My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 908: All Crazy

Test ad 1 All miracles come with a strong sense of success.

Number one is sure that he can break the shackles of fate. He knows that there are other children standing behind him. He firmly believes that if we get together, we can do anything well.

The other children also have full trust in No. 1, and no one will shake it. Because they have made all the preparations in advance in order for No. 1 to create a new miracle.

"No matter what your personality is, in my shrine, no one can kill me!" The necrotic flesh was torn apart, and the blood-red pupils condensed from despair stared at No. 1, the happy soul hiding in the flesh and blood of the orphan woke up.

"When we decided to hunt you down, we had checked all the tributaries of fate. In my opinion, you have no hope of escaping at all." No. 3 stood silently behind No. 1, and found out the old book Notes: "In order for No. 1 to throw this punch, we have already found out the location of all the statues two days ago, and manipulated the pharmacy staff who guarded the clay sculptures to let them unintentionally add the cursed item of the new god to you among the offerings."

Number Two slowly raised his arm, and the chain wrapped around Number One's wrist began to loosen. Two unspeakable forces collided together, and every link of the chain trembled.

The blood-colored pupils in the boy's eye sockets realized the danger, and the pupils turned slightly, as if they wanted to leave the boy's body.

"It's useless." Number three spread out the note. There were hundreds of children's names written on it, but only more than seventy names were marked with red crosses: "This note is for you to see on purpose. The children who bear your soul are all under our control."

Turning to the next page of the notes, the boy's eyes were filled with bloody names.

"We didn't find you by chance, but we locked you in from the very beginning, and we didn't go to showdown with you until we cut off all your retreats." Number three burned the note casually, and looked at number one: " The occurrence of all miracles has countless foreshadowings and coincidences. I foreshadowed the process, No. 2 created the coincidence, and No. 1 is the miracle itself.”


A chain of fate broke, and then countless chains stained with viscous sin blood broke in the new city, and nothing could stop No. 1's will.

His personality power penetrated the blind boy's body and hit the ugly soul in the boy's body.

The big lock that trapped the city seemed to be broken. When the soul was torn apart, the clouds in the night sky became much lighter, and the long-lost Starlight Wine fell on the ruins of civilization.


Happiness symbolizes the weakest tragic soul in the past. It has to bear the backlash of fate alone, but even so, it is not easy to kill it.

As long as he hopes that there are desperate orphans who meet his requirements in the new city, his soul can be transferred at any time; as long as there is a clay sculpture of him in the new city, he can mobilize the power of the shrine at any time.

The happy remnant soul who would never lose was killed by these children who had also experienced the deepest despair. They all knew each other's thoughts too well, because they were all people who had been struggling to survive in despair and pain.

"It symbolizes that your present soul is devoured, and it symbolizes that your past soul is also killed. If you can't even protect your own future, then this shrine will be completely overturned." Number two seemed to say this on purpose. After his words, the happy remnant soul in the blind boy let out a piercing scream.

It destroyed all the god statues in the New City of Hope before its soul flew away, and an unspeakable aura centered on the inner city and spread towards the abandoned city occupied by ghosts.

Not long after, the stars in the night sky began to distort, streaks of hatred intertwined on the edge of the city, and countless ghosts came out of the hiding buildings.

Hyakki nocturnal is not enough to describe this horror, glad to sense the threat, it will set off a new wave of disaster!

The highest-level warning sounded in the buffer zone of Hope New City, flying over the entire new city. The haters who were preparing to sacrifice the blood sacrifice to Hope New City, excitedly, started to do it in advance!

The lights in the city began to go out in groups, the sound of chaotic footsteps continued, and the gates of the inner city were opened

, I hope that the core combat force of Xincheng will be dispatched urgently.

This city, which represents the last hope of mankind, has enjoyed peace for too long. Now it is like a behemoth that has just woken up, waving its claws that have not been used for a long time in a panic.

The sound of sirens soon replaced all sounds, and the residents of the city hid in their homes, and the city fell into darkness.

"It's right for us to do this... right?" Number Four witnessed the changes in the city with his own eyes. This is just the beginning, and more cruel and terrifying things will happen in the next few days.

