My Life Simulator

Chapter 396 Famous generals in ancient times, heroes of the world

In Yanjing City.

Minister of War Zhang Juzheng got up early in the morning.

"There is no court meeting today, why did Langjun get up so early?"

A woman walked up to Zhang Juzheng, picked up a cloak and put it on Zhang Juzheng, looking at Zhang Juzheng with concern.

"Can't sleep."

Zhang Juzheng pulled the big cloak on his body, looked up at the snowflakes scattered in the sky, and there was a bit of gloom between his eyebrows.

It has been more than 20 days since the Tatars had been on the side, and the situation around Datong was precarious.

Although Yunjianbo's troops and horses are majestic, there are only more than 10,000 people, and they march thousands of miles and labor on expeditions. It is hard to say whether they can stop the Tartar cavalry!

Today's Ming Dynasty is a dilapidated house with air leaks from all sides.

The DPRK and China are constantly fighting, corrupt officials are rampant, the people are starving and cold, and the treasury is empty.

If the Datong border falls and 200,000 Tatar cavalry swept the north, the consequences would be unimaginable!

When the Tatar cavalry invaded, they failed to enter Yanjing City. This time, if the Tartar cavalry beats the city of Yanjing again, can it be defended?

well! National affairs are difficult!

Zhang Juzheng let out a long sigh, and there was an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

Turning around and preparing to go back to his room, Zhang Juzheng suddenly heard the sound of hooves coming from outside, and also heard a faint shout.

It's just... the sound is a little far away, and it's not very real.

"In Yanjing City, if you dare to run wild, it must be an emergency military situation."

Zhang Juzheng was startled, his face turned pale. Could it be... could it be... Datong was defeated?

Once the Datong army was defeated, the Tartar cavalry swept the north, and the consequences were unimaginable!

At this moment, Zhang Juzheng's heart was bleak, his arms trembled slightly, and his lips began to tremble.

Slowly, the sound of galloping hooves got closer, and the shouting became clear and audible.

"Good news!"

"Border Victory!"

"Uncle Yunjian led his army to aid Datong. In the first battle, he defeated a 100,000-strong Tatar army, wiped out 80,000 enemies, and killed the Tatar Khan! Great victory!"

Good news? Great victory?

When he heard the word "Good News", Zhang Juzheng breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his gloomy face.

next moment……

Defeat 100,000? Kill 80,000 enemies? Kill the Tatar Khan?

What are you kidding?

The smile that had just appeared on Zhang Juzheng's face instantly solidified, and his face became ashen.

Defeated 100,000 in World War I? Kill 80,000 enemies? You, Lu Li, are also good at lifting people, so you have to be a little disciplined, right? Lying about military merit also has a bottom line, right?

Are you an idiot for putting up and down the court on the spot? Even if the Tartar cavalry is 100,000 pigs, it is not so easy to kill, right?

Zhang Juzheng's heart was full of anger, and he wanted to grab Lu Li and beat him up.

On second thought, since Lu Li had defeated a hundred thousand Tatar army in the first battle, it means that... at least the battle was not defeated, at least Datong has not fallen.

"Fortunately! The situation has not reached an unimaginable level."

Zhang Juzheng let out a long sigh and commanded outside: "Prepare the carriage, I'm going to the yamen."


Lu Li's good news made the leaders of the DPRK and China stunned, and then became furious.

It really makes no sense!

Defeat a 100,000-strong army in World War I? Kill 80,000? Do you think you are a fairy? You have only 15,000 troops in total, so are all the soldiers you bring with you?

Why don't you say that you cast a spell, summoned a meteorite of thunder, and smashed the entire army of 100,000 Tatar cavalry?

Dare to send out such a report of victory? Is this insulting the IQ of everyone in the Ming court?

Even Emperor Jiajing was stunned for a long time when he saw this document of victory.

Defeated 100,000 in World War I? Kill 80,000 enemies? Fellow Daoist, could it be that you have become an immortal and defeated the Tartar with the immortal method?

"Shameless! Such a lie about military exploits is outrageous!"

"It's too much! Even if we write about 10,000 annihilated enemies, we might still recognize it with our noses pinched. Defeat 100,000 enemies in one battle and annihilate 80,000 enemies, this is too outrageous!"

"Throughout the ages, the most lied about military exploits is Uncle Yunjian. This move...will definitely leave the history behind!"

"The big joke of slipping the world!"

Officials from all ministries in the DPRK, no matter if they are strict with the party or Qingliu, are all mad at Lu Li, this "liar report of military exploits", the report of victory!

However... a few hours later, the documents of Datong Chengguan, the military information documents of Dongsheng City, and the military information documents of Wanquan City were delivered to the court one after another.

Zhang Qin, the commander-in-chief of Datong, reported in the document: Bo Yunjian led his army to Datong, with his back against the Great Wall, and annihilated 20,000 Tatar cavalry in the first group, defeated 80,000 Tatar cavalry in the second group, and won two consecutive battles. Destroy countless enemies.

