The two days passed quickly.

One day, two days passed quickly.

New world, on the Moby Dick.

Recently, there was no action by Whitebeard, and the crew was very relaxed.

They chatted, drank wine, and boasted.

Haha, Marshall Titch, who was dressed simply, had several missing front teeth, and had not grown a beard yet, ate cherry pie and chatted with the crew.

"Haha, Titch, you are so humorous." said the companion.

So far, Titch is a weak, but kind, humorous character.

Coo, coo, coo, a group of seagulls appeared in the sky, and one flew to the Moby Dick.

"You have nothing to do, so read the newspaper." A crew member walked over, took out a coin, and put it into the money jar of the newspaper seagull.

Who knows, the newspaper seagull cooed a few times.

The crew frowned: "Why, it's not enough? The price of newspapers has increased?"

So the crew member took out another coin.

The newspaper seagull gave a newspaper and a new stack of bounties, and then flew away.

The crew member took the newspaper and bounties, and read the bounties first. He wanted to know if there was a bounty that he was not on, and how much the bounty would be.

He flipped through the bounties one by one, but he didn't see himself, so he was a little disappointed.

When he saw the last one, he found that the person in the photo looked familiar.

Hey, isn't this Titch?

He looked at the bounty again, starting with 1, and there were many zeros behind it.

He counted the zeros one by one, and after counting, the crew member felt dizzy.

He rubbed his eyes and counted again.

"Ten, ten billion, what did Teach do?"

The crew immediately looked for news in the newspaper, and sure enough, the headline was Teach.

After reading the newspaper, the crew opened their mouths wide as if petrified, and the newspaper and Teach's bounty fell directly to the ground.

"What's wrong?" A companion came over and curiously picked up the newspaper and Teach's bounty, and then he also opened his mouth wide and petrified.

One after another, they all finished reading the newspaper and the bounty.

And the person involved, Teach, was still chatting with his companions.

The two people who were chatting suddenly found that people were surrounding them, and everyone had different expressions.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Teach, with anger, vigilance, confusion, and suspicion.

Teach suddenly felt a chill in his back, and everyone was so strange: "What's wrong with you?"

"Hehe, Teach, is it true?" someone asked.

What's true or false? You have to tell me, then I can answer.

Teach still forced a smile and asked: "What's the matter?"

"Teach, no, or Rocks, you are really hiding it." Someone sneered.

Rocks? Me? ? ?

Teach's forehead was sweating, and he grinned and forced a smile: "What are you talking about?"

"Rocks, isn't that Dad's former captain?"

Someone said sarcastically: "Yes, Rocks was Dad's former captain, Teach, you are now Rocks, and you are Dad's son, it's really ironic!"

What the hell? I became Rocks?

When did it happen, why didn't I know about it?

Someone immediately cursed: "Teach, Dad treats you well, why are you planning to murder Dad?"

"You are thinking about Dad's Tremor Fruit, and you are also thinking about Captain Marco's fruit, you are really ungrateful."

"What are you talking about?" Teach was completely confused, but felt that something was wrong.

Someone yelled, "You hypocritical villain, are you still pretending?"

"Look for yourself." Someone angrily threw the newspaper and the reward at him.

In the crowd's anger, Teach picked up the newspaper and the reward. After reading it, his face changed again and again, and he broke out in a cold sweat. He was stunned.

Slander, this is slander, defamation.

Facing his former friendly partner, who was now staring at him with angry and cannibalistic eyes,

Teach was so scared that his face turned pale, sweat kept dripping, and he was about to leave with the newspaper and the reward.

"No, make it clear first." People blocked Teach's way.

Teach knew that he had to explain his current situation to the white-bearded old man and get his father's forgiveness, no, understanding.

"Get out of my way, I was framed, I want to see my father." Teach was also a rogue, and he became tough in an instant.

People were unmoved. One cadre said, "Let him go and see how he explains it."

Teach was cold all over and trotted to Whitebeard.

He was shocked to find that Whitebeard was reading a newspaper, with Marco

The leader, the captains and cadres around him all stared at him with unfriendly eyes.

Teach didn't dare to speak, and the others didn't speak either, but more and more people were watching.

His psychological pressure was getting bigger and bigger. He didn't deny that there were some things in the newspaper that he was going to do, but hadn't he done it yet?

And who would target him like this?

He was simply speechless now, at least many people believed it. It's said that it takes only one mouth to spread a rumor, but it takes a lot of effort to refute it.

Everyone waited quietly, waiting for their king, Whitebeard, to finish reading the newspaper.

Whitebeard's expression was also complicated, and he just looked at the uneasy Teach quietly, watching him sweat all over.

He slowly said: "Teach..."

"Dad, I am innocent. This is slander. Someone is slandering me."

Teach looked pitiful: "Dad, I am your son. I am not Rocks. You know, you watched me grow up."

"Everyone knows what I am. I have no ability to harm you or the captains."

The reason why Teach said this is because the content in the newspaper was murderous and heartbreaking, saying that he was Rocks' reincarnation with the reincarnation fruit.

As the strongest man on the sea, Rocks (Teach) after reincarnation, Whitebeard took the initiative to ask to be Whitebeard's son and be protected by Whitebeard.

The reason why Rocks chose Teach as the container of reincarnation is because Teach is very special. He has three souls in one body and can eat three devil fruits. He has been recovering his strength in secret.

When Whitebeard is old and weak, he will plan to kill Whitebeard, seize the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, and Marco's Phoenix Fruit.

Marco's face was icy and his tone was unfriendly: "Tichi, you said you have no ability."

"The newspaper said that you actually have the strength to escape from the admiral-level combat power of the navy. How do you explain it?"

Bullshit, my strength has never been exposed. What kind of bullshit admiral combat power, I have never encountered it.

Tichi pretended to be pitiful and said: "Dad, Captain Marco, this is fake, there is no such thing."

"I haven't been out recently."

His pale explanation was immediately slapped in the face, someone said.

"Tichi, didn't you just go out for two days and come back? Then the bounty increased to 10 billion, you are really good."

Oh, no, it's true that I went out to buy cherry pie. Tichi just felt a tightening of the chrysanthemum, and it was hard to explain.

Everyone looked at him coldly, and someone said: "Tichi, let's not talk about whether you are the reincarnation of Rocks for the time being."

"But it's true that you are very strong, but you have been hiding it."

The man became more and more angry as he spoke.

"You have participated in so many battles. If you hadn't hidden your strength, we would have lost many fewer brothers."

"You said you were weak. The Navy wouldn't raise your bounty for no reason, right?"

"Don't say that Admiral Sengoku has a grudge against you and that he's raising your bounty to disgust you."

As soon as these words came out, the crowd was noisy, saying that he had evil intentions and that there must be a big conspiracy for not revealing his strength.

Some people also said that it was a pity that someone died in a certain battle. He didn't have to die because Teach hid his strength.

Hearing those words, even Whitebeard had a chill in his eyes.

What does Whitebeard care about most? Family!

For a moment, he became the target of public criticism. Teach knelt down in front of Whitebeard and cried: "Dad, you have to believe me, I really didn't."

Whitebeard did not respond, and stared ahead. He didn't believe that Teach was the reincarnation of Rocks.

But he didn't believe that Teach had been lurking around him for so long, hiding his strength, and had no bad intentions or intentions.

He knew Zhan Guo's character, and Zhan Guo would not do anything without a purpose.

So, he was waiting, waiting for Teach to confess or give him a reasonable explanation.

After all, he treated every "son" equally.

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