My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 904 How can I lose in my own shrine? (5000)

The flesh and blood embryo had never encountered such a difficult enemy. Many survivors in this city wanted to kill it, but Han Fei wanted to eat it and become it.

The source of evil, the flesh and blood monster, the owner of the tricky building, and all the bluffing names are like seasonings to Han Fei. This greedy glutton is best at tasting dangerous and rare "food".

Ghosts eat people and people eat people, which is the basis of the cycle, but most of the time the eating process will be covered with a cloak of civilization, making chewing and chewing less ugly, but disasters tore away the cloak that hides ugliness , Putting the bloody truth in front of everyone.

"If ambition is to be satisfied, it must be swallowed continuously. Swallowing brings strength, but also spiritual pollution and madness, and finally makes people die in the ever-expanding **." Han Fei knew his fate and the danger involved. , but he couldn't stop.

When the greedy beast is unleashed, there is no chance of repentance.

"Eat it!"

The eyes of the gods and the flesh and blood embryos competed for the control of the rules. In the black mist, Han Fei and all the ghosts rushed towards the monsters in the blood lake.

This is a big gamble, Han Fei bet on everything he got after entering the memory world of the shrine, he wants to take away everything that is happy, and let the twin flowers Gao Cheng bloom instead of each other!

Desperate black water poured into the blood lake, as if black and red dragons rolled and entangled together, a large number of cracks appeared in the flesh wall of the blood factory, and the monsters crawling out of the blood hole scattered and fled.

The flesh and blood embryo that had been killed again and again without panicking finally had a change in its eyes. The flesh and blood ghost creature had not absorbed enough vitality to be born. In order to prevent it from being eaten by Han Fei, it began to actively burn its own flesh and blood.

A blood-red flame emerged from the huge body. That kind of flame was more bloody and evil than the black flame of hatred, and it seemed to have entered a new stage.

Blood, flesh, skin, the bloody flame uses the embryo itself as fuel, burning more and more vigorously!

The happy face was completely revealed in the flames, and what attracted Han Fei's attention was his eyes, which were so beautiful that they were unreal. All gems in the world could not be compared with them, and they were deeply evil. , with a special magic power.

"This can't be the eyes of Gao Xing's main body?"

The flesh and blood burned, and among the huge embryos, the happy body slowly stood up.

The dazzling and bloody fire burned the skin, and the flesh and blood embryo did not grow normally, but the aura emitted from it was no longer the same as hatred. Just looking at it made one's heart skip a beat, which was an unspeakable horror.

"Looks like some bugs got in my shrine."

A cold and flat voice came from Flesh and Flesh's happy mouth. He didn't use his own strength, and just one sentence made Han Fei and Gao Cheng feel cold all over.

"Happy body is still in reality, helping the dream to open up the channel between reality and the deep layer. It should not come back now." The unspeakable existence needs to pay an unimaginable price to leave the deep world and enter reality. This is what Han Fei said You'll know it when you get access to the park. At that time, he also wanted to send his neighbors out to let them see their family members in reality, but even for the most common grievances, leaving the deep world would be subject to huge restrictions.

Except for special cases like Meng and Butterfly, who have special abilities and can remotely control human nature with the help of deep dreams, the stronger the other ghosts, the harder it is to leave.

I am glad that in order to complete what the dream told me, the main body has entered reality. Before he overthrows Xinhu, the probability of his return is not high.

"Gao Cheng, with your own ability, you can't get here at all. Let me see who is hiding in your body!" The fleshy and happy body is connected to the whole ghost. After he finished speaking, the bloody hole was densely crawling Countless blood vessels emerged, and they were like snakes crawling snakes, piercing through the black mist and crawling towards where Han Fei was.

"Is it me? The joy in my impression is not so weak." Han Fei took out the butcher knife of death, and he no longer had any reservations. 4 The paper figurine protected Han Fei's body, and he called the torturer to him.

