My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 883 Dare to kill my horse?

When he heard the system prompt, the expression on Han Fei's face froze, and the joy of the harvest disappeared. He looked at the eyes sealed in the black jar, and the black mist began to gather like a storm.


The hatred of burning black fire shattered the jar, and two eyeballs soaked in curse appeared in front of Han Fei.

He was too familiar with those eyes, evil, cruel, but also a little ignorant and curious about everything new.

The eyeball trapped in the curse also seemed to feel something. It turned around in the curse. After seeing Han Fei, it was like two huge black goldfish swimming back and forth, as if trying to rub against Han Fei.

Even if there are only two eyeballs left, the big sin is still a big sin. It will always love its master who is infinitely dying, and no one can replace Han Fei in its heart.

"Why did your child follow you in?"

Han Fei couldn't bear it. Dae was the child he raised with his own hands. Although Dae did look like a wicked child sometimes, Han Fei knew that it was just a way for Dae to show his love.

As a symbol of calamity, the incarnation of misfortune, everyone fears and despises the great sin, and only Han Fei really regards it as his partner.

"I should have found you sooner." The healing starlight shines on Dae's eyes, Han Fei is helping Dae ease the pain, this habitual criminal who often steals tribute from the gods, kicked the iron plate this time, it is sneaking into the shrine An accident occurred during the process.

Han Fei looked at the scars in Dae's eyes, but Dae's eyes only had his master. No matter what Han Fei became, he could always recognize Han Fei at a glance.

"No matter who made you like this, I will help you get revenge. Blood for blood and tooth for tooth. This is the fundamental principle of our happy community."

Dae seemed to understand Han Fei's words, and the two eyes kept cursing. It wanted to get close to Han Fei and stick to Han Fei in the most direct way.

"You all take action together and tear apart the curse that traps it."

With resentment and hatred surrounding him, Han Fei didn't care about the rapidly growing mental pollution in his brain.

What was happening in the underground warehouse made the other members of the investigation team look stupid. In their eyes, Han Fei manipulated all the ghosts to play with the two eyes. .

The members of the group did not know the relationship between Han Fei and Da Nie, but felt that Han Fei suddenly changed his personality. He was gentle to his eyes like never before, as if his father saw his long-lost son.

"It turns out that he likes this." Director Ya motioned to the other people to work quickly: "When a disaster occurs, everyone is under great psychological pressure, and some eccentricities are normal. For example, I like women's long hair, which is normal. , we have to learn to respect.”

The team members took the time to search for useful things, and Han Fei also removed the curse that trapped the great evil. However, the ability of Da Xie is still far from recovery, and there is an indescribable aura hidden in the depths of its eyes.

After regaining his freedom, Da Xie rolled on the ground as if taking credit, as if he wanted to take Han Fei somewhere.

Breaking the seemingly inconspicuous earthen pots, all kinds of vicious curses flow out, and the forces from different hatreds collide with each other.

"This is......"

There are a pair of eyes hidden in all the jars, they are sealed by curse, some are from the owner of special personality, some are from innocent children, and some are gouged out from the eyes of other ghosts.

These eyes are the gift of joy that other haters give to welcome its return.

"It's really good at it."

Wrapped in a curse, those eyes are not terrifying, like dark stars, which contain obsession and power.

"What you are happy to use, Gao Cheng should also be able to. These special sacrifices should be left to Gao Cheng, and he will use it when he occupies the eyes of the gods."

Han Fei has been preparing to devour the super hatred in the deep sea aquarium, and now he is more and more confident.

Whether it is a special sacrifice or an ordinary sacrifice, Han Fei is all swallowed into the abyss of greed. Gaocheng's abyss of greed was very pure in the past, but Han Fei took it.

After the hands, this place has become more like a greedy world, there is everything in it, and Han Fei has also slowly built his own prototype of the shrine world unintentionally.

After scraping the ground three feet, Han Fei and the others drove away.

"Two hours and eighteen minutes."

Ah Nian didn't look at his watch, and when he got back to the investigation bureau's car, he casually reported the time.

"What's the meaning?"

"It took us two hours, 18 minutes and 27 seconds from entering the Wanjia supermarket to leaving. At this speed, we can retake Xinhu within half a year." Ah Nian said optimistically.

"If there is only hatred in the city, it can be done with no use, but we may face something more terrifying than hatred later." Han Fei held a brand new jar, and no one could guess the expression on his face: "Either kill it or become it."

