My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 150 [Analysis]

Chapter 152 [Analysis]

A scream broke the silence.

Before the two of them reached the stairs on this floor, they heard the scream, which sounded from below.

This voice sounds like it's at least two floors away from here!

Lu Li couldn't help but stop.

He also grabbed Liu Yufeng who was at the side, and motioned her to keep quiet.

Listen carefully to the voices downstairs.

The screaming sound didn't last long, and soon disappeared.

The following soon fell into silence again.

"Is it a monster?"

Liu Yufeng asked in a low voice.

Lu Li frowned slightly, and raised his hand to signal her not to speak yet.

Because, he heard, there was movement downstairs!

Liu Yufeng silenced immediately.

Lu Li continued to straighten his ears to listen to the sound.

It was soon heard clearly that there was indeed a sound of small footsteps on the downstairs floor!

The footsteps sounded like they were climbing the stairs, lightly.

Sounds like a lot.

But it's not slow.

Lu Li had no choice but to hold Liu Yufeng's hand and said, "Let's hide first and walk softly."


Liu Yufeng nodded, and let Lu Li pull her to an L-shaped bookshelf by the wall.

She was about to squat down and hide here, but Lu Li pulled her up.

"This way."

Lu Li pointed to the window next to him.

Push open the window.

Lu Li supported Liu Yufeng, and collapsed with difficulty, between the slanted and slippery tiles, grabbed the window sill, and stood still with difficulty.

Looking at the mist and smoke under his feet, Liu Yufeng couldn't help feeling a little afraid of heights.

"Don't look down."

Lu Li reminded.


Liu Yufeng just nodded, then grabbed the window sill and closed his eyes.

"Don't close your eyes either."

Lu Li couldn't help but shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

After Liu Yufeng stood firm, he also turned over.

After stabilizing the figure, he activated the gravity technique to fix the bodies of the two.

Liu Yufeng was originally afraid of heights and panicked.

Now, feeling that my body can actually step on the air, I can't help but be quite surprised.

Then, he discovered that he was able to step on the air because of the land carp!

"This is what Minister Ren said, is your second awakening ability?"

Liu Yufeng couldn't help asking.


Lu Li just nodded, and then signaled her not to speak.

Feeling the rapid consumption of spiritual power in his body, Lu Li also took out a bottle of Coke with a blue cap from the space of another dimension.

Using gravity to maintain the weight of two people is obviously a very exhausting thing.

Fortunately, there are more than a dozen bottles of Lu Li's ether potion, so there is no need to worry.

Thinking about it, Lu Li drank half of the bottle.

After feeling that the consumption and recovery of the spiritual power in the body was maintained at a level where the income exceeded the expenditure, he put away the remaining half bottle of Coke.

Liu Yufeng was also very surprised to see Lu Li took out another unexpected item from her pocket.

He couldn't help wondering whether Lu Li really had Jingdong Cat's treasure bag on him.


Lu Li used Tang Hengdao to cut two small holes in the wall for him to observe the situation inside the tower.

Seeing that Liu Yufeng always looked down from time to time, Lu Li had to make two small holes for Liu Yufeng by the way.

Ten minutes later.

Lu Li began to hear some small footsteps from the stairs.

And, the sound is getting closer.

Until Liu Yufeng heard these footsteps, the footsteps of these people slowly stopped.

after awhile.

Lu Li and Liu Yufeng saw that at the top of the stairs, a man in the uniform of a spirit alliance warrior poked his head up cautiously.

And looked around.

It was dawn, the sun was rising.

The dome outside the tower began to become much brighter.

However, it is only much brighter. This is relatively the bottom of the deep sea, and the brightness remains at a gloomy level after all.

But it's not as dark as it was tens of minutes ago.

Even with Liu Yufeng's eyesight, he was able to see the opponent's face clearly after adapting to the darkness.

Then, she was slightly surprised.

She recognized the man.

She leaned close to Lu Li's ear, blew warm air in a low voice and said, "He is the warrior who led us into the tower last night."

Although he recognized the other party's identity, Liu Yufeng didn't immediately step forward to recognize the other party.

During this time in the tower with Lu Li.

She was used to letting Lu Li make the decisions.

Lu Li nodded when he heard the words, but still whispered: "Let's take a look first."


Liu Yufeng nodded obediently.

The two continued to wait and see.

While watching the situation inside, Lu Li also looked around for other escape routes.

He was still worried about the scream he had just heard down there.

