My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 119 [Above the Ruins]

"Want to hand over your phone?"

Hearing this, all the students were a little surprised.

"I didn't seem to ask for a mobile phone when I went to Shibi Mountain last time? Although there is no signal on the mountain."

"The place I went to this time is a bit special, and the secrecy work is done very well. My dad asked me about an uncle who works in Lingmeng, but the other party didn't know about it."

The students talked a lot.

However, although they were suspicious, most of the students handed in their mobile phones immediately.

Some students also raised questions.

But they were all responded by the spirit alliance warrior with a strong attitude: "If you don't hand in your mobile phone, take your luggage and get out of the car."

So far, the students have no more objections, and they turned off their mobile phones one after another and handed them over.

Lu Li obediently handed it over.

He also had some guesses about the destination this time.

Judging from the degree of secrecy this time, Lu Li became more and more determined in his mind that the destination this time should be the ruins at the bottom of the Raoshui River.

Within a radius of tens of miles around here, there are only ruins that have not been updated for a long time, and people will spend so much time keeping them secret.

Lu Li handed over his phone and the Lingmeng badge together.

The other party glanced at the badge given by Lu Li, but returned it back to Lu Li, saying: "You can take this with you."

Then continue to move back.

After collecting all the mobile phones, the warrior of the Spirit League got out of the car.

When he came back, the door was closed immediately.

Then, there was a bang.

On the top of the bus, three iron plates were raised and lowered, covering the left, right and rear windows.

The inside of the car suddenly went dark, and the car waited to drive.

All the students looked at each other immediately.

How could you keep the secrecy work to such an extent?

Don't let the students look outside the car?

When all the students were thinking this way, Lu Li noticed that this was not the case, the front of the car could still be seen outside.

Although the field of view is small.

The covering of these three sides should be to change the appearance of this passenger bus into other appearances such as transport vehicles.

It's not that the people of Lingmeng don't let the students know where they are going.

It is to prevent outsiders from knowing where the students are going.

The vehicle is then started.

All three cars drove out.

Lu Li kept looking at the small field of vision in the direction of the front of the car, and found that the direction they were driving now did not seem to be the direction to Raoshuihe.

"Could it be that I was thinking wrong?"

When Lu Li was thinking this way, the car drove out for more than ten minutes and entered a tunnel.

In the tunnel, the bus stopped for a while, and there was obvious movement outside the bus.

It must have been another refit.

The spirit alliance warrior also signaled the students to be quiet.

The car then continued driving.

After driving for a while, I turned back to Raoshui Town.

When Lu Li saw the familiar buildings in Raoshui Town in the limited field of vision of the front of the car, he was convinced that this bus was indeed bound for the ruins of Raoshui River!

At this time, the appearance of the car has become no different from that of an ordinary Lingmeng transport vehicle.

And the transportation vehicles of the Spirit League must drive into the blocked Raoshui Town Bridge at least dozens of times a day, and no one will notice anything unusual.

The car drove into the blockade circle after circle.

Finally drove into a huge steel building.

Then stop at a parking spot.

The iron plates on three sides of the car were raised to restore the bus to its original appearance.

The students also saw everything outside the car window.

It was a world inside a large, brightly lit building.

Warriors from Spirit League and City Guards are guarding everywhere, but judging from the surrounding buildings, as well as the huge and open dark river in the center, and above the river is a brightly lit bridge, it is not difficult to see that this is the remains of Raoshui River where.

It's just that on the bridge, there are many small buildings that didn't exist before.

From the outside, Lu Li looked at the steel building that blocked several kilometers around, and felt extremely shocked.

Now that I am in it, I can feel its hugeness even more.

Moreover, Lu Li also felt a little different around here.

The biggest difference is the aura of heaven and earth inside the steel building.

It seems to be extremely full.

Just in the car, I can feel that the concentration of aura is more than ten times stronger than the indoor aura under the spirit stone device in the school!

