My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 909 Your teacher is here

Test ad 1 Han Fei made a rough calculation. Under normal circumstances, he can control seven hatreds at the same time, but if he releases eternal life, his extremely evil world will be on the verge of collapse, and his spirit and will will be sucked away instantly. to make.

So unless it was absolutely necessary, Han Fei would not release Eternal Life.

"Looking at all the ghost information provided by the investigation bureau, I can't find a ghost that can compare with eternal life. This thing is a body that I am happy to prepare for myself, and it has surpassed the category of hatred."

Han Fei could hear the heartbeat in the depths of his own world. Immortality was not only perfecting his brain world, but also subtly strengthening his body.

"I don't know how long I slept. I should be able to catch up to Hope Xincheng. I hope the children in Class 7 didn't do anything stupid." In Han Fei's eyes, those children were not monsters, but his best friends.

With his consciousness out of his brain, Han Fei endured the severe pain from his whole body and got up from the ground.

He looked around, and saw that he was lying in the ruins of the flesh and blood factory, and his body was still covered with the remains of flesh and blood puppets.

"What about Ah Nian?"

Ah Nian, who followed Han Fei into the nursing home, disappeared. Han Fei tried to use the black ring to contact him, but unfortunately his black ring was severely damaged and could no longer be used normally.

Taking a deep breath, Han Fei was about to walk forward when the ground suddenly shook.

The necrotic flesh and blood burst, and the evil came out from Han Fei's feet. During Han Fei's coma, it kept guarding Han Fei and never left him.

The huge body ran around Han Fei, shaking the earth, but Da Nie didn't care at all. Although it looked scary, it felt that it was still cute in front of Han Fei.

"Did you see the person who came here with me?" Han Fei touched Da Nie's head. After his personality awakened to the extreme, Han Fei really felt like the master of Da Nie.

Lying on the ground, Da Sie stretched out his dark arms to the horizon, which was the direction of Hope New City.

Han Fei had a faint feeling in his heart. He sat on Da Nie and rushed towards the Hanging Garden residential area.

"I hope I can catch up..."

No ghost dared to stop Han Fei. Forty minutes later, he appeared at the entrance of the Sky Garden building.

Compared with when he left, earth-shaking changes have taken place here, and all the figures of the Blood Gate are survivors.

The happy wife sensed Han Fei's return and took the initiative to open the ghost domain. Countless red ropes were intertwined in the building, with countless corpses hanging from it.

Just looking at this horrible scene, it is difficult to associate the word happy wife with tenderness.

"Unexpectedly, you can really help me bring back my humanity. It seems that Gao Xing has indeed encountered * * troubles in reality. He even wants to threaten his wife and mother with key items." A woman's voice sounded, and the happy wife started from Walking out through the bloody door, there is a clear difference between her hatred and the memory world of the shrine, the burning black fire is full of hatred for joy.

"Has Nian handed over the flower of humanity to you?" Seeing his happy wife regaining her senses, Han Fei stretched his brows, and he had another powerful helper.

Nodding slightly, the happy wife gently slit open her chest. Where the heart should have been, there grew a delicate rose. Among the souls: "You have fulfilled the agreement between us, and of course I will not break my promise. The soul that symbolizes the joy of the past and the present seems to have been killed. Now I will tell you where his future is hidden."

"The most desperate child who symbolizes the happy past was also killed?" Han Fei's concentration was high, and the next step was the final step of the god of recovery.

"The soul that represents Xing Xing's future hides in the deepest part of Area A, where there is a building called the Eternal Life Building, and the most critical god box for Xing Xing is also there." Countless corpses hanging on the red rope are struggling desperately, as if they want to The happy wife stopped her from continuing, but the happy wife who regained her humanity was not afraid of them at all: "What I want to tell you is that if you want to successfully enter the building, you need to go to another building to find the weak point of happy."

"Gods have weaknesses too?"

"Yes, the building

For Gao Xing, it was the beginning of Reimu, and it was the Third Eye Hospital. Gao Xing's wife exhorted: "Remember, only after you figure out Gao Xing's weakness can you kill his future."

"Understood." Han Fei kept the woman's words firmly in his heart: "The survivors in Area A will trouble you to take care of them. I need their belief and support, which will be very helpful for us to destroy the spirit."