"Hatred and some high-level people in Hope City agree with each other. They should join forces inside and outside to sacrifice all residents of New City. If we don't intervene, their plan will go smoothly, and they will be more difficult to be stopped if they are fully prepared." Number 2 looked back at Number 4 One glance: "It's in our best interest for both sides to be unprepared now. Chaos can also allow more survivors to escape."

No. 2 is not a good person, and of course he is not a bad person. He who can see his fate is not a human being to a large extent.

The soul symbolizing the happy and tragic past was smashed by No. 1, and the soul fragments were collected by No. 2. All the children left the inner city at the fastest speed.

Now that the whole city is under martial law, the students in Class Seven are not in a hurry to leave, after all, the blood sacrifice will officially start from this moment.

They returned to a private house in Midtown, and entered the underground shelter dug for themselves by the owner, where there was an altar that had only been built in recent days.

The altar is very new, but it has completed many sacrifices in a very short period of time. The statue on the altar is like a living person, full of divinity, as if it will open its eyes at any time.

"Zero, wake up as soon as possible, we don't want to owe you anything anymore."

No. 2 offered the happy soul fragments as a sacrifice to Kuangxiao. The moment the sacrifice was completed, the statue of Kuangxiao actually showed signs of flesh and blood. Maybe in the future, Kuangxiao could really walk out of the statue!

"The happy statues and altars have been destroyed a lot, but it is not ruled out that the ghosts in the new city will continue to build new altars for it. We must compete for blood before they complete the sacrifice.',

I hope that the war between the new city and the old city of Xinhu broke out. This is a battle between the strongest survivor stronghold and all the hateful ghosts. The buffer area stretching for more than ten kilometers will become a flesh and blood mill, life and death, neither side Possibility of retreat.

The ground was trembling, the night sky was crying, black rain was floating in the sky, and the wind was full of the pungent smell of blood.

This is only the first night, and there are already countless ghosts and survivors scattered.


"Han Fei, Han Fei!"

In the midst of the haze, someone was calling a name, and Han Fei's pupils gradually became focused, and he soon realized something.

Since I borrowed Gao Cheng's identity, everyone in the memory world of the shrine should call him Gao Cheng, not Han Fei at all.

Looking in the direction of the yelling, Han Fei seemed to see another self. He was far away from Han Fei, and the two sides could not touch each other at all. "Laughing?"

Severe pain came from the back of his head, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart. Han Fei opened his eyes suddenly, and found himself lying in the abyss of greed.

He also didn't know how long he had been in a coma. After forcibly devouring the soul that symbolizes happiness now, his personality world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The starry sky, the abyss, the galaxy above his head, and the sea of ​​flowers under his feet, life and death formed a near-perfect cycle here, and some strange lives began to be born in his personality world.

"This is like an indescribable shrine memory world!"

Using all past experiences, memories, and accumulations as a framework to build an independent world of shrines, Han Fei found himself groping for another world.

There is another road, a road that Fu Sheng has never tried.

"It turns out that living people don't need to be ghosts, and they don't need to be unspeakable to reach this point."

In the worst future of happiness, Han Fei actually saw the best hope for him.

"The system prompts that I have reached the limit of personality awakening in this shrine's memory world. Is this equivalent to telling me that if my personality can break through nine times, then I will be infinitely close to the unspeakable?"

Happiness itself is unspeakable, so it is difficult to breed a second unspeakable, top-level hatred of the limit of power in his shrine memory world.

But Han Fei was not prepared to abide by the happy shrine rules at all. He was very rebellious, and all he thought about was how to kill the gods and how to make himself the master of the shrine.

Looking at the "extremely evil world" glowing with vitality, Han Fei felt that all his efforts were worthwhile.

Spiritual pollution can no longer affect him. With the eyes of the gods and the flesh and blood factory, the control of black water and despair, he can become the biggest source of spiritual pollution if he wants.

All the personalities in the sky also formed a whole with the healing personality. Han Fei's willpower and mental strength have increased tenfold compared to before. This improvement is permanently retained. Even if he leaves the shrine memory world, his willpower will not change. .

Feel it with your heart, Han Fei can now control the hatred from four to seven at the same time, and the most important thing is that he also has a top killer - eternal life.

The eternal life sleeping in the center of the world is the strongest ghost that Han Fei is currently imprisoned. He doesn't even know how terrifying this ghost is.


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