My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 187 [Deep Underground]

One after another, the fruits of the blood god tree were collected by the land carp.

These blood god tree fruits are exactly the same as the one in Lu Li's different dimension, and they continue to emit a normal red yin energy.

Although the yin energy emitted by a single Blood God Tree fruit is actually not much, it cannot hold back the number of fruits.

The reason why the ruins are so cloudy is that these fruits have accumulated over the years.

Thinking about it, Lu Li spent another ten minutes picking. With Tian Yinshu, a convenient magical skill, Lu Li could pick the fruit on the smallest branches without doing it himself.

In just ten minutes, there were three or four thousand red fruits lying in Lu Li's different-dimensional space!

These fruits lined up look quite spectacular.

However, Lu Li felt it was a pity to see the yin qi emerging from the fruit of the blood god tree naturally overflowing and dissipating in a different dimension.

The structure in the extra-dimensional space is different from the outside world. In it, any spiritual power or other forms of energy cannot survive.

Unless there is a container, keep these breaths airtight.

Just like a spiritual bottle.

"It seems that after we leave the ruins, we need to find Zhang Daquan to order a few large jade containers."

As for the jade money.

With these fruits, do you still worry about having no money?

However, the problem now is that the three or four thousand red fruits that Lu carp put in in the different-dimensional space are already on the verge of being full.

After all, Lu Li originally put a lot of food, clothes, books and the like.

After all, the space of the different dimension is limited, only about 2*2*2 meters, if you want to put more things in it, unless you clear out some useless items.


Lu Li couldn't help but glanced up at the fruit on the Blood God Tree.

I saw that the blood god tree was full of fruits, but now, most of them have been picked by Lu Li.

The ones below are closer to the ground, almost bald by the land carp.

Only the topmost one, more than a thousand fruits survived.

Think about it.

Lu Li still started to take out all the various books he bought before from the different dimension.

There are hundreds of books, except for the in-class books that Lu Li needs to use in class, all other extra-curricular books are taken out and thrown away.

All of a sudden, a small mound of books was piled up on the ground.

Although it was a pity, after all, it cost Lu Li a lot of money to buy these books.

But compared to the fruit of the blood god tree, these books only need to be bought in the future.

"In the final analysis, the capacity of this extra-dimensional space is too small. We still have to find a way to gather five different spiritual cores to raise the level of Jianxin."

Thinking about it, Lu Li continued to throw away the books in the different dimension.

During the process of throwing the book, Lu Li habitually looked around and turned on his spirit vision, then looked around once more to see if there was anything unusual.

But at this moment, Lu Li discovered a strange phenomenon.

That is, he has obviously bald most of the blood god tree.

But you can still see the blood god tree continuously emitting yin energy.

This surprised Lu Li a little.

"Could it be that the tree itself emits Yin Qi?"

It can be seen that the yin qi emanating from it did not decrease much because the fruit was picked.

Moreover, Lu Li also noticed that the yin energy actually emanated from the ground under his feet.

rather than the trunk.

"Is it its roots? Or something else?"

Lu Li suddenly became interested.

This blood god tree is really not that simple.

After thinking about it, Lu carp did not rush to pick the fruit from the tree, but carefully observed the position where the yin qi emerged.

After finding a good location, he began to use the Tang Hengdao in his hand, combined with the Sky Yin Technique, to dig up the soil in front of him bit by bit.

The soil here is very hard, and it took Lu Li a lot of effort to slowly dig out a hole that is as high as a person.

The roots of the underground trees are intertwined.

The soil has a strong fishy smell.

Lu Li noticed that the yin energy did not emerge from the roots of the tree, but was deeper underground.

Lu carp endured the stench and continued to dig down.

The Tianyin technique sends the soil to the ground bit by bit.

After digging like this for a long time, Lu Li felt that his hands were about to be scrapped. Fortunately, there was a life potion, which could quickly restore his physical strength.

Although tired, Lu Li felt that the source of the Yin Qi was getting closer!

Finally, the next time Lu Li swung his knife vigorously into the ground.


Tang Hengdao directly pierced the ground!

"There's a hole down there?"

Lu Li couldn't help digging up the soil under his feet, and sure enough, a wide space was revealed inside.

A foul smell surged up from the hole below.

Lu Li couldn't hold back, and took out the mask from the different dimension and put it on for himself, which relieved the pressure on his sense of smell a little.

Then, Lu Li looked up at the hole he had dug above.

I saw that it was already very deep from the ground.

To say the least, I dug to a depth of more than forty meters!

And the roots of the Blood God Tree spread all the way down here.

Lu carp cut off a large section of tree roots several times, and red liquid would ooze from the roots, with a strong bloody smell.

Thinking about it, Lu Li glanced at the darkness below.