In addition to imprisoning ghosts, greedy personality has another ability, that is

With the high cooperation of ghosts and ghosts, use their abilities. The executioner shrouded in crime roared, and its huge body shrank a little bit, and all the evil thoughts acquired after execution poured into Han Fei's body.

"A long time ago, the Shengbutcher Knife could kill hatred. After several transformations, it shouldn't be a problem to smash your false god!"

Not only the imprisoned ghosts, but also Han Fei himself began to work hard. With eight awakenings of personality and the blessing of the torturer and the extremely evil world, Han Fei's current physical fitness has broken through the limit of survivors. Fu Lie who walked out of the movie was even tougher.

Opening the blood vessels easily, Han Fei rushed forward with the sea of ​​fog and black water under the gaze of the gods. 1

"In my shrine world, you still want to kill me?" Gao Xing's mouth was playful, and his beautiful eyes stared at Han Fei's face, as if to see clearly the soul hidden under Gao Cheng's skin.

Besieged by four haters, a personal name emerged from Flesh and Flesh, and all the people he killed became part of his body. Those people's self-awareness was deceived, and their power was being used by the people they hated the most. use.

I am happy to like this feeling very much. The real despair is not being powerless to resist, but a person working hard to help the person he hates the most to create the world he hates the most.

Innumerable names of the dead, representing the joy of bloodthirsty killing now, flesh and blood joy is the closest to the highest

A "soul" of Xing ontology, their personalities and behaviors are very similar, they are evil and cruel, trample on life unscrupulously, and take pleasure in trampling humanity.

After the names of the dead appeared, the happy expressions of the flesh and blood began to go crazy. Huge bone spurs pierced through the skin and bent behind him. He could freely transform into various killing weapons, all capable of causing death and disaster. Er's things seem to be part of his body.

Blue poisonous scars appeared on some flesh and blood, and the plague was also his means of attack. As long as a living person approached him, his body would be permanently damaged.

"If you want to gain eternity, you must break through the diseases of the world, keep your flesh and blood intact, and your will will last forever. How do you kill me like this?"

Gao Xing's body is extremely ugly, he is a super deformity that has not grown completely, his whole body, only his eyes still retain human characteristics.

"You and Butterfly are really two extremes." They are both monsters cultivated by dreams. Their abilities and appearances are too different. The appearance of flesh and blood is a great shock to ordinary people.

"Do you think I'm ugly? In order to prolong life, people's faces are a hundred times uglier than my body." The flesh and blood are happy to be watched by the eyes of the gods, fighting with the four hatreds, ghosts crush each other Breaking apart, this is already a deathmatch that cannot be withdrawn. If one party cannot survive, the other party will get everything from the other party.

"Like to devour? Do you still want to rob me of my flesh and blood? Gao Cheng, you will always be a despicable thief, no one will like you, you deserve to die just like your biological parents!"

The sea of ​​flowers surged, and some flowers that had never been seen before bloomed under the night sky. From their rhizomes, a dark blue poison flowed out, which was a soul poison that specifically targeted the will and spirit.

The poisonous rain was floating underground, and the flesh and blood monsters were not affected in any way. The ghosts Han Fei brought in all wailed, but Han Fei's own soul poison resistance was full, and he was hardly affected much.

"The body created by Immortality Pharmaceuticals was born ahead of time. Although it is not complete, it is barely usable." Gao Xing suffered more and more wounds on his body. He was beaten so hard that he couldn't see his human form, but he didn't hear any concessions from his words. meaning.

Soon the roots in the sea of ​​flowers were falling down to joy regularly, and the heart of Changshou in Han Fei's evil world began to beat wildly, showing signs of forcibly breaking away.

"Teacher Gao! Stop him as soon as possible!" Ah Nian's voice came from the black ring, anxious and anxious: "There are four hatreds in the nursing home! Longevity is the heart that collects life, and the old man who dominates the collective will is my mentor Tian Years, flesh and blood hatred is immortal! After the three of them devour each other, they will become eternal life! That is a god made by man! There is no flaw, immortality!"

