My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 185 【Birth Gate】

Follow Jiang Xiaogu's instructions.

The four couldn't help walking towards the mural.

"Is this the Blood God Tree mentioned in the book?"

Chen Xu looked at the giant tree covered with red leaves on the mural with a slightly surprised expression.

Because, this tree looks ordinary except for the strange red leaves.

It was far from the weird image of the Blood God Tree in his mind.

Lu carp also feel the same way.

After all, it was already preconceived to regard it as an evil tree devouring gimmicks, but looking at it now, it is quite common.

Also, there was no sign of fruit on the tree.

Thinking about it, it should be that the Blood God Tree has not yet produced fruit.

As for the hundreds of Taoist monks under the tree in the painting, they should be the disciples of the Black Dragon Venerable as mentioned in the book.

It is said in the book that Venerable Black Dragon has disciples.

Usually, these disciples are responsible for guiding the people in the town and doing all the affairs related to the Crystal Palace.

Thinking, the four of them had come to the mural.

Observe for a long time.

Ye Ming was the first to reach out, stroke the mural, and muttered, "Since the door of life points here, there should be a secret door in this wall?"

As he said, Ye Ming touched it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out why.

It seems to be an ordinary wall.

Seeing this, Lu Li also stepped forward and put his hands on the wall.

Then explore the spiritual power and try to feel the spiritual power in this mural.

As a result, this time it was very smooth to sense that there was a special spiritual power flowing in the wall.

Lu Li couldn't help but smile on his face.

"Lu Li, did you find anything?"

Jiang Xiaogu noticed the change in Lu Li's expression and couldn't help asking.

Chen Xu and Ye Ming couldn't help but look at Lu Li.

Lu Li nodded, and then didn't answer much, continuing to feel the flow of spiritual power in the wall.

Following the direction of this special spiritual power, Lu Li quickly discovered the concentration point of this spiritual power, which was the location of the heart of the Blood God Tree painted in this mural.

Moreover, the concentrated point of this spiritual power can actually move its own direction.

Lu Li couldn't help being surprised, but still stretched out his finger and aimed at the concentrated point.

Pressed up.


It was like poking into a group of ice-cold rubber cushions.

Seeing the wall that Ye Ming had touched for a long time without any response just now, Lu Li poked it directly into it.

Jiang Xiaogu and Chen Xu Ye Ming couldn't help being surprised.

Ye Ming couldn't help asking: "I touched this position just now, why didn't there be any response when I touched it?"

Lu Li said: "It will move."

"Can it move?"

Ye Ming was slightly stunned, and immediately thought of this wall as some kind of creature.

"Stand back."

At this time, Lu Li suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, the three of them hardly hesitated, and took a few steps back one after another.

Lu Li also retreated two parts. He sensed that the structure of spiritual power in the wall had changed.

Then, the four of them saw that the wall in front of them suddenly emitted dim purple light, and the wall began to become unreal.

In the purple light until it disappears.

Without any sound, the wall just disappeared out of thin air, revealing one of the wide dark corridors.

Seeing the suddenly exposed dark corridor, the four of them were a little surprised.

Inside the corridor, it was extremely dark, as if it had been splashed with a layer of ink, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

Lu Li couldn't help but take out a night pearl.

He probed Ye Mingzhu in.

Then, I saw that the light of the night pearl seemed to be swallowed by the darkness.

Can't get in at all.


This scene made everyone palpitate.

Ye Ming swallowed, and said, "Here, is this really where the gate of life is? looks so evil..."

Chen Xu asked him back: "After entering the ruins for so long, have you ever encountered anything unscrupulous?"


Ye Ming choked for a moment.

He couldn't help looking at Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu, and asked, "Are we really going in?"

The corridor is so dark, if there were not four people here, Ye Ming really wouldn't have the courage to go in.

When Lu Li heard the words, he looked at Jiang Xiaogu instead.

He noticed that Jiang Xiaogu was thinking.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Li couldn't help asking.

Jiang Xiaogu said: "I'm thinking, the door of life may not necessarily be the exit."

"Not an export?"

Hearing this, the three couldn't help being puzzled.

Jiang Xiaogu nodded, then pointed to the star map above, and said: "Look, the other seven directions pointed by the star map actually point to seven different murals, and these murals actually represent with a scene."

Hearing this, the three of Lu Li couldn't help looking at the other seven murals that Jiang Xiaogu was referring to.

Indeed, as Jiang Xiaogu said, these seven murals actually correspond to a different scene.

There are many murals on the wall, these murals are narrative, and there are a lot of human pictures.

And these seven paintings, including the one that has been turned into a corridor, are all scene paintings. Although there are also people drawn, they are generally describing a scene.

And these scenes can be found in ancient documents.

It's all scenes from the Crystal Palace.

