[After all, friends also hide some secrets that are difficult to reveal to others. 】

[Time continues to move backward. 】

[One month before you were about to graduate from high school, when Akane Shinjo happened to be away, Rikka Takarata came to find you. 】

"?" Nanxiang time.

Nanxiang just calmed down his heart.

Because of the imitation of Nakabata Rikka's actions, it was brought up again.

[After the last performance of "Monster in the Heart", she became very interested in tokusatsu dramas, but similarly, facing this field that she had almost never set foot in before high school, Rikka Takarata showed great of hesitation. 】

[She really wants to be like Shinjo Akane and pursue her dreams regardless of herself. 】

[But I am also worried that the road behind this is extremely heavy and difficult. 】

[For this reason, she came to you specifically, hoping to hear your thoughts as the number one student in Ocha High School. 】

The memories in the simulation began to surge.

The location is Akane Shinjo's home.

It was probably the weekends of Saturday and Sunday, and Akane Shinjo went out to buy new tokusatsu peripherals and purchase figurine materials for making monster models.

Therefore, there are only two people in her family, Nanxiang Toki and Takarata Rikka.


Lying on the sofa, eating potato chips and playing with his mobile phone horizontally, Rikka Baoda turned his royal blue eyes sideways: "What do you think of my idea, Nanxiang?"

In front of old friends like Nanxiang Shi, she basically didn't care about her image. As long as she didn't expose herself, she usually acted casually.

Regarding her question, Nanxiang Shi raised his head and asked in a calm tone:

"Are you talking about wanting to become a special effects actor?"


Putting down the potato chips, the seemingly casual Takarata Rikka's body was slightly tense at this time, and his eyes as clear as gems couldn't help but look at Nanxiang Shi.

And it was under her gaze.

Nanxiang Shi said something that seemed to be indifferent: "Isn't it pretty good?"


The other party's indifferent attitude made Rikka Takarata stay silent for a while before speaking.


Nanxiang Shi continued to read the novel, and continued to answer while reading: "Actually, no matter which path you choose in the future, it will be very difficult."

"It's hard for special effects actors to make money, so is it easy in other industries?"

Nanxiang Shi continued to read the novel.

"To be precise, there is nothing simple in life. In my opinion, it is already very remarkable that you now have a future goal."

"Don't care too much about failure, but don't ignore failure either. This is the advice I can think of to give you."

"As for planning the future for you and thinking about the future for you, I can tell you straightforwardly that I can't do it."

Nanxiang Shi looked away from the novel: "I will support your ideas and provide you with the help I can, but I cannot be responsible for your future, Rikka."


There was another moment of silence.

Rikka Takarata also focused her attention on the screen of her mobile phone again.

After a while.

Only then did her voice ring out.

"Thank you, Nanxiang."


Nan Xiangshi nodded and responded.

Another minute passed.

Pass the bag of potato chips.

"Want to eat? Nanxiang?"

"Yeah. Eat something."

Nanxiang took out a few chips from Rikka Takarata's bag of potato chips without any care, and then turned his attention to the novel.

And behind him on the couch.

Rikka Takarata also focused her gaze on Nanxiang again on her mobile phone.

She ate the potato chips and continued to play with her phone with her head down.

Although this kind of life is a bit dull.

But in Rikka Takarata's opinion, it feels just right.

[You clearly told Takarata Rikka that you cannot be responsible for her future, so naturally you cannot make rash decisions for her. 】

[Regarding your words, Rikka Takarata, who was still hesitant at first, made up his mind. 】

[She decided to really work hard for a goal like you and Akane Shinjo. 】

[Even if she ends up failing, she may be able to accept it happily. 】

[Your status in Baoda Rikka’s heart has increased. 】

Chapter 143. 8000 words! Write the next chapter immediately!

[Your status in Baoda Rikka’s heart has increased. 】

"No way."

Nanxiang Shi looked at this line of words and couldn't help but shake his head.

Isn't the relationship with Rikka Takarata progressing too fast?


