The neat army continued to advance.

It was found that a long line of carriages followed behind the army formation.

On these carriages were piled countless Tatar heads, countless swords, swords and halberds, countless broken armors and tattered Tatar flags.

These are naturally captured!

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming is mighty!"

Seeing these heads and seizures, the cheers of the people became even more enthusiastic.

The army marched all the way. Lu Li was wearing the armor of a big Han general and riding a war horse.

After a while, Lu Li came to the gate of the imperial city, and threw the Tatar Khan's scorpion in his hand heavily under the gate.

Turning over and dismounting, Lu Li gave a military salute to Emperor Jiajing, "My minister, Lu Li, the master of the clouds, was ordered to go on an expedition. At the foot of Datong City, he defeated 100,000 Tatar pirates in the first battle, annihilated 80,000 enemies, and slaughtered the Tatar Khan. Today The class teacher returns to the court and presents prisoners in front of the Que. Great Ming and mighty! Long live my emperor!"

"Daming is mighty! Long live my emperor!"

"Daming is mighty! Long live my emperor!"

"Daming is mighty! Long live my emperor!"

After Lu Li finished speaking, the sergeants behind him shouted in unison. The majestic cry was like a tsunami and a landslide.

The army is majestic and majestic, swallowing mountains and rivers, making people blood boil.

The shouts of the sergeants also led the onlookers in the city to shout together.

"Daming is mighty! Long live my emperor!"

All of a sudden, the voices in the city of Yanjing shook the sky. The mighty sound waves are earth-shattering, and the voice hears Jiuxiao.

At this moment, Emperor Jiajing standing at the head of the city, Xiuxian's cold heart that was "too ruthless" suddenly became hot.

Such a mighty army and so many cheers made Jiajing feel like a "strong master wins over his ancestors".

Lao Tzu has such a heroic army under his command, even if compared with Emperor Hongwu and Emperor Yongle, it is not bad, right?

Next, Emperor Jiajing took the crowd to the Taimiao to offer incense, and displayed the Tatar Khan's head captured by Lu Li and the head of the Tatar Khan that he finally found out in the Taimiao as a military exploit.

Lu Li also received a new reward.

He was given the title of Marquis of Huating, a general of hussars, a mansion in Yanjing, a unicorn uniform, and a staff of ceremonial armour.

"I don't want to be named Hou, I hope the four seas are at peace!"

Lu Li didn't feel much about this Huating Hou, but the Hussar General made Lu Li a little happy.

Hussar General is a title given to every dynasty after the Han Dynasty. It's just... When it comes to General Hussars, people's first impression is Huo Qubing.

Lu Li was still very happy to be able to get the general title like Geng Huo Qubing.

Obtained the Hussar General, which is four levels away from the "Great General" of this story mission, namely General Zhu Guo, General Zuo Zhu Guo, General Right Zhu Guo, and finally "The Great General of Shang Zhu Guo".

The general of the Shangzhu Kingdom is the same as "the marshal of the army and horses of the world".

After being conferred the title of Marquis of Huating and General Hussar, Lu Li's official position was also upgraded.

This shocking victory has also enriched the Ming treasury a lot.

The countless swords, spears, armour, luggage, hundreds of thousands of horses, and hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep captured by Lu Li were a huge amount of wealth.

In addition to choosing 15,000 war horses for himself and transferring his infantry to cavalry, Lu Li didn't take any of the other seized materials and turned them over to the state treasury.

As a result, Chaozhong was very satisfied with Lu Li.

However... Satisfaction is satisfied, but there is no discussion about it.

The ancient dynasty's defense against military generals really went deep into the bones.

Lu Li is so capable of fighting, yet he has achieved such an appalling record. Once Lu Li raises troops to rebel, who in the world can control it?

So... the 15,000 soldiers that Lu Li brought out were actually detained by the imperial court in the name of strengthening the central strength, and 10,000 people stayed in the capital and joined the Shenji Camp.

This way, Lu Li... It doesn't matter at all!

Since there is no plan to rebel, it is also necessary to strengthen the military strength of the northern part of the Ming Dynasty.

It's just... these ten thousand soldiers, you should be able to support them, right?

I really can't afford it!

After Zhang Juzheng took over the job, after learning about the equipment, rations and provisions of Lu Li's soldiers, his face turned pale and his forehead was sweating.

One year summer, autumn and winter, three sets of military uniforms. Pay three taels of silver every month, and eat meat every day. Military training is carried out every day, and the consumption of ammunition is also a huge sum of money.

Moreover... the various equipment such as these muskets, artillery, and even ammunition, the Daming Ministry of Industry has not been able to imitate them.

