Then he got up and came to Nanxiang Shi.

Nanxiang Shi just woke up at this time, and his eyes like black pearls looked at her with interest.

"time to eat."

When she noticed Nango's gaze, Futaba Rio's cold face turned red.

She turned her head to the side and reached out to smooth the wrinkles on the quilt, trying to keep her voice calm.




Futaba Rio turned around.

"Where's the good morning kiss?"

Nan Xiangshi raised his face sideways, pointed at his lips, and blinked his clean and clear eyes.

"..." Futaba Rio stood up with some embarrassment.

"Oh, I really can't get up without that."

Nanxiang Shi pretended to be embarrassed and seemed to close his eyes again.


Futaba Rio sighed slightly and compromised gently.

She sat astride Nan Xiangshi.

Then he leaned down and kissed Nanxiang Shi's lips, which was even more beautiful than the winter plum blossoms.

He maintained this posture for a long time.

Her face turned red and she stood up reluctantly.

Nanxiang was contented.

He got up from the bed, but did not rush out of bed, but said hello to Futaba Rio.



Futaba Rio tilted her head.




"Where are my uniform pants?"

"it's here."

The folded uniform trousers were handed over by the girl.


Nanxiang Shi looked at the girl with glasses in front of him and showed a narrow smile: "Leo."


Futaba Rio, who was serving rice to Nango Shi, tilted her head.

"If you serve me like this, if I really become a useless person and can't live without you, you have to take responsibility and marry me."


The blush once again climbed onto the girl's face.

After a while, she turned her head to one side with a look of embarrassment.


No rejection.

And Nanxiang Shi also stood up. He hugged her gently and kissed her.

It's obviously just a simple morning, but it's still so fascinating.

[Under her meticulous care, your ability to take care of yourself has declined. 】

【But you don't care. 】

"?" Nanxiang was stunned for a moment while experiencing the simulated memory.

He remembered that in the previous simulation, he said, 'If you continue like this, you will be raised as a useless person.'

Unexpectedly, a prophecy came true here.

This result was obviously unacceptable to Nanxiang Shi.

He was obviously just trying to satisfy Rio Futaba's need to be 'needed'.

Why is it that ‘the ability to take care of oneself has declined’?

"Nanxiang Shi, Nanxiang Shi, how can you be so decadent?"

He couldn't help but shake his head and express dissatisfaction.

Let the beautiful girl wear clothes?


Even a good morning kiss?

Are you still stuck in it?

Fallen! Fallen!

Nanxiang Shi sighed.

But then I thought about it.

This is of course.

After all, he in the simulation is not one-tenth as good as him in reality, not perfect enough.

It is natural that due to the girl's meticulous care, her ability to take care of herself will be reduced.

And to be honest, this kind of life where you can stretch out your hands with clothes and open your mouth with food is indeed! It's disgusting!

Nanxiang Shi made a vow in his heart that he would never become such a person in the future.

Keep looking down.

[There are no secrets between you and her. 】

[She also learned about the efforts and hard work you put in coming to Tokyo to study alone. 】

[In addition, the environment of low-rent housing itself is not particularly superior. 】

[After school one day, she, who is introverted by nature, took the initiative to ask you to live together. 】

[In the past, you have made requests to her, but this time, it is the first time she has made requests to you. 】

[Faced with her request, you decide——]

[1. Agree directly! If you miss this opportunity once, you won't get it again! Make her home your love nest! 】

[2. The environment of the low-rent house is indeed average. Maybe living with her is a good choice. 】

【3. Absolutely refuse! I shouldn't have fallen so low! 】

【4. Simulate in person. 】

Options are neatly arranged.

Looking at these options, Nanxiang couldn't help but shake his head and twitch the corners of his mouth: "Are all you rich people like this?"

He still remembered that the last person who requested to live together was Akane Shinjo.

Like Futaba Rio, she is also the eldest lady.

He also lives in isolation, living alone in a mansion.

It's like these eldest lady-type characters have interests and hobbies that make people live with them.

Aren't you afraid that if two people live together, a gunfire may occur?


"Living together is indeed not a bad idea."

Nanxiang Shi thought for a while.

Futaba Rio's condition requires close observation.

Not just at school, in the morning, in the afternoon.

If we could be together 24 hours a day...

The uneasiness felt by the twin leaves should also be greatly reduced.

In this case--

"Second option."

The first option is directly the 'love nest', and he is simply rushing towards the 'misfire'. If he chooses this option, he may be addicted to 'misfire' every day and cannot extricate himself.

And it is not advisable to categorically reject the three options.

After all, this is Futaba Rio's first request.

If she refuses with such a decisive attitude...will it affect her to some extent?

Thinking of this, Nanxiang chose the second option.

Even though a man and a woman live together in the same room, there is definitely the possibility of a misfire.

But with the patience he had when he was in Nanxiang, he must be able to endure it for a long time before going crazy, right?

The simulated text continues to evolve downwards.

[You agreed to live with her. 】

[In your opinion, the environment in low-rent housing is indeed ordinary, and in a sense, it also affects your study. 】

[In addition, the security of the low-rent housing you live in is average. 】

[A beautiful girl like Futaba Rio always comes in and out of that kind of environment, so there are still some safety risks. 】

[You agreed to Futaba Rio’s request. 】

[But you didn’t expect it. 】

[That science girl who is always honest and quiet doesn’t just want to invite you to live with her. 】

[She has given everything to you a long time ago, and now, she wants to leave her most precious things to you for safekeeping. She loves you so much that she can't help herself. 】

"Did you really come?"

Nanxiang Shi had already expected this result.

He didn't believe Futaba Rio just let him live together.

After all, he and the other party have already been in a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

It is very natural to take this step.


"Are you still underestimating my self-discipline?"

Nanxiang was very confident.

Although the self in the simulation is less than one-tenth of the self in reality.

But it’s still me.

It is impossible to be seduced so easily and successfully.

He continued to look down.

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