Jiang Xiaogu analyzed: "Perhaps, the pictures on these murals correspond to the place where the passage will lead. The gate of life actually corresponds to the scene of the Blood God Tree. The end of the corridor is likely to be the location of the Blood God Tree. .So, if you say it...."

Jiang Xiaogu said, pointing to a mural of a forest in the distance, said: "This mural is more like an exit."

Hearing this, the three of Lu Li couldn't help looking at the forest mural.

Indeed, in this mural, besides the trees, there are many totem poles.

It is very similar to the position of Lu carp when they were first teleported by the mist.

"However, this position..."

Chen Xu seemed to have thought of something, and said with a sneer, "It seems to be the direction of the 'Gate of Death'."

"Well, it is indeed a dead door."

Jiang Xiaogu also nodded, and said: "However, my master said that the monks of the ancients were divided into two ways, righteous and evil, and those who belong to the evil way least like to play cards according to common sense. This black dragon venerable should be a member of the evil way, right? So, It is very possible that he deliberately set the door of death as a door of life. All in all, neither the door of life nor the door of death is absolutely safe."

The implication is that no matter which way you go, the risk factor is unknown.

Lu Li thought for a while, and simply came to the mural corresponding to the gate of death, and found the spiritual power concentration point according to the method just now.


Sure enough, the secret door also opened. It was the same as the Shengmen, a dark corridor where the contents inside could not be seen.

"Should we follow the instructions of the murals, or follow the instructions of Shengmen?"

The four of them couldn't help but get entangled for a while.

At this time, Ye Ming couldn't help but said, "Actually, why don't we just wait for Captain Xia Bing and the others to come here? They can't wait for Minister Ren Xingfeng and the others to go back in the ruins, and they should come to the Crystal Palace soon." on the side?"

"It is indeed possible."

Lu Li nodded, and said again: "However, how can you be sure that the next person to enter here is Captain Xia Bing and the others, not Yao Yi?"


This question really turned Ye Ming upside down.

Compared with the unknown danger ahead, the danger behind is also unknown.

The more Ye Ming thought about it, the more he felt that they shouldn't have entered this Crystal Palace just now.

But, if you think about it carefully, even if they chose to stay outside just now, are they really safe?

The periphery of the Crystal Palace is also full of weirdness.

It can be said that since they were transported here by the mist, there is no such thing as absolute safety.

Thinking of this, Ye Ming was also speechless.

Chen Xu also figured it out, then looked at Lu Li, and asked, "Then where are we going?"

This is throwing the right to choose to Lu Li.

Jiang Xiaogu also looked at Lu Li and asked him to make up his mind.

Lu Li looked at the gate of life, and then at the gate of death.

After hesitating for a while, he still said in a deep voice, "Go through the gate of life."

Although the Venerable Black Dragon might have intentionally reversed life and death, Jiang Xiaogu also mentioned a possibility, that is, the mural represents the scene behind the corridor.

If it was where the Blood God Tree was, it might not be dangerous.

If it was very dangerous, then the members of the elite team would not turn into monsters after eating the red fruit, and return to the cemetery in Raoshui Town through the teleportation array.

Therefore, going through the door of life is the best choice.

As for the problem that the corridor was too dark, Lu Li and Liu Yufeng had walked through a dark corridor before, and they had long been used to it.

Thinking about it, Lu Li asked the three of them for their opinions.

This time, none of the three objected.

Things have come to this, and I can only make a choice with my eyes closed.


The four of them came to the entrance of Shengmen.

Lu Li walked ahead and was about to enter.

Suddenly feeling warm in the palm of his hand, Jiang Xiaogu's soft hand came up.

Lu Li looked back at Jiang Xiaogu, and the two looked at each other. Lu Li couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you if something goes wrong."

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, and said, "I should tell you this."

The two smiled knowingly.

"Okay, okay, at this time, don't engage in this kind of dog abuse."

Ye Ming couldn't help complaining.

He was still nervous, and he still had to be fed, which was too uncomfortable.

Lu Li just smiled without saying a word.

Then holding the Ye Mingzhu, he pulled Jiang Xiaogu and walked in directly.

When Lu Li stepped into the corridor, the dark scene in front of him suddenly lit up slightly.

The luminous pearl in his hand continued to shine brightly, illuminating the way ahead.

Surprised, Lu Li looked back and found that the brightly lit hall behind him had now become pitch black.

"So that's how it is, where is the light?"


Jiang Xiaogu also walked in, followed by Ye Ming and Chen Xu.

After they came in, they were slightly surprised to see that the corridor was not as dark as they had imagined.

"Go on."

The four of them each held a night pearl and walked forward.

As they walked, the four of them discovered that there were also murals on the walls on both sides.

At first, Lu Li thought that the murals here were the same as the murals in the dark corridor on the tower.

But soon, Lu Li discovered that it was not what he thought.