"Where are we going next?"

"You guys clean up the red building, I'll deliver something." Han Fei didn't get into the car with everyone. He drove a heavy truck from Hope New City and went to Ankang Pharmaceuticals alone.

Laughing wildly is Han Fei's biggest secret, and the fewer people who know it, the better.

After separating from A Nian, Han Fei called out Kong Tiancheng's soul: "You have been in my sea of ​​consciousness, you should have seen everything I have done, right?"

Kong Tiancheng

Nodding, he admired Han Fei very much and knew that cooperating with Han Fei was the best choice now.

"Do you have any impression of Anian?"

"He didn't lie to you, but there are some things he should not know." Kong Tiancheng pointed to his head: "The place where the catastrophe broke out is the Eternal Life Building. The best way to find out what happened that day is to Ask the survivors in that building."

"Don't be obsessed with what you say." Han Fei kicked the accelerator and hurried on the empty road.

"A Nian was underground at the time. He was a witness and an executor, but he was not the planner."

"Nonsense, of course I know that."

"He is not qualified enough, but his mentor is mediocre." Kong Tiancheng pointed out the crux of the problem: "A Nian's mentor did not lose his soul. One of the planners of the disaster!"

"It's him?"

"Actually, Ah Nian should also know about this." Kong Tiancheng sighed: "He looks very similar to me, so I don't want to expose him."

"He wants to rebuild Immortality Pharma. You want to enter deep space technology. Seeing you, I suddenly feel that this worst future is not completely hopeless. At least, there are still people who want to change constantly." Han Fei's Feeling a little better, he chatted with Kong Tiancheng for a while, then put it into the abyss and drove to Ankang Pharmaceutical by himself.

Asking Yin Shang to take him underground, Han Fei began to place the offerings he had recently accumulated on the altar of laughter one by one.

"Attention number 0000 players! You have completed the third sacrifice! The sacrifice is hatred! All experience is exclusive! Get a chance to make a wish!"

"Wish 1: Double the experience gained!"

"Wish 2: Get the random talent bestowed by the gods!"

"Wish 3: Give up the wish, I hope the gods will wake up sooner!"

"Attention players number 0000! You have been successfully promoted to level 29! At level 30, you will be able to choose your third profession!"

After laughing and sacrificing himself, Han Fei's level increased rapidly, and he finally had a normal gaming experience.

"Although you have caused me a lot of trouble, I still want you to wake up as soon as possible. I choose wish three."

Believers offer sacrifices to the gods, usually with plans and plans, hoping that the gods can use their abilities to protect them, but Han Fei gave up all opportunities to make a wish, and only hoped that he could leave the shrine alive with laughter.

The twins bloom, they do not plunder each other, they achieve each other.

One sacrificed himself, the other desperately tried to redeem.

The statue on the altar is shiny, and the divinity is more and more intense. There are blood vessels growing under its skin, and all the sacrifices are

into its power.

Han Fei didn't ask for anything, but there was a shallow light on the statue that shone into the jar where Dae's eyes were stored.

The completely rejuvenated big evil eyeball, the ordinary jar can't be closed at all, it jumped directly on Han Fei's shoulder and hid in Han Fei's clothes, so that strangers will be scared to death if they see it.

"Now I should be able to communicate with Da Nie normally." Han Fei held up the huge eyeballs: "Da Nie, where is your body? Who made you look like this?"

Knowing that Han Fei was going to vent his anger, the evildoer who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos became excited. A figure appeared in his eyes, and among them, there were high-level officials of Hope New City, and those people and ghosts joined hands to dismember its body.

The great evil is the most special existence, and part of its body is still in the laboratory of Hope New City, enduring various tests and studies.

"You have to ask them for an explanation."

Han Fei watched all the pictures quietly, his eyes were bloodshot, and his five fingers clenched into fists.

"It is hoped that the new city has been devoured by pests, and it would be a good choice to knock it down and rebuild it."

Han Fei knew that the Bureau of Investigation would not fully support him, so he called out Yin Shang and began to contact those ghosts who were hiding in the city and who were unbelieving and happy.

"There are still some survivor strongholds in the city, and I should probably consider gathering them to build a fairer city with schools as the core."

Han Fei, who opened both sides of the black box at the same time, thinks differently from others. He experienced the disasters of the past in Fu Sheng's memory shrine, and saw the worst future in the happy memory shrine. The extreme way of survival of ghosts, he wants to find a third way, and now is a good opportunity to practice.

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