As long as you really choose to enter the industry, the other party will have various ways to extract residual value from you.

I even felt that when I was in Nanxiang.

It's probably because the tokusatsu chief screenwriter who is 'about to' retire has exhausted his talents and can't write anything good anymore, so he wants to squeeze creativity and ideas from newcomers like him who have just entered the industry.

This is not impossible.

In fact, in the circle of screenwriters, there are often "seniors" who rely on their elders to exploit their younger peers, and use various "promises" and "commitments" to squeeze the excellent creative ideas of newcomers.

When the time comes, a formal contract will be signed, and then he and Akane Shinjo, two newbies with no work experience, will not be able to receive any program planning, and will have to become each other's "writers" - this kind of thing is really possible.

Thinking of this, Nan Xiangshi focused his attention directly on the third option.

Decline politely.

This option is undoubtedly giving up the opportunity in front of you.

But Nanxiang Shi felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, he and Akane Shinjo hadn't even graduated from high school in the simulation.

Instead of jumping into the tokusatsu circle right now.

It is better to study hard first, accumulate yourself, and enrich your knowledge.

Wait until you have a sufficient understanding of this circle before stepping into it.

Thinking like this, Nanxiang Shi directly chose three.

[Faced with the temptation suddenly placed in front of the door, you thought about it again and again, but finally chose to refuse. 】

[Because you feel that neither your qualifications nor your strength, as well as your unfamiliarity with the film and television industry, are enough to support you and Akane Shinjo to survive in this tokusatsu circle. 】

[You also don’t want to be used as a ‘gunner’ by others just after signing the contract. 】

[One night, after you indulged with her, you expressed your opinion. 】

[Xinjo Akane feels a little regretful about your choice. 】

[Because the road to realizing your dreams is right in front of you, but you just pushed it away. 】

[But at the same time, Shinjou Akane also understands you very well. Although she is temporarily obsessed with desire, as you said, agreeing to the other party rashly may cause your dreams to die. 】

[You reject the visitors who come to visit you, and continue to study, preparing for the college exams after graduating from high school. 】

[Your previous concerns have come true. 】

[The main writer and screenwriter of the tokusatsu drama who invited you to inherit the 'legacy' is in trouble. The other party was exposed to many violent revelations about squeezing the newcomers and descendants. 】

[Similarly, the newcomers and juniors responsible for breaking the news have their remaining lives in the film and television industry basically ruined - no one is willing to believe the newcomers who stab themselves in the back, even if they are indeed doing the right thing. 】

[The sudden result made Akane Shinjo feel frightened for a while. Likewise, it also made her sigh at your wisdom in retreating bravely when faced with temptation. 】

[If you hadn’t analyzed the pros and cons, you, as newcomers, might have been completely frozen by the TV station by now. 】

[You study hard, and time passes backwards. 】

[With everyone’s curious attention, you and Akane Shinjo were admitted to Tokyo University of the Arts, a well-known film and television university in Japan. Among them, you chose the film and television major. 】

[It is worth mentioning that with your unremitting study and tutoring, all the girls who ended the band have been admitted to the ideal universities of their dreams. 】

"End the band?"


When he saw this, Nan Xiangshi suddenly remembered that he indeed had plans to tutor several girls in the band.

It's just that the Ocha Festival is coming soon, and he has a lot of things on his hands, so he keeps putting off this matter.

But if you just look at the simulation...

"The effect of tutoring seems to be good."

Nanxiang Shi nodded silently and was in a good mood.

At least I can send these two young girls, Goto Kazuri and Yamada Ryo, to enter their ideal university.

Maybe I still have a little bit of talent in tutoring.

"But now is not the time to care about that."

Nanxiang Shi looks at the development after the simulation.