The murals here tell another story.

Lu Li couldn't help observing carefully, and then he was surprised to find that the event in the mural was also related to the aura between heaven and earth.

It's actually talking about the event of the exhaustion of spiritual energy between heaven and earth in ancient times!

Not only Lu Li, but also Jiang Xiaogu, Ye Ming and Chen Xu also discovered this.

The four of them looked all the way, and then slowly from these murals, they roughly saw a magnificent event in which the spiritual energy was exhausted, monks migrated in large numbers, and left this land!

The first picture in the mural is a black-robed Taoist, overlooking the world.

This Taoist should be Venerable Black Dragon.

At the beginning, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth was full, everything grew, and everything flourished.

But in the middle of the mural, the aura of heaven and earth began to dry up. Countless plants slowly withered day by day with the passage of time, and no dragon offspring could hatch from the dragon eggs. . A dilapidated scene.

The human monks began to gradually realize that the aura was about to be exhausted, and the world was about to collapse.

As a result, countless human monks began to study space magic, set up a huge space magic circle, held a large-scale teleportation ceremony, and left this end-of-the-world world.

Later, I don't know how many years passed, the sky collapsed and the earth began to crack, and countless lands disappeared overnight.

The earth is shrinking.

The once-prosperous monk civilization was buried deep underground as the aura dried up.

The last few murals are from the perspective of Venerable Black Dragon.

In the screen, Venerable Black Dragon began to lead his disciples to set up the space magic circle and made a lot of preparations. The blood god tree also appeared in the screen. After the magic circle was completed, all the people and the black dragon walked into the magic circle.

When the mural arrives here, there is no more content.

But it still brought a lot of shock to Lu carp.

After all, the stories in the murals mean the end of a prosperous old Reiki era.

Jiang Xiaogu was even more excited, because her master had devoted his whole life to studying the lost history of the past.

Master has been to many large relics and learned a lot about the history of the past, but none of these relics records how the old era of spiritual energy ended, and even if there were, they were scattered. It can only prove that the earth has not expanded a thousand times out of thin air, but has returned to the state of the old aura age.

And the blank history that was not found in the large ruins, but in this small ruins, the recorded murals were found.

As for why there is only this small ruin, it may be because of its small size.

A large relic means that it is the ruins of a certain ancient power. After realizing that the spiritual energy in the world was exhausted, these great forces fled away early by relying on their huge accumulation.

Only these small forces that have no ability to leave are forced to stay on the earth, looking for other ways to leave.

Just like this black dragon venerable.

They left late so that they could record more about what happened during the period when their aura was exhausted.

These murals are nothing less than huge treasures for those who study that lost history.

Although these murals only recorded the process of the exhaustion of the spiritual energy, they did not say the reason for the exhaustion of the spiritual energy.

But it can be regarded as a very important discovery!

It was different from Jiang Xiaogu's excitement.

While Lu Li was shocked, he couldn't help but have some doubts.

Because, in this ruins.

Whether it's the maze on the tower, the fog in the town, or the maze in the Crystal Palace, all of these are related to space spells.

It can be seen that the Venerable Black Dragon should be a person who is very proficient in space magic.

It stands to reason that he is so proficient in space magic, if he just wants to escape from the earth, it really takes so much effort. Did he wait until the world began to collapse before preparing everything?

I always feel that it is not that simple.

There is another key issue.

That is... These ancients left the earth when the earth's aura was exhausted. Will they come back?

Lu Li was thinking.

Afterwards, Lu Li discovered that the road ahead suddenly became extremely dark, and the night pearl in his hand could no longer illuminate the road ahead at this moment.

"It's the end."

Lu Li said to the three people behind him.

When the three of them heard this, their expressions became serious.

Behind the darkness ahead lies an unknown world.

No one knows what to expect.

Lu Li also let go of Jiang Xiaogu's hand, and the two of them took out the protective jade pendant and held it in their hands.

Seeing that Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu looked so prepared, Ye Ming and Chen Xu couldn't help but swallowed, and clenched their swords tightly.

"I will go in first, and you will come in after three seconds."

Lu Li turned around and said to Jiang Xiaogu and the others.


The three nodded heavily.

Lu Li also took a deep breath, and with a thought, the spiritual power in his body immediately condensed under his feet!

Shadowstep! Add a charged blow!

If you enter it for a while, if there is any danger, you will immediately use the charged version of Shadow Step to avoid danger.

After preparing everything, Lu Li stepped out directly.

When half of Lu Li's body stepped into the darkness, Lu Li sensed that Yan Mojian in his different dimension suddenly flickered.

In the next second, Lu Li felt his feet step on the ground.

The pupils shrank suddenly.

The whole person fell down with a bang!


(PS: If there is no accident, a chapter will be updated in the early morning. If there is an accident, tomorrow night _(:з」∠)_.)

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