My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 905 Limits of Personality

Number Two's voice disappeared along with his brain in the memory world of the shrine, the living unspeakable, using his own abilities to deal a fatal blow to the flesh and blood.

He has reaped the greatest rewards at the smallest cost.

Glad that one of the three souls was swallowed by Han Fei and Gao Cheng, Gao Cheng could gain the power to usurp the gods, Han Fei saved his own life, and it would take time for them to digest the flesh and blood of the gods and reorganize the Abyss of Greed, so they could no longer be distracted to hope for the new city Stop Hate Blood Ritual Survivors.

No. 2 saw all the tributaries of the long river of fate in advance, and he led the future step by step into the direction he chose.

The fate of the flesh and blood was forcibly changed, and the indescribable power could not kill it immediately, but weakened it enough to be swallowed by Han Fei.

Gao Cheng and Gao Xing are the twin flowers on the branches of life. In the past, Xing Xing had the absolute advantage, but now the balance of fate is tilting towards Gao Cheng. Xing Xing's reserved flaws in his greedy personality have been made up, and the abyss is clinging to him. Feeling happy with the flesh and blood, he swallowed it slowly.

The radiance emitted by the healing personality and countless personalities suppressed the flesh and blood. Gao Cheng's body controlled by Han Fei was forced to fuse with the flesh and blood factory. The power of immortality was injected into his blood vessels. Every beat of his heart would make his body become stronger than before.

The flesh and blood in the abyss of greed is still struggling, it will not succumb to this, and it is not easy to let its will be dissipated.

The flesh and blood ghosts stopped expanding, and the flower stalks that were flocking to the flesh and blood embryos and god corpses had new targets, and Han Fei became a better choice. They rushed towards Han Fei, all wanting to be a part of Han Fei, and forever Escape from this dark dungeon!

Each flower stalk represents a soul that died in vain. Han Fei never refuses the ghosts in the sea of ​​flowers. He wants to destroy Gao Xing's most cherished garden and turn them into his "friends."

Some special buildings in the memory world of the shrine can have a great impact on the happy body, such as the flesh and blood factory and the sea of ​​flowers. They are very important to happy, and they are the summary and "value" of happy life.

The sea of ​​flowers was in turmoil, and the old man who was still trying to destroy the corpse was also affected. There were too many different voices in the collective will, and the will that could not be eliminated by external forces eventually collapsed inside.

The huge ocean of consciousness was torn apart, part of it got into the god's corpse, and part of it merged into the abyss of greed, and the old man had less and less will to control.

"Teacher, the eternal life plan is not as good as you imagined. You were wrong this time." Ah Nian took away the most precious flower in the sea of ​​flowers, and his memory of his mentor turned into a sharp knife.

Under the siege of A Nian, Shen Zhai and several hatreds, the collective will led by the old man was also thrown into the abyss of greed.

So far, Han Fei has successfully swallowed up longevity, ten years, and immortality in Yiyang Tiannian Nursing Home. Gao Xing and the "eternal life" that Yongsheng Pharmaceutical Corporation wants to conceive will complete the final fusion in the abyss of greed in Han Fei.

No one knows what kind of monster this will create, and the future is developing in an unpredictable direction.

"Flesh and blood factories capable of self-circulation, an endless sea of ​​flowers formed by collective will, an abyss of evil that kills sins, and a starry sky of personality centered on healing personality." Han Fei's abyss of greed is no longer what it used to be. All the things he devoured are blending and reorganizing, in the words of No. 2, paving the way for a new god.

It was very difficult to digest all these things. Han Fei's will was almost torn apart by different forces, but he had to live in this extreme pain, and he had to stay awake at all times, so he couldn't fight back against Xing Xing Opportunity.

Only when Gao Xing's soul is completely swallowed now, and when Xing Xing's body returns in the future, can Han Fei not show any flaws and have the capital to fight against Xing Xing.