After thinking about it, I still use the Tianyin technique to cover the upper hole with soil.

Then he took out a night pearl and held it in his hand.

In this way, even if there are any creatures passing by above, they will not see the light.

Thinking about it, Lu Li used the sky drawing technique to probe the Ye Mingzhu down to take a picture of the situation in the cave below.

Soon, the night pearl illuminated the scene full of bones below.

From the looks of it, there is also a sea of ​​corpses below, no wonder it stinks so badly.

Lu Li continued to control Ye Mingzhu, exploring the situation below.

It was later discovered that this is a confined space.

The space is not big, and the roots of the Blood God Tree are in the middle.

However, this tree root looks very thick, and it feels like ten people can't hug it.

This huge tree root is like a huge straw, inserted into the sea of ​​corpses below, absorbing the nutrients from the corpses.

Lu Li noticed that it was this huge tree root that was constantly emitting Yin Qi.

"Is it the roots of the tree, or is there something in the roots emitting Yin energy?"

At this time, Lu Li's imagination could not help but enrich.

Cut open a huge tree root, and a ten-thousand-year-old female corpse emerges from it?

Or Super Zombie King?

Lu Li had watched a lot of zombie movies in his previous life, and now he couldn't help but get his mind blown.

However, no matter what was inside, it was coming, and Lu Li naturally didn't intend to leave in a daze.

Thinking about it, Lu Li was planning to use the Sky Yin Technique to send the Tang Hengdao in his hand to cut open the huge tree root.

But at this time.

Lu Li was horrified to find that there was movement in the ground around him!

Swish Swish Swish!

As if a snake was moving in the ground, it rushed towards Lu Li!

Lu Li was taken aback and jumped up quickly!


Several long objects quickly protruded from the soil, directly piercing the place where Lu Li was standing just now!


Lu Li noticed that the fast moving one was actually the root of the Blood God Tree!

However, before Lu Li could think too much, Lu Li sensed movement above his head.

Numerous tree roots emerged from the top of Lu Li's head, and as if consciously, they crazily extended towards Lu Li's side!

Lu Li quickly swung his knife and cut off a few tree roots, blood-like liquid splashed all over Lu Li!

The small hole dug by the Lu carp was very narrow and cramped, and the Lu carp couldn't display its position at all, and soon its feet were entangled by the tree roots extending from above!

Lu Li felt that the roots of this tree seemed to be like thorns. After wrapping around his feet, they directly plunged into his flesh and blood!

This tree root seemed to be very bloodthirsty. Lu carp felt a suction force, sucking his own blood like a leech!


Terrified, Lu Li couldn't help being rude, and quickly swung his knife to chop.

The root of the tree is very tough, but fortunately the knife is sharp enough, coupled with the brute force of the carp, it is easy to cut it off!

At this moment, the tree roots above reorganized their offensive and extended towards the land carp.

In desperation, Lu Li had no choice but to cut off the roots of the tree below, and jumped into the hole below, stepping on the pile of bones, making a crackling noise!

Swish Swish Swish!

At this time, there were movements of tree roots extending from all directions.

With the light of the night pearl, Lu Li saw dozens of tree roots dancing like ghost hands, grabbing at him!

Fortunately, the space in this hole is wide enough, and Lu Li quickly used Shadow Step to avoid the attacks of these tree roots easily. At the same time, the Tang Hengdao in his hand continued to swing out, cutting off tree roots one after another.

The red liquid spilled on the ground, staining the bones underneath!

However, no matter how many roots the land carp cuts off.

In every direction new roots appeared.

The most terrible thing is that the hole dug when Lu carp came was also completely filled with bloodthirsty tree roots!

Lu Li frowned deeply.

"After digging the soil for a long time just now, these tree roots didn't move. Why did they all come out and attack me all of a sudden?"

Lu Li was thinking while dodging the counterattack.

The more critical the moment, the more calm you must be.

Thinking about it, Lu Li immediately connected to the Tongyou Jade Pendant and entered the state of spiritual vision.

As he entered the spiritual vision state, two spiritual patterns, one black and one white, suddenly appeared between Lu Li's eyebrows!

With the appearance of black and white spirit patterns, Lu Li instantly felt that his thoughts became extremely clear.

The surroundings seemed to brighten up.

This black and white spirit pattern is the manifestation of Lu Li's Wuji Sword Heart outside his body.

When black and white spirit patterns appear, Lu carp will become extremely sensitive to all energy around it.

Lu carp could see that the air was full of Yin Qi.

And these yin qi all have the same source, that is the huge tree root in the middle.

Even the roots extending in all directions are controlled by the huge roots.

Lu Li suddenly figured out why.

"It's this huge tree root that perceives me and treats me as food!"

When the land carp was digging the soil just now, although it also cut off a lot of tree roots, it did not attack the land carp.