Because the screaming sound obviously came from below the third floor.

And these people obviously walked up from the lower level.

This means that there is still an uncertain factor in the layers below them.

It may be a ghost, or it may be that someone has turned into a zombie to harm people.

The latter is fine.

If it was the former, then neither Lu Li nor Liu Yufeng would be safe.


At the top of the stairs ahead, the spirit alliance warrior walked up after confirming that there was no danger.

And motioned to the people below, whispered: "Come up."

Afterwards, many students climbed up one after another.

There are seven students and two fighters in total.

One of the two warriors is probing in front, and the other is in the back.

Among these students, there were two Lu Li who still knew each other. One of them was Liu Yufeng's friend when he met Liu Yufeng downstairs, a girl named Yaling.

The other was a male student from the same school as Lu Li in the same Lingwu class.

However, Lu Li only remembered the other party's appearance, and there was actually no intersection.

Thinking about it, he listened to the spirit alliance warrior in front of the palace, after looking around, he said with emotion: "It seems that the maze has really been broken. Is it because of the dawn?"

The martial artist who was exploring the way ahead nodded slightly and said: "It is possible."

"I'm afraid not, someone should have destroyed the structure of the maze."

At this time, a teenager wearing a silver ring came up from the stairs.

Looking around.

Compared with the flustered and sad expressions of other students after they came up, the silver ring boy's face looked much calmer.

Hearing this, the two warriors also looked at the young man and asked:

"Someone sabotage? Who?"

"Luo Ming, what did you find?"

The boy named Luo Ming shook his head and said, "I don't know who it is, it may be other students, it may be Yao Yi, and it is more likely that it is someone who entered this tower before or after us."

"Is there anyone else entering this tower besides us?"

Luo Ming nodded and said, "Well, besides, they should have reached the top floor, which is the hub of the entire maze."

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Luo Ming explained: "If I didn't guess wrong, this tower should have thirty-six floors, and the location we were just now was on the thirty-third floor, which is the end floor. When we were on the thirty-third floor just now , I also saw that there is the terminal floor, but the guide is gone.”

"But this maze doesn't just have one final layer."

"In this maze, there are three routes that can be taken. One is the route with books under the bookshelf; the other is the route with the empty bookshelf above the bookshelf; and the other is the route of the corpse of the ancients."

"We took the route of the empty bookshelves above the bookshelves, and reached the 33rd floor of the normal exit."

"And the floor below should be the route where the book fell to the ground, and it's also the thirty-fourth floor."

"And this floor is the end of the ancient corpse route, the thirty-fifth floor. The thirty-fifth floor is linked to the top labyrinth hub floor."

Luo Ming analyzed logically.

And raised his head, pointing to the stairway at the corner of the ceiling above.

There, a little light can be seen.

It is the light of the window.

Luo Ming pointed there, and said, "Unless there is a fourth route, the upper floor should be the top floor. My master once explained to me a similar maze structure."

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Everyone believed in his words.

Because, they were able to come here because of Luo Ming's judgment.

If they are alone, they will either go around the maze to the point of a nervous breakdown.

Either be bumped into by the monster, or killed by the monster.

And Luo Ming's judgment was almost correct.

Even Lu Li, who was eavesdropping outside the tower, couldn't help but nodded.

Although the other party's judgment is not completely correct, but can consider this step, the power of observation is also very strong.

Moreover, Lu Li seemed to have heard the name Luo Ming somewhere.

It seems to be someone from a school near Raoshui Town, someone who is as famous as Jiang Xiaogu.

Lu Li also occasionally heard Jiang Xu and the others at the same table talking about Luo Ming.

"Then what should we do now? Now there is no one to respond at the terminal floor, the monster is below, and we can't go back. What should we do?"

"Yes, and the monsters below will catch up sooner or later."

"Are we going to be killed?!"

"Don't. I. I don't want to die. I also promised my dad that I will get into a good school and show him that I will give them old age when they are promising."

The students were all a little flustered.

This night, they experienced too much.

They were canaries, and this night, they saw a lot of bloody killings of humans by monsters; they saw the weirdness of the ruins; and the oppression of the maze.

The psychological pressure has long been excessive.

Now hopes have been dashed, and each one is on the verge of collapse.

But the boy named Luo Ming couldn't help but feel a little disdainful in his eyes when he heard the flustered appearance of other students.

Seems resentful that these people are always making such a fuss.

