My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 151 [Wolf Demon]

"Lu Li...... Is that monster going to come up?"

on the outer wall of the tower.

Liu Yufeng watched everyone leave, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Lu Li's solemn expression.

Just after those people walked towards Yumen, Lu Li heard the sound of hurried footsteps climbing the stairs quickly.

high speed!

And accompanied by the sound of stepping on the wooden steps!

"So fast!"

The series of explosions just now sounded from a very low place, but they rushed up so quickly, the opponent's speed was astonishing!

The strength must be very good!

"Grab this!"

Lu Li hurriedly motioned Liu Yufeng to hold on to the wood above.

After seeing Liu Yufeng grasping firmly, he let go of the gravity technique.

If the monster's strength is strong, he might be able to sense the spiritual power, and then find himself and Liu Yufeng, so at this time, it's better not to use the spiritual power.

At the same time, Lu Li also put away the blazing sun jade on his body.

Liu Yufeng, who was at the side, sensed that the air had cooled down suddenly, and was slightly surprised, and almost slipped his foot.

Fortunately, she was holding on to the beam above, so she didn't fall all over.

Lu Li also saw that it was difficult for her to stand still, so he had to put one hand around her waist to help her stabilize her figure.

It caused Liu Yufeng to blush.

Lu Li didn't think much about it, but glanced at the gray mist under his feet.

Thinking about the escape route later.

I can use the gravity technique to send Liu Yufeng to the next floor, and then cooperate with the gravity technique to swing down by myself.


The two simply jumped down together, using gravity to counteract the falling force.

But Lu Li hadn't tried this before, and if he couldn't counteract the force of the fall, he would be crushed to pieces.

On the lower floors, Lu Li dared to do this, but here the college entrance examination is hundreds of meters high.

Better not take the risk.

Thinking about it, Lu Li said to Liu Yufeng: "I'll send you down later, you can close your eyes, but don't panic, don't shout, understand?"

"Yes, got it!"

Liu Yufeng already knew that Lu Li had the same ability to control objects as Minister White Gloves, so he naturally trusted Lu Li quite a lot.

"But what about them?"

Liu Yufeng glanced at those students and warriors, and couldn't help asking Lu Li.

Lu Li was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "I can only take you with me."

Hearing this, Liu Yufeng couldn't help but turn even more rosy.

Although Lu Li's words didn't have any special meaning.

It just means that except for Liu Yufeng, no one else can save him.

If he had the strength to save others, Lu Li would naturally do it.

But since he doesn't have that strength, there's no need to foolishly catch up with him.


Heard it on the wooden floor ahead.

Suddenly there was a "bang"!

A pair of sharp claws broke through the floor, and a black figure sprang up from it.

Go straight to a group of students.

All of this happened so suddenly that the students all froze in place, watching this humanoid creature with the head of a black wolf rushing towards them with its sharp claws.


The sound of drawing the sword sounded immediately.

It was Luo Ming, the strongest among the students, who stood up.

He quickly drew out a sword, and then slashed at the black wolf who suddenly rushed up.

However, he saw that the black wolf monster suddenly turned around and rushed in another direction.

Dodging Luo Ming's sword, and culling a short girl to the ground, took away a fresh life in an instant!

Killing with one blow, the black wolf monster immediately jumped away.

Avoid the range of human attack.

The martial artist who was exploring the way ahead just drew his sword to slash, but the black wolf avoided it directly.

Seeing someone being killed, a group of students immediately screamed!

Hei Lang Yaoyi fell onto the bookshelf, crawled on his stomach, stared at the two warriors, Luo Ming and another student who had just drawn his sword with a pair of beast eyes.

All this just happened in an instant.

In an instant, no one fully reacted, and the human side lost a life.

"I can't hide!"

At this time, the warriors in the back also blocked the weak students behind them, gritting their teeth.

Tanqian warrior said: "As you said, fight him to the death!"

Hearing this, the warriors behind the palace also turned serious, looking at the black wolf with vigilance.

Luo Ming was even more serious.

Few of the students present had weapons on them, only he and another boy had weapons, and the weapons were taken from dead warriors.

Therefore, the four of them were the only ones who could deal with Yaoyi together!

Luo Ming carefully observed the wounds on the black wolf monster, and said to everyone: "His movements are much slower than when he was down below. He must have suffered serious injuries. Let's gather together and don't give it a chance. !"

Hearing this, everyone immediately regained their spirits.

