The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Twin Gorge, when leaving the Twin Gorge from the Grand Line.

Ivan actually saw a person who caught his attention, the future captain of the No. 5 ship of Blackbeard Teach.

Lafitte, who can grow wings on his back to fly, uses a pistol and a cane as weapons, wears a black top hat, a black vest and pants, and is dressed as a dramatic character.

A violent law enforcement officer in the West Sea, he became notorious there for excessive use of violence and was later expelled.

He once mysteriously appeared in a meeting of the Seven Warlords of the Sea convened by the Navy, and boldly helped Teach apply for the position of the Seven Warlords of the Sea to Sengoku.

Ivan was returning to the East Sea from the Grand Line, while Lafitte was taking a ship to the Grand Line.

Could it be that this violent law enforcement officer has been expelled at this stage?

This guy is like Xiliu of Rain, full of violent genes in his body, and he is quite smart. When he gets ruthless, he kills his own people.

Ivan considered whether to kill him or not. There is no reason to leave such a person to the future Blackbeard Teach.

The reason why people like Xiliu, Lafitte, and Poison Q follow Teach is probably not because Teach's personality charm conquers them.

Instead, they are originally people with very bloodthirsty souls. Following Teach is to have a backer, and it is safer to create killings and crimes.

With a smile, Ivan made up his mind. If he doesn't kill him, then he will be accepted by his command. If he doesn't want to submit, then let him die.

If you become his subordinate and don't follow his rules, that is the way to death.

Ivan became happier and happier as he thought about it. Can he hollow out the corners of Blackbeard Teach in advance?

He can't even let Teach develop under the protection of Whitebeard. That would be too cheap for him and make him too comfortable.

As the only person who knows the details of Blackbeard Teach, it is too easy to deal with him. Rumors are a very lethal weapon.

It's time to write a short essay again. Haha, Ivan laughed so meanly.

Back in Rogue Town, Ivan told Kuro to have someone embarrass Lafitte and ask him to come to Rogue Town to see him.

Sitting in Smoker's office, Ivan called Zhan Guo leisurely.

"Marshal, I have important intelligence to report."

Zhan Guo's voice came from the other end of the Den Den Mushi: "It must be not easy to get you to call me. Tell me."

Ivan couldn't help laughing on his face, but pretended to be serious: "It's about Rocks. It's very likely that Rocks has reappeared."

"Puff, what?"

Zhan Guo's scream came from the other end, and there was a sound of a teacup falling to the ground and breaking.

What the hell, Rocks has been dead for so many years, how come he popped up again?

Smoker and Kuro, who were sitting opposite Ivan, stared at him speechlessly. Brother, there is a limit to your nonsense, and you really dare to brag about it!

You are not afraid of being beaten by Zhan Guo.

After a long time, Zhan Guo asked suspiciously from the other end of the phone: "Are you sure you are awake?"

"You can't joke about everything, you know?"

Ivan said disdainfully: "When have I ever lied to you? When have I ever joked about military intelligence?"

Zhan Guo thought about it, this kid is still quite reliable in big things, although it is ridiculous, he still plans to listen to it before making a judgment.

After pulling his throat, Zhan Guo said: "Tell me the details."

Then, Ivan began to make up stories without blushing.

He said that Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach was the reincarnation of Rocks, and Rocks ate the reincarnation fruit before his death, and the fruit ability was one-time.

But the soul can be transferred to someone else, and Rocks was reincarnated into Marshall D. Teach.

Zhan Guo didn't believe it, saying that he had never heard of any reincarnation fruit, and it was not in the Demon Atlas.

Ivan's words were very mysterious. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. He also used the Yellow Spring Fruit as an example, which made Zhan Guo stunned.

However, Zhan Guo was Zhan Guo after all, and he was still skeptical. Instead, he was thinking whether Ivan had any purpose.

He paused the call and ordered someone to retrieve the information of Blackbeard Teach.

Soon, the information of Blackbeard Teach was placed on Zhan Guo's desk.

After reading the information, Zhan Guo's face was full of black lines. Could it be that Ivan thought that today was April Fool's Day? Is he playing a trick on himself?

