My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 911 Hysterical Laughter

Test ad 1 The drowning person will always try his best to grab the straw by the river. The survivors of Hope New City, who have been besieged for three days, don't even think about why Han Fei is with the ghost. Even if Han Fei is a ghost, they are now He hugged his thigh tightly without hesitation.

A gleam of light in a desperate situation can arouse people's fighting spirit, but what Han Fei brings is a raging black fire that can shatter hatred.

I hope that all the survivors in Xincheng can see clearly that it was Han Fei who reversed the battlefield by himself and rescued them from the dead end.

The general combat policy of conservative defense was changed. At first, it was the members of the Investigation Bureau, and then the owner of the special personality who was red-eyed. With Han Fei as the tip of the sword, everyone gathered the power of personality and guarded the center of the ghost domain. "pierce".

Han Fei has the eyes of the gods, and all evil spirits cannot be hidden in front of him. Not only that, he can also modify some of the rules of the gods to make everything develop in a direction that is more beneficial to him.

"This battle is extremely critical, victory or defeat will affect the future of the shrine's memory world, and it will also determine whether the laughter can be revived.

Han Fei was embraced by the paper figurine, and he was riddled with crimes. The starlight in his brain and the butcher's knife of the past reincarnated, and all the resentment he encountered would be killed, and even the hatred would be cut by him if he was not careful.

The Bureau of Investigation once positioned Han Fei as an investigator who manipulates ghosts, but now his melee fighting ability is not weaker than that of Fu Lie. He has almost no shortcomings. He has been "cultivated" by the Bureau of Investigation since its establishment. The most terrifying and powerful investigator.

"Don't hold back anything, I will let go of all the restrictions on you, and let this bloody war become a stepping stone for your promotion.\

,"I hope that the new city is full of evil spirits and ghosts, and the blood sacrifices that are rarely seen are everywhere here, but it is a pity that the war is too cruel, and only the side that survives is eligible to enjoy it.

Feeling the strong desire in Han Fei's heart, the impermanence stared at by the eyes of the gods has become the craziest ghost besides hatred. He has been with Gao Cheng since he was the weakest. He and Gao Cheng have come together until now, and he will not give in. Because of his own destiny, he doesn't want to be a little devil who can only be bullied forever. He wants to pat fate's neck fiercely like Gao Cheng, and use ten times, one hundred times the effort to fight for that trace of fairness.

His eyes are red, and his obsession with impermanence has changed under the influence of Gao Cheng. He seems to be born for war.

Killing, paranoia, absolute obedience to orders, madness with a rationality that other ghosts rarely see.

In the constant devouring and fighting, the chains of fate wrapped around Wuchang began to loosen, and the fate arranged by the gods for the souls of each shrine was shattered!

Countless pictures flashed in Wuchang's eyes, and those things seemed to be memories that did not belong to him.

Not just impermanence, as Happy's present and past are killed, his grip on the shrine weakens, and more and more ghosts and survivors, spurred by death, break free from the shackles of their original fate.

The tributaries of fate changed their course one by one, and the future he hoped for became more and more distant, and even his own destiny was shaken.

The god used the soul in the shrine as a toy, and he never thought that these toys and losers could drag him off the altar one day.

The impact of this blood sacrifice war is very great. It represents that the order established by the old gods was broken, the blood sacrifice failed, and the shrine could not even provide much help and faith for the joy in reality. At this moment, the direction of fate has clearly turned!

On the frontal battlefield, the eyes of the gods found out the location of all the hatred. When they were fighting each other, Han Fei drove the number of hatred to fight more and less. There is no need to release immortality at all, no hatred can fight digital hatred while maintaining ghosts.

There were more and more cracks in the sky of ghosts and creatures that connected heaven and earth. After Han Fei swallowed the hatred of the two, the bond that maintained the ghosts and creatures broke.

The hatred and resentment in the city are willing to hunt and kill the living, but they are not willing to take the risk of losing their souls and fight to the death with the special personality owner during the day.

The nature of this war has long since changed. It was originally a war between ghosts and living people, but now it has become a collision of two waves of disaster, so many ghosts have retreated.

Ordinary obsessions and resentments are fine, if they go away, they will go away. Once the hatred that makes up the ghost sky is gone, the ghosts that have besieged Xincheng for three days will completely collapse.

All the hate doesn't want to see this scene, but if you don't leave now, the last one left will be too late to leave.