Zhang Juzheng calculated that it would cost almost one million taels of silver every year to support this heroic army.

One million taels of silver, the court is not out of it. The problem is... the treatment you have given to these ten thousand people is so high that there are still hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Beijing camp!

Although the soldiers and generals of the Beijing camp cannot fight, but they will not fall behind when they ask for money.

This is not good!

Zhang Juzheng's face darkened when he thought of the 300,000 soldiers in the Beijing battalion, all of whom needed this treatment.

The trouble should end it!

Zhang Juzheng hurriedly found Lu Li, who had just moved into Huating Hou Mansion, and asked Lu Li for a plan.

"For the army to maintain a strong combat effectiveness, strict training is essential. Training consumption must not be deducted."

"In addition, if you want soldiers to fight to the death, you must ensure that they are warmly dressed, well fed, and have money to take, otherwise... who will give you a desperate fight? The money for logistical support is also indispensable."

"As for those equipment, ammunition, and even logistical supplies, I can provide them, even at the cost price, which can save you some money."

In the face of Zhang Juzheng's difficulties, Lu Li can only give these supports, so I don't want me to be responsible for the provisions of these soldiers, right?

"You are right."

Zhang Juzheng sighed, "The problem is, there are still 300,000 horses in the Beijing camp! Seeing that the treatment of the black-clothed army is so high, they will definitely make trouble. If they are given the same treatment, the national treasury can't bear it!"

"It's very simple, abolish the Beijing battalion, simplify the personnel, select and train 50,000 new troops. With this army in hand, it is better than the current 300,000 Beijing battalion, which can't fight, right?"

The idea that Lu Li came up with was naturally a fundamental solution to the problem.

It's just... This will inevitably touch the interests of countless Beijing generals and nobles who are sitting on empty pay.

"This matter... it's easier said than done!"

Zhang Juzheng's face is full of helplessness. If he dares to abolish the Beijing camp, do you believe that those nobles and military generals can make a mutiny for you?

At that time, if things can't be done, they will use their own heads to quell the anger of the Jingying soldiers.

"Isn't there 10,000 soldiers in black?"

Lu Li sneered, "All the 100,000 Tartar cavalry were defeated in the first battle, and there are black-clothed troops in charge, whoever dares to make trouble and suppress it directly!"


Zhang Juzheng looked helpless. Suppression with the black army is certainly no problem. The fighting strength of the 100,000 Tatar cavalry that had just been defeated was enough to suppress any dissatisfaction.

The problem is... there are too many people who have offended, so it's not easy to mess around in the future!

"I don't have enough prestige to do this kind of thing. Marquis Huating, with your power of defeating 100,000 Tatar cavalry in the first battle, to preside over the transformation of the Beijing camp is the most suitable."

Zhang Juzheng was about to fool Lu Li and let Lu Li do this thankless task.

"Ha ha!"

Lu Li glanced at Zhang Juzheng and sneered, "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and this Marquis is still waiting to go back to Songjiang Mansion for Chinese New Year! After this battle, the northern Tatars did not dare to invade, and there are still a lot of Japanese pirates in the south waiting for me to clean up. , I don't have time to deal with your crap."

Zhang Juzheng let out a long sigh and did not answer.

"After this battle, the strength of the Tartars has been greatly reduced, and it is impossible to have the strength and courage to attack the Ming Dynasty in a short period of time. In the next few years, or even more than ten years, there will be no major wars in the north."

Lu Li smiled at Zhang Juzheng, "Since there is a buffer for this period of time, let's take it slow, spend a few more years, and slowly rectify the Beijing camp."

"That's all it takes!"

Zhang Juzheng shook his head helplessly and got up to leave.

Lu Li looked at Zhang Juzheng's leaving figure, smiled and shook his head.

The Jingying was regarded as the fastest and most rotten army among all Ming armies.

You know, even when the Ming Dynasty fell, the Jingying nominally had hundreds of thousands of troops.

However... Daming's Jingying can't beat the Tartars, the Jurchens, or the Chuangjun, they can't beat none of them!

The nominally hundreds of thousands of capital camps have consumed countless silver in the Ming treasury, but they can't do anything.

The guards can no longer fight, at least they will still farm! What can Jingying do? Quan Te has become a street scoundrel and is very good at bullying the people!

The next day, Lu Li suddenly received a document from the Ministry of War. The 10,000 black-clothed troops who stayed in Beijing were still under the command of the Songjiang General Army and were seconded to the capital.


I should say, do you deserve to be civil servants? Any trick can be played.

In this way, it is equivalent to Lu Li contributing money and food to send troops to support an army of tens of thousands of people stationed in the capital.