Han Fei doesn't believe that there are flawless "gods" in the world, but he will still stop the flesh and blood from being happy, and the scattered hatred can't beat it. Once the other party gathers

Together, he is no match.

Regardless of the distinction between plague and soul poison, even if Han Fei knew that the meat in front of him was laced with poison, he could only swallow it crazily. This was the only way now.

The red flesh and the black abyss of greed are becoming more and more integrated, and Happy's broken body has become the nourishment of the extremely evil world. On the surface, Han Fei is gradually gaining the upper hand, but the attitude of being happy and indifferent makes Han Fei very uneasy.

After the fearful nightmare and Mr. Evil Spirit successfully attacked, the two hateful black flames tore off half of Happy's body.

Seeing those immortal flesh and blood melt into the abyss of greed and become part of the extremely evil world, a sinister and terrifying smile suddenly appeared on the happy and crazy face of the flesh and blood.

"My meat is not that tasty."

As the flower stalks fell on Flesh and Flesh, it joined forces with the old man who dominated the collective will, and all the names on his body changed into distorted faces: "Whether you are Gao Cheng or someone else, you took my thing, you stay in this shrine forever and become a part of me."

The flesh and blood swallowed by the greedy abyss suddenly stopped merging, and the faces of the tragic dead were distorted on those pieces of meat. They cried and struggled desperately, trying to collapse Han Fei's evil world.

The blood poured into the abyss was also injected with soul poison that Han Fei had never seen before. Han Fei's rudimentary personality world began to fester, and a large number of ghosts swallowed by him and Gao Cheng were on the verge of losing their souls.

Gao Cheng's greedy personality seems to have lost its effect! Can no longer swallow!

"As a punishment for interrupting my gestation, leave your body to me." The vicious rash in happy eyes said: "Mom has given you too much love, and even let you search for the memories of the past, see Come on, I can no longer be an obedient child, even if she can't forgive me for the rest of her life, I will make you die."

Crimson blood gushed out of the blood lake, and thin streaks of blood grew from the happy wound. They penetrated into Han Fei's extremely evil world and crawled towards Han Fei's brain.

"Now you can't escape. The person who helped you seems to have forgotten one thing. Greed, a very destructive personality, was originally given to you by me, and you actually tried to use what I grinded out. The knife kills me?"

Harsh laughter rang out. In his happy imagination, Gao Cheng would eventually be swallowed by his own ambition because of his obsession with revenge, becoming the most pitiful lunatic on the street, but he did not expect that Han Fei would have a healing personality for flawed personality .

At this moment, he was full of confidence to destroy Gao Cheng, using his own flesh and blood to collapse Gao Cheng's personality, but at the next moment, the healing stars and the brilliance of countless personalities shone on the abyss of greed, stabilizing Han A brain domain that must collapse.

"What kind of personality is this?" The power that does not belong to the world of the shrine made Gao Xing stunned, the viciousness in his eyes turned into anger, and the anger aroused his bloodthirsty desire: "This is it a bit like that person?"

In fact, it is impossible to fight against personality alone, but Han Fei was very lucky. He took away all the personalities that the dean had stripped away over the past ten years in the third mental hospital. After curing them, he made them as high as stars Hanging above his own brain.

Innumerable personalities complement each other, and human beings are very weak compared to evil spirits, but when the will of all people is unified, it will give birth to a rather terrifying power, and the invulnerability of gods and ghosts is not empty talk.

"Gao Cheng!"

The roar of joy echoed in the ground, and he pulled the hanging flower stems, trying to kill Han Fei himself, but was blocked by several hatreds.

The two sides were in a stalemate like this, and Han Fei's will might collapse at any time. The situation seemed to be extremely unfavorable to him, but both sides ignored one person, Nian.

With seven awakened memory personality, he is not only the strongest fighting force against hatred accidents, but also a participant in the eternal life plan. He is very familiar with flesh and blood factories and Huahai.