Lu carp guessed that it was because its owner told it that it could only suck the flesh and blood of the people below, and the people above could not eat it.

Therefore, when the land carp was digging, it did not attack the land carp.

And when it sensed that the land carp had entered its hunting range, it really regarded the land carp as food!

This blood god tree may not be very intelligent, but it has the instinct of hunting!

Figured this out.

Lu Li couldn't help but cast his eyes on the huge root of the Blood God Tree.

Under the blessing of the black and white spirit pattern, Lu Li sensed that the source of all Yin Qi was at the center of the tree root, only about the size of a small palm!

For the present, the only way is to cut it down!

So imagined.

Lu Li's eyes suddenly turned cold. While dodging and cutting off those bloodthirsty tree roots, he ran towards the huge tree root.

The huge tree root seemed to realize that this "food" was a bit tricky, and quickly urged more tree roots to block the way forward of the land carp.

Lu Li didn't care at all.

Slash casually!

In a split second, he cut off all the tree roots blocking the way in front of him!

Frantically moving the knife in his hand, he cut the roots of the tree to pieces.

Then in front of the huge tree root, he swung his knife suddenly!


This knife, as if standing on an extremely tough rubber, can only leave a faint knife mark!

"So tough!"

However, although it is tough, it will not move after all.

Like a live target.

While avoiding the attack of the bloodthirsty tree roots, Lu Li began to condense the instant slash, and the spiritual power frantically poured into Tang Hengdao, and soon it was full of energy.

Lu Li didn't rush to swing the knife, but continued to accumulate strength.

Superimpose a charged blow.

The spiritual power continued to gather towards Lu Li's right hand.

It wasn't until this move took almost half of Lu Li's spiritual power away that Lu Li uttered a word coldly: "Kill!"

Speak out!

The blade of Tang Hengdao swung out with terrifying vigor, and slashed straight at the huge tree root!

The strong wind swept away, causing countless white bones to dance on the ground!

The strong wind swept through and broke the roots of the surrounding bloodthirsty trees!

Under the domineering wind, the huge tree roots split inch by inch!

Red blood flowed out crazily!

Blood and bone, flying in the air!


There was a snapping sound from the huge tree roots, and the blood gushed wildly.

By the time the strong wind stopped, the huge tree root had been blown out of a big hole by the strong wind!

Lu Li was also amazed when he saw the big hole in the huge tree root.

I have used the instant slash and the charged blow for this purpose, but it just broke a big hole in it!

What Lu Li expected was to cut off the huge tree root in half!

Lu Li was surprised.


A burst of dim red light lit up from the big hole.

Like a beating heart, it quickly faded away.

Lu Li saw it clearly.

In that big hole, there seemed to be a fruit of the Blood God Tree growing!

However, this fruit is very different from those growing on the tree.

This fruit is smaller, only about the size of an orange, but the yin energy emanating from it is stronger than the sum of all the fruits on the entire Blood God tree!

"This is the real fruit of the Blood God Tree?"

Such an idea could not help but pop up in Lu Li's mind.

Those fruits above may just be a cover-up.

Their existence is to protect this real fruit!

Thinking like this.

Swish Swish Swish!

Although the roots in all directions were broken, they quickly regrouped and attacked again!

This time, more than last time!

There are at least a hundred bloodthirsty tree roots!

The Blood God Tree is angry!

Lu Li noticed the movement of the tree roots, and he was unambiguous!

Directly pointing the sword, the sky attracting technique is fully activated!

Grab the red fruit in the huge tree root at once!

The next moment, Lu Li pulled it directly and pulled it off the branch!

The moment Lu Li pulled out the red fruit!

All the tree roots, as if they were frozen at this moment, paused for a second...

Lu Li quickly took the real fruit of the Blood God Tree in his hand!

Send directly to another dimension!


At this moment, the earth suddenly trembled!

Lu Li stood on top of the corpse, struggling to stand still, looking in surprise at the movements around him that seemed to be shaking.

The tree roots, which had just paused for a second, began to stretch towards the land carp even more crazily!

Lu Li quickly fought back.

But at this moment——

Roar! ! !

Between heaven and earth, an earth-shattering dragon's roar suddenly sounded from the Crystal Palace!

This sound was far louder than the previous few dragon roars, shocking the soul!

Even the water curtain above the ruins couldn't help shaking!

In the ruins, all the survivors looked in the direction of the Crystal Palace in surprise!

In the deafening roar of the dragon, Lu Li felt that the spiritual power in his body was dissipated in an instant, unable to condense.

Shadow Step couldn't be used.

Even though he tried his best to swing the knife in his hand, he was still bound by bloodthirsty tree roots coming from all directions!

All of a sudden, they were tightly tied up!


Lu carp screamed in pain!

In this deep underground, no one answers!

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