The two of them were very happy.

Three guests, one man and two women, arrived outside Kulik's house.

"Is this Mr. Kulik the descendant of Noland? He has been fishing for gold in this sea area?" Robin asked twice.

Ivan said: "Yes, he is a man worthy of admiration."

"Who is Kulik?" Perona asked curiously.

In order to satisfy her curiosity, Robin told her the story of Noland.

After a while, Kulik, who had climbed out of the sea, came back with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Oh, it's Mr. Ivan. I haven't seen you for a few months. You are very punctual."

"Is your brother not here? Who are these two?"

Except Ivan, the three of them were looking at each other.

"This is Robin, my partner, and my sister Perona."

At night, at Kulikai's house, everyone was eating and drinking.

Take out the ancestor's diary, Kulikai said: "Mr. Ivan, although I don't know why you think the sky island must exist, the content of this diary must be helpful to you."

Noland's adventure diary, that is a precious material from 400 years ago. Robin immediately became excited: "Can you show it to me first?"

Everyone ate and drank while talking, Kulikai said that he predicted that the sky current would occur in two days.

And it is necessary to see the bird in the south, using its magnetic force to identify the direction.

If he didn't say this, Ivan didn't think of it, and then he went out for a trip, and in less than ten minutes he came back with a strange-looking, colorful bird.

Others were surprised, his speed was too fast.

That's for sure, Ivan went to the forest, as long as he heard the bird call, he opened his sight and heard the color, and rushed the king's color and it was done.

Two days later, Ivan's ship had been modified by Kulikai, and a pair of wooden wings were added to the hull.

"Mr. Kulikai, come with me. You should witness all this with your own eyes." Ivan invited him.

Kulikai was silent for a moment and said: "No one has ever proved the existence of Sky Island and Golden Country, and no one has proved that it does not exist."

"I, I want to keep it mysterious."

Ivan understood that he was just afraid of disappointment. In the end, Sky Island and Golden Country were both fictional.

Then, everything their family wanted to prove for 400 years would become a joke.

"Let me tell you a story about your ancestors!" Ivan said.

Noland was a great adventurer. 400 years ago, he sailed to Gaya Island and encountered an outbreak of fever among local residents.

But the feudal local residents actually used living people to sacrifice gods. The so-called gods were just a big snake similar to the sea king.

Noland angrily killed the snake, cured their diseases, and gained their friendship.

Later, due to some disagreements, Noland and the original residents, the Shandians, parted ways unhappily, and Gaya Island was later carried up to the sky by the surging sea current.

The Shandians owed Noland an apology. They had been waiting for Noland himself and his descendants.

After the story was told, Kulikai was shocked. He didn't quite believe that the story was true, but he didn't want to doubt it in his heart.

Robin stared at Ivan suspiciously, wondering if he had made up the story himself. There was no record of this in historical materials.

"Then Noland is really a great hero!" Perona said with emotion.

"I say, Uncle Kulikai, you should go with us."

Under the persuasion of the three, Kulikai agreed.

So, they tied Nannanjian Bird to the bow of the boat and set off officially. There was still plenty of time before the surging sea current appeared.

As the boat gradually approached the destination, the sky began to darken, and large patches of dark clouds were thick and overlapping.

"That's the cumulus cloud. It's early." Kulikai said while driving the boat.

The closer we got to the destination, the less calm the sea became. The sea began to surge, and the waves rose and fell.

"This is a sign of an explosion. Everyone, please be safe. It's best to tie your body to the boat with a rope." Kulikai reminded with a stern look.

The weather changed abnormally, the waves were surging, the wind was howling, and the land was covered with dark clouds. It rained heavily, and the huge raindrops hit the face and made people feel painful.

The waves were getting higher and higher. Ivan's boat was shaking violently. It was possible to capsize at any time. People couldn't stand steadily on the boat.

"It's terrible. Is this the end of the world?" Perona hugged Ivan's arm. She was really scared.

Robin was still calm and asked a very critical question: "Ivan-san, how is the record pointer?"