Especially the two warriors, they also discovered this.

If the black wolf Yaoyi was still as strong as when he was on the first floor, he could kill it directly.

There is absolutely no one here who can stop him.

Now that he stepped aside, it can be seen that his strength has dropped!

That wolf-headed monster naturally understood human speech, and upon hearing that, his eyes turned cold and stern, and he bared his fangs viciously.

"Go down, everyone gather together!"

A warrior commanded the crowd.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately came down from the stairs and gathered together.

Four boys with weapons are outside, protecting the people inside.

"This monster will attack the weak and lonely people first. As long as we gather together, it will not be easy to attack."

The martial artist who explored the way spoke to everyone.

All the students nodded immediately when they heard this, and huddled together.

Then, under the command of Tanqian warrior, everyone moved to the downstairs direction bit by bit.

"What you want is the top floor, right? We haven't been there yet, you can go up, and we won't stop you."

The martial artist in front of him couldn't help but speak to the black wolf monster.

Although he knew that the other party might not believe him.

But as long as they do a good job of defense, the monsters will not be able to attack them, and sooner or later they will retreat.

However, he still underestimated that monster.

Hei Lang Yaoyi didn't believe what the warrior said.

Because the structure of the maze has been destroyed, and these humans are at the forefront, then the treasures of the maze must have been taken away by humans.

The wolf demon bared its teeth and ran towards the bottom of the bookshelf.

The speed is very fast, and it disappears among the bookshelves.

Seeing this, people immediately panicked.

At this time, the inside of the tower was still dark, and the monster was already very dark, and its speed was fast.

People didn't find it for a while.

Although they couldn't see the figure of the wolf demon clearly, Lu Li outside the tower could clearly see the monster's movements.

He fled into the darkness and did not immediately approach the humans.

Instead, he quickly rushed to those desks.

Immediately afterwards.

There was a sound of tables and chairs being moved.

In the next second, a stool was directly lifted up by the monster, and it was thrown towards the crowd.

The direction it hit was the weakest boy among the four people holding weapons.

Seeing this, the boy quickly swung his knife to block the chair.

As a result, even though he blocked the chair, he was also hit on the face and nose by the chair leg, which made him suffer unceasingly, tears and nosebleeds came out all at once.

The pain made him lose his mind.

And just at this moment's vacancy, the other two chairs were also thrown over.

It smashed a group of students into pieces.

"Hold on, hold on! You take over the weapon from him!"

The two warriors tried their best to organize the crowd.


At this time, another table and chair were smashed over.

This time the force is stronger, the angle is more tricky, and the number is larger.

Although Luo Ming and the two warriors were able to chop off the tables and chairs with their swords, the other students were almost powerless to fight back.

In this case, unless they take the initiative to attack, they will always be in a passive state.

However, if they took the initiative to attack, they would be defeated one by one by the monster.

They had no chance of winning against this injured wolf demon from the very beginning!

They are too weak.

The wolf demon is fully capable of fighting with this side. The reason why it didn't is because it was testing, and it is not sure what the specific combat power of their side is.

It was only a matter of time before they were killed after being tested by the wolf demon!

Lu Li also saw this, and immediately said to Liu Yufeng, "I'll send you down now, close your eyes!"

Liu Yufeng nodded and immediately closed his eyes.

Lu carp uses gravity.

Hold her whole body up.

Just as he was about to send her down, he heard that in the tower, the human beings were completely scattered by the wolf demon.

Their temporary defensive formation is simply unstoppable.

The students immediately scattered and fled.

They hid among the bookshelves one after another.

A female student who was dressed quite gorgeously even ran to the window and pushed it open, trying to see if she could escape through the window.

As a result, just pushed open the window.

I saw Liu Yufeng being "flyed" up by Lu Li using the gravitational technique.

And "fly" down to the floor below.

She was surprised because she recognized Liu Yufeng's face: "Yufeng?!"

Hearing the girl's exclamation, Liu Yufeng couldn't help but slightly opened his closed eyes, and then saw the girl.

It was the girl she had known since childhood, Liu Yaling.

However, Liu Yufeng just took a look at the other party, and before he could say anything, Lu Li directly used the gravity technique and threw him to the floor below.

Looking at the scene before her, Liu Yaling was extremely surprised, and then she also saw Lu Li holding the beam.


Liu Yaling couldn't remember Lu Li's name for a while.

However, Lu Li ignored her at all, but directly let go of the beam and let his body fall.