The description of the battle process in it is even more exaggerated than the articles written by the civil servants. What "Thunder is rolling, flames are rolling", it looks like a fight with a fairy.

Zhang Qin, the general soldier of Datong, why did he join in the fun with Uncle Yunjian?

Next, Chaotang received military intelligence documents from Dongsheng City and Wanquan City in succession.

The content of the two documents is almost the same, and they both say: The fifty thousand Tatar cavalry outside the city suddenly withdrew inexplicably, and they ran very fast. In a panic, he fled in a state of embarrassment.

This situation...something is wrong!

Dongsheng City and Wanquan City were both besieged by 50,000 Tartar cavalry, the situation was precarious, and the city was in danger of falling at any time.

Under such circumstances, the Tatar cavalry outside the city suddenly withdrew? Moreover, he ran in a panic, as if he would be finished if he ran slower.

Could it be... Uncle Yunjian's good news...

When the big brothers in the court saw these documents, they looked at each other in dismay.

impossible? Not true, right?

Can someone really defeat 100,000 Tatar cavalry and 80,000 enemies with 15,000 infantry?

Sun Wu, Bai Qi, Han Xin, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing... The famous generals of the ancient times are just like that, right?

After receiving the military reports from Datong City, Dongsheng City, and Wanquan City, the voices of officials from various ministries in the DPRK suddenly disappeared. Everyone was watching and waiting for the truth.

As for the truth about Lu Li's victory, DPRK's reaction was very quick.

After all, Lu Li has nothing to do with Yan Dang and Qingliu, and it has nothing to do with party disputes.

Therefore, the cabinet requested the Emperor Jiajing to send an imperial messenger to the Datong border to check the authenticity of the good news.

Emperor Jiajing was also very concerned about the authenticity of this good news, and quickly dispatched Zhang Juzheng, the minister of the Ministry of War, and Feng Bao, the eunuch, to Datong to check the results in the name of the imperial army.

Knowing that the matter was urgent, Zhang Juzheng didn't act like an imperial envoy, so he just walked lightly and hurried to Datong.

Two days later, Zhang Juzheng arrived at Datong Chengguan.

Then... even with Zhang Juzheng's calmness, he was stunned by the situation in front of him.

In the wilderness outside Datong City, the ground was scorched black, countless corpses piled up like mountains, all kinds of weapons, armor, swords and guns were seized innumerably, as well as hundreds of thousands of horses, hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep...

Countless people in Datong City are sweeping the battlefield under the command of some black-clothed sergeants, counting the seizures, and disposing of the corpses.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Juzheng's eyes widened and he was speechless for a long time.

100,000 defeated and 80,000 enemies defeated in the First World War, completely true!

Uncle Yunjian is truly invincible!

Originally, I saw the record of ancient famous generals in the history books, how Huo Qubing 800 cavalry swept 3,000 miles in Mobei, and I thought it might be a bit exaggerated. Now comparing the record of Uncle Yunjian, I know that there are real heroes in the world.

Datong General Military Mansion.

Zhang Juzheng and the eunuch Feng Bao finally met Lu Li.

A mighty and handsome Han general's armor, wearing a scarlet cloak, and a spring knife with embroidered gold scorpion patterns on his waist, coupled with his handsome and handsome face, he looks even more heroic and extraordinary, a form of heaven and man.

Such an appearance is worthy of being a famous general and a hero.

"Xiaguan Zhang Juzheng, I have seen Uncle Yunjian."

After seeing Lu Li, Zhang Juzheng hurriedly bowed to Lu Li.

As a high-ranking official like the Minister of War, in front of the generals, he is usually aloof. However, Lu Li's record was too terrifying, and with the title of nobility in his possession, Zhang Juzheng was convinced and bowed to Lu Li first.

"Feng Bao, the eunuch serving in the slave and maid, pays respects to Uncle Yunjian."

The eunuch Feng Bao next to him also hurriedly saluted Lu Li.

Zhang Juzheng? Feng Bao? So you guys have been hooked up from now on?

With a smile on his face, Lu Li stood up and greeted the two of them.

"Uncle Yunjian, this time when the lower official got up, he was ordered by the emperor to come to check the results of the battle."

After Zhang Juzheng sat down in the hall, he hurriedly told Lu Li Daoming what he wanted to say, "I originally received the report from Uncle Yunjian, but the lower official still couldn't believe the result. Now, seeing with his own eyes, Uncle Yunjian is indeed a famous general in the world, a hero in the world. Such a victory is rare in ancient and modern times!"

"It's all the soldiers under his command who sacrificed their lives to repay the heart of the country."

