My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 186 [Sea of ​​Corpses]


Lu Li fell from the sky, feeling as if his back had been smashed into a pile of hard and brittle wood.

Then there was a crisp sound of clicking, clicking, clicking.

Although Lu Li immediately activated the Sky Attraction Technique when he fell to offset part of the impact, he still fell completely.

There was an unpleasant stench in the air.

It was pitch black all around.

Only in the distance, where the night pearl fell, there is light.

It was quiet all around, only the things under Lu Li's body continued to make a rattling sound.

What's underneath?

Lu Li hurriedly wanted to get up from the ground, but when he touched the ground with his hand, he touched a round object.

It was hollow, and Lu Li felt that there were two round holes on it.

Lu Li hurriedly got up, did not rush to take out the night pearl to illuminate the surroundings, but held Tang Hengdao in front of his body, tightly clutching the protective jade pendant in his hand, and looked around vigilantly.

Shadowstep is on the verge of launching.

If there is any trouble, run away immediately.

However, after several seconds, there was no movement around.

Lu Li couldn't help looking into the distance, the night pearl that he had let go of when he fell, fell in the distance, illuminating the surroundings.

Lu Li saw that in the bright place, there were clearly countless pairs of human skeletons piled up like a hill.


Seeing this, Lu Li seemed to know what the round thing he touched just now was.

It's a human skull!

The thing under my feet that was trampled and broken was a mountain of bones!

Thinking about it, Lu Li waited quietly on the spot for a long time, but there was still no sound, so Lu Li took out a night pearl and held it in his hand.

The light appeared, instantly illuminating the scene around Lu Li.

After seeing the surrounding things clearly, even Lu Li, who was mentally prepared, couldn't help but shrink his pupils!

What appeared in front of Lu Li's eyes was tens of thousands of bones piled up into a mountain, and the bones spread, with no end in sight, like a sea of ​​bones!

Lu Li was not frightened by the scene in front of him.

Just feel shocked!

With so many bones, how many dead bodies are there to pile up?

Lu Li couldn't help but think of the record in the "Notes of Undersea Towns" that people in the town were sent to the Crystal Palace after death.

Presumably, it was sent here?

"Sure enough, these corpses were all sent to the Blood God Tree as nourishment, right?"

Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't help but look around again.

I wanted to see if the Blood God Tree was here, but the surroundings were completely dark.

Lu Li couldn't help taking out a few night pearls, and then cast the sky attraction technique, pulling these night pearls and probing them in all directions.

As a result, even if the limit distance that the land carp can control objects is detected, only white bones and corpses can still be seen. …

This sea of ​​bones is much wider than I imagined!

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but look up.

"What about Xiaogu and the others?"

Lu Li told them to come in after a few seconds, why has there been no movement after tens of seconds?

Lu Li couldn't help but use the sky drawing technique, holding the Ye Mingzhu to explore the situation above.

The result is the same as the limit height, and nothing can be found.

Lu Li couldn't help remembering that when he just stepped out of one foot, Yan Mojian flickered obviously.

He was obviously teleported.

"Could it be that this teleportation,

Is it sent randomly? "

Lu Li thought about it, but decided to wait and see.

He put away all the night pearls and waited quietly on the spot, listening carefully to see if there was any trouble in the vicinity.

There was almost no light here, and even when the eyes adjusted to the darkness, they couldn't see anything.

Lu Li waited for a long time, but found nothing.

"It seems that it is really sent randomly."

Moreover, it seems that the teleportation is still very far away.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have waited in place for a long time without hearing a single sound.

I just don't know if there is any danger in the place where they teleported.

Although Jiang Xiaogu looks very calm and brave, but she is a girl after all. In this dark situation, there are piles of corpses. I wonder if she will be afraid...

Thinking of this, Lu Li felt a little anxious for no reason.

Let go of your thoughts.

Lu Li calmed down and lay down on the spot for a long time.

He didn't hear any movement, but felt a little cold instead.

"The yin here seems to be a little thick."

Since Lu carp reached 900 points, his physique has been greatly improved, and with the blazing sun and warm jade on his body, the yin energy in the ruins can hardly affect Lu carp.

But at this moment, it feels cold.

It can be seen how thick the yin is here.

Lu Li couldn't help but put his spiritual power into the Tongyou jade pendant on his chest, and with the link on the Tongyou jade pendant, he entered the state of spiritual vision, and his eyes suddenly became a world intertwined with dark purple and bright red.

Although you can't see your fingers, you can see the flow of Yin Qi in the air.

What surprised Lu Li was that the Yin Qi in front of him was not just pure dark purple.

Instead, there is a kind of deep red Yin Qi.

What's more, this Yin Hong Yin Qi is actually more than the Dark Purple Yin Qi.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the dark purple Yin Qi is gradually assimilating the dark red Yin Qi.

Just like when Lu Li saw Yin Qi assimilating the aura of heaven and earth into Yin Qi in the Raoshui Town Cemetery.

"It turns out that the Yin Qi in the ruins was transformed from normal Yin Qi?"

This should be the source of the Yin Qi in the ruins.

Think here.

Lu Li couldn't help thinking of the red fruit in his own different dimension, and that red fruit continued to emit red yin energy continuously.

And the bright red yin energy in front of him, presumably, should be emitted by the red fruits in the ruins.

"It seems that this is really where the Blood God Tree is."

