My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 882 The eyes of the big evil

Lawyer Hua received a secret order from the judge to go out today to check the preparation of sacrifices. He did not expect to meet the investigation team's combat team.

According to the impression of the strength of the investigation bureau's combat team, they only need half of the people to completely kill each other, and let the investigation team disappear into the city without a sound.

The plan was great, but the actual execution went awry.

Since the female team member lifted the heavy truck with both hands, the direction of the story has really become supernatural.

"Six awakened personality?"

The fearless Yan Lan ran rampant on the battlefield. She was invincible in front of her, and all the members of the new city guards close to her exploded like bloody fireworks.

If only Yan Lan was the only one, then he could still fight to the death, but soon Anian, who had awakened his personality seven times, also took action. He directly attacked mentally. No one saw him take action, and some criminals began to kill each other.

"What kind of monsters are these?" Lawyer Hua's face turned pale with fright: "The intelligence says that with three awakened personalities, you can run for the leader of the investigation team. Why is this team so special?"

This is not a war at all, it is just a one-sided massacre. Lawyer Hua doesn't care about other people, and starts to retreat secretly.

"What are you running? Aren't you going to cut me off?" Han Fei walked towards Lawyer Hua with a butcher knife.

"Misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding!" Attorney Hua fled in a hurry, but after taking a few steps, he stopped abruptly, and he didn't dare to put his raised leg down.

A dark abyss appeared in front of him, and what was even more frightening was that there were layers of intertwined ghosts in the abyss!

He sucked in a breath of cold air. The so-called eighteen layers of hell are probably like this, right?

"Answer the question honestly, I can make your death more comfortable, otherwise, you will be just like that guy." Han Fei waved his hand, the black water surged, and the half-dead ugly brother's soul was fished out by the flower of resentment. Han Fei's possessive personality has almost been stripped away.

"Kill me, kill me, beg you to kill me..." The ugly man repeated that sentence unconsciously, a perverted murderer who had destroyed humanity was tortured to such a degree that lawyer Hua did not dare to Imagine what Ugly went through.

"Are you curious about how he became like this? Do you want him to tell it for you in person?" An endless abyss appeared behind Han Fei, tearing apart the earth. The horror could even be described as shock.

Lawyer Hua began to tremble uncontrollably. Han Fei was completely different from the members of the Investigation Bureau in his impression. Justice, perseverance, persistence, and all the beautiful human nature were not reflected in him. Lawyer Hua only saw cruelty, evil, Madness and never-ending greed!

The black fog was like a wave, drowning lawyer Hua and the criminals nearby.

"The mouth is quite hard." Han Fei turned around, and the other team members had already cleaned up the scene.

Winter Dog frowned and looked at the blood on the ground: "You didn't ask him any questions at all, how should he answer? I think you just want to find an excuse to eat him."

"Deputy team leader, you really misunderstood me." Han Fei opened Lawyer Hua's car and found a secret letter from Hope Xincheng: "The big people in the inner city are not clean, so this lawyer can be used as a breakthrough. "

The black mist dissipated, Han Fei and the others entered the evacuated heavy truck, disguised as a escort, and after activating the altar of the evil god, they came to the Heilou Wanjia supermarket.

It should not be the first time for these people to "deliver". When the hatred sensed the unique power emanating from the altar, the ghostly creature opened an opening and allowed the heavy truck to drive in.

"The gate of the black building is always open, we are welcome to come." Han Fei lowered the brim of his hat and drove the car directly into the supermarket.

Winter Dog put on his gloves silently. Hate hunting usually requires a squadron to be dispatched to complete it. Just one combat team wants to destroy the black building. This sounds crazy.

Looking back and looking around, the other members of the same group are not afraid, they are all excited, which makes the normal winter dog look more like an outlier.

"The ghosts around seem to know the car,

They are still busy with their own affairs and have no plans to come here at all. It seems that they get along quite harmoniously. "

A large number of low-level obsessions are imprisoned in Wanjia Supermarket. They have become tireless cargo staff, counting all kinds of goods, and constantly patrolling to prevent all kinds of materials from being stolen.

Although it wasn't dark outside, the inside of the supermarket was very dark. Unlike other dark buildings that Han Fei had seen, there was no odor in the air, and all kinds of materials were placed in an orderly and orderly manner.

The owner of the supermarket seems to be obsessed with cleanliness, forcing those wandering souls to sort out the goods over and over again.

The heavy truck drove smoothly into the underground warehouse according to the signs on the ground. It seemed to be a restricted area, and there were many fewer ghosts around.

"The hatred has grown stronger, and the supermarket owner is right in front."

The light was distorted, Han Fei turned on the headlights, and he saw that the walls of the underground passage were artificially divided into drawers, which looked very strange.

neat drawers, embedded

In the wall, I don't know what treasures are stored.