The ghost blood sacrifice to the new city was to celebrate the birthday of the gods. The survivors fought desperately because if they didn't do so, their families would be destroyed. The fighting will of the two sides was not at the same level at all.

When Han Fei set his target on the third hatred, the hatred of the ghost talk category very decisively chose to escape. This caused a chain reaction. The three major survivor strongholds attacked the ghost creature that could not be broken for three days in a row, and it fell apart like this, and the light shone into the new city of hope again.

"Don't let them go! All the ghosts who step into the new city will let their souls fly away!"

Survivors who have been passively defending and giving way all the time rarely have such an opportunity to hunt and kill ghosts without any scruples, and run wildly to expel the fear in their hearts.

Han Fei saved them and helped them regain their human dignity.

Every owner of a special personality rushes to the front, swinging his knife at the ghosts and the darkness. If he falls, the people behind him will soon make up for him.

With the help of Han Fei, the frontal battlefield has gained an advantage, but the overall situation is still very serious.

It was very chaotic, the new city was invaded by countless ghosts, and most of the buildings were cursed by ghosts. There may be ghosts left in every room now, and people and ghosts can be seen everywhere fighting for their lives.

In the resettlement site in the inner city, which was neglected by everyone, a few young children climbed up the high wall and looked at Han Fei who was driving the ghosts. Their faces were full of maturity that did not match their age.

"Our teacher woke up twelve hours earlier, which is a bit different from the plan." No. 4 said in a low voice. On the surface, he was complaining, but in fact he breathed a sigh of relief: "Three days, I hope the buffer zone of the new city The surrounding areas have almost fallen, and there are countless casualties, and we have also collected a large amount of blood food, which is almost enough.”

"Almost?" No. 2's eyes fixed on Han Fei: "Such words shouldn't appear in our plan. Why did he wake up early? Did anyone else intervene?"

"Perhaps he also changed his own destiny, causing you to misjudge." No. 4 spread his hands indifferently: "We should also prepare to leave, and if we don't leave, be careful not to be caught by him. After this battle, he survived The prestige among the demons will be unmatched, and a new world where humans and ghosts coexist on an equal footing may really allow him to establish it.”

Seeing that No. 2 was unmoved, No. 4 directly picked him up: "You are always used to holding your destiny firmly in your own hands, but I think you should sometimes try to trust others, just like... ..You were willing to believe in number zero back then."

"The two of them are different." Number two said decisively: "If I told you that one of them will disappear forever, would you choose to let him disappear, or would you choose to make number zero disappear?"

"Let the two of them think about this issue." No. 4 left the resettlement site with No. 2 on his back. The ghost was broken, and now is the best time to leave.

The two quietly came to a building in the outer city. Without disturbing anyone, they continued down the passage in the building and came to the underground headquarters of Xincheng Hope Pharmaceutical.

The slaughter on the ground lasted for three days and three nights, creating countless dead souls and flesh and blood, and all the sacrifices were poured into the ground according to the guidance of the "spirit".

In the center of the overthrown statues of the Happy God, there is a new statue made of the fragments of the Happy God. The skin of this statue has been completely turned into flesh and blood, and it looks exactly like the maniacal laugh.

A severe cough sounded, and the blind boy in tattered clothes saw Number Two coming back and got up slowly.

The moment he stood up, his face and body gradually changed, and finally became number three.

Learning about personality, No. 3 has a very ordinary personality, but he has brought out the ability of this personality to the extreme. He can simulate and copy any personality, and even know how to use his own personality better than the original owner.

After the blind boy was killed, No. 3 became a "war apostle" with the help of No. 2 with the help of the happy remnant soul.

A blood sacrifice. In fact, even if he didn't participate, the blood sacrifice would still happen, they just enshrined the happy sacrifice to the laughing man.

"How's the progress?" No. 2 looked a little complicated.

"The body of flesh and blood is not yet formed, but come closer and listen carefully." Number Three signaled Number Two to come over. After they approached, they could faintly hear a voice coming from the statue, which seemed to be the wild laughter of a madman. He laughed hysterically in pain and despair: "There are tens of thousands of people who have begun to believe in number zero. Those people seem to regard number zero as their spiritual sustenance, and they don't want to forget number zero."

To be remembered by more and more people is rebirth to God.

"It seems that our teacher is not idle either. He wants to revive No. 0 in his own way, the god who might kill him." No. 4 turned to look at No. 2: "You still insist on your own opinion ?"


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