Then the gravity technique was activated, holding his body tightly, and slowly falling down.

After all, the gravity technique is not the sword control technique, nor is it the flying technique. If it is used on others, Lu Li can be handy, but it is very difficult to use it on himself.

Because when casting the gravity technique, oneself will also bear a certain weight.

And I am in the air without a fulcrum, so the weight of the objects that can be lifted is naturally greatly reduced.

Fortunately, although it is difficult to lift oneself to fly, it is not difficult to glide down to the lower floor.

Then Liu Yaling just watched Lu Li fall to the lower floor in a strange arc.

Surprised, there was no time to think about it.

Quickly step out of the thigh, ready to step outside, hiding outside the window.

Because if you are inside, you will be caught sooner or later, and you may find other escape routes outside.

And at this moment.


There was another sound in the tower.

It was the voice of the wolf demon rampaging in the tower, wantonly hunting and killing the lonely people.


The wolf demon quickly noticed Liu Yaling who was about to escape over the wall.

Liu Yaling just stepped out her thigh, and was about to step out with her whole body.

The wolf demon rushed up directly, ruthlessly attacking with its sharp claws.

"Ah, no!"

Liu Yaling quickly jumped over the window, narrowly avoiding the claw.

Just when the wolf demon was about to swing its second claw, Liu Yaling grabbed the window sill and screamed, "Don't kill me, I know where what you want is."

Hearing this, the wolf demon paused.

A wolf head, actually spit out human words, asked: "Where is it?"

At this moment, Liu Yaling's head brightened, and she connected with the words that Luo Ming analyzed just now.

In addition, Lu Li and Liu Yufeng suddenly appeared outside the window and fell to the floor below.

She guessed everything.

Then hurriedly said: "He, they ran downstairs, they just jumped from here just now!"

She pointed to the wall over there with her eyes.

The wolf demon did hear the movement downstairs just now, but he didn't pay much attention to it, because there are still many humans waiting to kill him.

It's not too late to kill the people downstairs after killing the humans here.

In the end, after hearing what Liu Yaling said, he changed his mind.

"Go to them, don't kill me..."

Liu Yaling was too scared to look into the wolf demon's eyes.

The wolf demon glanced at Liu Yaling, but his eyes were extremely disdainful.

Then he waved his claws casually.

Immediately cut off the fingers of Liu Yaling's hands.

Liu Yaling yelped in pain, couldn't hold on to the window sill, and fell backwards.


She fell directly into the gray mist below.

After a few seconds, there was no more sound.

The wolf demon turned around and left, as if he just crushed an ant to death.

Quickly ran towards the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, Luo Ming and two other spirit alliance warriors had already arrived.

They all saw how powerful the wolf demon was, and they were beyond their ability to deal with it, so they planned to take advantage of the chaos and escape.

As a result, the wolf demon rushed over after killing Liu Yaling.

Everyone immediately raised their weapons against the enemy.

This time, the wolf demon was not afraid at all.

He has figured out the strength of these three people.

From the perspective of spiritual power, those two human fighters were not even as tall as that young man.

However, that boy is not much higher.

"Ants, die!"

The wolf demon roared violently, and rushed forward with its sharp claws wrapped in a thick red demonic aura.

When the three of them saw this, they didn't dare to confront the tough ones, so they quickly moved away.

However, there was one warrior who couldn't dodge.

It was directly pierced through the chest by the claws of the wolf demon.

"Old King!"

Seeing this, another warrior shouted in shock.

Before dying, the martial artist called Old King was still frantically swinging the weapon in his hand, leaving a few faint bloodstains on the arm of the wolf demon.

But unable to break through its defense, it quickly lost its vitality and died with hatred.

The wolf demon seemed to have casually killed a passing chicken.

Throw the body aside.

Then, regardless of Luo Ming and the other warrior, he rushed downstairs.

Seeing this, Luo Ming and the other warrior were both taken aback.

Later, it was Luo Ming who reacted: "He should have found the person who destroyed the maze structure!"

The warrior heard the words and understood.

But he didn't react immediately.

On the contrary, it was Luo Ming who made a decisive decision, quickly raised his sword, and followed quickly.

Because he knows.

If you want to survive, you have to cooperate with that person and find a way to kill this wolf monster.

Otherwise, they can only live a little longer!

And downstairs.

Lu Li had already taken advantage of the time to fight above, and led Liu Yufeng to quickly descend two floors!

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