"No, hatred is coming from all directions, and it feels like we have entered the body of hatred!"

A Nian was the first to notice the abnormality. With the sound of the drawer being pulled open, the lights of the heavy truck suddenly went out. In the darkness, a huge figure appeared in front of several people.

It was a woman who was as white as snow. Her eyebrows, lips, and children were all white, and her white hair tens of meters long fluttered behind her. She was connected to every drawer on the wall. Seemingly one, those drawers contained her "secrets".

It may be because the first time I saw Han Fei and the others, the woman was a little puzzled, and it was not these people who usually came to deliver.

Looking at the evil god altar in the heavy truck warehouse, the woman did not kill the killer, she wanted to try to communicate with Han Fei.


Black mist surged out of the car window, time and memory slowly solidified, countless deep-sea big fish slammed into the passage, and the fearful dream demon rushed towards the white-haired woman screaming.

Seeing that Han Fei and the other team members suddenly launched an attack on hatred, Dong Dog rushed forward. He kept in mind the mission of being placed in the thirteenth team, but he didn't know how to get away with it. got to this point.

"Brother Dog, you can't keep your hands. Don't be soft-hearted just because the other party looks good. If Sanguan follows the five senses, something will happen sooner or later!"

Hearing Han Fei's advice, Dong Dog's face twitched, he no longer hesitated, and attacked with all his strength.

The hatred hiding in the underground of the supermarket, she never thought that someone would shamelessly pretend to be a believer of the Heretic God and launch a sneak attack on her, and she did not expect that the other party would have two hatreds that ignited the black fire!

Countless drawers were pulled open by white hair, and blood, stumps, and all the filth in the world crawled out of them.

The white-haired hatred was as holy as snow, because she hid all the cruelty and blood in her drawer.

The scene in front of me is very strange to say, if ordinary people see it, they will be frightened, but those countless drawers do seem a little petty in front of the abyss of greed.

The black water poured back and the negative emotions were tilted. Han Fei was worried that the despair in the deep sea aquarium had no place to put it. He directly splashed the filth that was used to torture Gao Cheng with happiness on Bai Fa hatred.

Seeing pure white hatred being entangled in despair, Han Fei couldn't bear it, so he decided to make a quick decision and complete the final devouring as soon as possible!

Director Ya, Dong Dog and Yan Lan, the three six-time awakened personalities, are enough to stop ordinary hatred, not to mention the two freaks Han Fei and A Nian.

The white-haired hatred that was caught off guard started from being passive, and the outcome of this battle was already doomed.

After the fearful dream demon tore off the white hair and cut off the connection between her and those drawers, Han Fei summoned all the ghosts and dragged the white hair hatred into the abyss of greed.

"Attention number 0000 players! You have successfully imprisoned hatred - Bai Xue."

"Bai Xue: She once suffered from a cleanliness addiction, but was tortured to death in the most filthy way during the catastrophe. The resentment continued to expand, making her a hater! She hid the filth and yin on her body in the drawer. , but hatred

Every day, new filth will breed. If it goes on like this, her hatred will pile up one after another, and she will be trapped in her own obsession. "

"Special Ability Heart Box: There are drawers after drawers in her dry and pierced heart, where all the despair is hidden."

"Ghost creature (range of fifty meters): It can purify negative emotions and put filth and bad things into the heart box."

Winter Dog, who witnessed the whole process, saw his scalp tingling. All the evil ghosts he investigated were not as scary as Han Fei: "Sure enough, the endless greed of human beings is the most terrifying."

The hatred that was about to ignite the black fire was taken down like this, and things went so smoothly that the winter dogs felt like they were dreaming.

"Clean up the scene immediately! Remove all the sacrifices! Don't leave any clues that would reveal our identity!"

[The book chasing app recommended by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It's so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and going to bed, you can download it here 】

In terms of destroying corpses and destroying traces, Han Fei's performance also made the team members dumbfounded. Without many years of experience in eucalyptus, it is impossible to be so skilled.

"What exactly did you do before?" Winter Dog couldn't help but asked.

"Teaching and educating people."

Han Fei didn't have time to talk nonsense with others. After he learned that those drawers were also part of the white-haired hateful soul, he swept the supermarket burrow with black fog, and then kept looking for the offerings that Hope Xincheng prepared for Joy.

After opening several secret doors in a row, Han Fei made an important discovery. Wanjia Supermarket is an important place to store sacrifices. In addition to normal sacrifices, there are some things far beyond his imagination.

"Attention number 0000 players! You have found the eyes of the special sacrifice, the evil one!"

"The eyes of the great evil: These eyes are extraordinarily beautiful. It seems that there are endless disasters hidden in the child's hole. The gods will definitely like it!"


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