian's life came to Han Fei's mind. He was standing in a completely enclosed underground building with hundreds of recuperation warehouses in front of him, all of which were dying people.

The bodies of those test participants were filled with various pipes, and at the end of those pipes was a pure black room, like a huge black box


The bedside label records the information of each trial participant. Some of them are wealthy people who are thought to be dead by the outside world, some are elites from all walks of life, there are terminally ill patients, and some employees of Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals itself, Ah Nian His two children were among them.

These people seem to have signed an agreement, and before they die, they will hand everything over to Changsheng Pharmaceutical.

Their bodies and souls seem to be separated, their consciousness has all entered the intellectual brain, and their body organs barely maintain their basic activities.

In the mysterious black room, there was a big still clock hanging. As usual, Ah Nian checked the conditions of the various convalescent cabins, when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

In this closed space that no living person could enter except himself, there was a knock on the door.

Subconsciously raising his head, Ah Nian looked towards the black room where the clock was hung. The knock on the door came from that room.

While he was wondering if he heard it wrong, the still clock suddenly started to move, and all the experimental subjects in the hundreds of recuperation warehouses were bleeding from their seven orifices and their eyes were protruding.

The ear-piercing siren sounded, and the red light of the first-level warning shone on Ah Nian's face, and then he saw the black room being pushed away by pairs of bloody hands, and endless ghosts crawled out of the secret door!

The nightmare came, and Ah Nian, whose mind was blank, ran to his child's convalescent warehouse under the subconscious control, and he lay with the children's corpses.

This is the end of the last memory. The moon flower is composed of Ah Nian's own soul fragments.

After collecting all the flowers, lines of text began to appear in Ah Nian's book of life, but now Han Fei didn't have time to check it.

After the gardener died, there was a roar of hatred from under the sea of ​​flowers!

Curiosity killed the cat, Han Fei didn't think about anything, and rushed back to the security room as fast as he could.

Han Fei put the book of life on the table in the security room, and Ah Nian in the window glass also put the photo album in his hand in the same position.

The two stood on different timelines, and the memories of the past and the present were connected together, and a miracle happened.

The pages of the book began to turn by themselves, and the withered flowers bloomed again in the book, colorful, just like Ah Nian's own life.

Laughing and cursing, various voices began to echo in the book, all the portraits in the photo came out, and they merged into Ah Nian's body, making him more and more real.

After his body completely turned into substance, cracks appeared on the window glass, the past clock coincided with the current clock, and the hands of the two clocks moved at the same time in the next second!

The glass in the security room splashed all around, and all the items were rapidly aging. A man wearing the work clothes of Changsheng Pharmaceutical escaped from the crack of time!

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