Ivan spread out the navigation record pointer in his hand. The location of the sky island was

It cannot be recorded by sailing route: "The cloud layer pointed to is motionless, but there is Sky Island above it."

In the sky, the cumulus clouds have been moving, forming a deep black hole.

On the sea surface, the sea water is spinning rapidly, the water is turbulent, and a huge vortex is also forming.

In the center of the vortex is a bottomless cenote, like an abyss, swallowing everything.

The rotation of the sea water pushes Ivan and his ship to circle wildly, and the balance of the hull cannot be maintained, and it gradually tilts sideways.

"No, if this goes on, the whole ship will be swallowed up, and we will all be crushed into pieces by the sea water." Kulikai's expression has begun to panic.

This made Perona's little face pale: "Brother, will we die? I don't want to die, and I don't want you to die."

Ivan touched her head to comfort her and tied her body with a rope.

Robin was also nervous, but she kept staring at Ivan. She wanted to see what this man would do. She didn't believe that this man would accept his fate.

Ivan flashed and came to the side of the ship. He grabbed the railing with one hand, and flames appeared on his right fist. He shouted: "Big Flame Pillar."


The hot flames sprayed on the rotating sea water, forming a reverse thrust. Ivan used his body to hold it up and corrected the ship that was about to capsize little by little.

The vortex became more and more turbulent, and countless fish were visible inside. Kulikai shouted: "Mr. Ivan, we are about to be sucked into the most dangerous position of the vortex. You have to hold on!"

Ivan shouted: "Robin, use your ability to catch me."

"Two-wheeled flower-vine." Robin immediately used his ability to produce two arms out of thin air, hugging Ivan's waist and buckling him on the railing.

Ivan instantly drew out his knife, and a powerful momentum burst out from his body, even overwhelming the blowing sea breeze. His robes rustled, and he held the knife with both hands, looking extremely serious.

He took a deep breath and swung the knife suddenly.

"Heaven Slash - Weiguo." The void cracked, and the huge red flying slash seemed to tear the space apart, cutting through the air and exploding.

The slash landed at the mouth of the seawater vortex in front of the ship, directly splitting the vortex in half, causing a huge fault space in the vortex.

Mr. Ivan, is he so powerful that he can even split the sea! Kulikai was stunned.

Brother, are you a god? Perona's admiration for him has risen to a new level.

Robin's beautiful eyes also showed surprise, as she also saw some of Ivan's strength for the first time.

Ah, they were shocked for less than three seconds, and the ship immediately fell into the space split by Ivan and fell directly to the eye of the vortex.

Everyone instantly experienced a sense of weightlessness. Fortunately, they were tied with ropes, so the three of them were not thrown out of the ship. Ivan was as stable as a mountain.

Bang! The hull crashed into the sea water in the eye of the whirlpool, and the hull shook violently, splashing waves, and the three of them were thrown up again.

Ivan flashed, first hugged Perona, and then hugged Robin, to prevent their bodies from hitting the hull, which would be very painful.

Oh, ah, Kulikai was not so lucky, and his body fell and hit his head, causing a big bump.

Perona quietly opened her eyes: "Am I dead?"

Then she saw Ivan's handsome face, and she was hugged by Ivan. In her joy, she couldn't help but kiss Ivan on the face.

"We are safe, brother, you are great."

Ivan put her down, and Robin's embarrassed voice immediately sounded: "Ivan-san, you, you can let me go."

At this time, Ivan realized that he was holding Robin's waist, and her body was pressed against his body. He could still feel the softness and elasticity of the two peaks on his chest.

"Oh, sorry, I, I didn't mean it, I didn't take advantage of you, it just happened suddenly." Ivan explained in a hurry.

Robin blushed and complained in his heart, can you stop talking, didn't you see that Perona's eyes became very strange!

"It's about to start, everyone get ready." Kulikai resolved the embarrassment in time.

A large number of bubbles appeared on the sea surface, and as the boat was shaking, everyone could feel that there was a huge energy about to explode below.

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