Lu Li was not the only one who felt this change, the whole class felt it too.

Knowing that this is the so-called training place, they all showed surprised and excited expressions.

"Here, it seems to be near the Raoshui River Bridge."

"Yes, my store is over there."

Some students pointed to a collapsed ruin in the distance.

"So the location of this practice is the legendary ruin?"

Speaking of relics.

All the students in the car couldn't help but quiet down.

Everyone has guesses in their hearts, and their hearts are filled with uncontrollable excitement.

All the students only heard about the existence of the ruins in rumors, but they had never seen it, and they couldn't find any photos of the ruins on the Internet.

The ruins have almost become synonymous with only the top forces.

We all know that there are countless benefits in the ruins.

No one thought that they would be able to enter the ruins once in their lifetime.

Everyone also instantly understood what the "danger" mentioned by the previous instructor Liao Hong meant. Of course, there is danger in this kind of place.

But everyone can't help but look forward to the various adventures that will happen next.

Although all this may just be delusional.

"Now, take your own luggage and get off the bus, one row at a time, without crowding. Those with large luggage get off and line up at the back of the car."

The spirit alliance warrior directed everyone to get off the car.

Lu Li also took his luggage and items, and waited for the students in front to get off first, while he cast his eyes on the road outside.

I saw other transport vehicles coming to this parking lot one after another outside.

Not only Raoshui No. 1 Middle School, but also Lingwu class students from other nearby high schools were also transported here one after another.

Wait until all the students get off the bus.

The road outside the parking lot was already densely packed with students.

They were all gathered together and lined up in an orderly manner by the Lingwu class instructors from each school.

Lu Li clearly felt that the aura of heaven and earth on the ground was several times stronger than that on the car.

Being in such a place full of aura, even if he did nothing, Lu Li could feel his body gradually improving slightly.

Moreover, Lu carp can feel it.

The closer you get to the bridge, the richer the aura of heaven and earth will be.

at the same time.

That cold feeling became more and more obvious.

Even standing here far away from the direction of the bridge, it is as cold as winter.

Many students felt cold and rubbed their arms involuntarily to keep warm. Some people took out thick clothes from the suitcases and put them on.

These cold feelings are naturally the cause of the purple yin qi emanating from the purple air mass at the bottom of the Rao River.

However, there are too many people here, and it is not easy for Lu Li to link to the Tongyou Jade Pendant to take a closer look.

But what is certain is that the concentration of Yin Qi around him is definitely not lower than the concentration of Yin Qi that he just saw in the cemetery before.

The Yin Qi here is so strong, if it is close to the bridge, how exaggerated it would be?

Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't help but feel a little eager to try.

Lu Li looked back at the dozen or so queues standing on the road.

Each lineup represented students from a school. Roughly, there were at least sixteen or seventeen high school students on the scene.

Not only a few high schools near Raoshui Town, but also high school students from several neighboring towns were transported here.

There were at least a thousand students at the scene!

And in contrast, Lu Li's school has a relatively large number of people, with more than a hundred people.

The school with the smallest number of people only had more than 20 evacuated people.

Wait until all the students are present.

On a temporary podium in the distance, a figure familiar to Lu Li also slowly walked onto the podium.

It was the White Glove Minister whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

As soon as he came on stage, the audience fell silent.

The white-glove minister still had a friendly smile on his face.

However, Lu Li noticed that the white-gloved minister's face looked much more tired than what he had seen before.

"I am Ren Xingfeng, the head of the Rao Water Division of the Alliance of Spirit Cultivators."

As usual, the Minister of White Gloves introduced himself.

Multiple speakers in all directions transmitted the voice of the Minister of White Gloves to the ears of all the students.


Hearing that the person on the podium claimed to be the head of the Spirit League branch, all the students in the audience couldn't help being surprised.

After all, it is difficult for ordinary students to see such a big figure as the head of the Lingmeng branch.