He said: "That Yaoyi's purpose may not be to kill us, it's just that we happen to be in the way of where he wants to go."

"You mean, the purpose of the monster is the topmost labyrinth hub?"

A warrior asked.

Luo Ming nodded and said, "If I'm not wrong, there must be something very precious at the hub of the maze, which can support the operation of the entire maze."

Hearing this, the two warriors and other students understood.

Indeed, the things that can support the operation of the entire maze are definitely objects with very powerful spiritual power.

Of course the opponent will want to seize it.

"Then, what should we do? Didn't you say that the structure of the maze has been destroyed? That person should have taken the things away, right?"

At this time, a student asked a key question.

Luo Ming nodded, and said: "This is the key point. The person who destroyed the structure of the maze may have obtained the treasure. And the Yaoyi obviously doesn't know who has taken the treasure. In other words, he may feel that the treasure was taken away by us."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

After Luo Ming's analysis, everyone thought it was possible.

If this is the case, wouldn't they all become scapegoats?

Of course, even if it wasn't for the dead ghost, the demon would still kill someone if he saw someone!

Thinking of this, everyone panicked again.

Hearing this, the leading spirit alliance warrior calmed down.

He asked Luo Ming, "Then where is the person you mentioned who destroyed the maze structure now?"

Luo Ming heard the words, but shook his head, and said, "I don't know, maybe, after destroying the structure of the maze, he used some method to leave. For example, a psionic flying machine."

"Perhaps, he is waiting for us on the upper floor now."

"Or... just hidden in this layer, hiding somewhere to watch us and eavesdrop on us."

As he spoke, Luo Ming couldn't help but glance over the surrounding bookshelves.

When the others heard this, they couldn't help but patrol around vigilantly.

Although the sky has brightened a lot, the inside of the tower is still very dark, only part of it is illuminated enough to see clearly.

The two spirit alliance fighters even started to move their feet after making eye contact.

Start looking at the past one by one bookshelf.

Lu Li listened to the analysis of this student named Luo Ming outside, and couldn't help but admire secretly in his heart.

However, he still had no intention of showing up.

If he showed up now, then he and Liu Yufeng would inevitably have to join them to face that monster.

It would be fine if the opponent was strong, but among these few people, the two warriors and Luo Ming were the strongest.

The three of them combined may not be able to defeat a black iron-level monster.

Although Lu Li's current strength, he should pay attention to dealing with a black iron monster.

But it is also limited to the black iron level.

No matter how advanced the Yaoyi is, Lu Li will not have much confidence.

And if you don't show up.

Then I and Liu Yufeng can sneak away while Yaoyi is chasing and killing them.


The specifics depend on the level of the monster.

Before that, Lu Li didn't want to show up.

Thinking about it, the two warriors also found nothing unusual after punching.

Then he began to call the students to follow, and continued to walk towards the top thirty-sixth floor.

Just when they all came to Yumen.

When preparing to climb the stairs.


"Bang bang bang bang bang!!"

A series of explosions!

Suddenly it sounded from downstairs!

This series of explosions immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"The trap we set up was stepped on!"

"Yes, did that monster step into a trap?"

"No, I don't know"


"That monster, was it blown to death?"

The students immediately looked at each other.

"It won't kill you."

Luo Ming also poured cold water on them at this time.

Despite this result, they already knew it in their hearts.

When they were under the tower, they had already seen with their own eyes that a captain of the warrior team hugged the monster before he died, and then detonated the spirit stone bomb on his body, preparing to die together.

As a result, it failed to kill the opponent at all.

And the power of the bomb in the bomb trap downstairs is far worse than that of those spirit stone bombs!

"Anyway, let's climb up first! If it doesn't work, let the fucking copycat fight with him!"

The martial artist behind the crowd gritted his teeth and said!

The martial artist who was exploring the way in front looked dignified, but he also nodded and said: "The captain detonated the spirit stone bomb on his body before he died, and that Yaoyi must have been injured. If we go together, there may be some Chance."

Said, Pathfinder Warrior glanced at the students.

The students all looked terrified.

Seeing this, the warrior couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

He glanced at Luo Ming, the most reliable among the students.

However, Luo Ming also had a serious expression on his face and did not speak.

Obviously, in Luo Ming's eyes, even if they fight to the death, they still have no chance of winning.

Unless those people who can destroy the maze structure appear, there may be a little chance to fight back.

But those people probably left after getting the treasure!

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