My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 83 [Jade Vase]

"That's basically it. Sir, do you need to buy an 800-point barrier-breaking nutrient solution? The 800-point nutrient solution is quite popular recently. Five bottles have been sold this week, and there are still some leftovers." There are two, and one customer has ordered one. If we buy the next time, we may have to wait until April."

The waiter reminded.

Lu Li had heard this kind of speech a lot in his previous life, and it was nothing more than wanting himself to pay for it earlier.

However, the price of 500,000 yuan for a carp is still quite painful for the current land carp.

After all, grandpa's matter, I don't know how much it will cost later.

Now that Lu Li has Jianxin, he believes that even without the barrier-breaking nutrient solution, he can successfully break through 800 points.

The difficulty actually lies in 900 points and 1000 points.

However, the price of the two is one million and the other two million.

Add up to a full three million.

I can't even afford it!

Lu Li had no choice but to temporarily give up the idea of ​​buying.

After all, he hasn't even broken through 800 points now, and 900 points is even farther away. Anyway, he has the financial resources in his hands, and it won't be too late to buy again when he has money in the future.

Thinking about it, Lu Li thanked the waiter who enthusiastically introduced the price to him, and said, "I will buy it next time."

Hearing that Lu Li said it will be the next time, the waiter hurriedly reminded: "The 800-point barrier-breaking nutrient solution is very popular, and the last one is not reserved. If you really want to buy it, you only need to pay 10,000 yuan. The deposit of RMB 200,000 will be specially reserved for you.”

How could Lu Li not know their sales routines, so she quickly declined.

After leaving the pharmacy, it seemed that it was still early.

Then I stopped by the largest bookstore in the town.

I bought more than 30 novels and some math exercises in the bookstore.

If you want to be admitted to Lingwu University, which is at the forefront of China, you need a total score of more than 90% correct in all subjects.

Although Lu Li's mathematics knowledge has improved by leaps and bounds in the past half a month, Lu Li is not sure that he will not be overturned in mathematics during the college entrance examination.

Therefore, it is quite necessary to do more math problems to improve.

More than 30 books cost a total of more than 1,000 yuan.

After leaving the bookstore, Lu Li found a corner where no one passed by, and collected all these books into a different dimension.

Take it out and look at it when you need it.

After buying the books, Lu Li looked at the extra-dimensional space, and there was still a lot of space. After all, the 2*2*2 space was just a few sets of clothes, dozens of books, and miscellaneous things.

It only takes up less than 10% of the space.

Then I had the idea of ​​​​filling something in it.

This is a quirk of Lu carp.

When Lu Li had his first laptop in his previous life, he couldn't help but want to stuff something into it when he saw the hard drive with thousands of gigabytes of memory inside.

As a result, games, a lot of downloads, even though 25 out of 30 games are never played.

Movies and TV series, download dozens of episodes, even if you watch two episodes, you won’t watch the follow-up.

Various professional software and non-professional software.

Install them all.

Only when it's stuffed to the brim can one's heart be satisfied.

This is what Lu Li thought at this time.

He quickly found a large living supermarket near the bookstore.

So I went into the supermarket and bought a lot of snacks, bread, mung bean cakes, instant noodles in barrels and other foods in one go.

A small cart with frames on top and bottom was packed to the brim, and Lu Li was still carrying two big bags of snow cakes.

When I came to the cash register, the waiters were dumbfounded.

Lu Li was only one person, but he bought so many things that he couldn't fit in six large shopping bags. How could he take them away?

The waiter couldn't help but kindly asked, "Do you need a rider to deliver the goods to your door?"

"no, I'm fine,

That's good, thank you. "

Lu Li quickly put the things into the shopping bag.

He picked up three in each of his left and right hands, and then walked out of the supermarket under the astonished gazes of passers-by.

As soon as I left the supermarket, I quickly turned into a deserted alley.

When he came out again, his hands were empty.

And changed into black.

The capacity in the extra-dimensional space also dropped by 30%.

Looking at the different-dimensional space, it is full of snacks and rations in various packaging bags, floating in the void.

Lu Li felt a little more satisfied.

On the street again, after purchasing a lot of items such as ropes, I walked straight towards the cemetery.

Continue his practice today.

After practicing until after five o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Li reached the limit of today's cultivation.

"Has today's practice reached the critical point so soon?"

Lu Li glanced at the time, only about two hours had passed.

Usually it takes at least three hours of practice to reach the peak.

After thinking about it, Lu Li probably guessed the reason: "Is it because I only slept for four or five hours yesterday and woke up twice in the middle?"

Mental power has an upper limit and needs to be recovered through rest and sleep.

And since I slept too lightly last night, my recovered mental strength is naturally quite limited, and I can't last long.

To understand this, Lu Li had no choice but to stop practicing.

Instead, he took out a white jade bottle from another dimension.

The white jade bottle is very shiny and transparent, and it is not cheap at first glance.

This was specially made by Lu Li for Zhang Daquan, and the cost of a bottle alone was more than three thousand.

Lu carp couldn't help but activate the jade pendant to absorb the increasingly thinning evil spirit around it.

Transform it into pure spiritual power and put it into the white jade bottle.

After seven or eight minutes, the bottle was filled.

The spiritual power inside was repeatedly compressed by Lu Li, and the concentration was far higher than that in the spiritual power bottle that was given to Zhang Daquan before.

With the improvement of Lu Li's strength and the transformation of Jianxin, Lu Li's control of spiritual power has become more precise.

The higher the concentration of spiritual power that can be compressed.

When the pure spiritual power was compressed to a state where the land carp could no longer compress it, the appearance of the spiritual power became almost foggy.

The golden spiritual mist was deposited in the white jade bottle.

Lu Li hurriedly covered the white jade bottle with a lid.

Sweat is already on the forehead.

This is the first time Lu carp has compressed its spiritual power to such a strong level, which requires a high degree of concentration and consumes a certain amount of its own spiritual power.

However, feeling the concentration of spiritual power in the white jade bottle, Lu Li still couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face.

"This concentration is about five times stronger than the previous version of the spiritual power bottle!"

With this concentration, Lu carp only needs to absorb two bottles to complete a day's practice!

Lu Li had always imagined this before, to store his spiritual power first, and then take it out to absorb when he needed to practice.

But I have never had a chance to get a jade container before.

The glass container can only be stored for seven days, and it will continue to overflow within seven days until it disappears completely.

This is not worth the loss at all, it is better to absorb it on the spot.

But now that Lu Li had this white jade bottle, the effect was completely different.

Lu Li could feel that the spiritual power in the white jade bottle was overflowing at a very slow speed.

This speed is ten times slower than ordinary glass and plastic bottles!

"According to this spill speed, it will take at least three months to completely clean the spill."

Lu Li thought to himself.

There was a smile on his face.

Sure enough, as the paper on the Internet said, jade is the best medium to block the spiritual power from overflowing.

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