[Enrolling into an excellent university is just the first step towards realizing your dream for you and Akane Shinjo. 】

[The pace between you and her never stops. 】

[While studying at school, you are still creating works that are excellent enough to attract attention both inside and outside the circle. 】

["Haenyeo", which you wrote with a literary touch, tells the story of a daughter of the sea who was framed for fishing, fled, and was despised and looked down upon by others. At the end of the story, the "Haenyeo" is experiencing After being looked down upon and disliked by countless people, he committed suicide at home, while the male protagonist who really liked Haenyeo looked at her figure lying quietly in the morgue with tears on his face. 】

[You asked acting students of the same grade to borrow the university’s performance equipment and uploaded it to the Internet after filming. The excellent but sad plot brought tears to countless people’s eyes. 】

[Similarly, your works have once again attracted the attention of people in the film and television industry. 】

[In February of the same year, "Ama" won the honor of the Tokyo Amateur Literature Script Gold Award, and you gradually became famous at Tokyo University of the Arts. 】

[Many senior students in the acting department know your names and expressed the hope that they can play roles in your next script. 】

[In May of the same year, in collaboration with her, you created "Tokusatsu and Her" with a romantic writing style. It tells the story of the romance between an insecure heroine who likes tokusatsu dramas and a rural young man who fall in love with each other. A refreshing urban story. A simple love story, but it makes countless people yearn for love. 】

[A public opinion poll was conducted online, hoping that the number of votes for the TV drama version of the script "Tokusatsu and Her" would reach an astonishing tens of thousands, ranking first. 】

[The outstanding talents of the two of you in scripts have attracted the attention of young people. 】

[The names of Akane Shinjo and Nango are gradually spreading among young people. 】

[The long-form TV script "Tokusatsu and Her" that you co-wrote was also purchased by TV Asahi in October of the same year, and it was scheduled to be officially broadcast in eleven episodes in March of the following year. 】

[Similarly, in addition to creating scripts for various excellent TV series, you and Akane Shinjo have never forgotten to conceive the most perfect tokusatsu script. 】

[This is the grandest dream between you and her, and it will eventually be released in a way that will shock everyone. 】

[You are making great progress in your career. 】

[After entering college, she had fully matured and severed ties with the Shinjo family early. 】

[Instead of staying in that home where she can only feel cold, it is better to be by your side all the time. This is all she thinks. 】

[This time to sever ties, she did not rely on your power. She just made a date with her parents, ignored their indifference towards her, and calmly announced her intention to sever ties with the Shinjo family. 】

[As for Shinjou Akane’s change, Shinjou’s parents were particularly surprised. 】

[They couldn't imagine why Akane Shinjo, who used to be like an ornamental doll, suddenly had such courage. 】

[And this reason is only known to Akane Shinjou. 】

[After rejecting her parents’ suggestion to ‘think about it again’, she saw your face when she returned home. 】

[This time, she feels particularly at ease, because from now on, you will be by her side forever. 】

In the simulation, the scales of memory flash with sporadic brightness.

"Are you really not going to think about it again? Akane?"

The person who frowned and still spoke in a cold tone was Shinjou's father, who had never expected that things would develop like this.

He looked at Akane Shinjo, and for the first time he didn't address her as 'that thing'.

Because in his opinion, the current Akane Shinjou has completely broken away from the weakness in her heart before, showing a brilliance that no one can ignore.

This is completely different from the useless daughter he had before.

As the current head of the Shinjo family, he must of course try to retain the eldest daughter of the Shinjo family who looks talented, confident and calm.

Although the Shinjo family is now a big business, it has actually been suffering from a headache over the years due to the lack of an actual helmsman.

Akane Shinjou now is completely different from before, maybe she really has that qualification.

"I know you hate the Shinjo family very much, but after all, we are still a family related by blood."

Shinjou's father said this while raising his head: "Although we have treated you coldly over the years, we have never treated you badly in life."

"What about your boyfriend?"

Shinjou's father asked back: "You are sure that he will not change his mind in the future. Can he really go to the end with you in the future? If you stay at Shinjou's house, at least you will have a way out."

What he said makes sense. Staying at Shinjou's house has more advantages than disadvantages for Akane Shinjou.

The mere fact that Shinjo Akane might take over the entire Shinjo family business in the future is enough to save her decades of hard work.

