The boat was still a busy day, but the boat was still busy.

Before arriving at Gaya Town, the days of sailing on the sea were rather boring.

It was another calm day, the sun was not strong, but the sea breeze was very cool.

Ivan was practicing on the deck, his upper body was naked, doing one-finger push-ups, two thousand with his left hand and two thousand with his right hand.

"1896, 1897..."

After doing push-ups, he was sweating profusely, and then he lifted a three-hundred-pound barbell and waved it casually.

Whew, Ivan was exercising while breathing rhythmically, which was a breathing method.

He had practiced before crossing over in his previous life, and he didn't know if it was useful, but it was effective in the pirate world.

Robin was wearing a swimsuit, holding a book, and was telling Perona a story.

But now she was a little absent-minded, and the two girls couldn't help but take a sneak peek at Ivan's figure.

Ivan's body was not particularly strong, but he gave people a slender and muscular look, with obvious muscle lines.

He had broad shoulders, strong arms, bulging chest muscles, distinct abdominal muscles, and a slender waist.

His muscles were tight, as if every muscle fiber was tight, his back lines were smooth, his bones were solid, and he was better than a bodybuilding champion.

With such a figure, coupled with his sunny and handsome face, and the wild and fierce aura during training, he was like a walking hormone.

After practicing with the barbell, Ivan stood at the bow to practice swinging a knife. There was no special move, he just repeatedly practiced several basic ways of swinging a knife.

In this process, he felt his understanding of kendo and thought about how to improve his kendo.

In the pirate world, people who are good at using swords are called sword masters, but Ivan thinks this threshold is too low.

He thinks that only when you have comprehended your own swordsmanship, have your own sword heart and pride, and your swordsmanship has reached the realm of moving at will, can you be a sword master.

For example, Hawkeye can send out a flying slash with a casual attack. Of course, Ivan can do it, but this realm is just the threshold, and it is still far away from the top.

After swinging the sword three thousand times, Ivan exhaled heavily and then put away the sword.

Robin ran over with a towel and smiled: "Captain Ivan, let me wipe your sweat for you."

"Oh, thank you." Ivan didn't think much about it.

His body is now dissipating heat violently. In close contact, Robin can feel the heat from his body. Although separated by a towel, Robin can still feel the firmness of his muscles in his hands.

Suddenly, Robin's face flushed and her face was a little hot.

"What's wrong, are you uncomfortable?" Ivan reached out and touched her forehead.

When the two looked into each other's eyes, Robin found for the first time that his eyes were so beautiful, bright and pure, like two gems, and the smile on his face was gentle and deep. He seemed to have endless mystery.

"No, nothing." Robin herself did not notice that her heartbeat accelerated at that moment.

Damn, Perona pouted and clenched her fists in anger.

Seeing the two of them being so affectionate, she felt betrayed.

Robin was a very bad woman, too cunning, and she actually took over what Ivan's sister should do.

She should have handed her brother a towel and wiped his sweat!

In the following days, Ivan exercised every day, sailed, cooked, talked about literature with Robin, and teased Perona.

Robin's perception of him changed a lot, not limited to martial arts, she found that this man was very knowledgeable.

He had a rich knowledge reserve, and some unique ideas and insights made her often refreshed and enlightened.

But he also found Perona's abnormality. The little girl rushed to hand Ivan a towel to wipe his sweat every day.

Robin did not fight with her, and gave it to her every time. The little girl also put on a victorious attitude to provoke her.

Robin was also a proud woman. She just smiled at Perona's behavior and did not care.

She knew very well Perona's feelings for Ivan, which were dependence and admiration.

Perona was outstanding in appearance, but she was still too young.

In the restaurant, the three of them were eating, and Ivan and Robin talked endlessly again.

Perona felt that he was partial and spent less time playing with her.

Bad brother, stinky brother, he valued women over sisters.

Another day, Ivan sat on the deck, thinking about something with a serious look.

Flames appeared in his palms. Under his control, the flames turned into knives, guns, swords, and then into small animals such as cats, dogs, and fish.

Perona exclaimed, it was like a magic trick.

Robin in a skimpy swimsuit

, holding a book and leaning on the railing to read without interruption.

The flame in Ivan's hand finally turned into a bird, and he let it fly away.

The flame bird flew out about 20 meters and began to dissipate. Ivan was not surprised, because the source of the flame was his body, and the flame bird had no subsequent energy supply.

Ivan's Flame-Flame Fruit development, attack means, defense means, he felt that his shortcoming was flying.

Although he knew the Moon Step, and could fly for a short time after the ability was elementalized, he felt that it was not enough.

He thought for a while, those fruit ability users with the ability to fly.

Among them are Kaido, Flame Disaster Jin, Phoenix Marco...

Ivan analyzed their fruit characteristics and flying ability.

As if he had noticed, he ran out of the ship with the Moon Step and caught a seagull back.

"Brother, do you want to drink seagull soup?" Perona asked with her eyes blinking.

"What are you thinking about? Who can eat such a small thing?" Ivan really admired the little girl's brain circuit.

He tied up one of the seagull's legs with a rope and tied the rope to the railing, so that the seagull could fly up but couldn't fly away.

"Ivan, what are you doing? It's not good to abuse small animals." Robin teased. She was joking, knowing that Ivan's character would not do such a thing.

"Learn." Ivan stared at the seagull without turning his head.

Learn? Learn from a seagull, the two girls didn't understand what he was doing.

In the next week, Ivan observed the seagulls every day and fed them food every day. The two girls thought he was crazy.

Moreover, he took paper and pen to draw the seagull's wings and feathers, drawing one picture after another, looking at the seagull and looking at his own drawings, and fell into contemplation every day to reach the state of selflessness.

The two girls were not used to Ivan's abnormal state. Even his cooking was not so delicious.

Finally, on this day, Ivan, who was sitting in front of the seagull and meditating with his eyes closed, opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for your hard work." He untied the rope on the seagull's feet and let it fly away.

"Brother, you finally became normal." Perona said happily, and Robin nodded frantically on the side.

"Haha, sorry, I'm studying something very important. It should be successful now. Let me show you a magic trick." Ivan laughed.

Perona looked expectant: "Okay, okay, brother, hurry up."

Ivan jumped into the air and ran to a place far away from the ship. He immediately transformed into a fireman and released a large amount of flames to gather around him.

The heat waves emitted by the high-temperature flames formed ripples in the air, and he shouted: "Flame God-Tianfeng Spread Wings."

His whole body and the flames on his body gradually turned into a huge firebird, with a wingspan of more than 10 meters in diameter. When the wings flapped, a hot wind formed, and he flew out smoothly and flew freely in the air.

"Wow, brother is awesome, he turned into a bird and flew." Perona was very excited, holding a small red umbrella, her body turned into a ghost, and also floated in the air.

She shouted loudly: "Brother, look, I can fly too."

Robin was shocked. The scene of Ivan turning into a firebird and flying was very shocking, and it was also the first time she discovered Perona's ability.

Sure enough, this man was like a glacier, with only a part exposed on the surface.

Ivan flew a few circles in the air and then returned. He succeeded, but this way of flying consumed a lot of physical strength.

When he flew back to the sky above the ship, the two women were uncomfortable with the heat waves and hot winds emitted by the flames, as if they were roasted by fire.

He quickly stopped the elementalization and turned back into a human.

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