It was only then that Lu Li learned that Minister White Gloves' real name was Ren Xingfeng.

Ren Xingfeng said to the students: "As you can see, the location of this cultivation activity is the Raoshui River Bridge. I believe you have already felt that the concentration of heaven and earth aura is very high. There is no doubt that If you practice here, it will definitely be more effective than practicing on some small spiritual mountains."

"This training activity will last for seven days. During these seven days, I hope you can seize the opportunity and practice without distraction. Try to increase your cultivation level. Your instructors will also be on call 24 hours a day. If you have any training problems , you can ask your instructors for advice.”

"In addition, there is a certain degree of danger in cultivating here. Although you cannot leave here halfway, if someone wants to stop cultivating, they can also find your instructor. Spirit League will arrange for you to go to a safer place to spend your memory. The next few days."

"Finally, I have to remind you one thing. If you are not very confident in your own strength, try not to choose a place too close to the river to practice."

"If you feel any discomfort during the practice, you should immediately contact the staff around you, do you understand?"

After listening to Ren Xingfeng's words, the students shouted in an extremely neat voice: "Understood!"

"Okay, I wish everyone can achieve the desired results in this practice. Instructors, now you can take your students to assign dormitories."


The instructors responded one after another.

After Ren Xingfeng nodded to the students, he walked down the stage.

Next, it was the turn of the instructors to explain to the students some matters that need to be paid attention to when practicing here.

And a numbered card was issued to each student.

"When you practice here, you may feel more and more cold in your body."

"When the cold becomes unbearable, don't continue to practice. Downstairs in your dormitory, with this card, you can receive a bottle of 'Warming Cold Pill' every day, and each bottle contains five pills."

"After taking the elixir, rest until the cold feeling in the body disappears before starting to practice. Remember."

"If you don't do what I say, when something goes wrong, no one will take responsibility for you. Understand?"

The instructor's voice was not as gentle as Minister Ren Xingfeng's.

The students also responded loudly.

Then, under the leadership of the instructors of each school, they walked towards the dormitory area.

The so-called dormitory area is actually some well-preserved hotels in this small town.

It's far from the bridge.

The closer to the dormitory area, the more Lu Li could feel the aura in the air become thinner, and of course, the colder the feeling.

"Get the one whose number starts with 1, and live in Building 1 here. The room number is the three digits after the number. The room key is the card in your hand."

The instructor took the students to one of the hotels and then explained.

The students immediately checked their card numbers.

The students who got the first word 1 came out one after another.

Lu Li and Jiang Xu were among them.

Lu Li glanced at his card number, it was "1111"!

With such a neat number, Lu Li didn't think it was due to his luck that he got it. He had reason to believe that the instructor definitely left this card for him on purpose.

Liao Hong has always admired Lu Li, and Lu Li can feel it too.

However, this number is somewhat exaggerated.

Even Jiang Xu couldn't help shouting when he saw her, "Damn! There's something shady!"

Fortunately, Jiang Xu also got a very good number, and had a good time with Lu Li for a long time: "Look, my 1213 is as simple and easy to remember as your 1111."

It hasn't been long since Jiang Xu said those proud words.

I heard the instructor say the true meaning of this string of numbers.

Remove the 1 that represents the building number in front, and it becomes 213.

is a capital 2B.

Jiang Xu instantly felt that the number in his hand was not good.

"It's okay, isn't there still building No. 2? There is also 2222 to give you the bottom line. You are definitely not the most 2nd one."

Lu Li was half smiling, half comforting Jiang Xu.

In exchange, Jiang Xu clamored to change his number.

How could Lu Li follow him?

Turning around, she threw Jiang Xu away and went to find her room on the first floor.

And the other side.

Wu Shichao and the others were also taken to Building 2 by instructor Liao Hong.

Wu Shichao glanced at the card number in his hand, and it was 2222 impressively printed on it!

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