When all the hatred was dragged down, he found the weakest point in the sea of ​​flowers, where a large number of hating humanity imprisoned by Gao Xing was imprisoned. Among them are not only the hatred in the shrine, but also the obsession with real hatred outside the shrine!

able to grow

In order to be unspeakable, he built a flesh and blood shrine and killed countless evils in his hands. Many valuable obsessions were imprisoned in the shrine by him as his source of strength.

Guilou Huahai is such a special place. The most special humanity and obsessions are usually hidden in a deep place, and it is impossible to find them, unless, as it is now, the two top haters are going all out. A flaw was revealed.

The long river of memory flows through the blooming flowers, and Ah Nian doesn't care to distinguish them. He uses the fastest speed to pick off all the rare flowers, tear off the roots, and cut off the shackles!

A series of obsessions appeared beside Ah Nian, and he didn't stop. This opportunity to enter the deepest part of the sea of ​​flowers was once in a lifetime, so he naturally didn't want to miss it.

During the day, he agreed to enter the nursing home with Han Fei, partly because he wanted to see if his child was here. For the little hope in his heart, he rushed into the sea of ​​flowers with his body, even if he was crazily consuming past memories The self in it also has to swim deeper.

In the sea of ​​flowers of will, the flow of time is getting slower and slower. With the persistence of finding the child, Ah Nian breaks the interference of various fantasies. When he tore off the flower stem in front of him for the last time, he stopped in place.

There was a trace of happiness in his eyes, but also a trace of disappointment.

He found the flower Han Fei was looking for, but he didn't find the soul of his child.

Ah Nian came to the center of the sea of ​​flowers, and there were three flowers blooming in this hidden snow area that is difficult for ordinary people to reach.

The brightest flower is tolerant, warm, and beautiful, with happiness in its fragrance. She stretches her branches and leaves to cover the other two flowers, which seems to represent responsibility and family.

On the left side of the largest flower, there is a dying rose. She has a special kind of beauty, which is cruel and painful. The little flower on the right has not yet opened, just a flower bud hidden under the rhizome, like an inconspicuous weed.

Without hesitation, Ah Nian picked off all three flowers.

At the same time he pulled out the root, his pupils shrank in joy as he was in a stalemate with Han Fei, as if his heart had been stabbed several times. He turned his head and looked at Huahai. His "Beloved" was taken away!

The pressure Han Fei was facing became less. He had just breathed a sigh of relief when a familiar voice suddenly appeared in his heart: "Now is the best time to kill him. What are you waiting for?"

"Number Two?"

Han Fei didn't expect child No. 2 to speak up at this time. The living unspeakable seemed to be watching him all the time, trying to figure out his true nature.

Han Fei didn't need to control it. A blood-soaked paper airplane fell out of Han Fei's pocket, staggering and flying towards Gao Xing along the trajectory of fate.

No one would pay attention to this thing, and he didn't realize something was wrong until the plane fell into the scar on Flesh and Happy's heart.

"The future you have does not exist. I saw your end at the end of my destiny."

The No. 2 brain obtained by Han Fei in the No. 3 Mental Hospital was sacrificed, and an indescribable aura enveloped his brain. All of this seemed to be planned in advance by No. 2. Just for this moment to come.

Fighting to the death, at the moment of joy and confusion, the greedy personality has undergone a change that no one expected. It instantly expanded several times and swallowed the flesh and blood together with the underground blood lake.

No. 2 used his ability to help Han Fei eat Gao Xing's soul, but the appearance of other indescribable auras would also make Gao Xing realize that there was a serious change in the shrine.

""Beloved" is one of his most important works. Taking away your love is equivalent to touching his bottom line, so it doesn't matter whether I made a move or not. I am happy that the ontology will come back soon, and now you may not Time has stopped me from offering blood sacrifices to hope for a new city." No. 2 didn't give Han Fei a chance to speak: "Accept the gift I gave you, I hope you can use the flesh and blood of the old god to pave the way for the new god."

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