My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 912: A Brand New World

Test ad 1 "I never think that the teacher and us are enemies. On the contrary, I even help him all the time, but I never overestimate human nature, and I will never underestimate the complexity of people." No. 2 did not answer No. 4 positively He looked at the other children and said, "Take the idol of number zero, we have to get out of here as soon as possible. If we are caught, it may misunderstand the survivors."

The children of the seventh class evacuated from the ground, and after collecting a large number of sacrifices, they became the only winners of this war.

The flesh and blood on the ground had dried up, and Han Fei led the special personality owners of the three major survivor strongholds to chase those hatreds to the old city before stopping.

It wasn't that Han Fei didn't want to swallow a few more hatreds, it was because his spirit and will no longer allowed him to continue manipulating ghosts.

Standing on the dividing line between the old city and the new city, Han Fei's figure has been engraved in everyone's hearts forever, and they probably will never forget the scene before them in this lifetime.

The survivors who retreated in the city fortress have never fought back like this. They repelled the wave of disaster and drove out the evil spirits who invaded their homes.

Rivers of blood flowed behind them, dark clouds piled up above their heads, and the gods fell into rage, but the crowd was shouting wildly. This was the first time they relied on their own strength to reverse their fate.

"Next, I will lead you to take back what belongs to us." Han Fei looked at the city skyline, his ambition was burning like a black flame of hatred.

In the past, people succumbed to the privileged class of Hope New City because they had no choice but to obtain asylum; now they follow Han Fei because of a certain belief that something dead in their hearts has been awakened, and that something can Let them no longer be afraid of ghosts and death, and bring them courage and strength. This is the pride of being a human being.

"We are not food for ghosts, nor are we slaves of large strongholds. Everything we do is for ourselves, to prevent our families from living in darkness, to prevent future generations from hiding in the cracks of the ground, and to continue to be able to See the rising sun."

Han Fei turned around and looked at the special personality owners who survived the battlefield of flesh and blood: "I will stand in front of you until I drive out those evil spirits!"

The abyss and the galaxy appeared at the same time, and Han Fei, who had reached the limit of his personality, was qualified to promise everyone.

He didn't let anyone die for his cause, he took the lead, he wanted to protect everyone, and such words are a hundred times more useful than the speeches of those who have privileges. After all, one of them was fighting on the battlefield, and the other was hiding in the fortress that was protected by layers.

The thick dark clouds symbolizing the old gods were torn apart, and wisps of sunlight fell on the battlefield like bright snowflakes.

The war brought Han Fei unprecedented prestige. He broke the situation alone and rescued all the survivors in the three major strongholds. The name Gao Cheng has far surpassed happiness in the hearts of all living people.

The cruelest battle for the throne has officially begun. Gao Cheng, who was originally at an absolute disadvantage, has stepped out of the shadow of happiness step by step.

Gathering up his strength, Han Fei returned to Hope New City with all the special personality owners. This was the first time that human beings returned as victors.

The civilians hiding in the city took to the streets, and they showed the most sincere respect to their savior.

A series of gates were opened, and Han Fei entered the core area of ​​Hope New City for the first time at the invitation of the senior executives of the survivors of the three strongholds.

Even in the worst times of the war, the core area of ​​Hope New City was not captured. This is the headquarters of Deep Space Technology, and it is also the last barrier built by the human elite. They still have hidden killers that have not been used. Not many cards.

Secretly contacting Kong Tiancheng in his mind, Han Fei told him to prepare in advance, and then he would try to do something big enough to subvert the times.

Chuansheng had never done that, and none of the previous owners of the black box had succeeded.

I hope that the real managers of Xincheng have been waiting for Han Fei for a long time, they love and fear Han Fei's arrival.

Love is because Han Fei helped them resolve the life-and-death crisis, and I am afraid that because of Han Fei's appearance, their rule was shaken, and they once had absolute power

They were worried that the power in their hands would be taken away by Han Fei.

Ordinary eight-time personality awakeners are far less terrifying than Han Fei. The hatred of the seven who swept across the battlefield alone is enough to make all the high-level people tremble. Power can control power, but Han Fei's power is obviously beyond what they can control range.

Seeing Han Fei coming in, some of them wanted to talk to him to find out what kind of person Han Fei was, but Han Fei had no intention of responding.

It is hoped that all the middle-level management personnel in the new city will be sent out to clean up the battlefield and treat the wounded, and most of the people left in the core urban area will be real decision makers.

Entering the largest conference room in the core city, Han Fei saw the leaders of the three major survivor strongholds in the hall full of blood.