Lu Li became more determined in his mind.

Afterwards, he began to observe his surroundings in the state of spiritual vision.

He noticed that the direction on his right had the most red yin energy, while the direction on the left had more dark purple yin energy.

Explain, the source of the red Yin Qi is on the right side!

Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't help but feel a little eager to try.

Whether it was to find other people, or for the fruit on the Blood God Tree, he had to move.

Thinking about it, after confirming again and again that there was no other aura except Yin Qi, Lu Li got up gently.

Move carefully on the ground where the corpses are piled up.

Lu carp walked very slowly and lightly, trying not to make loud noises.

Little by little, he walked towards the direction with the deepest red in front of him.

Lu Li didn't turn on his spirit vision all the time, because after entering the spirit vision state, his eyes were red and purple, which blocked his vision very much.

I had to walk for a while, then drive again, to see the direction.

Even though the spirit vision is not turned on, Lu Li's eyes are still dark.

But if there is a night pearl lighting up in the distance, if it is in the state of spiritual vision, I may not be able to catch it immediately.


Lu Li stepped on the bones and walked forward for an unknown long time.

Lu Li felt a little sore in his legs after walking, and then Lu Li came to a place where the eyes were full of red and yin.

There is also purple air here, but it is very rare, and it is obviously moving slowly.

Going further, the dark red aura seemed to be overflowing, and it was radiating out.

The faster this spillover is, the closer you are to the source.

Thinking about it, Lu Li rested on the spot for a while.

Just move on.

After walking a long way, there was no longer a flat ground where the bones were piled up, but soil began to form, and it was an upward slope.

Lu carp climbed up the slope and walked up bit by bit.

As he walked, Lu Li discovered that there was no longer endless darkness ahead, but light began to appear.

After staying in the dark for an unknown amount of time, now that he sees the light again, he feels extremely conspicuous.

"Is someone up ahead?"

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Li couldn't help walking more carefully.

The roads here are basically dirt roads, as long as you are careful enough, you can make no noise.


The land carp climbed to the top of this slope.

When Lu Li crossed the hill and looked at the light, he couldn't help being shocked by the scene in front of him.

On the flat ground below, a towering giant tree full of green and red fruits stood on the flat ground.

There are no leaves on this tree, it seems to be dead, but the red fruit growing on it, like breathing, emits a faint red light from time to time, and then quickly dims, brightens, darkens...

"Is this the Blood God Tree?"

Lu Li looked at the red fruit on the tree and couldn't help but be speechless for a moment.

He imagined seeing the blood body tree for the first time. It might be covered with skulls and grow many red fruits at the same time.

Not to mention the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, at least it is a scene like purgatory on earth.

However, what appeared before Lu Li's eyes was a peaceful flat land, full of land, without bones, and the Blood God Tree stood alone on the ground.

And the fruits above are so numerous that they are too numerous to count!

Much more than Lu Li imagined!

And under the tree, there are still many night pearls scattered.

That is the light Lu carp sees when climbing a slope.

That Ye Mingzhu didn't seem to be there from the beginning, but it seemed that someone left it there.

Lu Li lay on the ground and observed the situation around the Blood God Tree. After observing for a long time, there was no sign of anyone there.

There is flat ground all around here, and there is almost no place for people to hide.

However, it can be seen that there is a road behind the blood god tree. This road is very long, and it does not know where it extends.

Lu Li waited on the spot for a long time, and after confirming that there was no danger, he got up carefully and walked towards the blood god tree.

The few night pearls under the blood god tree made Lu Li palpitate.

I always feel that being illuminated by that light is very insecure.

So when Lu Li reached the limit distance where he could reach those luminous pearls with the Sky Attraction Technique, he directly activated the Sky Attraction Technique, quickly attracted these luminous pearls, stuffed them directly into the ground, and covered them tightly with soil.

After all the actions last night, Lu Li dared to walk under the blood god tree.

Then it was discovered that there were many traces of fighting under the tree.

There was a lot of blood on the ground, but it had been dry for some time.

"Is it the traces left by the members of the elite team who fought here?"

Lu Li also found the torn clothes of the city guard warriors here, which seemed to confirm Lu Li's guess.

However, who are they fighting here?

Lu Li thought of a possibility.

A group of members of the elite team who had been wandering in the ruins for a long time and had no food to fill their stomachs, after going through many thrilling mazes, stumbled into the blood god tree by mistake.

Looking at the fruit on the Blood God Tree, although it felt weird, some of the team members who had been hungry for a long time still tried to pick the fruit and eat it.

After that, someone started to mutate.

And the traces of fighting here may be the battle between people who haven't mutated yet and people who have mutated.

Lu Li guessed.

Judging from the current situation, this possibility is very high.


Lu carp couldn't help but look up, looking at the tree full of fruits.

After entering the state of spiritual vision, one can see that the fruit of the tree is continuously emitting Yin Qi.

And these yin qi, after flowing away, are assimilated by the purple yin qi and become yin qi that can control people's mind.

Look at these fruits.

Lu Li's heart suddenly felt a little restless.

If you pick all these fruits, you will have a steady stream of yin energy.

I no longer have to look for places like cemeteries.


Lu carp was no longer vague.

Started to activate the sky attraction technique, picked the red fruits on the tree one by one, and then unceremoniously sent them into the space of another dimension.

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