My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 82 [Drugstore]

Left the Lingmeng.

Lu Li was not in a hurry to go home, but turned on the phone map and searched for nearby cemeteries.

Then take a taxi one by one to step on the spot.

See if there is any evil spirit in other places besides the cemetery.

As a result, Lu Li tossed and tossed for several hours and went to seven or eight places with cemeteries. Except for some old tombs on the mountain, he basically explored all the places that could be visited.

As a result, the evil spirit in these places is only higher than that of ordinary neighborhoods.

It's just that there are few people around, so it condenses the evil spirit.

Lu carp absorbed the evil spirits all at once.

On the contrary, the streets near the Raoshui River, under the impression of the ruins, have a higher level of evil.

However, generally speaking, it is not as good as the cemetery that Lu Li found first, and it can only be regarded as Lu Li's second-level destination.

"It seems that we still have to search the Internet to find out what supernatural events have happened somewhere nearby."

Thinking about it, Lu Li took another taxi and returned home.

On the way, I kept checking my phone to check the nearby supernatural events.

There are three locked locations, and supernatural events happened within three months.

Moreover, looking at the description, it seems that something dirty has really happened, and the news reports are vivid, as if you have been to the scene in person.

Lu Li felt cool all over.

However, all three places are relatively far away.

The nearest one is also an abandoned elementary school more than 20 kilometers away.

It is said that in the middle of the night, a woman's cries could be heard from the abandoned elementary school, sometimes shrill, sometimes resentful, sometimes whispering some kind of vicious curse...

very horrible.

Because of this incident, the residents living nearby also moved away one after another.

Later, there was a foreign tenant who rented a villa nearby at a super low price. The tenant was a little bit happy, after all, it was very cost-effective to rent a large villa with the rent of an ordinary single room.

As a result, that night, he heard the woman's cry before going to bed.

And the cries got closer and closer to him, and then...

Then Lu Li admired the reporter's writing in that news report.

With such detailed writing, it would be a pity not to write supernatural novels.

Lu Li just wanted to find out where there were supernatural events around here, not to read novels. And usually the more detailed the report, the more details, the greater the possibility of nonsense.

However, it was too late today, and Lu Li didn't go to check for the time being.

He has other things to do.

Back home, everyone in the family had gone out, and Lu Ling also went to the hospital to see grandpa.

Lu Li went upstairs alone, changed his clothes, and then teleported directly to the cemetery.

After filling the two glass bottles with pure spiritual power, he went to the next town and called Zhang Daquan from the public phone booth.

What Zhang Daquan brought this time was not only the ten jade bottles requested by Lu Li.

He also brought the short sword with spiritual runes that Lu Li had seen before.

Zhang Daquan didn't accept Lu Li's money for this dagger, it was purely a gift.

Lu Li really wanted a self-defense weapon that could be used temporarily.

He didn't refuse, just accepted it.

Zhang Daquan sold spiritual power bottles for himself, and over time, his income was far more than the price of this dagger.

As for Zhang Daquan wanting to ask himself for more spiritual power bottles to sell, Lu Li ignored it.

After instructing him to continue to order more white jade bottles for himself, Lu Li left directly.

Ready to go to the largest pharmacy nearby.

Since the last breakthrough was blocked, Lu carp realized the importance of the nutrient solution to assist the breakthrough.

Going to check out the price.

However, before going to the pharmacy, Lu Li took a look at his outfit.

All in black, quite suspicious.

After thinking about it, he turned into a men's clothing store.

In the store, I chose a more ordinary outfit, and bought two more sets of black clothes by the way.

After leaving the clothing store, I found an empty public toilet and put everything into a different dimension.

After preparing everything, he came to the door of the largest pharmacy in the town next door, which was a pharmacy named "Zheng's Famous Medicine".

Lu Li was on the bus and saw many advertisements about this pharmacy.

At the door of the pharmacy, there were two burly men in martial arts uniforms standing.

Apparently, they were security personnel hired by the pharmacy at special expense.

When Lu Li entered it, he saw a variety of medicines and some convenient medicines.

But most of them are common medicines.

Only on the second floor is it specially set up for students, and there are relatively few types, all of which are some nutrient solution and some kind of elixir refined by the so-called "ancient alchemist".

Some pills Lu Li have seen in advertisements, such as such-and-such Dali Wan, such-and-such Kidney Treasure Pill...

And when a dedicated waiter saw Lu Li coming up, he came up to meet him.

He asked with a smile, "Sir, do you need any help? You can't look at the medicines on this floor. If you need anything, I can bring it for you."

"In addition, we have just entered a batch of brand new small spiritual power nutrient solution in our store, and you can buy it for only 20,000 yuan. Do you need to know more about it?"

The waiter didn't say a few words, and he started selling directly.

Lu Li couldn't help but feel ashamed, and couldn't help asking: "Do you have any nutrient solution here to assist breakthrough?"

"Are you looking for barrier-breaking nutrient solution? Yes, this way please."

Hearing this, the waiter's eyes lit up immediately, and he led Lu Li to a place where there were many nutrient solution boxes, and introduced: "There are various stages of barrier-breaking nutrient solutions here, and we have all the brands on the market here. , each brand has its advantages. Do you have a favorite brand?"

Lu Li had never heard of this.

Nutrient solution actually has a brand.

However, he often heard that people on the Internet used the "Yishui" brand medicine as an example, so he asked casually, "Is it Yishui's?"

"Then what stage do you need the barrier-breaking nutrient solution for?"

the waiter asked with a smile.

Lu Li said, "How much are seven hundred to eight hundred, eight hundred to nine hundred, nine hundred to one thousand?"

The waiter didn't think that Lu Li would be a student, so he wasn't surprised. He introduced: "The Yishui brand is 500,000 yuan for the barrier-breaking nutrient solution of 700 to 800 yuan. The price of 800 to 900 yuan is 100 yuan. 10,000. The price of 900 to 1,000 will cost about 2 million. In addition, the barrier-breaking nutrient solution of 900 to 1,000 is special, so you need to go to the third floor to buy it.”

"Two million..."

It's so expensive, Lu Li didn't expect it.

A bottle of spiritual power nutrient solution is only 50,000 yuan, and the barrier-breaking nutrient solution is so expensive that ordinary people can't afford it.

Of course, it is also possible that the materials used are different.

After all, the difficulty of 900 points to 1000 points is quite high.

Lu Li asked again about the price of the nutrient solution at one hundred and two hundred.

It is found that the price of barrier-breaking nutrient solution below 700 is very close to the people.

The most expensive 600 to 700 points only cost 200,000.

As for those after 700 points, a lot of spiritual power is required for each breakthrough, and the medicinal materials required are becoming more and more precious.

The more expensive the material, the more expensive the price.

Seeing that Lu Li was asking questions, the waiter also introduced to Lu Li many miscellaneous medicines that can be used with the barrier-breaking nutrient solution, all of which can increase the success rate of breakthroughs.

There are also some special spiritual power nutrient solutions, which have the effect of improving physical fitness and so on.

Of course, the effect of improving physical fitness is still open to debate, but the price is ridiculously expensive.

Both are in the range of 80,000 to 100,000 yuan.

Lu Li originally thought that he had more than 1.5 million in his card, which was considered a little rich.

As a result, after understanding this, Lu Li only felt ashamed.

At this moment, Lu Li realized clearly.

Cultivation is really a very expensive business!

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