"Didn't you notice that the number of survivors in my "home" has increased again?" The happy wife replied impatiently: "The hatred and resentment in District A are gathering in Hope New City, and I will imprison them and survive If all the participants gather here, the final number will probably exceed 200,000.”

"There are so many living people in Area A?" Han Fei was very surprised.

"I found that you always think very well about people. In all living strongholds, as long as the survivor's mental pollution index exceeds 30%, they will be permanently exiled to the city and let them fend for themselves. Area A Most of the survivors are lunatics who have been exiled. Some of them have become toys of hatred, and some have been transformed into new ghosts.” The happy wife is pulling the bloodline, and some lunatics with serious mental pollution are hitting With the blood gate, their behavior and behavior are more and more different from human beings: "200,000 is a little less, people are more ruthless than ghosts when they are cruel to their own kind."

"Those survivors will trouble you first, and I will

I have to go to the New City of Hope first, and after dealing with the affairs there, I will go all out to hunt for a happy future. "Han Fei's black ring can't be used, he hasn't contacted his team members yet, and he doesn't know what's going on in Hope New City.

"I advise you not to go there first." The happy wife fiddled with the red string: "It has been three days and three nights since you went to Gu Yangtian Nian Nursing Home. During the time you left, I hope Xincheng has completely messed up. All the hatred in Area A and Area B is attacking the city, and the other two major strongholds of your survivors, the Disaster Investigation Bureau and Freeport, have also sent teams to support Hope City, and the scale of the war has continued to expand and has completely gotten out of control.”

"Shouldn't the blood sacrifice of hatred be held on the birthday of the gods? Why did they attack the city in advance?" Han Fei couldn't understand. A direct conflict with Hope New City would not benefit those hatreds at all.

"There are some very courageous guys who tortured and killed Happy's past, and even occupied the sacrifices and idols prepared by hate for Happy. I heard from survivors who escaped that those people were unknown, and the major human strongholds did not recognize them. But the only thing that is certain is that they are still staying in the New City of Hope." The happy wife walked towards Han Fei: "After your friend returned his humanity to me, he also went to the New City of Hope. Randomly gather some survivors."

Han Fei was in a coma for three days in the ocean of consciousness, and now Hope New City has turned into a giant meat grinder that runs around the clock.

He was well aware of the seriousness of the matter, and after saying goodbye to his happy wife, he rushed to Hope New City at full speed.

After the catastrophe, the city was occupied by all kinds of ghosts and monsters. It took more than ten years for human beings to regain their homes, but they only had the initial ability to protect themselves.

Sitting on Da Nie, Han Fei finally approached Hope New City when it was almost noon.

The pungent smell of blood can be smelled from a long distance away. The sky is covered by the ghost domain, and there is no light above the entire city. The temperature here is more than ten degrees lower than other places, and it is cold and weird everywhere.

Going forward, the ground has been stained red with blood, and the soil is mixed with flesh and blood, and you can hear the wailing of the soul when you step on it.

"I seem to be a little late..."

I hope that the buffer area of ​​the new city will be captured by ghosts, and there will be no living people. At the end of the buffer area is a ghost land that is so huge that even Han Fei is shocked. I don't know how many haters joined forces, and they shrouded the entire Hope City in the ghost domain.

The ghost domain is not broken, and everyone in the city cannot escape until they all die, or are willing to voluntarily give up their souls and become a toy of hatred.

"Blood Sacrifice New City, these guys are really going to kill them all.""

Vehicles abandoned by the Investigation Bureau and various familiar equipment can be seen everywhere in the buffer area. The Disaster Investigation Bureau and Freeport rushed to support them at the first time, but they were unable to stop the wave of disaster, and finally retreated to the city.


At this time, Wangxin City has gathered 80% of the special personality owners of the three major survivor strongholds. If the blood sacrifice of the haters is really successful in the end, then the survivors will have no chance of turning over, and human beings will forever become food and toys for ghosts. and breeding machines.

Han Fei walked towards the ghosts, and what he saw and heard was shocking. This time, there were not only ghosts and monsters attacking the new city of hope, but also a large number of living people with highly polluted spirits. After they were abandoned by their own kind, they became accomplices of hatred and resentment. A monster that is neither human nor ghost.

Stepping on the road paved with flesh and blood, Han Fei stopped at the edge of the ghost creature. He could not contact anyone, nor did he know what was going on inside the ghost creature, but there was no sign of flinching in his eyes.

"The children are all inside, I have to open a way out for them."


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