He called Ivan.

Bulu Bulu, Ivan answered the phone with a smile, as if everything was under control.

"Hey Ivan, are you mistaken? Marshall D. Teach is just an ordinary adopted son of Whitebeard and an ordinary member of the Second Division."


He is ordinary, and has no amazing achievements or deeds. ”

Ivan said: “Marshal, I can’t prove the fruit of reincarnation to you, but I can prove the fruit of Yomiuri. ”

“There is another thing you don’t know, Marshall D. Teach, he is very good at disguise and forbearance, and has a deep plan. ”

“I just met him not long ago, and he was able to escape safely despite my full efforts.”

Pretending to be unwilling and regretful, Ivan said: “It’s my incompetence that I didn’t catch him. Let’s set a bounty of 1 billion for him, even if he is not the reincarnation of Rocks.”

“He is also an evil and ambitious person. We can’t let him hide under the wings of Whitebeard and hide his ambitions from everyone. "

On the other side, Zhan Guo's expression was very serious, and the previous information could be ignored.

If Marshall D. Teach could really escape easily under Ivan's full effort, then it must be taken seriously.

Zhan Guo asked sternly: "Ivan, you must be responsible for what you said. Such a big thing is not a joke."

But Ivan was a little impatient: "Oh, okay, okay, I swear to God, what's the benefit of lying to you."


The two talked on the phone for a full hour. Ivan used his eloquence to the fullest, and his mouth was dry.

After hanging up the phone, Ivan felt so tired: "What a nagging, a dignified admiral of the navy, but a nagging mother."

Opposite him, Smoker was holding a cigarette and made a very contemptuous expression: "Why don't you dare to say that he is nagging in front of him? "

Ivan was speechless for a moment, looking at Smoker in disbelief. This kid has only been flying solo for a short time, but he feels that he has grown wings!

"Colonel Smoker, please pay attention to the attitude you speak to your superiors."

Smoker cursed him in his heart for being shameless. Didn't he think about how he just tricked the marshal?

However, Kuro's words made Ivan laugh and cry: "Boss, it's a good thing you are a navy."

"With your mouth, if you become a charlatan and develop a cult, it will be no problem in a minute! "


In the Admiral's office of the Navy Headquarters, Zhan Guo sat at his desk, thinking for a long time, weighing the pros and cons.

He called the Five Elders first, and the Five Elders' attitude was to kill the wrong person rather than let him go.

With a smile, Zhan Guo made a call and asked someone to increase the bounty for Marshall D. Teach.

Ivan's tactics against Teach have not yet been completed.

He was writing a passionate essay and asked Kuro to send it to Morgans anonymously.

He believed that Morgans would definitely publish it. That birdman was so good at catching the hot spots of public opinion. It didn't matter whether the news was true or false.

A certain island in the Grand Line , Lafitte just got off the boat, playing with his cane, walking a bit like dancing, very rhythmic.

He was humming a little tune, he seemed to be in a good mood.

After going out to sea, he realized that he was really trapped by the small place of West Sea and the small position of security officer.

Now the sky is high and the sea is wide, allowing him to soar, but he still has to find a boss first, otherwise life will be difficult!

Suddenly, two masked men in black came towards him.

Lafitte also noticed it, the boy walked forward cautiously, and the sword in the cane was ready to be unsheathed at any time.

The two men in black stopped one meter away from him, and Lafitte smiled: "I wonder what you two want to see me for?"

The man in black said in a hoarse voice: "There is a master waiting for you in Rogue Town, you'd better go, otherwise you won't be able to move forward on the Grand Line."

Lafitte showed a sick smile on his face: "Very mysterious, new boss?"

"Can you tell me who the other party is? "

The two men in black ignored him and passed him by.

Well, Lafitte thought about it for a while and realized that the other party was testing him.

He didn't know who the other party was, so he was asked to find it himself. If he found the right one, he would be qualified to serve. What would happen if he didn't?

As for the threat of the man in black, Lafitte didn't take it seriously: "It's interesting. As long as he is strong enough and has a good salary, that's enough."

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