Han Fei had never experienced such a painful devouring process in the long time he had had a greedy personality. The difficulty of devouring the eyes of the gods before was completely incomparable to what it is now.

He didn't dare to be negligent. Although the will of flesh and blood is far inferior to his own body, it is the scariest thing Han Fei has ever seen. Now he seems to be swallowing a knife, knowing that he will be cut. just keep your eyes closed

Forcibly eat each other.

This is the final battle between the two sides, the winner takes all and the loser loses everything.

In the turbulent flow of time, Han Fei concentrated on digesting the will of flesh and blood joy together with Gao Cheng. As the influence of joy disappeared little by little, the Yiyangtiannian Nursing Home began to collapse.

The god corpse with thousands of hands and four eyes supported the world, and its face was becoming more and more similar to Han Fei, but fortunately, it did not attack Han Fei blindly like the previous blood shadow.

It seems to have independent thinking, observing and adapting to this shrine world in its own way.

"Gao Cheng! Wake up!"

A Nian's anxious cry sounded vaguely in his ears, and Han Fei had no way to respond. The digital hatred returned to the abyss of greed, and the ghosts and ghosts covering the nursing home and nearby neighborhoods also dissipated.

The perception of the outside world was blocked, and everything in the world seemed to have nothing to do with Han Fei, and the meaning of his existence seemed to be to kill happiness.

The body was moved several times, and the personality was constantly on the verge of collapse. I don't know how long this pain lasted until the system's notification sounded.

"Player No. 0000, please pay attention! You have successfully swallowed the top level of hatred—the collective will of Tiannian! If the captivity fails, the collective will will merge into the abyss of greed! It will become a part of your personality!"

"Attention, player number 0000! You have successfully swallowed

Into the top level of hatred - not to die! If the captivity fails, the flesh and blood ghosts will merge into the abyss of greed and become a part of your personality! "

"Player number 0000, please pay attention! You have successfully obtained longevity, ten years, and immortality! An unknown level of immortality will be conceived in your personality!"

"Eternal life (???): It has not become unspeakable, but it is stronger than hatred! It has not only the flesh and blood of living people, but also the obsession of ghosts! It is immortal, and it is the final product of the eternal life plan!"

Han Fei's greedy personality has undergone a fundamental change. It is clearly a brain world, but it is full of vitality. Flesh, soul, ghosts, various obsessions and negative emotions build everything here, making it look like It is like a reincarnation world that exists in reality and keeps growing in a self-circulating cycle.

"Player No. 0000, please pay attention! Your greedy personality has reached the limit of the memory world of the God Box, continue to satisfy your ambitions, devour more powerful ghosts, and you will complete the ninth personality breakthrough!"

After the system's notification sound ended, Han Fei couldn't continue to support himself anymore. His body passed out in the blood and black mist, and his will fell into the new moon and the abyss.

The God Box is the unspeakable foundation and their obsession. All the crimes committed by Gao Xing in reality are to realize this worst future. It is precisely because he continues to move forward on this road that the world of divine sense can continuously provide him with strength and faith. But now Han Fei and Gao Cheng have shaken the foundation of the shrine and destroyed the world supported by the three souls.


"It will take at least three days for Han Fei to wake up." Student No. 4 stood by the table, his hands were covered with blood, as if he had just returned from a killing: "When those hates receive the news, they will definitely attack in advance, three Days should be enough."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" No. 1 quietly looked out of the window. From the angle he stood, he could just see the inner city of Hope New City.

"If we don't show up, I hope that the 600,000 survivors in Xincheng will all be happy with the blood sacrifice, become his strength, and make his shrine even stronger. These souls who were kept in the shrine were destined from the beginning The ending." Number two patiently put together the puzzle on the table, and when he said this, he happened to pick up the last missing piece of the puzzle: "Now the last piece of the puzzle is complete, and there is no need for us to fight against fate. Get ready to do it, fight for the future of 600,000 survivors, plus the lives of all our children, this time we must resurrect number zero!"

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