My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 118 [Telling]

Text Chapter 118 [Words]

Lu Li saw Wu Shichao, and Wu Shichao also saw Lu Li looking towards him at a glance in the crowd!

The two made eye contact.

Lu Li saw a slight difference in Wu Shichao's eyes, and then he frowned, looking very unconvinced.

Lu Li had already guessed it.

With Wu Shichao's character, he is not the one who is convinced just because he lost once.

It's just impotent rage.

Thinking about it, Lu Li ignored Wu Shichao and turned his eyes away.

Seeing Lu Liyun calmly looking away, Wu Shichao froze for a moment, and then felt a great humiliation.

Gritting his teeth angrily.


This gritted teeth made his already loose teeth crooked a little, causing his expression to distort in pain.

The face under the mask seemed to be a little swollen again.

There was a tumbling muscle in my stomach.

Under the doctor's treatment, his injury has gradually improved.

But the moment he looked at Lu Li, he felt that his injury had worsened again!

Thinking that Lu Li, who was often bullied by him in the past, might look down on him from the bottom of his heart and laugh at him in the future, Wu Shichao's stomach rolled even more uncomfortable.

He silently vowed in his heart that one day, he must surpass Lu Li!

Smash his arrogant face into pieces!

Lu Li naturally didn't know what student Xiao Wu was thinking.

When everyone came to the school gate and waited for the bus, Lu Li saw that among the dozen or so students standing at the school gate, his older sister Lu Ling and Liu Shiting were among them.

Lu Li was very surprised.

These two people seem to have a spiritual power index of more than 100 points, how could they appear here?

Can't help but go forward.

"Lu Ling, Shi Ting, why are you here?"

Seeing Lu Li approaching, Liu Shiting couldn't help but smile, and greeted Lu Li: "Brother Lu Li."

Lu Ling pointed to a girl wearing glasses beside her, and said, "We came here with Lulu, helping Lulu get things."

It was only then that Lu Li noticed this girl named Lulu.

But seeing this girl seemed a little nervous when she saw Lu Li, she stretched out her hand to shake hands with Lu Li, and said, "Hi senior, I'm Chen Lu from Class One, Grade Two."


Lu Li also reached out to hold her hand.

I just think that the name Chen Lu seems to have been heard somewhere.

However, to be able to enter the Lingwu class in the second year of high school, the talent itself is very good.

I didn't expect that my old sister could make such a friend.

"Lulu is amazing, her academic performance is the fourth in the school!"

Lu Ling couldn't help introducing.

"Fourth in the school?"

Having said that, Lu Li remembered that he had indeed seen Chen Lu's name on the ranking list of the preliminary examination.

Seems to be over 90% correct.

Although the difficulty of the test papers for the second year of high school is not comparable to that of the third year of high school, when Chen Lu reaches the third year of high school, he must be able to maintain above 90%.

And in this school, who are the ones who maintain a correct rate of more than 90%?

Jiang Xiaogu, Chen Xu, Ye Ming, these are the Big Three recognized by the students.

Lu Li couldn't help but asked Chen Lu curiously: "How much spiritual power do you have now?"

Hearing this, Chen Lu was still a little nervous, and said, "289 o'clock..."


Lu Li gave a thumbs up.

The more I understand this world, the more I feel that it takes a lot of talent to reach 289 points in the sophomore year of high school, at least for myself and my old sister, it is absolutely impossible.

By the end of Chen Lu's third year of high school, it is estimated that the spiritual power index will reach five or six hundred points.

or even higher.

Properly the trend of the head of the new generation of the Big Three.

"Hello, Lingling, Shi Ting, and Lulu."

At this time, Jiang Xiaogu appeared from behind Lu Li and greeted the girls in front of him one by one.

Her appearance immediately took away Lu Li's sense of existence.

"Miss Xiaogu!" \u003cspanstyle\u003eGu\u003c/spanstyle\u003e

Both Lu Ling and Liu Shiting crowded around excitedly.

As if seeing an idol, they chirped and surrounded him.

"Study, senior sister!"

Even Chen Lu couldn't help but blushed slightly after seeing Jiang Xiaogu.