For any reason, she would not refuse this wealth that was almost delivered to her door.


"Mr. Shinjo, you seem to have made a mistake."

Shinjou Akane stood up, her face that always had a narrow and evil smile, now no longer had the usual playfulness, only pure seriousness: "Besides him, I don't want anything. No matter how much money you give me, I can’t replace him.”

"This is my attitude. You don't have to keep me. Of course, you can't keep me either."

After saying this, Akane Shinjo stood up.

There was no needless invective, and there was no outburst either.

She spoke so calmly, then stood up and turned around to leave.

And just when she left the home behind her.

For no reason, she suddenly felt an extremely relaxed feeling from her body to her heart.

It was as if she was truly free at this moment.

[For what she did, you just silently supported her behind the scenes. 】

[Similarly, you have also made a decision in your heart. 】

[You decide to spend the rest of your life cherishing this girl who is willing to drop everything and face everything with you. 】

[The days continue to pass backwards. 】

[Due to the official broadcast of your script "Tokusatsu and Her" on TV Asahi, you and Akane Shinjo's reputation at Tokyo University of the Arts has been completely established. Some screenwriting professors will even let you analyze your writing in the lecture hall. experience. 】

[Similarly, through contact with these people, you have come into contact with many connections in the film and television industry just during your college years. Your two outstanding talents and outstanding looks have attracted the attention of countless people. 】

["Tokusatsu and Her" has achieved very good ratings. 】

[In the same year, you have secretly accumulated connections and established relationships with many people in the film and television industry. 】

[Similarly, you have not forgotten to refine your writing skills. Under your influence, Akane Shinjo's writing style also tends to be romantic and poignant. 】

[In the same year, under the joint recommendation of several professors at the same level, you were the first batch of students at Tokyo University of the Arts to jump from sophomore to junior year. 】

[At the same time, you continue to publish your own works on the Internet. 】

[Students and seniors from the performance department of the same grade worked hard to be featured in your works. 】

[Because the scripts written by you and Akane Shinjo are so outstanding, they are not inferior to those in the industry. If I can star in the scripts you wrote, it will definitely play an important role in the future career of actors. 】

[There are even several students from the acting department who started to enter the circle because of your scripts since college, and they became a little popular because of it. 】

[The scripts written by you, who are in the same grade, are a rare shortcut for all undergraduates in the acting department at Tokyo University of the Arts. 】

[There are even many good-looking female acting students who come to visit late at night when Akane Shinjo is not around...]

[Faced with these temptations, you feel a headache and refuse without hesitation. 】

[After Akane Shinjo knew about these things, she directly kicked the female acting students who came to her from the selection list, and she said in the name of telling you not to be deceived by these bad women. 】

[You have no objection to this. After all, at Tokyo University of the Arts, there are countless people who want to participate in your script. 】

[While you were studying in college, you created many excellent scripts. 】

[You wrote the fictional period drama "Momiji Sekiro", the criminal investigation drama "The Pursuit", and she wrote the fantasy drama "The Story of Time Travel"...]

[Among them, "Red Leaf Sekiro" was adapted and put on the screen, and received a horror ratings of 13.7% in the season. "Pursuit" was compressed into a low-cost movie. From the box office point of view, it can also be regarded as the best movie of the season. A dark horse, the fantasy drama "Pepsi: Time Travel Story" was placed in the late night slot, becoming a dark horse in the ratings of late-night dramas on TV Asahi. 】

[Your ability to produce excellent scripts is jaw-dropping. 】

[Gradually, your reputation has begun to spread in the industry. 】

[People in the industry gradually call you ‘Teacher Nanxiang’ and ‘Teacher Shinjo’, and your abilities have been recognized by all practitioners. 】

[Your excellent script writing skills are also the envy of countless people. 】

[Several TV stations have extended an olive branch to you. 】

[Faced with these invitations to which you could easily become famous as long as you agreed, you and she did not just agree. Instead, day after day, you continued to hone your writing skills and accumulate your own connections. 】

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