Hope New City is jointly managed by seven representatives of the New City Council. Among them are the eight personality awakeners who symbolize the strongest combat power, the person in charge of deep space technology who has the most advanced technology, and the control of food and daily necessities of 600,000 people. The Federation of Logistics Organizations, etc., these seven are all powerful figures in Xincheng.

Beside the conference table, besides their seven representatives, were Li Xue, director of the Disaster Investigation Bureau, and two special personality owners of Freeport.

Freeport is a port for exchanges between Xinhu and the outside world. The identities of the two awakened special personalities are not simple, and the second awakened personality is their own

The youngest son of the highest person in charge of Hong Kong, the other person who has awakened eight times of personality is the patron saint of the Freeport Underground Chamber of Commerce.

Han Fei stood alone at the side of the conference table, looking straight at everyone present: "The crisis in Xincheng is temporarily lifted, but a bigger crisis will happen soon."

He told all the happy things. The war between ghosts and survivors is actually a battle between new gods and old gods.

When the happy body comes, all survivors will be tortured and killed. If these people here are not willing to become slaves and food on the table, they can only stand with Han Fei.

"The god will appear on his birthday at the latest. Before that, I hope you can cooperate with me and help the new god occupy the shrine. When the time comes, everything you have will be preserved. I can promise you all."

Empty promises are of no value, and the people in power in the conference room didn't take Han Fei's words to heart. When faced with a common threat, everyone can unite and cooperate. Once the crisis is resolved, they will start fighting for their own self-interest. Fighting and biting each other.

"You don't have to worry that my power will affect you. After I rest, I will enter the Forbidden Building Eternal Life Building in Area A alone, thoroughly investigate the source of the disaster, and destroy the gate connecting the ghost world."

Compared with the inhuman ghosts, the people in power in Hope New City are more worried about Han Fei. To tear apart ghosts and monsters and drive hatred to the old city, Han Fei's reputation among ordinary people and special personality owners in Hope New City is unrivaled.

Han Fei had shaken the foundation of their rule, but they couldn't use the methods they used to deal with ghosts to deal with Han Fei. The best way for them now is to let Han Fei be killed by the ghost. On the one hand, it can weaken the strength of the ghost, and on the other hand, it can restore the balance of all forces.

"No one has ever been able to leave the forbidden building alive? Are you sure you want to try?" The representative of Deep Space Technology glanced up and down at Han Fei. He saw certain qualities in Han Fei that other people in power did not have. The young man's eyes were fiery and crazy. It seems that the burning ambition cannot be satisfied by a new city of hope.

"Yes, I can still promise not to interfere with the affairs of your three strongholds, but you need to cooperate with me fully during the period before the birthday of the god." If the usurping god fails, the birthday of the god is the day of death for everyone, and then More time is meaningless to Han Fei.

"How do you want us to cooperate?" said the person who had awakened the eighth personality in Hope Xincheng. He had always been afraid of Han Fei's power. He was also an awakened person who had the eighth personality. He knew the gap between himself and Han Fei very well. .

"I will help all the wounded to treat the spiritual pollution and remove the curse for them, but I need to build a sculpture of a new god in the city, and I need the faith of all survivors."

Faith is a mysterious thing, invisible and intangible, but it does exist. After communicating with several representatives, they signaled Han Fei to continue.

"Secondly, I want to explore a new model in which humans and ghosts can coexist on an equal footing."

After Han Fei said this, even Li Xue, who supported him the most at the beginning, became a little dignified, and everyone focused on him.

"After the disaster broke out, the bloody feud between survivors and ghosts cannot be resolved easily by one person. People's fear and hatred of ghosts are deeply rooted in their hearts. It is a dream for you to let survivors and ghosts coexist!" Hope Xincheng The eight-time personality awakener smiled coldly.

"Ghosts feed on the resentment, negative emotions and fears of living people. The more people fear, the happier and stronger they are. This is how the hatred of many ghost stories is formed. In addition, not all ghosts lose their minds, they Except for the evil ghosts who crawled out of the deep world at the beginning, quite a few of them were once living people! They retain the memories and emotions of their lives, and they are not much different from you and me!" Han Feizhi entered In the brain area, a small hole was opened in the abyss of greed.

The black mist spread in the conference room, and all the representatives felt like they were facing a formidable enemy: "What do you want to do!\

,""Let you see a few ghosts." Han Fei first released the soul of Kong Tiancheng, and then released the Yin Shang who retained the memory of his life, and the last few souls were the family members and friends of the high-level officials of Hope Xincheng.

He started to make preparations a long time ago, asking Yin Shang to pay attention to those special souls in the city occupied by ghosts, and bring everyone together. "Some of the ghosts you hate are also people you loved deeply."


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