Lu Li smiled, "In this battle, 100,000 Tatar cavalry was defeated, more than 80,000 enemies were wiped out, and even the Tatar Khan was killed. After this battle, the Tatar's strength was greatly weakened, their courage was lost, and the border was peaceful. ."

"Yeah! Yunjian Boli has done amazing feats."

Zhang Juzheng nodded in admiration, "After this battle, for at least 20 years, the Tartars will no longer have the heart of a bandit."

"Not twenty years!"

Lu Li smiled, "In the future, they will never have a chance to be sidelined. Because... I'm here!"


Zhang Juzheng was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing: "Hahahaha! Good! Good! In the future, when the uncle will lead his army northwards, he will surely restrain Shi Yanran, seal the wolf Juxu, and stabilize the north from now on!"

The two continued to talk.

Under the deliberate guidance of Lu Li, the content of the conversation began to involve topics such as civil affairs, official governance, wealth, and Ming Dynasty.

Lu Li even proposed "official and gentry pay grain together" and "one whip method", which made Zhang Juzheng stunned for a while.

The more they talked, the more speculative they became. Zhang Juzheng suddenly felt that Lu Li was his confidant.

This was of course Lu Li's intention.

For the military reform of Daming, Lu Li can do it. Let the iron-headed boy Zhang Juzheng do the reform in civil affairs! Anyway, he has done a good job in history, although the end is a bit miserable.

The next day, Zhang Juzheng and the eunuch Feng Bao's report were sent back to the court.

Although the texts of the two reports are different, the content is exactly the same. That is... it is completely true that 100,000 troops were defeated in the first battle, 80,000 enemies were wiped out, and the Tartar Khan was slaughtered.

This completely confirms Lu Li's record!

It turned out to be true! It turned out to be true!

It really defeated 100,000 Tatar cavalry, really wiped out 80,000 enemy troops, and really killed the Tatar Khan!

At this moment, the officials of the various departments of the Ming Dynasty were all stunned.

OMG! Uncle Yunjian actually made such a shocking record?

God bless Daming!

With such a valiant army and tiger generals, all the captives in the south and the north are all local chickens and tiles, depending on the battle!

"It turned it true?"

Emperor Jiajing also saw Zhang Juzheng and the eunuch Feng Bao's performance, and after being stunned for a long time, he burst into laughter again.

Even in front of the emperors of all dynasties, Lao Tzu can hold his head high and despise you.

What happened to Laozi Xiuxian? What's wrong with Lao Tzu's ignoring the government?

Who has seen the result of defeating 100,000 Tatar cavalry in the First World War? Even the Taizu Hongwu Emperor and the Chengzu Yongle Emperor, you have never played such a brilliant victory, have you?

The power of the Ming Dynasty is only the Jiajing Dynasty!

I, Jiajing, the most capable emperor in Daming, who would disagree? I'll let Lu Li compete with you!

Therefore, the Jiajing Emperor issued an edict to the world: The Tartar 200,000 iron cavalry was in front of the bandits, and Yunjian Bo led his army northward, defeated 100,000 iron cavalry in the first battle, wiped out 80,000 enemies, and slaughtered the Tartar Khan.

The people of Yanjing City, who first saw the edict, were stunned for a long time, and then...the crowd cheered.

"Da Ming is mighty!"

On this day, the city of Yanjing was full of joy, and countless people set off firecrackers to celebrate this shocking victory.

The imperial edict was spread all over the world, the two capitals, thirteen provinces, countless prefectures and counties, and hundreds of millions of people all learned of this brilliant record that shocked the world.

Anti-Japanese Governor Hu Zongxian, after seeing the edict, couldn't help but exclaim: Uncle Yunjian is so brave?

Qi Jiguang, who was forming the Qi Family Army, widened his eyes. How could there be such a hero in the world?

Yu Dayou, who was training the navy, was stunned. The hero of the world is only Yunjian Burr!


A few days later, a grand ceremony was held in the city of Yanjing.

Emperor Jiajing put on a rare dragon robe and stood on the tower of the imperial city. There was also a large group of civil and military officials around.

At this moment, in Yanjing City, countless people spontaneously crowded on both sides of the road, looking forward to the arrival of this invincible army like a myth and legend.

The rising sun rises from the sky, and the splendid rays of light illuminate the earth.

At this time, in the direction of the city gate, there was a burst of "boom" footsteps.

A bright flag of the sun and the moon was raised high and fluttered in the wind.

Under the banner, the whole body has been wearing black all the time, exuding a cold and cold air, lined up in a neat queue, walking step by step in a neat pace.

"Da Ming is mighty!"

"Da Ming is mighty!"

Seeing this majestic army, the people in Yanjing City cheered and shouted one by one.

This is an army like a mythical legend. The Tartar cavalry, who had plagued the north for many years, were defeated by them in a battle.

The mighty teacher! The majestic teacher! Invincible teacher!

Such a heroic army will surely be able to stabilize the country!

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