"It shouldn't be a big problem."

Nan Xiang murmured to himself.


It shouldn't be that big of a problem.

Rikka Takarata is the kind of person who is lazy and never wants to compete with others for something.

Normally this person would die at will.

Let her compete with Akane Shinjo?

Just thinking about it, Nanxiang felt that it was basically impossible.

The following simulation just verified Nanxiang Shi's idea.

[You have a very high status in Baoda Rikka's heart, but your relationship seems to be no more than a true friend. 】

[She often has physical contact with you, but that is only as a friend. 】

[She is lazy and always does things slowly and slowly, making you always worried and helpful. 】

[Regarding this, she just smiled and fully accepted your kindness. 】

【She feels at ease being with you. 】

[But she has never expressed her love to you. 】

[She is like an ancient well, her beautiful face is always calm and calm. 】

[Putting aside the rapidly improving relationship between Takarata Rikka and you, you and Shinjo Akane have also met the first turning point in your life. 】

[It turned out to be a video of a performance of "Monster in the Heart" when I was a sophomore in high school. I don't know who uploaded it to the Internet. 】

[The excellent workmanship of costumes and props, the brilliant background design, and the poignant but romantic script that no one can ignore have aroused heated discussions on the Internet. 】

[And your identity as a high school student creator has shocked and surprised countless people inside and outside the circle. 】

[They couldn’t imagine that just high school students could produce such perfect works. 】

[For this reason, people from the special photography industry came to our door. 】

[They hope that you and Akane Shinjo can officially enter the tokusatsu drama circle. 】

[It is said that your excellent script attracted the attention of a script writer of a certain tokusatsu drama who is about to retire. He hopes to find an apprentice who is willing to take over when he is about to retire. When the other party retires completely, you can inherit His connections within the network and the programs he was responsible for. 】

[This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you and Akane Shinjo. 】

[Not only will you be able to enter the special photography circle in advance, but you will even have the opportunity to inherit the ‘legacy’ left by the seniors. 】

[Faced with such a huge temptation, Shinjou Akane was a little moved, while you fell into thinking. 】

[The next option has far-reaching implications. 】

【Do you think--】

[1. Is there such a good thing in the world that can be delivered to your door? Don’t hesitate, just say yes! 】

[2. Although I don’t really believe in pie-in-the-sky good things, for the sake of Akane Shinjo and her own dream, maybe she can give it a try. 】

[3. I am the man who wants to become the God of Japanese Tokusatsu! How can you succumb to others? ! Politely refuse! 】

【4. Simulate in person. 】

Options are listed.

When Nan Xiang cheered up, he sighed inwardly.

As expected, it is Akane Shinjo who is currently the most difficult to simulate.

Counting the first two 'far-reaching' options, plus this time, there have been a total of three 'far-reaching' options.

It’s hard to choose.

Nanxiang Shi shook his head.

The far-reaching options are, to put it bluntly, the options that determine the outcome of this simulation.

If you make the wrong choice, there is a high chance that the good hand in front of you will be played badly.

Thinking of this, Nan Xiangshi cheered up and looked at these options again.

Yes to the first option without hesitation.

This option is too straightforward and no brainer at all.

You must know that nothing is simple in adult society.

To put it bluntly, the special photography circle is also one of the film and television circles.

A chief screenwriter who can mingle in the film and television industry...? Would you give him the pie-in-the-sky thing when Nanxiang was given to him for no reason?

If it were so easy to get along, would Shinjou Akane choose to commit suicide by taking pills?

Nanxiang silently underlined the first option.

Turning to the second option.

The second option is more of a compromise.

Although he was a little concerned about the 'pie' that was suddenly delivered to his door, and he might have been defensive, in the end he chose to agree to this path for Akane Shinjo's dream.

This is essentially no different than the first option.

The only difference would be that Nanxiang entered the tokusatsu world with caution.


"Even being defensive is of no use."

Nanxiang Shi looked at this option and sighed.

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