As if looking at some dazzling existence.

Lu Li suddenly felt that he had become redundant.

It is also quite helpless.

Jiang Xiaogu's popularity among girls is much higher than that among boys.

Lu Li watched them chatting, and couldn't help but took out his phone and looked at it out of boredom.

I found that many strangers wanted to add me.

Just ignore it.

After a while, the three buses arranged by Lingmeng arrived late.

The students then began to load their luggage into the car.

Before leaving, Lu Ling told Lu Li for the first time: "Lulu said that this event will be very dangerous, so you should be careful outside. If you encounter any danger, follow the crowd closely and follow Miss Xiaogu. I have already Please Miss Xiaogu to take care of you, you should also pay attention to safety, do you understand?"

Lu Li was quite surprised by this old lady's tone.

Then he smiled and said, "Did your mother tell you to tell me this?"

"Where is it? Hasn't my mother already told you what she should have told you in the morning?"


Lu Li shook his head and said, "I can't tell, you really care about my brother."

Hearing this, Lu Ling blushed slightly, and could only cover up her embarrassment by rolling her eyes, and said, "It's rare for you to be away from home for so long, so I'll just say a few symbolic words."

Seeing the old girl's arrogant appearance, Lu Li smiled even more happily.

He said: "Don't worry, I'll only be away for seven days, and I'll be back soon. However, I haven't supervised you for these seven days, so don't steal snacks, I know, and don't expect me to give you pocket money in the future. "

When Lu Ling heard this, she said disdainfully, "It's as if you gave me pocket money."

She didn't know that in her previous life, after Lu Li started working, she didn't have a girlfriend, so a part of her monthly salary would be given to her as living expenses.

However, that was all later.

Thinking about it, Lu Li said: "Okay, I won't embarrass you anymore. When I come back from this practice, I will lift the ban for you, okay?"

Hearing this, Lu Ling's ears couldn't help pricking up slightly: "Really?"

If what Lu Li said was true, Lu Li would be back in seven days, and he wouldn't have to suffer for a month!

Lu Li naturally heard the anticipation in her voice, and for the sake of her conscience, Lu Li didn't intend to make things difficult for her.

Nodding his head, he said, "Okay, let's go home, and watch the road carefully when you go home, and pay attention to safety."

"I know, anyway, what you said, I can lift the ban when you come back!"

As if afraid of Lu Li's repentance, Lu Ling repeated it again.

It can be seen that she really loves snacks.

Lu Li also shook his head helplessly, and said, "Can I take back that sentence?"

"No! Lu Li, are you a man? How can you go back on what you said? It doesn't matter, anyway, you have already said it, that's it! I'm going home, let's go, Shi Ting, let's go home."

Lu Ling didn't give Lu Li a chance to repent, and quickly pulled Liu Shiting aside, and then quickly left.

Being dragged away, Liu Shiting couldn't help turning her head and said to Lu Li, "Brother Lu Li, be careful when you're outside, and be safe."

"Well, I will."

Lu Li smiled and stretched out his hand to say goodbye to them.

Then, under Jiang Xu's urging, he also got into the car with the suitcase.

"Hey, it's nice to have a sister."

The two sat in their seats, Jiang Xu looked out the window and found that Lu Ling and Liu Shiting were still looking at this side from a distance, all envious.

"Sometimes it's good."

Lu Li also glanced at the direction of Lu Ling and the others outside the window, and couldn't help but waved to them.

Jiang Xu, however, shook his head and said, "That's not bad? Do you envy others? You don't know your blessings when you are in the midst of blessings."

Hearing this, Lu Li just laughed without saying a word, not planning to make any excuses.

Instead, I picked up my mobile phone and prepared to continue searching for good books online, so I could shop directly online.


Just as Lu Li picked up his mobile phone, he saw a man in the uniform of a spirit alliance warrior stepping into the car, and said to the students in the car with a serious face: "Now, hand in all the communication devices on your body, including the mobile phone , laptops, and your parents’ trackers, all turned off and handed over to us for safekeeping.”


(PS: First update, and then you can add as many codes as you want. Seek to order! Recommended tickets! Monthly tickets!)

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