The other troops in the Beijing camp had no opinion on the treatment of the black-clothed army, and the DPRK and China didn't need to spend a buck or two on food to get ten thousand strong and invincible troops for nothing.

special! What a pit!

Although Lu Li was scolding, he didn't care too much.

Lao Tzu is the one who wants to be the Great General of Zhuguo. Since he is the Great Marshal of the Military and Horses of the World, all of Daming's soldiers are Lao Tzu's soldiers.

Do it now, take it slow later.

Afterwards, Lu Li went to the table and asked Emperor Jiajing for his orders, preparing to lead the army back to his hometown.

Emperor Jiajing did not ignore Lu Li this time. He summoned Lu Li into the palace, met and encouraged him in person, and gave him a few palace maids and all kinds of messy property to let Lu Li return to his hometown.

This time, when returning to Songjiang Prefecture from Yanjing, Lu Li did not skate or take a boat.

After getting 15,000 war horses, only 5,000 soldiers were left under his command, one person and three horses, and they rushed back to Songjiang Mansion all the way.

These 5,000 soldiers were all Jinshan guards who had been trained the longest by Lu Li, and had all received equestrian training.

Although the number of horses in Lujiazhuang is not enough, the soldiers can only say that they have ridden horses a few times, and they are not cavalry at all.

There are now fifteen thousand warhorses, just in time for training in riding along the way.

One person and three horses, the marching speed is very fast.

More than half a month later, Lu Li returned to Songjiang Mansion with 5,000 troops and 15,000 horses.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, all the yamen have been on holiday, and Lu Li did not go to take over as the governor of Nanzhili, and spent a year at home directly.

Lu Li shocked the world in the first battle and was named Marquis of Huating. After returning home, various officials and local officials, eunuchs and gentry came to visit in an endless stream.

Busy, lively, and this year is over.

After the Lantern Festival, Lu Li was free to do serious business.

First of all, the soldiers of Baoshan Guard and Kunshan Guard stayed in the capital, and Lu Li needed to continue to replenish the soldiers of the two guards.

At the shipyard, in addition to the destroyer that was being built quickly, Lu Li also arranged a task for Zheng Yuan to prepare for the construction of a transport ship.

The task of the workshop area is also very heavy. Lu Li plans to build an industrial area near the Jinshan port, fully implement steam power, expand the production scale, and increase the production capacity of various industrial products.

In terms of agricultural production, in addition to the spring ploughing production of the various guards in Songjiang Prefecture, Lu Li is also preparing to carry out a comprehensive reform of the guards in the southern Zhili prefectures and implement it in an all-round way according to the model of Jinshanwei.

Southern Zhili Governor, this official position is already a high-ranking officer.

Lu Li, the "commander-in-chief of the military region", has Yingtian, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Songjiang, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Luzhou, Fengyang, Huai'an, Anqing, Taiping, Chizhou and Ningguo. , Huizhou Prefecture, Xuzhou Prefecture, Chuzhou Prefecture, Hezhou Prefecture, Guangde Prefecture and other fourteen prefectures.

Each state has three guards, a total of forty-two guards, a total of 210,000 troops.

With 210,000 soldiers in hand, this is the governor who sits on the side.

This kind of setup is a normal phenomenon in Daming. For example, the governor of Xuanda, the governor of Liaodong, and the governor of Hu Zongxian who resisted the Japanese, are all "commanders" who hold hundreds of thousands of troops!

It's just... The so-called army of hundreds of thousands, in today's Ming Dynasty, and even the future Ming Dynasty, these terrifying army numbers are false, half, or even one-third of the real soldiers are amazing.

Why? Because I can't afford it!

The treasury was empty, and the DPRK and China could not get enough food. Moreover, after layers of deducted food and salaries, allotted to the army, one-tenth of them can even be regarded as honest officials.

However, Lu Li didn't care about these rations.

The output of the workshop is getting higher and higher, and the high-yield crops sown by the Weisuo can also ensure a bumper agricultural harvest, and there is no need to worry about the lack of money and food.

However, after taking over the governor of Nanzhili, the 42 guards in the 14 prefectures under his command will fully implement the spring ploughing of new crops and complete the reconstruction of the guards. The task is still huge.

There is also a huge gap in the dismantling and re-recruitment of the guards, as well as the provision of various military supplies.

The simplest point is that Lu Li can't come up with 210,000 rifles yet!

Of course, the prospect is also very gratifying.

Once Lu Li completed the formation of a new army of 210,000 people, the Ming Dynasty was invincible, and this force was enough to sweep the world.

Within a year, or two years at the most, this force can take shape.

At that time... the place where the sun and the moon shine will be the territory of the Great Ming Dynasty!

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